07-20-2002, 07:51 AM
I got so many interesting info in our gaming world. Maybe some of you has already know about some latest gaming news. and here is what i got for now: ( what is your reaction about these? )

Heavy Losses For Xbox

Creating a new console and try to make it popular isn't very easy. Microsoft ambition to "enlarge" its products (XBOX) in the reality facing many problems.Beside the gone out of some important ppl in Microsoft ( for ex: Seamus Blackley ) Microsoft also experience a great loss of its financial.

It's true that all company including Microsoft in order to enlarge its console initially they have to sacrifice in large amount. In calculation of fiscal year 2001 that ends in 30 June 2002. Microsoft has spend a fund around 750 juta US dollar. And the microsofts optimism with its console it seems less formed. Why? Because for each Xbox unit that they're produced, they have to spend expense around $325, in other word Microsoft experince a loss around $150 for each unit.

Not to mention the Microsoft's big project about its online game, Xbox Live. Will this go smootly? :confused:

Until now, still not..yet can be ascertained what is the real fate of this console? Will Xbox absolutely ready to compete with its rival, Sony and Nintendo? or it will face the same fate like 3D0 from Panasonic ?

Xbox 2 To Be Released in 2006!?

Microsoft ambition is really big and never give up. With its condition, Microsoft still planning to create Xbox 2 which estimated will be released in 2006.

Why they choose in year 2006? because that year is a year that will performing the next world cup. They're planning to release Xbox at the same time with the world cup.

in their plan, Xbox 2 will give various features that never exist in other console. one for example is, there will be built-in internet access and Tivo-style digital video recorder.

Square eats Quest Divison

Quest, Ogre Battle's developer, in a short time will give its software production to Squaresoft. This "transfer" would be very effective, because Squaresoft will soon make a game for the handheld, including GBA's version from FFT.

According to Yasumi Matsuno, the creator of Ogre Battle, this "transferring" aimed to make Ogre Battle become more enjoyfull.

DOA Extreme Beach Topless Mode??

A crazy idea submitted by VooDoo Extreme to Tecmo. they suggesting Tecmo to make a new special feature called Topless Mode. In other word, VooDoo Extreme want that this game can only be played by an adults only.

Of course this crazy idea has been refused by Tecmo. They said that this game has been designed for many years as a Sport game which decorated by many cutie girls from DOA, not for a "sex/pornography" element.

07-20-2002, 07:57 AM
Haha! Take THAT, Microsoft. Who didn't see this coming? It was bound to happen sooner or a later...but X-Box 2 in 2006? Pft, if every system is just gonna' be a previous name followed by 2, well I can't say I'll be buying many systems...

Also, I've got the issue of GI (Game Informer) that talks about the whole nudity in videogaming...personally, I think it's about time, since we have the graphics to now actually do it. And besides, we've had an Adult rating from the ESRB from the days of Sega Genesis, and have not even used it once. So of course, why not? If the game is intended for Adults, then may it only be sold to adults...kind of the way they sell pornographic magazines.

I myself am 14, and i know I can't play the game, but that shouldn't stop the older audiences now, should it? I fully support Tecmo's right to make DOAXVB. And DMXXX.

07-20-2002, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Koenma
Also, I've got the issue of GI (Game Informer) that talks about the whole nudity in videogaming...personally, I think it's about time, since we have the graphics to now actually do it. And besides, we've had an Adult rating from the ESRB from the days of Sega Genesis, and have not even used it once. So of course, why not? If the game is intended for Adults, then may it only be sold to adults...kind of the way they sell pornographic magazines.

Hmm....that might happen, but who knows ;).

Anyway...i check my local game sites just a while ago and find these:

Kingdom Hearts Cartoon

After the success of the game that was produced because the colaboration between Squaresoft and Disney, Kingdom Hearts. Now, Disney will continue its success by making a cartoon version of Kingdom Hearts.

The storyline and the character in that cartoon will be made as similar as possible with the PS2 game version. But, Disney hasn't announced if this cartoon will be released for Japan's market or American's market. They hasn't announced about the release date either.

I hope the cartoon doesn't make us dissapointed again just like Final Fantasay: The Spirit Within.

Sega's Fiscal Plans

For the 2002 fiscal year, Sega has a plan to release about 89 game titles for several platforms. 42 titles for PS2, 20 titles for Gamecube, 15 titles for Xbox and 12 titles for GBA. They didn't announce the game that will be made for Dreamcast, because now Sega doesn't produce anymore game for this console, except some classic games that they remake.

Why Sega plans to make a game for Xbox? According to them, American's market is also an important target. Eventhough the sell of Xbox in Asian and Europe isn't too good, but the sell of this console in America can be said quite good. Because of that Sega also aims for this market.

Things getting more complicated >_> I don't know anymore which console do i really like :uh?: