06-20-2009, 08:33 AM

09-27-2009, 09:00 AM
lol. Good catch. I would imagine the style lends itself to that unique acoustic pattern. But i'm definitely not throwing out the possibility of just plain copying.

Duck King
09-27-2009, 09:17 AM
maybe it's part of what Jung calls the collective unconscious. There's a timeless creativity pattern than is available to be tapped by all. Robert Anton Wilson talked about this in his book Prometheus rising, where he and Robert Shea were watching a play based on their book Illuminatus/Schroedinger's Cat ( I can't remember). The scene he mentions in detail is the part where Hitler tells his followers to drink poison. In the news at the time, Jim Jones told all members of his cult to drink poison. Later, in the 90's, the Haley Bopp cult drank poison. Similar patterns are everywhere. The Crusades/Communism/War on Terror and Drugs is one example. Perhaps this is proof that we do not and can not have any original thoughts, just hitch on to universal thought.

Maybe aliens in the core of Jupiter are controlling what we say, think and do.

Maybe it's all a giant game for them and we are living in an RPG on a planetary level.

Maybe it's just copycat-ism...who knows?

09-27-2009, 04:11 PM
lol. Where do you get your dro from bro? :)

It's the limit in human notational variance in conjunction with what's now aesthetically pleasing to the ear, that causes most compositions in a similar genre to sound alike, if not completely the same.

[Translation: There only so much you can do with the notes you got, in a particular type of music, that nowadays to make a soundtrack sound epic, sometimes you end up sounding like something else, someone has made. ]