05-27-2009, 07:21 PM
So yeah, I like Doctor Who... the new series, never bothered with the older because I can't stand black and white (oh well) and since David Tennant is well, in the ROYAL English Academy doing ROYAL work that was allowed via his portrayal of the Doctor, and due to this he'll be playing for ROYALTY, including the Queen, the next season has been... put on delay for a WHILE, and I want my new season <_<.

Who here is equally annoyed with the lack of Doctor Who?

Oh, and I've been watching House, Burn Notice, and Boston Legal to cope with my loss of Doctor Who, but it is BARELY enough.

the mutant dude
06-01-2009, 11:45 PM
They are doing another special with David Tennant and then either at the end of the special or start of the new series it will hand over to the new bloke.

You might want to check out some of the classics - Tom Baker's turn at the Doctor was pretty good (and in colour) - you just have to allow for (in some episodes) bad special effects, which is more a product of TV at the time.

06-07-2009, 08:15 AM
The next season of Doctor Who is being postponed until 2010, so in order to subdue us fans impatience and anger they're going to release like 4 or 5 tv specials. I read somewhere it's due to schedule complications with David Tennant's other acting job, and also they're not sure whether or not he's choosing to come back at all. They're currently trying to sort things out and negotiate contracts to have him back for at least one last season; in the meantime they're allowing David to proceed and finish with the other work he's doing before making any final decisions.

I'm just as annoyed with this as well. It's been long enough since last season aired and I'm ready for my new Doctor Who fix. But if waiting till 2010 means we get David Tennat back, even if it's just for one more season, I can deal. He's by far my favorite Doctor to date.

07-24-2009, 02:27 PM
OK this is a bit late, but to confirm:

The original series ran from 1963-1989. Only the 1960's episodes were made in black and white (these episodes starred William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton as the first two Doctors). Everything from 1970 was in colour, however due to the BBC's shortsightedness many episodes were destroyed (108 episodes from the 60's are still missing from the archives, including the landmark first regeneration episode, most of the Cybermen and early Dalek episodes are also lost). A handful of 70's episodes (starring Jon Pertwee as the third Doctor) only exist as black and white copies as the masters were destroyed too. All episodes starring Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy (fourth-seventh Doctors) remain intact as is the TV Movie starring Paul McGann.

David Tennant will hang up his trenchcoat this year and hand over to Matt Smith. His companion, Amy Pond, will be played by Karen Gillan. In the meantime a run of five TV specials are being made to tide us over the rest of the year. So far this year we've had the obligatory Christmas Special, "The Next Doctor" an Easter Special, "Planet of the Dead" and the next insallment will be "The Waters of Mars" - the remaining titles are yet to be revealed. Russell T Davies will also stand down as the Exec Producer/Script Editor, and from the moment of the regeneration the reigns will be taken over by Steven Moffat (he's the man behind stories like Blink, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and Girl in the Fireplace). Filming for Series 5 began a few weeks ago and will continue into March 2010. As the past few series have been broadcast to coincide with Easter in the UK, it's expected series 5 will follow suit and oversees viewers will see it shortly afterwards.

For fans of Rose Tyler, she is supposed to be returning for David Tennant's swan song - I'm not too thrilled by this though.

Torchwood suffered this year too, the usual 13 episode run was cut down to a five part story arc called "Children of Earth", and formed what is arguably the best Torchwood adventure we've seen so far.

I've no idea if anywhere other than the UK gets to see The Sarah Jane Adventures, but in this year's run of stories, David Tennant will guest star as the Doctor for one adventure (that's usually two episodes).

Mick L
09-14-2009, 09:48 PM
The final episode of Tennant's is titled The End of Time.

Tom Toonami Tunes
09-19-2009, 08:13 AM
Well if your in the US the 4 specials should air in November and December on Sci-Fi channel but the lat time I was at there site Sara Jane wasn't even on the list of shows so we might not get the rest of it.

09-19-2009, 08:25 AM
Eh, I really need to start watching the series again.