07-23-2002, 04:39 PM
WHAT THE F*CKING HELL? Just found this out today. Go here ( fer details. SAVE THE FFS!

07-23-2002, 04:54 PM
Microsoft still doesn't have Square( YES !!! )

Rabid Monkey
07-23-2002, 08:56 PM
There is no real way they could do that anyway. Sony still owns a large part of Square, and so far Sony still has the edge in the consol war, so basically old Billy Boy was trying to push his money and weight around to shut down the competition, but it backfired on him.

It was stupid to try it anyway because Square can't afford to sell any more ownership to another company (shares, ownership, same thing) and where Sony owns most of it they wouldn't ever be able to anyway.

Again showing us how dumb the richest man in the world can be...

Neo Xzhan
07-23-2002, 09:40 PM
I agree with Vir. And the great succes of the XboX (cough cough)will ensure that this will not happen .

07-24-2002, 04:39 AM
There are possibly a number of things I could say, but to sum it up:

"I hope Microsoft dies, and then is revived, just so it can die again".


07-24-2002, 04:54 AM
Hmm... this would be more suited in Gen Gaming.

07-24-2002, 08:29 AM
hmm *agrees with Mogk :p*

Vir said everything basically and I'm glad it failed for Bill and his box bigtime ^_^ Another step into console destruction :D

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-24-2002, 07:07 PM

07-26-2002, 06:40 AM
Erm, Deftones, could you possibly put a bit more meaning into your posts than just a string of obcenities? Thanks ;)

Anyway, yeah, I think this is really all anyone needs to see to understand why Microsoft should not be in the gaming industry. Thank god it didn't actually happen.

Kool Ranch
07-28-2002, 09:06 PM
At least it's good to hear that Sega is in better shape than it was before. I would really hate it if they were to get bought out by Microsoft.

Nobuo Uematsu
07-29-2002, 06:55 PM
As far as I know, It will never happen.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-29-2002, 08:56 PM
TK It was that was my REAL answer, I'm glad that Bill failed and I hope he dies because of attempting it.

07-29-2002, 09:04 PM
I'm not against the XBox but i am against Bill Gates trying to buy Sony.

07-30-2002, 01:11 AM
Everybody's right. Microsoft should just stay with computers and all that complicated software.

That was ridiculous though. Trying to buy Square just so they could get Japanese attention...for some reason, I'm thinking the Japanese won't give them any even if they were successful. Maybe even hostility...

07-30-2002, 07:12 PM
May I just point out that Microsoft, in fact, is not the devil? They're a firmly planted electronics establishment. And it's quite dumb to flame Microsoft and Bill Gates as you sit and use Windows. It's like "BILL GATES I HATE YOU BUT YOU MAKE GOOD SOFTWARE WHICH I USE!~~@!" Deftones, this IS aimed at you.

The X-Box is a powerful system. It's got good technology and powerful components. It's quite possibly the most advanced system ON THE MARKET. It's got really awesome nVidia-powered graphics and full support for Dolby 5.1 surround-sound systems.

There are mainly 2 reasons why it could fail: Bad developers or not enough developers latching on (doubtful due to microsoft's massive amounts of money) or it could die due to MS's inexperience in the field. This is a possibility.

It has games for pretty much everyone (well, it's working on RPG's, except Square, pretty much your only choice for RPGs now, is working with Sony, mainly.) It's not a bad system. Do I have to tell you people how sick I am of people putting down the X-Box because Microsoft developed it? HINT: MICROSOFT IS THE MOST POWERFUL SOFTWARE COMPANY IN THE WORLD. They DID NOT GET THIS POSITION BY BEING IDIOTS! Bill Gates is not an evil man, he just developed Windows, making him the target of hate by, well, stupid people with a poor sense of irony. I especially like how Windows users say stuff like "I HATE BILL GATES WINDOWS SUCKS". When was the last time Windows crashed on you? My win2k box almost never dies. And when most other OS's crash (Linux for example) they take a lot more damage than Windows does.

