07-20-2002, 12:30 AM
So, who here likes DDR? =P

Basically, I've opened this thread for discussion among DDR fans like myself..here I'd just like to ask the fellow DDR freaks a few things.

What difficulty do you usually do your song on? Light, Standard or Heavy? Recently, I've gotten into Heavy mode and I'm actually doing pretty good, passing most of the songs I do with a B or C.

What are some of your favorite songs or artists? I like quite a few songs, but favorites would have to be Afronova, The Whistle Song, Kakumei (see DjMogK's song of the week in his sig), Max 300 and Unlimited. I usually like most things done by Naoki or dj Taka

Can you freestyle? If so, what songs? I can't do much, only a few things on Afronova and The Whistle Song...x.x;; What's your favorite freestyle move? Knee drop, hand plants, etc.

What's your favorite mix or mixes? I myself enjoy mostly 5th mix and DDR Max 2;7th Mix. Both god-like.

Well DDR Freaks, post away. Or something...=P

07-20-2002, 01:43 AM
*looks around... sees almost no one"

Uh... yo, I'll just be quick...

Heavy/Maniac/SSR YES

Everything you've seen in the Song of the Week including all Beatmania songs in 5th... a lot more than that. o_O

I tell you what I will never freestyle to... (Atom =P) Oops I did it again on Basic Double. =P

4th+ and MAX2...

Oh and I play with a memory card. O_O;;

07-20-2002, 05:32 AM
*raises hand, waves it frantically* I do! I do! I like DDR!!!!

Uhmm...Fav songs include La Senorita Virtual, Superstar, Paranoia Rebirth, and many more that I can't think of off the top of my head. Usually just Trick...I can't tackle the next level just yet ^_^"

Uhmmm...no, I can't freestyle. I guess it's just my lack of skill...^_^;;;;;;

MAX2 has to be my fav. So many diverse songs.

EDIT: LOL I just realized that all my fav songs are from Konamix...hmmm...how odd.

07-20-2002, 05:59 AM
Hm...so far, my predictions read correct...I was expecting only to hear from MogK' and Ranma/FM...and then I expect this thread to die off.

Let's see if my calculations are correct....o.O;;

C'mon, me, MogK' and FM can't be the only DDR maniacs here...

07-20-2002, 06:44 AM
i am a DDR player guy, well i'd think you already know that.....lol.....well my favorite songs are Afronova but my all time favorite one is HISTERIA but you know that to....-_-..hmm and i cant freestyle! no siree.

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-20-2002, 07:55 AM
I usally do light going to standard..... i'm getting better!

Me favorite songs Are Tsuagaru Whistle song...... BOOM BOOM DALLOR!.... the Japan thingy.......and every thing else likeGL

I am getting really good on the Japan thing ...... i got an A!

07-20-2002, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Yuusuke Yurameshi
I am getting really good on the Japan thing ...... i got an A!

So am I. I did Matsuri Japan on heavy and got a B, so nahhh! *Sticks tongue out* =P

Just joking dude...lol.

07-20-2002, 08:27 AM
I'm not a DDR maniac or a DDR Freak... I just like to play the game and I happen to play it well. o_O

Oh and, out of you 3... who can pass MAX300 or Maxx Unlimited on Heavy/Extra Stage? (O_o)

07-20-2002, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
Oh and, out of you 3... who can pass MAX300 or Maxx Unlimited on Heavy/Extra Stage? (O_o)

I didn't say I was a god or anything...x.x;; I can only pass Max 300 on Standard with a B.....never have tried it on Heavy. and Max Unlimited....I do on light. I'm smarter than to go further than that. =P

I do not oppose the oh great....moogleness...of DjMogK'...o.O;; Er..whatever..o.o;

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-20-2002, 07:48 PM
Maxes games are really hard ........ I seen (so has GL) some one pass Max Unlimited on heavy!! Even their mouths dropped open!... Man they where good! GL Here is getting good! ..... i'm putting a lot of (!). like i said i'm geting better. But i am no where close to getting an A on all light song. I can be a B on almost all easy light songs..... I feel sorry for myself. Hey I wasn't able to keep balance one the steps like 4 weeks ago now i get a lot o' B C D and one A!

