Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-20-2002, 07:24 PM
Does anyone else in this place like ANY Baldur's Gate game; 1, 1 Tales of the swordcoast,2 Shadows of Amn,2 Throne of Bhaal,Dark Alliance? And even Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale Heart of winter.

It be pretty sad if I am the only one.

And if you have one of the games please tell me your opinion about it.

07-20-2002, 08:06 PM
I have Baldurs Gate 2 (good game...woulda been better w/ 3rd Edition D&D rules) and Neverwinter Nights. My bro used to have Icewind Dale...never got to play it tho

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-20-2002, 08:14 PM
Yeah i just got NWN and it screws up my computer.... i got a pretty new one too, but the game is huge! So i deleted Ice wind and hearts of winter...... you should try BG 2 with Trhone of Bhaal expansion! its better.

07-20-2002, 10:49 PM
Seeing as how it's Nymph/Iris/Rosiel's favorite game, I'm sure she'll post in here sooner or later....XD

Bro', I only remember playing the intro to BGIITOB (or was it Shadow of Ahn?), and I quit because you told me every damn thing to do...where's the fun in that?

I do however, enjoy BG;DA....graphics are one of the best I've ever seen, and the system is great....but as you put it, it's not a true BG...e.e;; Oh well, I don't think I'll ever get into that game anyway...

Crazy Chocobo
07-21-2002, 11:51 PM
I have Baldur's Gate 1 and Tales of the Sword Coast, thanks to a pack that installed them as one from Costco. I would have bought it years ago but didn't have any money at the time.

Neo Xzhan
07-22-2002, 12:04 PM
I have Baldurs Gate and Tales of the sword coast, Baldurs Gate 2 and Throne of Baal. I have Icewind Dale and Heart of Winter. I have Pool of Radiance: Runes of Myth Drannor. And I have Neverwinter Nights

07-22-2002, 04:24 PM
*falls over*

As Koenma said.. Baldur's Gate is one of my favourite games~! ^__^
I've played BGI, and have the expansion cd 'Tales of the Sword Coast'. I'm currently in chapter 3 or 4 of BGII ^_^
I've also played Icewind Dale, but never finished that one 'cause the person I borrowed it from wanted it back. XD

My brother just bought Neverwinter Nights, so when he stops glomping it I'll probably take a looksie at that game as well *^-^*

07-22-2002, 07:38 PM
I still prefer regular old Dungeons & Dragons....so much simpler. I know all the rules for it....they changed the 3e rules to screw around w/ NWN (half the stuff in NWN doesnt conform to 3rd Edition D&D rules, which its supposed to use)

07-24-2002, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Taloras Tamuril
I still prefer regular old Dungeons & Dragons....so much simpler. I know all the rules for it....they changed the 3e rules to screw around w/ NWN (half the stuff in NWN doesnt conform to 3rd Edition D&D rules, which its supposed to use)

Are 3rd edition rules that simple? The D&D rules I play by are pretty complicated..I couldn't say which edition they are though, I have no clue. All I know is...it's VERY complicated. Or maybe I'm just a dense person XD Either way, I find D&D rules hard to follow and remember...@.@;;

07-24-2002, 01:48 PM
o_O; I'm so stupid. I forgot to mention that this is a thread about RPGs so belongs to the RPG forum.. ^^;

*moves thread*

07-29-2002, 02:45 AM
I got Baldurs Gate 2 shadows. A very good game. Quite difficult, and long. Pretty good once you get into it.

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-29-2002, 03:23 AM
Baldur's gate is some what no where close to DnD ....... I don't think it's complecated. its just REALLY organized! its huge; rules, items, monster..... being DM isn't Easy eather!