05-26-2009, 11:07 PM
Is it weird that I enjoy video game music more than actual bands? most of the world seems to think so.
I wish more people realized how much emotion there is in soundtracks, vocal tracks are fine and all but nothing moves me personally like certain soundtracks do.
seriously I just wish I knew more people that enjoyed this kind of music like I do.
I made the thread to see if anyone else here feels this way,
There is nothing like sitting back and grabbing a cold beer listing to some vgm osts.
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to upload music for us the to download.

05-26-2009, 11:28 PM
Yes. Welcome. I see you've been a member since July 2006 but haven't posted much. Take a look around the VGM forum and please join in the discussions!

05-26-2009, 11:31 PM
Yes. Welcome. I see you've been a member since July 2006 but haven't posted much. Take a look around the VGM forum and please join in the discussions!

Yes I greatly apologize for not posting but now I finally have some free time I'll gladly join in on the discussions :)

05-26-2009, 11:34 PM
Yes yes, a very belated welcome! And no, you're not alone - I listen to a fair amount of "normal" music, but most of the time, I turn on a random soundtrack... usually I try to pick one that fits my current mood, or fits whatever it is that I'm doing.

So welcome again! I'm off to work now... See ya 'round.

05-29-2009, 09:56 PM
I couldn't agree more. Sometimes game music just takes me to another place... I wish I could go into more detail but it's just one of those things that can't be put into words >_>

05-30-2009, 01:52 AM
You're not the only one. I love video game music more than regular music. This is my list of what I like, in terms of music, from my favorites to my least favorites:

Video game music
Anime music (both Japanese and English)
J-Pop and J-Rock
Cartoon music
80's Music
Classical/orchestrated music

05-30-2009, 11:05 AM
I grew up as a kid only listening to videogame music. Being a Sonic fanboy I devoured the music... when they went 3D it had all of these great rock music which I enjoyed a lot too.
After a while my friends were starting to get into metal bands and stuff and they gave me a lot of music in that time. Now here's the fun part: I visualized the music as it was a videogame OST. I can never listen to Korn and not imagine a Sonic game with a badass asshole fancharacter as lead character.
Same thing with The Prodigy's "The Fat of the Land", like some adrenalin-fueled high-speed chase action sequence. This kind of 'visualising a videogame' really helps when I compose music myself.

I know, it's silly, but it only fueled my love for videogame music. There's absolutely no shame into preferring it over 'regular' music. :)

05-31-2009, 05:34 AM
Well you are a member to the right website where you join hundreds of like minded cats if I'm not mistaken. I love this website because I get exposed to knew OSTS of games and songs I've never heard as well as movie soundtracks I could never think to find anywhere else. Love the shrine. Thank you.

05-31-2009, 09:04 PM
I can't live without soundtracks! Most of the time it's better than commercial music. But still, there are a lot of great artists out there...
Love the variety :D

06-02-2009, 01:41 AM
Is it weird that I enjoy video game music more than actual bands? most of the world seems to think so.
I wish more people realized how much emotion there is in soundtracks, vocal tracks are fine and all but nothing moves me personally like certain soundtracks do.
seriously I just wish I knew more people that enjoyed this kind of music like I do.
I made the thread to see if anyone else here feels this way,
There is nothing like sitting back and grabbing a cold beer listing to some vgm osts.
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to upload music for us the to download.

Definitely not alone!

06-02-2009, 03:30 AM
Yup, I prefer video game music like 95% of the time, in fact, I can't remember the last time I've listened to the radio, is it even plugged in? Anyway, I get all of the variety that I need from video game music, along with a variety of criticism. :rolleyes:

seriously I just wish I knew more people that enjoyed this kind of music like I do

There are just so many closed-minded people out there. They believe that the stuff that they listen to is the only stuff that should be listen to.

Interestingly enough, there might be more people out there that enjoy this type of music then you think, many of them just don't admit to it, something about 'not wanting to embarrass themselves'. :)

There is nothing like sitting back and grabbing a cold beer listing to some vgm osts.

Well, I'm not much for bear, maybe champagne will do the trick. :p

06-02-2009, 03:37 AM
All right. Now I'm curious. Champagne and video game music? What soundtrack would be appropriate for such a decadent night alone?

06-02-2009, 03:45 AM
All right. Now I'm curious. Champagne and video game music? What soundtrack would be appropriate for such a decadent night alone?

lol. Well, there's Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- Original Soundtrack, maybe some Final Fantasy Vocal tracks, oh and some Megaman Transmission music, that's always good/better with Champagne. :)

06-02-2009, 05:40 AM
Ha. Interesting. My first instinct was for something orchestral, but now I'm thinking more along the lines of Chrono Trigger. Get ripped to something that's of enormous nostalgic value for me. Classy ripped, though. Falling asleep on the couch, rather than passing out in the kitchen.

06-02-2009, 08:56 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I kind of like the fact that video game / movie soundtracks are (relatively speaking) unpopular. You don't have to worry about being up on the latest hit singles, or listening to the coolest radio station. You don't have to be ashamed for liking a particular artist based on what society thinks, because your artists are practically unheard of! And there's little chance you'll be getting into arguments over music preferences, because having such eccentric tastes of your own, you're probably more accepting of diverse musical interests.

Furthermore, I'm convinced that non-lyrical music can inspire brilliance and creativity, so more power to us! (Not that ordinary music can't, but I do think there's something special in deviating from the norm.)

The downside, of course, is that game symphonics / concerts are few and far between. So, too, are official releases, which is why so many of us have turned to ripping.

