06-08-2009, 10:41 PM
Hi all. I'm a big fan of the wacked-out Dreamcast survival horror game Illbleed and have been wanting a copy of the soundtrack for ages. As far as I know, an OST was never released.

I notice that a lot of game rips are posted here. I did a search and didn't find anything, so I just wanted to ask if anyone has a rip of Illbleed's soundtrack, or short of that, could anyone be my best friend forever and rip it for me? Pretty please? I'm sure I'm not the only one here who'd want it.


06-09-2009, 12:24 AM
NucleaRaptor posed it in another forum, here is the link:

Wonderful Soundtrack. Love the game as well.

06-09-2009, 01:22 PM
Love so much Saturn & Dreamcast Games

06-09-2009, 05:27 PM
Sorry about posting this request in the wrong section. Noted for future reference. :)

NucleaRaptor posed it in another forum, here is the link: My life is complete!

Thanks so much!!!

Wonderful Soundtrack. Love the game as well.Yeah, Illbleed is one of the most underrated games ever. I've played through it several times. It's completely insane, but that's why I love it so.

06-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Yeah, Illbleed is one of the most underrated games ever. I've played through it several times. It's completely insane, but that's why I love it so.
Play House of the Dead:Overkill. In terms of style,it's like someone put Illbleed and Tarantino's/Rodriguez's Grindhouse in a blender. Check this shit out:

06-10-2009, 03:53 AM
Play House of the Dead:Overkill. In terms of style,it's like someone put Illbleed and Tarantino's/Rodriguez's Grindhouse in a blender. Check this shit out: looks pretty damn cool. I'll love to check the game out, especially since we're not getting Illbleed 2 any time soon. Too bad I don't have a Wii...

BTW, thanks for posting the Illbleed soundtrack rip. Awesome work. One thing, though- did you do the rip yourself? If so, it's got every track I wanted but one- the creepy, lonely piano tune that plays at the start screen. And maybe a better version of the load screen music than the one that's in the "extra" folder (although that one's not a big deal- I'd totally take the start screen music over that any day if I had to pick just one track). Any chance you can get that for me?

Thanks again for providing the Illbleed soundtrack. I've been looking for it for ages.

06-10-2009, 05:10 AM
No,I didn't do the rip myself. I got it off the Illbleed GFAQS board,where by some miracle the original ripper's thread was still alive.

If so, it's got every track I wanted but one- the creepy, lonely piano tune that plays at the start screen.

I'm not sure I can record it without the thunder in the background,but I'll give it a shot.

And maybe a better version of the load screen music than the one that's in the "extra" folder (although that one's not a big deal- I'd totally take the start screen music over that any day if I had to pick just one track).
Load screen music? Which one was that again? It's been a while since I played,and those Extra tracks also came from someone else's attempt at a rip.

While we're at it,what about the other two extra tracks? Where are they from? I suspect that they are basically the score from the cutscenes,and if my suspicions are true,that means that this rip is nowhere near complete.

06-10-2009, 05:22 AM
I'm not sure I can record it without the thunder in the background,but I'll give it a shot.Actually, the thunder in the background would be great. It adds to the "creep" factor. If you're able to, just record it as is.

Thanks for giving it a shot, I really appreciate it. I can't wait...

BTW, how do you do rip/record soundtracks from games? Is there a thread here that details the process?

Load screen music? Which one was that again?That's the screen where you can load your save info from the Dreamcast VMU. It sounds a tad like Resident Evil save room music. :)

While we're at it,what about the other two extra tracks? Where are they from? I suspect that they are basically the score from the cutscenes,and if my suspicions are true,that means that this rip is nowhere near complete.I have no idea where those two other tracks are from. The rip you posted has all the major tracks from the game I wanted (save for the start screen music), but Illbleed had a ton of varied music types and I seriously doubt that rip had them all. Hell, I'd even like some of the random little musical cues, like the one that plays when you uncover a trap (sounds like a quick violin squeak).

06-10-2009, 01:18 PM

-The title theme
-The save screen
-THE TWINGE (violin squeak Psycho thing)

THE TWINGE was kind of a pain to get,because while the developers are nice enough to kill the background music while it plays for dramatic effect,it's usually immediately followed by the sound of whatever trap you just sprung,so getting it as a stand-alone sound is pretty annoying. Check it out,though.

Anything else you would like? Now that we've figured out that the rip I originally posted is incomplete,I'll do my best to try and fill in the blanks. =)

BTW, how do you do rip/record soundtracks from games? Is there a thread here that details the process?
I just do an in-line rip. Hook the console up to the TV tuner,record the video while I'm playing,rip the audio from the resulting vid,edit it,if necessary,and save it as an mp3. As you can see,my ripping technique is extremely bootleg. =)

06-10-2009, 03:17 PM

-The title theme
-The save screen
-THE TWINGE (violin squeak Psycho thing)Holy crap, you're fast. And those are PERFECT (320 kbps, no less). Thanks so much!

THE TWINGE was kind of a pain to get,because while the developers are nice enough to kill the background music while it plays for dramatic effect,it's usually immediately followed by the sound of whatever trap you just sprung,so getting it as a stand-alone sound is pretty annoying. Check it out,though.You did a great job of cutting it off right before the trap sound hits without making the end sound abrupt. Nice work.

