06-08-2009, 02:13 PM
The entire English dub is legally featured on YouTube. New episodes premiere on ImaginAsian TV first before they are uploaded, though. It is the first of its kind, where the English and Japanese dubs are recorded at the exact time and have a synchroized broadcast, and Korea, with its own dub, carries the show the very next day.

This is a very strong dub, helped by Laura Bailey's adorable Kuro and Jason Anthony Griffth's sympathetic Keita.

The plot has been described as "grown-up Zatch Bell meets The World Ends With You" and that actually fits pretty well. The soundtrack is also quite good, relying on piano and orchestra for slower moments and switching to hard rock (often with English vocals Taku Iwasaki-style) for fight scenes.

And the 2nd OP (which starts at episode 13), tRANCE by GRANRODEO, is pure win almost on the level of the 2nd Death Note OP.

06-13-2009, 12:55 AM
I've been watching it. I think it's great that They've been able to do a simuntanious release. I've been hunting down the OST but it's not been easy.

Also, dub wise. I think this is a great role for Jason, since his previous has all been with really saturday morning stuff.