05-23-2009, 10:14 PM
Mods, I didn't see a thread like this already, but if there's one already, please merge.

As I was taking pics of my anime dvd collection for another forum (which I may cross post here at FFShrine later), I figured I'd take the time to share some pics of my FF merchandise for FFShrine.

First things first. Nothing is for sale, so don't ask :P

I thought it fitting to use FFVIII and Parasite Eve displays as my backdrop (and blacked out the rest, as I took these pics in my not-for-public-viewing basement).

Pic 1: These are my games and soundtracks. In regards to the OSTs, my FFVII is an SM bootleg (I didn't know anything about bootleg OSTs at the time since it was my very first import; I do have the official import OST, but it's in my brothers possession right now and wasn't available to make the pic).

Pic 2: This is my collection of import FFVII and FFVIII toys, as well as the FFXII Play Arts. Also threw in the Kingdom Hearts Cloud for good measure.

Pic 3: These are more FFVIII import figures.

Pic 4: These are my FFVII and FFVIICC Play Arts on top of my Kotobukiya FFVII statues.

There's more stuff I didn't bother taking pics of, like posters, artbooks, and guidebooks.

Anyone else have pics of their collection to share?

12-28-2009, 06:40 AM
When I get some time I'll post my own items as well.