05-26-2009, 11:33 AM
Does anyone know some? My dream game must have player like a window summoning directly from a game. With a playlist for I can access any file in a few seconds. But I understand it`s a rare thing, so I can accept a game with any player - without playlist or stop buttons, but WITH SOME PLAYER AT LEAST.

My rating of needed games is like this (in a descending order by need):
I. OGG support and a playlist;
II. OGG support;
III. playlist;
IV. nonOGG formats and no playlists and others.
Any game belonging to these types is what I`m looking for,

In time of collecting OSTs for a few years I also tried a few games I) suitable and II) approximately suitable for me.
I type. Unreal tournament 2004 is awesome, all needed and also some not needed functions like a few playlists or shuffling;
Devastation (a window for 4 or 5 tracks at once, no pause & no file browser so the game sees just OGGs in a specific folder - but any game even with this primitive player is what I look for).
II type. The best player for me is not playing tracks like a radio in GTA SA (you can skip every one, but theren`t names and it has both bad ways to play: random or alphabetical (what to do if I want to skip many of them but don`t remember their exact amount or exact alphabetical order?)) or Alarm for Cobra 11 (only random order and no names).
III type. GTA VC

This appeares to be a hard thing to find a game like this, still no one after a few efforts on my biggest native forums

03-10-2010, 08:47 AM
I think the only reason there isn't games like this is because most games allow you to mute the audio and keep the sound effects... You can run foobar2000 in the background and set up the hot keys for it to skip tracks, but I do not think you can show the songs in game... I think there is a player like this that shows up in game, but I will try to search for it a little later...

03-13-2011, 05:44 PM
I do remember an Unreal Tournament having an in-game player.
Others that more easily come to mind are, of course, the Command & Conquer titles. Up until Red Alert 2, they all have a player, I believe.
This is to say, the list I think is: C&C (Tiberian Dawn), C&C Red Alert, C&C Tiberian Sun and C&C Red Alert 2; not counting the expansions.

03-13-2011, 06:41 PM
Do you mean original UT from 1999? If you`re talking about UT 2004 then I`m aware of this game already and even mentioned it in this thread as an example of ideal implementation of custom music player in a game.

03-24-2011, 09:11 PM
Yes, I mean the UT you referred to, I was commenting on it.
At the time I didn't think of Westwood's other great series, Dune, but I forget if any of those games had an in-game music selector such as the C&C games.

04-22-2015, 08:45 PM

Does this suit your needs?

Hard Trucking to the maaaaaaax! (https://www.dropbox.com/s/oic344dnjpwt2s2/Hard%20Truck.mp4?dl=0). Sorry for not so great quality of video, the game wasn`t very helpful in regards to making a video fullscreen+good resolution.


I. OGG support and a playlist; ABSOLUTELY CHECK, not so many functions in playlist
II. OGG support; still present
III. playlist; and this one too
IV. nonOGG formats and no playlists and others. heh, uh, kinda for nonOGG too... Look in spoilers for this.

Custom music can be in standard uncompressed Windows ".WAV" format or in compressed Ogg Vorbis ".OGG" format, a format similar to MP3, but completely free.

IMPORTANT - due to technical limitations of the engine the maximum allowed length of the song file name is 45 characters, do not user longer names!

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Truck)