07-25-2002, 12:29 AM
I just absolutely love this little critter...he is sooooo adorable! *is off in kawaii-land*

Well, anyways, I just saw the first episode today and it's sorta childish, but I think it's cool. What do you people think?

07-25-2002, 12:34 AM
I saw an episode, I think...isn't it like Hello Kitty on acid? XD Just joking, but it seems a little for childish, may be targeted for younger audiences in Japan, but who cares? As long as you like it, nothing else should matter. =P But I myself...I don't like or hate it...I just tend not to bother with it. Doesn't seem my style.

07-25-2002, 12:36 AM
I think it is really cute! :D Kekekeke. My favorite part is the ending song though. I sing it all the time. The show is a little childish in subject matter but the hamsters are so dern cuuute that I don't really notice. I love Penelope! Ookyoo! Ookyoo! LoL.... :)

07-25-2002, 02:32 AM
Hamtaro's very childish, but to me, it is a stress reliever XD. From 1-10, I give it a...6. I wouldn't mind seeing it once in a while, but you won't see me rushing home from school to see the next Hamtaro episode. XP Hey, nobody can resist that Funky Fresh ending theme song!

07-25-2002, 03:49 AM
here. check this out.

i'm 18.

and i'm a guy

and i absolutely LOVE THIS SHOW! lol. its so hilarious and SUPER cute. man. lol. its really funny. makes me want to have a hamster. but i have two rats instead. :eye:

but yeah. this show is really funny. i like bijou and stan and i even DOWNLOADED the ending theme song. lol.

i'll prolly burn it one day and listen to it over and over. rofl.

07-25-2002, 05:16 AM
It usually sucks. I only watch it when I'm looking for a laugh because it's so crappy it's actally funny........>.<

07-25-2002, 10:06 PM
I downloaded the ending theme're not alone :D I'm usually never home to watch it but if I happen to be I watch it ;)

Setsuna Yuna
07-27-2002, 11:39 PM
Hamtaro is so kawaii! :D I love the show. I like the baby Ham-Ham (I forgot her name). It is a little childish since it's a kid's show, but I love it anyway. ;)

07-31-2002, 02:59 AM
Hamtaro is a cutsy kiddy show, but I think its alright actually. Its fun to watch for a laugh now and again ^__^
And besides, hamsters are cool!

08-17-2002, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Setsuna Yuna
Hamtaro is so kawaii! :D I love the show. I like the baby Ham-Ham (I forgot her name). It is a little childish since it's a kid's show, but I love it anyway. ;)
Does she wear sheets over her head? I think that's Penelope...err...anyway....I'm actually planning on making a Hamtaro RPG(with RPGToolkit), but I'll probably need small icons or gifs. Dun ask how small 'cuz I ain't sure, but I think it's 32x32

Err...and what was the name of the ham-ham...errrrrrr...hamster...that's obsessed with sunflower seeds?

09-05-2002, 06:59 PM
I think it's adorable, but I have to confess, I know nothing about it. I have it on quite a bit, but usually I just keep it on mute while I listen to my music, and watch all the cute little hamsters dance around. I'd be hard pressed to name a single character. Somehow, I get the impression that the plot falls second to the cuteness, though...

09-06-2002, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Sivirus

Err...and what was the name of the ham-ham...errrrrrr...hamster...that's obsessed with sunflower seeds?

Isn't it Oxsnort..?

09-07-2002, 12:56 AM, I'm really into Hamtaro now!!!!! It's is sooo funny!! Laura's eyes kinda scare me...though...they're so...amazingly big...^_^ *Grooves to ending theme song*

Snoozer, Penelope, Panda, Howdy, Oxnard, Bijou, and Boss
Let's Go....

09-07-2002, 05:34 PM
Its cute
Its childish
But dammit
Its addictive! *lol*

~The Evil Of Innocence~

09-22-2002, 01:34 AM
Whenever I remember it's on I might watch it. It is kinda...cute...I guess. The ending is my favorite part. Hamtaro? looks so funny dancing and it is a cool song. It is extremely childish though:uh?:

ultimate veggie
10-02-2002, 01:44 PM
..two words ham ham i duno whia it is exactly about them but they are so ham ham they may call them selvs that but do they really understand what that means to many people im sure it means "loveable adorable hampsters " kinda makes ya wana go out and adopt youre own dont it >_< well in my hose there are 2 hamies and they are like the show and not alike at the same time now the show has there koosihning down to an art and how whey love to eat...and want to make more ham hams but luckly both hamies in my hose are male and unles there thinking gay thoughts i dont think i have to worry about that trait.. but anyway bat to the show now it is ummm i dont like saying this word "cute" what they do running around and geting in to all sorts of trouble but just think if youre hamie tryed the same thing >_< its to painfull to think about every day coming home to a battered ham ham that was out saving all the others all day...but as an anime id give this hamham show 4 outta 5!! ^_^;;

10-03-2002, 11:45 PM
Let's make a wish! Ooh, ooh. Make it come true~ Singin' along is all you do. C'mon and do your very best! Ooh, ooh. Get a hundred on your test! All of your dreams will come true~ C'mon and sing this secret spell.. it's just for you! Think of all the love you'll bring. Hamtaro will know just what to do! This will be our song, c'mon and sing.. etc. XD

It's so kawaii~! ^___^ I only watch the ending, so I can get to the theme song. ^^; But, I LOVE Bijou! Wah, her hair up in lil' pigtails.. that's so cute. XD

08-01-2007, 04:28 AM
I like the anime too! My avorite ham-ham is Penelpe because she is ittle all she an say is "ookwee!" Anyone know where I can download the opening and ending themes in a good quality?

Mario Kinnikuman
08-01-2007, 04:31 AM
I like the anime too! My avorite ham-ham is Penelpe because she is ittle all she an say is "ookwee!" Anyone know where I can download the opening and ending themes in a good quality?

Good god. You're five years too slow.

08-01-2007, 04:33 AM
Oops, sorry! I'm new.