the one
07-28-2002, 12:30 AM
i recently got back from spain and in some shop i noticed 3new versions of pokemon that hadent seen b4,them being pokemon diamond,jade and metalic versions,could sum 1 plz tell me if these r new versions or sum crappy copy?

07-28-2002, 02:05 AM
This belongs in the RPG forum. *moves*

07-28-2002, 08:37 AM
Umm, that's pretty suspicous. Whatever they are, they aren't official Pokemon gmaes, that's for sure. If you saw them in "some shop," I'd ask what shop this was. More than likely I think this shop is stocking "fake" games. A lot of amatuer programmers make ripoffs of existing games, sometimes even using copyrighted material. This is probably just one of those.

07-28-2002, 05:54 PM
Bootleg, hacked, hexed, whatever, they aren't official. Course I've seen worst, there was this one hacked pokemon game my friend bought (it was only 2 bucks... worth a shot because the name is interesting... "Pocket Nudity Man"). Your hero is a woman walking around naked and all of the pokemon were replace with different naked women.

Hmm... good times. ^_^

07-28-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
Bootleg, hacked, hexed, whatever, they aren't official. Course I've seen worst, there was this one hacked pokemon game my friend bought (it was only 2 bucks... worth a shot because the name is interesting... "Pocket Nudity Man"). Your hero is a woman walking around naked and all of the pokemon were replace with different naked women.

Hmm... good times. ^_^
<img src=>

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-18-2002, 08:18 PM
Well it's Spain most of the stuff in Spain is fake, football shirts anything (apart from drinks). So yes they're fakes.

08-21-2002, 12:43 PM
OK, ok so we now all know that these are fake... very nice. So seriously, is there anything plans for new pokemon games at the moment? perhaps going through the processes as we speak?

09-04-2002, 06:16 AM
Haven't you seen the screenshots for Pokemon advance? That game looks pretty cool, and i'm no die hard pokemon fan. I think the screenies were at

09-06-2002, 10:50 AM
Yeah, i look at Pokemon and go "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" but i think the games are getting to be cooler (though the TV show is getting worse)