07-19-2002, 09:45 PM
I havn't played it yet but i noticed it today on sale and I was wondering if it was a good game and if i should buy it or is it not worth bothering about? Opinions plz!!:)

07-20-2002, 03:25 AM
I thought it was a good game...but thats just me. ask DL. He will tell you all about it...

07-20-2002, 05:26 AM
yes Breath of Fire IV is a good game i havent really plaed much of it but most of it is very good.

Bahamut ZERO
07-20-2002, 02:09 PM
Breath of Fire IV was one of those games that I bought, played through once, and didn't touch again after I'd seen the ending. It's a good playthrough first time round, with a detailed story, and with "cute" graphics and pretty good soundtrack. The battle system is fairly unique in that you can change which members of your party are fighting during the battle, and the others heal when they are waiting in the background. However, having finished the game, I wouldn't pick it up and play again unless I was really bored. If you've got a bit of money free and want to try the game, then I say yes.

09-11-2002, 07:31 PM
All of the BoF games are good but like Bahaumut said ounce you've finished them theres not much to motivate you to play them again

09-11-2002, 07:34 PM
i have played it a bit, but im really into playing bof3 right now, but i dont usually replay any games once i beat them, but thats just me i guess, i just do everything right the first time

09-11-2002, 08:10 PM
BoF3 is the best in my opinion. It lasts for much longer and it feels much more of a free expierence near the end, with all the extra moves, dragon genes, and the fairy villiage open to you to find

09-12-2002, 08:18 PM
I'm not a big Breath of Fire fan myself, but if you're getting it for a really good price, I'd go ahead and buy it. It's a worthwhile game, and you'll probabally get enough entertainment value out of it to make it worth what you spent on it.

09-13-2002, 08:28 PM
Big ups to BoF fans! =D Needless to say I enjoyed this game from day one. Colourful backgrounds, characters and special effects, interesting plot, beautiful soundtrack, and a few mini-games on the side. My motivation to replay the game multiple times came from wanting to level up my characters in different ways, giving them different skills each time, but I suppose I'm one of few to have enough patience to do that.

The only real flaw I can dig up here is the game's lack of any real difficulty battle-wise. Obviously you'll find yourself in several tight spots, but a well put together six-person party can and will overpower almost any target (save for the 2 or 3 secret/super-strong enemies). Whether that's a pro or con I'll leave up to you, but I'd certainly recommend BoFIV to anyone who doesn't mind a good ol' fun adventure over challenge.

09-13-2002, 09:14 PM
Alright DL, I really liked BoF4, good music too, and the battle system was great.

Liquid Fire
09-21-2002, 10:52 AM
In my opinion Breath of Fire 3 is the best, i likes Breath of fire 4 The first time i played it, its an ok game i supose the ending isnt to good really and what really Pisses me OFF is the damn Outerworld... its a .. Map for god sakes if it were like breath of fire 3 then it would be better, oh this is also why LoD isnt that great (good game though)

Darth Revan
07-31-2003, 06:38 PM

Been awhile since someone replied to this post. Oh well, I wasn't a member then, so here's my 10 cents worth.

BoF IV was a good game, but personally, I felt it lacked the same continuity which was in BoF II and III.


At the end of BoF II, Ryu assumes the form of the Kaiser Dragon and takes the position of his mother, guarding the gate to the underworld, the Dragon town and also the tomb of Deathevn. In BoF III, the mountain is being mined, and you see the dragon has become stone. Inside the mountain, near the peak, a crystal has formed and inside is the reborn Ryu. (I think he's reborn as a new entity completely.) For myself, the first 3 BoF's were all linked together. In certain towns, you'd come across the characters who helped you out in the previous games.

BoF IV is, in essence, a good game. Personally, BoF II is my favourite.

Evad D'Aragon
07-31-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Deaths_Head

Been awhile since someone replied to this post. Oh well, I wasn't a member then, so here's my 10 cents worth.

BoF IV was a good game, but personally, I felt it lacked the same continuity which was in BoF II and III.


At the end of BoF II, Ryu assumes the form of the Kaiser Dragon and takes the position of his mother, guarding the gate to the underworld, the Dragon town and also the tomb of Deathevn. In BoF III, the mountain is being mined, and you see the dragon has become stone. Inside the mountain, near the peak, a crystal has formed and inside is the reborn Ryu. (I think he's reborn as a new entity completely.) For myself, the first 3 BoF's were all linked together. In certain towns, you'd come across the characters who helped you out in the previous games.

BoF IV is, in essence, a good game. Personally, BoF II is my favourite.

Meh. You only got the "sad ending" in Bof II. If you save a "certain someone" in BoF II you'll a sligthly different ending.

And, NO, the Breath of Fire games are not connected. They're like Final Fantasy except there's a few references here and there.

The Ricky
10-25-2003, 03:20 AM
Well, let's see here. If you read my thread on Greates Video Game villain, I said Fou-Lu from BoF4. Fou-Lu would kill Sephiroth ANY DAY OF THE FUCKING WEEK.

But the story is a little hard to follow. There are a lot of twists to where you'd have to play at least twice. PM me once you beat the game. BoF4 was the best of the series.

All hail Fou-Lu!!!!!

01-22-2004, 10:22 AM
BOF4 is good. There are 3 endings Mr Zero, did you see them all? Its not as good as 3 but better than 1 and 2. Dont know about Dragon Quarter yet.

The Ricky
01-27-2004, 05:48 PM
If you don't buy Breath of Fire IV, I will find your house, go there. Knock on it, when you answer I will scream in your face and leave. And maybe prank you too. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

01-27-2004, 06:20 PM
DL pretty much summed it up. I say get it, but then I would, because personally I love BoF. <3