In other words, don't hate Microsoft for being Microsoft. They're richer, smarter, and more powerful than YOU.

Nobuo Uematsu
07-30-2002, 07:43 PM
you use it because you were conered to do it.
he made it were it was a requirement to have windows.
cornering the market is what it's called.

07-30-2002, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Nobuo Uematsu
you use it because you were conered to do it.
he made it were it was a requirement to have windows.
cornering the market is what it's called.

No, you're amazingly wrong. There are plenty of other systems to use, all with internet connections and web browsers so that we may view your well-informed opinions. If you're gonna use PCs, you could use any of the hundreds of Linux versions. They're getting easier to use by the day, and though it would take a small investment of time (maybe a few days) to figure out how to use it, I'll bet that it took you at least a day or two to become comfortable with the Windows environment.

On the other hand, you could go Apple... their new processors (The G4 for example) are quite powerful! In fact, they're getting more and more even with PCs by the day. Some of the smartest geeks I know use Apple. If you really don't like windows, and want to switch from Windows, you can. You have the ability to switch. You just don't have the will to.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-30-2002, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by MasteroftheObvious
May I just point out that Microsoft, in fact, is not the devil? They're a firmly planted electronics establishment. And it's quite dumb to flame Microsoft and Bill Gates as you sit and use Windows. It's like "BILL GATES I HATE YOU BUT YOU MAKE GOOD SOFTWARE WHICH I USE!~~@!" Deftones, this IS aimed at you.

Teh reason why I said that is....

1.Well look at his bowl job that is some crap hair he has got.

2. He only bought windows, and added to it.

3. He has FAR too much money than anyone should have.

4. He thinks that paying prostitutes to go with him to premiere's and gaming conventions will get him more popular.

5. He thinks he's so god damn great.

Also the XBOX isn't that great.
Well it is the most prone console to crash, it scratches your discs.
You need a remote control to work DVD's.
And it has crap games, it doesn't matter if you have great hardware, games might have some great graphics but if the gameplay is poor then there's no point in buying it.

Oh and the last time Windows crashed on me,was................yesterday.
And Microsoft are not more powerful than us, we could just stop buying Microsoft products and thats that, there out of business.

07-30-2002, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by MasteroftheObvious

No, you're amazingly wrong. There are plenty of other systems to use, all with internet connections and web browsers so that we may view your well-informed opinions. If you're gonna use PCs, you could use any of the hundreds of Linux versions. They're getting easier to use by the day, and though it would take a small investment of time (maybe a few days) to figure out how to use it, I'll bet that it took you at least a day or two to become comfortable with the Windows environment.

On the other hand, you could go Apple... their new processors (The G4 for example) are quite powerful! In fact, they're getting more and more even with PCs by the day. Some of the smartest geeks I know use Apple. If you really don't like windows, and want to switch from Windows, you can. You have the ability to switch. You just don't have the will to.

While I'm not going to defend Deftons's.... umm... "ranting," I think you're being pretty unfair. First off, I don't know what kind of hot-rodding, supercharged version of Windows you're using, but if I had a nickel for every time Windows had some kind of fuck-up - an "illegal operation" or a "program is not responding" or god knows what - I'd be just as rich as Gates himself by now. Windows is a piece of crap. If you want a prime example, you've only to take the company my dad works for as an example. They have two computer networks in their building, one based on Windows, one based on Linux. The Linux one goes for weeks on end without needing to be rebooted, wheras the Windows one requires maintanence every few days.

And our composing friend up there is right - MS absolutely has the market cornered. Macs? Linux? You think these are actually viable alternatives to Windows? Yeah, right. If by "viable alternative" you mean "a great way to have about 10% of all software in the world work for your computer." Sure, those operating systems are superior for many things, but only specialized things. If you want a machine that you will actually be able to get the software you want for, you're almost definately going to have to go with a PC.

