07-20-2002, 03:16 AM
Okay, so I thought I'd open this thread to answer some of my nagging questions about Cait Sith. First of all:

- How is it that it took so long for Shinra to realize that Cait Sith had actually gone turncoat on them? Or, more specifically, Reeve? Obviously, in the Gold Saucer, the Turks were expecting Cait Sith. Did they know that Cait Sith was actually Reeve, or did they just think that Cait Sith was somebody friendly to their interests? Also, how come nobody ever caught Reeve controlling Cait Sith?

- Just how does Reeve control Cait Sith anyway? When he first reports on the Huge Materia, he's like "Kya ha ha and Gya ha ha are up to something again... wanna listen in?" And yet, if I remember correctly, he (Reeve) is standing right there in the meeting room with them.

- Say, when do you think Reeve decided he was going to betray the Shinra? I mean, not just consider it, but actually made the decision. Obviously, he wasn't happy once they started talking about destroying Sector 7, but I'm thinking there was probably some specific breaking point.

BTW, I've included a poll, feel free to vote/post your commentary on that.

07-20-2002, 03:43 AM
i was some what surprise as YOU say... i didnt care bout cait saith. i know this is sad but *spoilers*

Cait Saith is a vegatarian...J/K!

When you are on the Date, when he makes you go to the Temple of the Ancients... I didn't even know he was taking hostages but my older sister happened to be there.. I asked her what it meant then she told me, this was on my second time through though...
i know, im stupid at times...

07-20-2002, 09:42 AM
Ofcourse i was suprised, who would have seen that coming? o_O Although it wasn't hard to figure out once he stole the key in the gold saucer that he wasn't one of the true hero's.
and it would make sense if the Turks and the rest of ShinRa Inc. would have known that Cait Sith was a spy, or else why send a spy? O_O That makes no sense then

and probaly it didn't take long to discover he betrayed someone again and this time shinra, but then again.. it's hard to tell in a game which doesn't really have a time bar or something *_*
Reeve probaly controlled Cait with a machine, don't overanalyse the game too much or the magic will get lost. Maybe some nifty wristwatch with tons of gadgests.. it was never really told how he controlled Cait Sith.

Thought about being the sector 7 crush the breaking point? :) He never liked the ways of ShinRa Inc. much, especially Scarlet and the other goon.
Or maybe at the moment when he returns and tells everything to the Cloud gang........ (duh) cuz that's the moment he didn't make Cait spy for ShinRa anymore... :rolleyes:

07-20-2002, 06:28 PM
I didn't really care bout Cait Saith, So it didn't really matter.. to me atleast.. I admit i was surprised to finding that out... but it didn't matter.

07-21-2002, 01:19 AM
Yeah, i was jest suprised that someone was controlling Cait Sith. I didn't know that until nearly the end.

07-21-2002, 01:47 AM
So, do you guys consider Reeve to be the actual hero instead of Cait Sith (when he's good Cait Sith 2)? Personally, I've never looked at it that way until now, but I guess you could say that..o.o;

07-21-2002, 01:58 AM
Yeah, I consider the hero to be Reeve. As is often stated in the game, the Cait Sith body is just a toy.

07-21-2002, 02:09 AM
I was never surprised, I read it in an online strategy guide >.<

07-21-2002, 04:31 AM
Originally posted by Sivirus
I was never surprised, I read it in an online strategy guide >.<
uhhh, cheating lil kid! im kiddin bout the lil likd thing but ruining the story for you?! what a waste of time{not really}...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-21-2002, 12:56 PM
I knew before hand (thanks to some friends who spoiled it for me)
but I didn't really care much, he was a idiot anyway.

07-21-2002, 05:32 PM
Once I got his Slots limit break to do that instant kill thing. It killed Diamond Weapon instantly. I used him for the rest of the game for that reason.

It might work on Emerald and Ruby, but you'd either have to have really good timing or get really lucky.

07-21-2002, 06:20 PM
No, I've read that his instant kill limit does not work on either Emerald or Ruby.

07-21-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
No, I've read that his instant kill limit does not work on either Emerald or Ruby.

Yeah, but you also read the link at the top....=P So may as well try it...can't believe everything you read, eh?

07-22-2002, 05:37 AM
Cait Sith is such a cool character!!! I liked Cait Sith!! I was soooo suprised though when Reeve revealed that Cait Sith was actually a doll. Oh well, I guess Reeve is a cool person...I guess...

CAIT SITH ROOLZ!!! (Sorry, I had 2 Nerds Ropes today XD XD XD)

07-22-2002, 01:41 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I was kind-of surprised, but my friend who was here at the time worked out it was him. In that scene where Heidegger and Scarlet are talking and Reeve seems to be giving orders, my friend worked out that Reeve had to be Cait Sith, although I would never have guessed it myself.

07-22-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by MUSTY GUY

uhhh, cheating lil kid! im kiddin bout the lil likd thing but ruining the story for you?! what a waste of time{not really}... That's what I always do....never ruins anything...I just find out the "spoilers" earlier ^.^

07-23-2002, 01:38 AM
Who wouldn't be suprised? You wouldn't know unless someone told you or your REALLY smart. XD I was suprised, 'cause well.. I didn't think it would be anyone from ShinRa. O_o