06-13-2009, 08:14 PM
Hey, people!

As some of you might have dug my other compilations and mixtapes (or not), I want to share some more music with you! This time I give you my 1960's and 1970's collection of Garage, Beat and Psychedelic songs from around the globe.

A few years ago I really started digging Asian 60's music, thanks to the US based band "Dengue Fever" who were doing cover versions of a lot of classic songs from Cambodia. And as everbody knows Cambodia is right next to Vietnam and everybody knows what happened in Vietnam during the late 60's...

Dengue Fever

The presence of US military who brought a lot of good revolutionary "British and American Rock'n Roll" with them made quite an impact on the local Cambodian music scene, not to mention the influence in Vietnam itself and almost all Asian countries being open to that kind of music at that time. And genres started merging with local music - instruments, style of singing amd of course native language.


But it didn't stay in Asia... Rock'n Roll - I refer to it as Rock'n Roll cuz it's just too tedious to type Beat, Garage and Psychedelic all the time - became a pheomemon all around the world.

The Rolling Stones back in the day

Imagine those squeaky bollywood movie songs with a typical hookline like "The Rolling Stones" have used on their first album back in '64 or "The Ventures" classic title song from "Pulp Fiction" with vocals sung in Japanese!!! Those songs you will find on my "6070" mixtape! And more than that! I added a lot of monologues/dialogues from (in)famous 60's movies also which works quite well as a bridge between the different countries and genres!

To get you the idea and in the mood, check out those vids!

Dengue Fever - Lost in Laos


Mohammed Rafi - Jaan Pehechaan Ho


Mel Torme - Comin' Home


(It's just strange that you cannot embed any youtube videos on here? Any idea anyone????)

If you like it, download it! ^^ Here is the tracklist:

01 intro - yuke yuke ni dome no shojo (japan).mp3
02 meikyu sekai - theme from yuke yuke ni dome no shojo (acoustic version) (japan).mp3
03 cambodia rocks - a2 (cambodia).mp3
04 sim sisamuth - don't let my girlfriend tickle me (cambodia).mp3
05 yao su-yong - good bye in spring (malaysia).mp3
06 the jaguars - dancing lonely night (japan).mp3
07 mel torme - comin' home (US) - dialogue from cherry, harry & raquel.mp3
08 bollywood breaks - cosmic flute (india).mp3
09 asha bosle - dum maro dum (india).mp3
10 mohammed rafi - jaan pehechaan ho (india).mp3
11 the quests - i'll be your man (singapore).mp3
12 interlude - schulm�dchenreport (germany).mp3
13 peter thomas sound orchestra - raumpatrouille orion (germany).mp3
14 unknown hvbg - arbeit '70 (germany).mp3
15 interlude - alphaville (france).mp3
16 france gall - made in france (france).mp3
17 this is ska - jackie mittoo & the soul brothers - james bond (jamaica).mp3
18 azie lawrence - pempelem (jamaica).mp3
19 pruoh ya-ya - ya ya men (cambodia).mp3
20 ros serey sothea - sra moy keo (cambodia).mp3
21 chang siao ying - come back to me (singapore).mp3
22 bollywood breaks - temptation (india).mp3
23 the fentones - simla beat theme (UK).mp3
24 ervin webb with prisoners - i'm goin' home (US).mp3


Respect to all artists! Not for sale!!!

If you like to comment, feel free to do so! I am always happy about feedback!!!




For those interested, there is tons of info on the web! If you can't find anything just msg me!

08-02-2016, 04:37 AM
9 years since i hear this for the first time, haha, i want to hear again, but the link doesn't works :(

08-02-2016, 01:29 PM
Wow. 9 years ago? That must still be from the soulseek days I assume? Trying to think if I remember your username and it does sound familiar...! I uploaded the mix for you again:


thanks for remembering my mixtape!!! If you want to listen to more then pls check out my mixcloud:


good day to you!