Why do people hate Microsoft? Most people do hate it just because it's MS, yes. But there's a really good reason to hate MS - they are a parasite. They have infected the computer industry and monopolized it, and now they are attempting to do the same thing with video games. They want to branch into every corner of our lifestyle and be the one company that supplies our electronics. Could they do it? Not in the near future but if trends continue, yes, it would be possible. Personally, I really don't want to see that happen.

But Deftones, you really do need to take a chill pill. You seem to have a habit of wishing death on people for reasons such as an unsightly haircut or their inability to perfectly immitate your accent. You might want to work on your tolerance a little. O_o

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-30-2002, 08:47 PM
~Sorry to go off disscussion~

OK with the accent thing that people already know, it the fact that there are English actor/actresses that do her job better, and the fact her accent is always the same, you know "Posh with a little bit cockney" and that about how all American's at least picture us. Or with a plain cockney accent "Can I clean ya boots guv'ner" kind of thing.

And I also think I need to take a chill pill aswell, but i've had a hard month, My best friend went permentaley blind, the council has closed the skatepark so i'm out on the streets, and recentley my dad was hit by a drunk driver and he has a high chance of dieing.
So apologies for my behaviour.

07-30-2002, 10:16 PM
TK, which windows version do you use? Windows XP and windows 2000 are extremely stable platforms. Seriously. My sorta-powerful computer runs windows 2000 EXTREMELY well. Sure, I have to maintain it a li'l bit, but the results are well worth it.

Could the problem stem from the fact that people just don't want to have to work on their computers? I defrag, scan for viruses and hard drive errors, scan for spyware, and do other stuff like that about once a week. I like my computer to run well. If you do not properly maintain your computer, it will get owned, and this goes for ANY OS you may use.

Windows is not a bad OS. Seriously. It's really not. It's powerful, people develop for it, and it shouldn't crash. I like it. I'm sorry if you don't. Maybe you should then switch to another platform, like Linux (which can emulate Windows programs).

07-30-2002, 11:28 PM
I have always had this problem. My family's new computer that we just got has Windows XP on it, and it does indeed seem more stable than any of the other Windows versions we've had. So it may be that MS has finally cleaned up that particular part of their act.

Death Knight
08-03-2002, 01:21 AM
I said a long time ago that they have a chance with one of the upcoming ff games, but no one believed me. I personally dont want to buy a PS2 to play ff games so i (unlike the rest of you) like the X-Box and am pleased with Microsoft at the moment.

08-08-2002, 05:29 PM
You know what that BACK STABBING COMPANY SQUARE SCHOULD DO, AND THEY ARE NOW! Go back to Nintendo and thank god they are. Cuz PS2 sucks.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-08-2002, 06:51 PM
Well, Square can't actually go back to Nintendo.
As they would go bankrupt if they did. Mainly the point is that Nintendo has admitted the GameCube will eb thy're last console, they're doing this because they think that theres more money made in the actual software.

Anyway PS2 rules, the gaming field and has already won the console wars.

PS2 rules in gaming
XBOX rules in Hardware
Gamecube rules in cuteness

08-09-2002, 04:13 AM
Are you serious? Gamecube nintendo's last console. That's sad to hear. I always liked Nintendo products.

Oh well, hopefully they won't develop for Microsoft, who want's to take over everything. If you want a powerful machine to play games on then just buy a computer with a large monitor. I'll never buy Xbox, I'd sooner buy a G4 with the large wide LCD monitor and surround sound system, even the Macintosh in my opinion has better games avalable (and is superior to Windows based hardware/software). If any Microsoft fans wonder why other countries have less interest in their videogame systems, it's because nobody wants Microsoft to do to games what they did to the PC world. Now if you want the most compatability with software made, you have to give up stability (XP is still crappily designed and is only a weak attempt to immitate Apple) and buy Microsoft products. I have nothing againsed Bill Gates himself, and I don't have an irrational hate for the company, but I personally find it annoying how Microsoft can be lazy just because they have a stranglehold on 90% of computer users world wide. What's even sicker is the fact that about 70% of Windows users are too thickheaded to realize this.

