07-19-2002, 08:14 AM
...well, anyone who's been here from the beginning will know of my unsuccesful attempt at poetry...however, I have one last poem that I have to share. It's title...simply, "Ode."



There is a boat on the Lonely Sea,
A boat that carries you away from me.
Over the waves a fire burns...
It is that for which my heart yearns.

She was a fair princess, noble and true,
Sweet was her smile, and her voice in leiu.
From her golden-brown hair, the sun did shine,
And her deep loving eyes, which thus drew mine.

Chance it was, that ever we met,
Though Fate is ever Chance's let.
For even as I entered your home,
I did not see the princess upon her throne.

At first it was, I was blinded by thee,
Before your beauty and radiance were revealed to see.
For though my sight was slow, my heart was not,
And through it straight, Eros' arrow was shot.

As the time flew by, so my love grew,
Through cruel Winter's frost, and Summer's dew.
And when the snow upon the far plains fell,
Came a time of which this tale does tell.


In starry night, on the Beacon's high view,
I surveyed the bright lights, thinking only of you.
Then out of nowhere, my dreams it would appear,
Came your sweet loving voice, beautiful and clear.

We spoke upon the hilltop that night,
And all was well - my world became light.
The day after that, we spoke deeper still,
Until it seemed that my love was truly God's will.

These are the times of which I remember well;
Those we spent together, as if under a spell.
For though in my heart was always great fear,
I longed to tell you how much I loved you near.

Yet folly it was, for now I am lost...
Without my princess, I have laid the cost.
For on that day you said farewell to me...
And ever since then, kept my heart, to thee.

There is a boat on the Lonely Sea
That travels ever further away from me.
For the fire that burns is your heart and my soul,
And ever will I despair, until the hills grow old.

07-19-2002, 08:20 AM
That was truly moving. I am very impressed by that Lee. Because you have shown me this, I now respect you much more than before. I hope that this expression of how you feel will help ease the situation. Once again, amazing poem...

07-22-2002, 11:32 AM

From fair green way in Redlands dale,
The bright sun overhead did shine.
And though that sun will never fail,
Dark clouds can make you pine.

Such darkness comes unbidden,
To hide your lovely face.
For once again you have been smitten
Through your never-ending grace.

And although this could be jealousy,
Selfishness it may appear,
Whenever sadness upon your face I see,
My soul it through does sear.

For you are the sweetest girl there is,
Upon this noble Earth,
Wherever you walk you do bring bliss,
And warmth to home and hearth.

Anything I would do for you,
Be it within my power.
And when your greatest need is due,
I will be there in that hour.

For I will stand by you always,
Through all the love and all the tears,
And as you look out over the bays,
There is one who always hears.


Alone on this world I walk,
Yet You always walk with me.
Even as I look around and balk,
Forever more you shall walk with me.
For you are the one high Lord,
And you will always come to me.
When I am in my greatest need,
You will carry me.

07-22-2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by ExS
...well, anyone who's been here from the beginning will know of my unsuccesful attempt at poetry...

Sounds to me like you haven't read your own poems :p They're all beautiful. "Vow" is my favourite.