07-20-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Yuusuke Yurameshi
Maxes games are really hard ........ I seen (so has GL) some one pass Max Unlimited on heavy!! Even their mouths dropped open!... Man they where good! GL Here is getting good! ..... i'm putting a lot of (!). like i said i'm geting better. But i am no where close to getting an A on all light song. I can be a B on almost all easy light songs..... I feel sorry for myself. Hey I wasn't able to keep balance one the steps like 4 weeks ago now i get a lot o' B C D and one A!

Damn dude, even Aaron can't pass the Max's on heavy....says he doesn't have the stamina. Which i can believe. I think he's losing his DDR skill...

Yes, I would like to say, although Aaron is losing (or maybe not) his skill, you, me and Dante are getting quite well. As for Sam..don't compete with her dude. XD She's like..2 years younger than you, it's sad. Just buy a bundle pack (pad, konamix). It shouldn't be too much. And practice. Hell, Konamix is one of the reasons I'm getting better...it's a real helper if I do say so myself.

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-20-2002, 11:08 PM
That is true he is starting to lose it ...... and his stanima sucks..... he is not good for rocks and ropes eh, bro'?

Yeah it is sad i chalange Sam ....... and i'm gonna stop.

I'll just do it for fun now!Yay!

....... I want to go to Hawaii, Yay!

07-21-2002, 12:22 AM
Aaron loosing it!? is that even possible! thats just scarey aarons like....top man what he doesent go to golf land anymore or what?

07-21-2002, 12:58 AM
Well I really wouldn't say Aaron's losing it....but I don't think he's getting any better. You must forget, Golf Land also has CvS2....so Aaron, unlike me, you and Yuusuke, doesn't spend all of his time on the DDR machine.

07-21-2002, 04:01 AM
At least you guys aren't talking about Aaron in Japan. o_O

*goes out to play Onidou Course for 30 cents*

07-21-2002, 08:07 AM
I've seen that guy...o.O;;


I went there to find out the name of the song "Kakumei" and nothing more...o.o;;

07-21-2002, 05:27 PM
Kakumei is fun, so is Tsugaru. Maxx Unlimited... it's really the only song I can't pass. X_X

Word of advice, if the beatmania machine nearby is loud, don't play DDR until no one is playing BM. o_O

07-21-2002, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
Kakumei is fun, so is Tsugaru. Maxx Unlimited... it's really the only song I can't pass. X_X

Word of advice, if the beatmania machine nearby is loud, don't play DDR until no one is playing BM. o_O

Yes, I can never get enough of those clomping steps...

And, that's not really a problem. I don't know where a BM machine is here in Arizona anyway. Not in Tucson, anyways. But the Guitar Freaks 3rd Edition machine sometimes drowns out the DDR machine...x.x;; I swear, I'll be doing Dead End on Heavy and hear the bass solo to "Smoke on the Water". There goes passing e.e;;

07-22-2002, 06:00 AM
Uhmmm...I think that I have the exact OPPOSITE problem where I play DDR. The DDR machine is soooo loud that everybody runs to it when somebody plays. I rather dislike being the center of attention, so I kinda have a problem with that. Oh well, I'm not too shy as to not play DDR just because of the large crowd that will appear behind me.

07-22-2002, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by FunkyMonkey
Uhmmm...I think that I have the exact OPPOSITE problem where I play DDR. The DDR machine is soooo loud that everybody runs to it when somebody plays. I rather dislike being the center of attention, so I kinda have a problem with that. Oh well, I'm not too shy as to not play DDR just because of the large crowd that will appear behind me.

I personally like crowds. Except when I play and the Friday night crowd comes along, it's a thunder storm, and everything, EVERYTHING but the DDR machine goes out....and you drop from Dead End on Heavy from exaustion. That's the only problem I've had. Otherwise, I wish to be the center of attention.

Sometimes that happens at the arcade down here....the DDR machine is usually loudest, but for some reason, Guitar Freaks sometimes drowns it out.