I use Microsoft products because I'm cornered into using them. If there's something my macintoshes can do, I'll use them for it instead, because they provide a much more reliable and more efficient performance than any PC can. Even a low end G4 outperforms any Intel/AMD based system in efficiency. Look at the statistics, people who switch to macs are always pleased with the performance, only those who are forced to use Windows only software have problems when they switch (and even then the Mac has several alternatives to aliviate these problems.)

Basically, Microsoft turns their stranglehold on the computer industry and tries to impose on the gaming industry. I don't think Japan want's to see Sony and Nintendo in danger because they decided to support Microsoft, most people in the world don't have enough money to buy all the systems, so they choose to support their country like they should. In addition, Microsoft has no games that in my opinion are worth shelling out $200 for yet another system, that has such a crappy design in controller that it feels like your holding a potato, even if they did have RPGs that were up to par with RPGs released on the Playstation and Playstation 2 consoles, I wouldn't be able to stand playing that system because my hands are in such an unnatural position. Didn't anybody read about how the Xbox system released in other countries many times had the controler size reduced because of this?

Basicaly, Xbox is the equivilant of the Ford Excrusion (a gas guzzler that may have a lot of power but is just for idiots who think that complete power is the answer.)

Nintendo Gamecube is a well designed system, mean't to target the younger audience and also designed for people on a budget

and Sony Playstation (2) is the equivilant of another well designed system, only for an older audience.
What people don't realize is that the Playstation 2 and Gamecube are a lot more powerful than they appear on paper, because they have been blinded by the Wintel industry that makes you think Mhz is everything.

I should also point out that statistics say Macintosh Users on average are actually smarter than Windows only users *cough*

09-05-2002, 03:07 PM
It would be a bad business move for Square because they know that their customers can't switch to another console that easily, and their in no shape to make a big business deal with someone they've never worked with before.

09-05-2002, 04:24 PM
Eh, that doesn't concern me too much. Actually, it kind of amuses me to see all of Microsoft keep failing miserable. I'm confident Square will say right where they are.

09-06-2002, 05:04 AM
GameCube being Nintendo's last console is only a possibility. It was just blown out of proportion by a lot of people who want video games to turn completely into the crap that Sony started turning them into.

Square didn't backstab Nintendo. To put it in Hiroshi Yamauchi's own words, the parting was "unavoidable." Holding anything against either company is ridiculous, so just be happy that Square and Nintendo have made up now.

Originally posted by Digital Bath

PS2 rules in gaming
XBOX rules in Hardware
Gamecube rules in cuteness

Fuck that. GameCube rules in great games with a focus on being fun instead of impressing your drinking buddies.

09-06-2002, 06:04 AM
I wish I could say I'm surprised, but this is very Expected and I hope this act turn more people away from the disgraceful monstrosity called X-box.:D

Hey, you know,I'm all for Sony and Nintendo,I like them both....
there just something wrong about X-box...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-06-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight
Fuck that. GameCube rules in great games with a focus on being fun instead of impressing your drinking buddies.

OK, why do you think GC has the best games?

Name them.

09-08-2002, 05:13 AM
RE, Super Smash Brothers: Melee, Mario Sunshine...

GC is still getting warmed up, hell, even PS2 is still warming up. Excuse some of us for liking a Kingdom full of mushrooms over stealing cars.

09-21-2002, 07:07 PM
Microsoft will never have square. Square is too good of a company. I dont ever think PS2 will ever give up there rights to square. PS2 gets something like 20% of there profits from squaresoft.

09-23-2002, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight
Erm, Deftones, could you possibly put a bit more meaning into your posts than just a string of obcenities? Thanks ;)

Actually, i found his posts rather ammusing.

And to the person who was backing windows up....

