Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-26-2002, 07:09 PM
I'm talking about the 1st one.
Why is it that Barry happens to have all this stuff, what else has he got in his backpack, and fully running Hospital.

Also he just so happens to be there when you want him, is he a stalker or something?

07-26-2002, 10:18 PM
He was also there to save Jill's behind in RE3. I bet that guy wants some of Jill... if you know what I mean. ;)

Kool Ranch
07-26-2002, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
He was also there to save Jill's behind in RE3. I bet that guy wants some of Jill... if you know what I mean. ;)

No, I don't know what you mean. Please elaborate.

09-03-2002, 10:20 PM
barry... barry that guy is so wierd in re >_< he saved her butt so much its almost like he was the person that a extremly hard core re player is playing every time you turn the game on they should just make him like run around and kill all the zombies for you... or at least when you run out of ammo...

09-03-2002, 10:56 PM
Barry is own j00 liek wut wh04 lololololol!!!1

Yes, Barry kicks ass. He should be in more RE games.

Oh, that's not what the topic's about though..

I dunno. I guess he felt sorry for Jill because she seemed so dense.

"O no!!1 a mnstr liek wut!"
"Uh...yeah? You have a gun, why don't you shoot 'em?"
"hez comin dis way liek now!!1"
".....Er...okay. *Shoots Zombie*"
"o my gawd that wuz so scry liek wut!!!1"

Basically, Barry should be the star rather than Jill. Take note from my example. ^-^;

Psuedes Psyche
09-04-2002, 12:18 AM
Is say you should just be able to KILL him and take his stuff!!!

09-04-2002, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by Koenma

"O no!!1 a mnstr liek wut!"
"Uh...yeah? You have a gun, why don't you shoot 'em?"
"hez comin dis way liek now!!1"
".....Er...okay. *Shoots Zombie*"
"o my gawd that wuz so scry liek wut!!!1"

I don't think they spoke in such a language in any of the Resident Evil games. :p

09-04-2002, 06:02 AM
Barry starts as a main in the game Resident Evil Gaiden.... but that game is sorry.... and I mean SORRY!

09-04-2002, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Final Fantasy Freak

I don't think they spoke in such a language in any of the Resident Evil games. :p

Yes, but if you look at it hard enough, that's pretty much what they're saying....^.^;

Originally Posted by DjMogK'

Barry starts as a main in the game Resident Evil Gaiden.... but that game is sorry.... and I mean SORRY!

Well if the game is that bad, Resident Evil Zero or whichever new one is coming on GBC is gonna' be the same....just with Leon.

Is it really that bad? I was thinking of getting it, but seeing the reviews that gave it bad scores.....and now the unapproval of MogK'.....geeze, maybe the game sucks after all. x.x;

09-05-2002, 02:07 AM
MogKnight starts game - Intro looks promising - push start - starts the game - Barry gets instructed - walks to some document - gets instructed again - opens a door - zombies are in here - Barry is afraid - Mog figures out the battle system - Mog hits B - a target appears - Mog holds B to move the target - Aims at a zombie - hits A - nothing happens - lets go of B - an RPG type battle starts? - Mog sees a indicator flying left and right on this bar - Mog figures out that this is like doing a Tidus Overdrive - Hits the center a few times - kills a zombie - moves on - runs out of bullets after 2 battles - switch to knife - tries to attack with Knife but Zombie needs to be close - Zombies drain the hell out of Barry's life - Mog runs away - The run away system sucks - dies before knowing that he is dead - Mog runs away from GBC

And thats your 5 minute run down of the game.

Psuedes Psyche
09-05-2002, 02:09 AM
Very nice summery. Which brings up the question... WHY THE HELL WOLD THEY MAKE IT FOR THE GAME BOY COLOR?!?!?!?!?!?!


David F
09-11-2002, 09:18 AM

The reason for that is Barry is part of the conspiracy that revolves around the game, he already knew what was going on in the mansion so he made sure he had everything he could need to survive that hell.