Captain Crotchspike
06-17-2009, 03:07 AM
First of all, I've run a few searches on this with multiple terms, so forgive me if it's actually been posted before.

If anyone has a rip of the music from the Macross II arcade game developed by Banpresto, I'd appreciate it. I think it would have to be a rip since to my knowledge, there was never an OST.

Failing that, can anyone at least tell me how to get the sound test to work in service mode for this game? It has some kind of weird set up and for some reason, no matter what buttons I press, I can't get the sound or music to play.

Manabu Namiki, apparently credited as "Taro", composed music for this game. It's in his official discography and everything. However, he is credited under "Sound", along with three others - Hide-Kaz, Abraham, and Mr. Takami. I have no idea if any of these guys were on board for music composition alongside Namiki or if they simply worked on the sound design. If anyone has any clues about this, let me know, although I get the feeling it may just be impossible to discern at this point.