No we do not choose to use windows or think its any good. I would use any of the other better OS but like every frickin program is made for use with windows its so annoying, and my windows is always crashing, as with every one i know.

We don't choose to use windows... we have to. ( metaphorically speaking btw)

09-23-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Digital Bath
OK, why do you think GC has the best games?

Name them.

Well for one thing I said a focus on it. At this point, I'd say the ammount of truly high quality games for GameCube and for PS2 are probably about the same, which is pretty sad since the PS2 has been out so much longer. The GameCube already has Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pikmin, Wave Race: Blue Storm, Eternal Darkness, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Beach Spikers, Animal Crossing, Rogue Squadron 2, and that's just the exclusives, there are some cool multiplatform games too. In the future, Nintendo fans are looking forward to Zelda, Metroid Prime, Animal Leader, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Ikaruga, Mario Party 4, Star Fox Adventures, Eternal Arcadia Legend, and lots of other nifty stuff. And again that's just exclusives.

GC's focus is on games like that: Fun ones with good gameplay. They don't try to make glitz-fests that will shock people into wanting to own them because they're pretty. That is why Nintendo is one of the last sources of good game philosophy; they're still not trying to just wow people into buying their consoles, they're actually still striving for quality. Sony, meanwhile, encourages their developers to make glitzy stuff with terrible gameplay, and they DEFINATELY don't encourage creativity. Aside from maybe Devil May Cry, I don't think anything released for the PS2 has been very original. Kingdom Hearts should be correcting that at least.

09-24-2002, 01:29 AM
Yeah, it's defintely nice to see Nintendo really get back into it, I'm looking forward to most of those games, especially Star Fox ,Metroid, SM Sunshine , Arcadia and hopefully they can Make SSBM a little better than the last.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-24-2002, 06:35 PM
The GC has boloocks games, the only good games are SSB Melee, and Meteroid. (Rogue Squadron is extremly laggy, apart from that its ok), SM Sunshine is a fucking joke.

PS2, well apart from already winning the console wars without even getting is hard drive and modem distributed properly. Its games arefar superior, with GTA3 and GTA4 coming, Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry, Tekken 4, Tekken Tag Tournament, Metal Gear Solid 2, Gran Turismo 3, Gran Turismo Concept, Final Fantasy XI is coming to PS2 but do I see it coming to GC .....NO!

All that GC, does is try (and I mean try) to wow you with pretty colours, and I even take back it being cute, everytime I see it it makes me feel sick, and is it me or does it resemble something like a handbag?

09-26-2002, 03:01 AM
You're just close minded because you think it's not "cool" like your PS2. Mario Sunshine is a joke? Hah! Have you actually played it? Mario Sunshine is so good it's the first video game I've been actually playing every day in ages. It's the natural evolution of Mario 64, which was one of the best games ever made. The only reason I can think of that anyone would complain at all about Mario Sunshine is if they're obsessed with the "badass" concept of the PS2 and Xbox, and write it off because it happens to have bright colors. And I find it especially amusing that you list Metroid as one of its "only" good games. That's funny, since you haven't played Metroid. It proves that you base your idea of how cool a game is on the image behind it.

So anyway, when you're actually a fan of real video games and not just whatever is cool with your buddies, we can talk.

09-26-2002, 04:18 AM
Oh,cool, so what's SM Sunshine like?Sounds better than I was expecting then. Well, I try to see how good games are regardless of how they are,or how odd they might seem.

09-26-2002, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Kenshin
Oh,cool, so what's SM Sunshine like?Sounds better than I was expecting then. Well, I try to see how good games are regardless of how they are,or how odd they might seem.

