07-18-2002, 08:20 PM
Anyone looking forward to the release of Metal Gear Solid 2 substance? The trailor looks great...anyone have any news?

Psuedes Psyche
07-18-2002, 08:23 PM
Solid Snake on a skateboard Whoo Hoooooo!!

07-18-2002, 08:43 PM
WhoWhatWhere?????? I have not heard anything about that

07-18-2002, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Angel*Rinoa
WhoWhatWhere?????? I have not heard anything about that

A new game called metal gear solid 2 substance is comming out, its cool, you can play as snake through most of it. Check your source of video game news for more...

Kool Ranch
07-19-2002, 12:04 AM <------- check my post in here if you want more info on MGS2: Sub.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it a lot. I already have MGS2, but I think all the things they're adding to MGS2S will make it worthwhile.

Death Knight
07-20-2002, 12:11 AM
MGS Substance looks wicked cool. Way more stuff in it than MGS for PS2

07-22-2002, 08:54 AM
Yep, I'll probably pick it up. I rented MGS2 just recently. I finished it and it was pretty sweet, but I rented it cos I knew Substance was coming.

It looks cool. VR missions were mad fun in the original MGS, plus playing as Snake through the whole game should be interesting. And the skateboarding... o_O...looks cool but people are saying its a joke.

Well, I'm actually glad I havent bought MGS2 yet. Now I can get the full package without trading in an older version.

I also heard Konami might remake MGS1 with better AI, visuals etc. Anyone know if there's truth to these rumours?

Crazy Chocobo
07-23-2002, 03:52 AM
I'm gonna get it for my computer, and pass up the straight port of MGS 2 for PC. MGS 2 for PS2 was kinda boring (wayyy tooooo eassssyyyy.... damn tranquilizer Berretta.), but now with substance, VR missions! Whoo-hoo! *kisses life good-bye*

Death Knight
08-03-2002, 01:22 AM
for comp? hmmmmmmmmm

08-03-2002, 01:53 AM
Yup, MGS2 Substance is coming out for PS2, PC, and Xbox. Xbox has first game, everyone else follows later.

Skye Vrbas
08-09-2002, 10:04 PM
I played MGS2
I completed the game whit ALL dog tags , took me a while , ...

That's why I hate Belgium , The best games just do,'t come out here
ex.:Crono cross
But euh ... back to MGS2sub , I'm curious ...

09-03-2002, 06:00 PM
Sorry to disappoint you but snake will not be on a skateboard that picture is actually a shot from Evolution Skateboard

But i cant wait until this game and is one of the reasons why i am happy that i didnt get MGS 2 when it came out

09-16-2002, 04:50 PM
That reminds me, originally it was going to be for X-box only...never know why Kojima-san would have done that, and the skate bording mini-game thing is based on the Evolution skating game, in which Snake is a secret character.....I'm not sure if he skates in MGS:S.....I don't see why not........LA-LI-LU-LE-LO!

Vivi FF
09-16-2002, 10:26 PM
Not really... I'm not looking forward at all for a game I already have only better. Specially since $100 for one game isn't very good enough... My friend said they should stop making MGS2 again and focus on MGS3. I do have some very good ideas...

I might get MGS2: S when the price drops (ALOT) like how I got MGS: VR for $10...

Also how do you trade in games? Would they (whomever they are) take MGS2 for MGS2: S?