06-02-2009, 09:56 PM
The thing I like about non-lyrical music is the fact that it's pure music.The problem I have with modern VGM, is the fact it's not really VGM.It's seems like they are just making orchestral music for games.I miss music being made on chips, with restrictions forcing ingenuity.

06-03-2009, 07:34 AM
The thing I like about non-lyrical music is the fact that it's pure music.The problem I have with modern VGM, is the fact it's not really VGM.It's seems like they are just making orchestral music for games.I miss music being made on chips, with restrictions forcing ingenuity.

I couldn't agree more. However, it's cool if they make the orchestral music really memorable, kinda like Project Sylpheed even though it were only 3 or 4 tracks that was worth it.

I really love the Genesis/Megadrive sound chip FM synthesis...

06-03-2009, 01:45 PM
I really love the Genesis/Megadrive sound chip FM synthesis...

That's exactly where I was coming from, I was thinking about the Genesis, and those old Japanese computers.I really miss the use of FM synth in game music.

06-03-2009, 03:20 PM
That's exactly where I was coming from, I was thinking about the Genesis, and those old Japanese computers.I really miss the use of FM synth in game music.

You know I have a little project in mind to compose music with both the 8-bit synths from the Gameboy/Master System era with the 8-bit FM synthesis from Genesis :)

However it's all emulated with the appropriate software synthesizers (VSTs) so it isn't really music "on chips", and I'm not happy with my current compositions, lol. Still planning on making threads about it when I've got a few good tracks to show though.

Also, I'm sure you've heard about it but there's an album out using only the old school FM synths... "FM Sound Module Maniax" it's called if I'm not mistaken. If you haven't heard it, check it out.

06-03-2009, 03:39 PM
You know I have a little project in mind to compose music with both the 8-bit synths from the Gameboy/Master System era with the 8-bit FM synthesis from Genesis :)

However it's all emulated with the appropriate software synthesizers (VSTs) so it isn't really music "on chips", and I'm not happy with my current compositions, lol. Still planning on making threads about it when I've got a few good tracks to show though.

Also, I'm sure you've heard about it but there's an album out using only the old school FM synths... "FM Sound Module Maniax" it's called if I'm not mistaken. If you haven't heard it, check it out.

I hear you.I tried to use TFM Music Maker, but that was complicated.I now use VOPM and Chip32, but I still can't make anything to my liking.I already have FM Sound Module Maniax, are there any other CD like that?

06-03-2009, 06:03 PM
I hear you.I tried to use TFM Music Maker, but that was complicated.I now use VOPM and Chip32, but I still can't make anything to my liking.I already have FM Sound Module Maniax, are there any other CD like that?

Nothing I know of to be honest...

Haha, I'm using the same VSTs, with a bit of Magical 8-bit plug-in thrown in for good measure.

Haven't used tracker-based music creation because I'm not good at looking at the numbers and 'seeing' the notes. I need something with a piano roll :p

Sadly I use FL Studio so even though I can perfectly make it sound like a Genesis song using the right sounds, I have no real hardware limitation like the real thing. I can figuratively speaking have a million instances of the synths running at the same time, haha.
Oh well, I'm sure we both will have our breakthrough at one point or another. Hobbies should never be shot down by one if they think "it's not good enough". If I said that to myself many years ago, my current life would be emptier and much more boring.

06-03-2009, 10:22 PM
Nothing I know of to be honest...

Haha, I'm using the same VSTs, with a bit of Magical 8-bit plug-in thrown in for good measure.

Haven't used tracker-based music creation because I'm not good at looking at the numbers and 'seeing' the notes. I need something with a piano roll :p

Sadly I use FL Studio so even though I can perfectly make it sound like a Genesis song using the right sounds, I have no real hardware limitation like the real thing. I can figuratively speaking have a million instances of the synths running at the same time, haha.

I also use FL Studio, what I do is, I use the same restrictions as the 2612 & SN76489.For instance , I'll have 5 VOPM and one for samples, or 2 Chip32, with another channel for noise.Thanks for telling me about Magical 8-bit plug-in, had no idea that existed.

06-04-2009, 07:55 AM
I also use FL Studio, what I do is, I use the same restrictions as the 2612 & SN76489.For instance , I'll have 5 VOPM and one for samples, or 2 Chip32, with another channel for noise.Thanks for telling me about Magical 8-bit plug-in, had no idea that existed.

Haha, glad I could help ya. The output is a bit louder than most VSTs though, so you'll have to adjust that a little.

I look forward to hearing your creations at some point in the future, dude! :)

Say, if you happen to stumble upon some good 8-bit sounding samples, tell me! I'll try and put up a self-ripped Sonic 2 percussion set one of these days.

PS. Glad to see a fellow VGM-inspired composer on the forums.

06-04-2009, 08:08 AM
Oh yeah, also:


All very interesting to check out for more 8-bit goodness!

06-04-2009, 11:12 AM
Haha, glad I could help ya. The output is a bit louder than most VSTs though, so you'll have to adjust that a little.

I look forward to hearing your creations at some point in the future, dude! :)

Say, if you happen to stumble upon some good 8-bit sounding samples, tell me! I'll try and put up a self-ripped Sonic 2 percussion set one of these days.

PS. Glad to see a fellow VGM-inspired composer on the forums.
I have those VSTs, but I only use Triforce for noise hats.For sampling, what I'll do is get real samples,lower the bitrate, and downsample them.For example the snare from Sonic 2 is from the Roland TR-626.I'll just run the 626 snare through a downsampler, I use Bitcrusher.Check out Soundshock.se, it's a FM Synth forum.

06-08-2009, 06:13 AM
I look forward to hearing your creations at some point in the future :)

at both of you.