It's awesome. The basic setup is the same as Mario 64 (You jump into paintings to get stars, only replace "paintings" with "graffiti" and "stars" with "shines") but it's bigger and there's a ton of new aspects to it. For one thing they got rid of Mario's punching, and instead he's got a water pack that he can use to hover or spray things, and the ammount of creative ways they found for him to use that spray function is amazing. For example, you can jump into a giant leaf that's floating in a river, and by spraying in the opposite direction of the way you want to go, propell yourself across the river on the leaf. Or on another level there are giant scales, and if you get on one side and fill the other side up with water it'll lift you up so you can get to a new area. And I haven't even started talking about the alternate nozzles you can find for the water pack. Then of course there's that treasured Mario style littered throughout. It's a really funny and charming storyline. Overall I'd say this is probably the best game that has come out for the system save possibly Super Smash Bros. Melee. If you have a GameCube you HAVE to have it.

Wee, I sound like a reviewer! ^_^

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-27-2002, 06:01 PM
You have just wrote why SM Sunshine is a joke.

09-28-2002, 01:28 AM
Well,I like it,I have always found Mario games refreshing in looks, and especially gameplay. Just because i's mario doesn't mean it isn' a good game, in fact, because it's mario, I'm more certain that it is good,as their level of quality gameplay is very high,but if someone doesn't like mario, then that's up to them.

And thanks TK!

09-28-2002, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by Digital Bath
You have just wrote why SM Sunshine is a joke.

And you have just written nothing. Seriously, that leaves me with no explanation whatsoever, except the idea that you're trying too hard to be witty. The best summary of your "point" that I can come up with is that in the pragraph that supposedly explains why Mario Sunshine is a joke, I briefly described why it's fun, so I guess you're saying it's a joke because it's... fun? Well that certainly explains why you like PS2 better...

But no, really, if you actually want to make an argument go ahead, but if you want to talk about how wrong I am without even making a single point, please spare us both.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-28-2002, 10:04 AM
There is a pattern in most GameCube games, ok, Pikmin looks like it was created by someone who was taking magic mushrooms at the time, and the descripton of SM Sunshine and the lenghty clips of it that i've seen, show the exact same feeling as Pikmin.

Just read what you described SM Sunshine:

You jump into graffiti to get 'shines', what is up with that, it is either made for children with a strange imagination, or people who want to stay as a child with a strange imagination. (Or heavy duty pot smokers)

Using a water pack seems fun, taking out punching and replacing it with a water pack, well thats great [/sarcasm]
(Give me agood Beat 'em up any day) Why didn't they use both Punch and water, oh but they want everything to be all nice and clean, and no violence for the children.

The storyline, is quite childish as well, Mario gets framed for fucking up a city, but he really didn't do it. But he still cleans it up, and has to find out who really did it.
Look around you in real life, there shit loads of graffiti and litter around the place, they are trying to get you to believe differently, that everything is all 'Happy Happy', It kind of shows how miss guiding Nintendo are.

The only thing good about this game is its orginality of it.

09-28-2002, 11:49 PM
The only thing good about this game is its orginality of it.

Okay, now you are making NO sense. You basically just flamed it for a bunch of things in it that are original, and then said its originality was the only good thing about it. Regardless, I find it quite amusing that you would make that comment at all. "Well, the game's got originality, but PFFFT!! That's not important. A game can't thrive on originality, it needs lots of blood and violence and fancy cut scenes and scantily clad women to be good! Silly Nintendo!"

There is a pattern in most GameCube games, ok, Pikmin looks like it was created by someone who was taking magic mushrooms at the time, and the descripton of SM Sunshine and the lenghty clips of it that i've seen, show the exact same feeling as Pikmin.

I'm not really sure where you get that idea. The inspiration for Pikmin actually came when Shigeru Miyamoto was out working in his garden. The idea of little creatures running around in a garden is not that wierd. If they were designed realistically like ants, then you wouldn't say that about it, but honestly, anyone who would take some boring, generic ants over some creative, charming creatures like Pikmin just doesn't have any originality.