Anything else you would like? Now that we've figured out that the rip I originally posted is incomplete,I'll do my best to try and fill in the blanks. =)Thanks for the offer! Hmm...I guess we should make it our mission to create a complete Illbleed OST, eh? Let me bust out the ol' Dreamcast today and go through the game. I'm sure I'll find something. One thing that pops to mind are perhaps the intros to each stage (Homerun of Death, etc), including the narration.

I just do an in-line rip. Hook the console up to the TV tuner,record the video while I'm playing,rip the audio from the resulting vid,edit it,if necessary,and save it as an mp3. As you can see,my ripping technique is extremely bootleg. =)Yeah, I kinda figured that might be one way. Alas, I don't have a TV card, although one sounds like a good investment for this kind of thing. I'll have to pick one up at some point.

06-10-2009, 04:14 PM
One thing that pops to mind are perhaps the intros to each stage (Homerun of Death, etc), including the narration.
I was thinking that,too. Epic narrator is epic. =) The problem is,I think you can only access each stage once,meaning I would have to beat the entire game again. Since you'll also be replaying it,just go through the game taking note of the tracks we're missing. That way,when I get around to replaying Illbleed (which should be easier,since I have a fully leveled-up Eriko from my last playthrough),I'll know what I need to pay attention to.

How does that sound? =)

Yeah, I kinda figured that might be one way. Alas, I don't have a TV card, although one sounds like a good investment for this kind of thing. I'll have to pick one up at some point.
Luckily,my computer came with a built-in one.

06-10-2009, 05:44 PM
I was thinking that,too. Epic narrator is epic. =) The problem is,I think you can only access each stage once,meaning I would have to beat the entire game again. Since you'll also be replaying it,just go through the game taking of the tracks we're missing. That way,when I get around to replaying Illbleed (which should be easier,since I have a fully leveled-up Eriko from my last playthrough),I'll know what I need to pay attention to.

How does that sound? =)Sounds groovy. I'm currently using my powered-up Eriko as well and am half-way through The Homerun of Death (I'm also using a walkthrough from GameFAQs this time to speed things up). I'll keep a list of what tracks we need and post 'em here. Thanks again.

Stay tuned...

12-31-2009, 01:19 AM
cool ^^
good job raptor.

I got this game on the dreamcast and it rocks.^^


Kukiko Ichigo
04-08-2010, 11:05 AM
I just recently joined/saw this post, and I very much love Illbleed. Dolemite007 and NucleaRaptor, how far along are you guys into the completion of the soundtrack?

04-09-2010, 12:36 AM
Sorry to disappoint you,but nothing came of it. I never heard back from Dole,and even if I did,I couldn't restore my TV tuner's functionality after the HDD crash,so I can't even do rips now. =( I did play through the game again,though,and it does seem like a decent amount of tracks are missing from this fan OST.

Cla The Ninja
05-04-2010, 12:43 AM
Did anyone notice that the techno horror song used in the credits is different than the one used in the trailer? <-- Trailer <-- Credits

I really want the song used in the trailer. It sounds so much more awesome and epic than what they used in the credits. Anyone got it? I know it's easy to convert the audio from a YouTube vid to mp3, but I don't want the narration over the music. "Duke Nukem" is cool and all, but I just want to hear the music.

05-08-2010, 08:06 PM
Wow,it's obvious in hindsight,but I didn't even really notice the difference until you pointed it out.

On second thought,besides than the unique intro,the trailer version seems pretty much the same otherwise. And no,I don't have it. ;_;

Kukiko Ichigo
05-13-2010, 04:19 PM
Oh, that's a shame. Well, it's alright. I'm very satisfied with what's there. Great job on what you guys got done! ;D

05-13-2010, 05:57 PM
Thank you,but aside from the three tracks I contributed,I haven't really done anything other than upload the soundtrack. =) I didn't do the original rip,and I have no idea who did,but whoever he is,mad props to him.

Kukiko Ichigo
05-14-2010, 09:27 AM
Hehee, well, it's a great find anyhow. I've been looking for that soundtrack for such a long time. <3 Long live the Sega Dreamcast. n_n

05-14-2010, 12:48 PM
Just in case anyone didn't hear about it,here's a Let's Play Illbleed by supergreatfriend:

I'm not joking when I'm saying that this is one of the funniest,most informative,extensive and overall greatest LPs I've ever seen. SGF really does the game justice. Check it out.

05-14-2010, 07:59 PM
Sorry to disappoint you,but nothing came of it. I never heard back from Dole,and even if I did,I couldn't restore my TV tuner's functionality after the HDD crash,so I can't even do rips now.Sorry. You know, the best of intentions and all that...

Honestly, I just never got around to playing it again. But with school ending, maybe I can devote some time. Sorry about your HDD crash, BTW. Did you lose a lot? Personally, I back all my important shit up on 2 external drives just in case.

05-16-2010, 08:51 AM
I had a backup,so other than some recent favorites,I didn't really lose much at all. The only real problem is that I never got some programs to work properly again. =(

05-30-2010, 04:56 PM
Can I can the true ending credits music? Cause the 1 link gave me something that won't play in windows media player

08-11-2012, 02:48 PM
Hi there!
Any chance to have it reuploaded!? Since megaupload is dead, and all...
Much appreciated!

Kukiko Ichigo
08-12-2012, 08:01 PM
Gotcha covered.

Illbleed.rar (

08-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Thanks a lot!

11-29-2012, 01:09 AM
Thanks!, i've been looking for it also