05-24-2009, 06:23 PM
Seriously man, country music represents the worst of white people and rap music represents the worst of black people.

Banning country and rap would take us one step further towards racial harmony.

Besides, theres no loss anyway since if country and rap can be considered music, then my shit can be considered edible.

jewess crabcake
05-24-2009, 07:13 PM
Dude... stfu. Ad that's not me being mean or an ass, it's just in your best interests.

05-24-2009, 08:00 PM
I work in a record store and a customer once came up to me asking if I knew whether we sold a bunch of really random, eclectic dance titles. I told him that I wasn't familiar with any of the artists he spoke of, but we could probably order them into the store. He gave me a weird look and then said incredulously "Oh you're one of those rock and roll people aren't you?"

Could anyone be any more ignorant about a non-specific wide range of music genre?

You came pretty close.

05-24-2009, 08:01 PM
I commented on the genius of this thread in another thread of his.

Crossreferencing, ftw.

05-25-2009, 02:01 AM
I don't thing country music and rap should be banned :O

05-25-2009, 06:36 AM
I don't thing country music and rap should be banned :O

05-26-2009, 04:06 PM
Yeah, absolutely.

05-27-2009, 03:06 PM
Seriously man, country music represents the worst of white people and rap music represents the worst of black people.

Banning country and rap would take us one step further towards racial harmony.

Besides, theres no loss anyway since if country and rap can be considered music, then my shit can be considered edible.

hahaha, represents the worst of the people, i like that, but both those genres will never be banned because there the 2 easiest genres to sell to young teenagers.

Rap is horrible and not even a form of art, and pop country is embarassing and was not intended to turn out that way by the old country guys. Old bluesy country like Hank Willams, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, those guys had more blues roots in there music and were decent.
Also, check out Hank Williams III, he has great songs, you would have to check it out, dont just judge it cuz hes a Hank.

05-28-2009, 10:28 PM
Some country and rap I can deal with, but a lot of the time I avoid it. Don't think it should be banned, but I am getting tired of hearing aggressive rap blaring out of blinged-up Hummers. It doesn't paint a very good picture of intelligence in my mind. Maybe a waste of money, but not much else.

Country isn't that bad for me and I can tolerate most of it (I like Trisha Yearwood and some Garth Brooks), but some of the newer artists I can't stand and I have a pure hatred for Shania Twain.

05-31-2009, 11:09 PM
I would not mind listening to Country music right about now, because the Artists are still staying true to their material, & after how
many decades Country has been going on, I respect the Artists that have defined this genre of music, & their message behind it.
Although I like Rap & Hip-Hop, the state of it at this point has dived completely, to ther point that I see absolutely no point in
listening to any of it now. This is what I feel about Soul And R&B as well. To put it in short, it is not even Rap And Hip-Hop, just
Pop/Rap. Artists like Soulja Boy, & Lil Wayne are in that cateory. Even though I listen to Rap And Hip-Hop, the ones in my Media
Library are from early, middle, & late 1990's, & early, & middle 2000's. I also listen to a lot of Soul And R&B from early, middle, and
late 1990's, as well as the early, middle, and late 2000's.
For me, Rap And Hip-Hop, as well as Soul And R&B was at it's peak throughout the 1990's!

t0m s3rvo
06-05-2009, 12:30 AM
Can we go ahead and close this thread? Seeing is how it's a waste of bandwidth.

06-08-2009, 01:34 AM
There are good rappers, and there are good country artists.
For the former, Saul Williams, Atmosphere, uh... pretty much anyone on the Anticon. label.
For the later, there's Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, and Wilco.
Anyone that wants to ban -any- genre of music due to a few bad seeds should be banned from life.

06-08-2009, 01:40 AM
The latter of internet users love to talk bollocks about Hip-Hop music when they generally know nothing about it. Mainstream Hip-Hop music is very horrible music, but no one seems it worth their time to listen to Underground/Alternative Hp-Hop.

Underground/Alternative Hip-Hop contains lyrical content that does not pertain to, violence, women, sex, drugs, money, cars, or clothes. It actually pertains to philosophies, references, lessons about life, etc.

To the thread poster, you seem to have an extremely biased opinion about these two genres. Either do some research, or respectfully dislike the Genres and don't listen to them. No one is forcing you to listen to Country or Hip-Hop music, and if you dislike the two, then stay away from them.

06-08-2009, 01:43 AM
It's hardly appropriate to start hurling generalizations and stereotypes around. As people have said, there are good and talented artists within both genres.

Marshall Lee
06-08-2009, 02:06 AM
Hardly, but for what it's worth I haven't heard anything to get excited over in recent times from either side.

06-11-2009, 07:12 PM
Well first of all, I don't "thing" anything. Why the hell would you ban something just because it doesn't fit YOUR interests? How would you feel if someone was all like "Oh man, [Your favorite music genre here] is a waste of time! B&!" You'd be upset right? If you don't like it, then turn off the radio, or put in a cd, or keep your headphones on. There's dozens of better options than just totally banishing two genres....except Smooth Jazz. Kenny G can blow a goat.

06-11-2009, 10:47 PM
Well first of all, I don't "thing" anything. Why the hell would you ban something just because it
doesn't fit YOUR interests? How would you feel if someone was all like "Oh man, [Your favorite music genre here] is a waste of
time! B&!" You'd be upset right? If you don't like it, then turn off the radio, or put in a cd, or keep your headphones on. There's
dozens of better options than just totally banishing two genres....except Smooth Jazz. Kenny G can blow a goat.

My thoughts exactly. Just because an individual does not like a particular kind of Music, does not mean it should be written out of
existance completely. Such a possibility even occuring under the opinions of a single individual are extremely unlikely, as they are
so many individuals (in their millions, even billions Worldwide) out there whom will continue to sport it. E.g. Soul And R&B, Rap &
Hip-Hop, Country, & Jazz.

06-12-2009, 12:09 AM
I'm very very far of being a listener and acquainted with Country and Rap(wouldn't that should be just Hip-Hop?), and his music genre derivations. But thinking that this music should be banned seems a dictatorship thinking even moreso silly putting racial stereotypes and saying that without Rap and Country it will help a racial harmony on both sides.
And this coming from someone who in his signature defends the freedom of speech, is even more bizarre.
Music is an art and i'm 100% sure that there are talented musicians in both of those two genres.