You jump into graffiti to get 'shines', what is up with that, it is either made for children with a strange imagination, or people who want to stay as a child with a strange imagination. (Or heavy duty pot smokers)

Why do you equate creativity to being on drugs? They're actually called "shine sprites," I just say "shines" for short (and so does the game). They're called Shine Sprites because they're magic creatures that bring light to the island. That's not drug-induced, it's just creative. Cute? Yes, sure it's cute, but who the hell cares? You are trying too hard to be grown up.

Using a water pack seems fun, taking out punching and replacing it with a water pack, well thats great [/sarcasm]
(Give me agood Beat 'em up any day) Why didn't they use both Punch and water, oh but they want everything to be all nice and clean, and no violence for the children.

There was no reason to leave punching in since the water pack does the same thing (knocking over/eliminating enemies) and more, and they were also trying to make this game a little more like classic Mario, which didn't involve any punching. They didn't take it out because of violence issues; it's less violent than something like, say, Zelda, and they are certainly not taking sword-slashing out of that. Even if they left punching in, there is no way it could be described as "violent" because the things you fight are little walking mushroom or turtle guys who just disappear in a puff of smoke. And Nintendo is also not alien to publishing violent games. They just published Eternal Darkness, which is the first good horror game ever.

The storyline, is quite childish as well, Mario gets framed for fucking up a city, but he really didn't do it. But he still cleans it up, and has to find out who really did it.

The storyline is not supposed to be complicated. See, this is what I hate about modern gamers, they're all obsessed with this idea that a game just has to have a cool backstory and fancy cut scenes. That's not the point! It's supposed to have a simple story because it's a simple, fun, challenging addictive game. Great stories have their place. Mario games aren't that place.

Look around you in real life, there shit loads of graffiti and litter around the place, they are trying to get you to believe differently, that everything is all 'Happy Happy', It kind of shows how miss guiding Nintendo are.

Misguiding? haha. Yeah, that's it, people who play Mario games all think that the whole world is happy and full of rainbows and bright color! That explains why I, a huge Mario fan, am an anti-war activist who spends more time in school trying to teach his classmates how destructive their government is than learning anything. Please. Spare me the BS. That is as lame as saying that violent video games cause school shootings.

You seem to be against this game because it's got bright colors and no blood. Well, you should become more open minded to E-rated games. They are often very fun. I like to sum this up with a quote from Penny Arcade (this is not an exact quote but it's very close:)

"I'm getting really sick of the whole 'mature games' vs. 'kid games' thing. What's the point? Are you afraid that you won't look cool?
"Well, I've got news for you, buddy - That ship already set sail. You play video games? Welcome to dorksville. You want to know how cool your video games are? Ask your fucking girlfriend how cool."

09-29-2002, 12:18 AM
I have a Gamecube and only 2 games (Yes, TWO games). Super Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros. Melee. Note that both have no decent story line, nothing that is remotely realistic, no real purpose to playing it (except for Sunshine where it's almost like Super Mario 64... except it's not for a cake, it's just to get the hell out of the island XD), none of that stuff... only good clean fun. That is what Nintendo wanted in the first place, a system that is really all "fun and games". When I don't want to play a complicated RPG like Final Fantasy or a game that requires a lot more than just shooting the crap outta things like Metal Gear Solid, I switch on to my old Nintendo Systems and give them a run.

Oh and the reason why they took out the punch... go play Super Mario 64 and count how many times you use the Punch-Punch-Kick combo and don't include the times where you meant to grab the thing instead of punching it... not a lot huh? Besides, don't you have anything to say that spraying water on people is bit on the "bad" side? Hmm? ^_^

09-29-2002, 11:59 PM
xbox sucks with the exception to the game halo besides that it sucks ps2 is better and so is gamecube i dont hate bill gates for trying he tried and he is failing right now he is just trying to figure out how he can get more money but this shows that just throwing money at a game system will not make it a hit bill gates is trying and is failing this is another thing that he hopes will save it but it will not i do not hate bill gates not one bit but i do not like him either i do hope though that xbox would never get a hold on square it just does not seem like a good idea >_<