05-23-2009, 07:45 PM
Here's how it works: Below is a link (two, actually) to a music file I created by selecting approximately 7 seconds of 12 different videogame songs. The goal of this game is for you guys to name the titles of as many songs as you can.

How to play:

Either check the Youtube link below or, in case they decide to mute/remove the video because of their adorable copyright policy, you can download the audio file - it's only a minute and a half long, so it'll be pretty fast to download. ;)

Then, PM me your answers as in the following example:
"1 - Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel
2 - Dragon Quest VIII - Overture
3 - ..."
The order being, obviously, that which you hear in the file - the changes between songs are evident enough so you'll know a different track started playing. If you don't know a song, skip that one, or type, for example, "3 - blank" in the PM with your answers.


- If you don't know a song's title, it's alright to mention only the game it's from and, if you know, when in that game the song is played. This is because most of the times, the composers get a little too creative with the titles of their tracks, to the point where memory alone won't help us figure out the songs' names. ;) Do try to include the titles of the tracks if you know them though.

- Your answers must be sent by PM.


The contest ends on May 30th unless too few or too many people join, in which cases it'll be susceptible to modification.


You wish. Bragging rights is all you get since I have nothing more to offer. Results will be posted after the deadline so you can gloat about your knowledge. :P

The links:

Youtube -

Download Audio -

Any questions, suggestions, comments, or rules you spot that are in dire need of changes, or pretty much anything else, feel free to post here! :)

05-23-2009, 08:01 PM
Your YouTube link is a bit wonky dude, this one's the working link:

Lots of songs I don't know, I'm ashamed of myself.

05-25-2009, 04:15 AM
Lots of songs I don't know, I'm ashamed of myself.

I'm not ashamed, although I am very curious what the answers are. I know a lot of video game music and knew very little of this.

05-25-2009, 10:31 AM
Hm, I hope I didn't make it too hard. The songs aren't from any obscure games or anything like that, thought it'd be easier. Still, it's my first attempt at something like this, so I'll wait a bit longer to see if somebody gets some answers in, otherwise this'll be cancelled and I'll start over with something easier. ;)

05-25-2009, 04:58 PM
Nothing wrong with a challenge. :-)

EDIT: Speaking of which, I ran across another "guess the video game song" game a one-time poster put up. Haven't seen him since (original thread is here (Thread 51861)). But it looks like he added a part 2 to it at some point.

The game was at his website:

This is not something to replace or challenge Blacksford's game, of course. :-) Just a diversion while we wait for the deadline. Hope no offense is taken.

05-31-2009, 07:43 AM
And the answers are?

05-31-2009, 11:00 AM
Nobody really tried answering, so I might as well post the solution, sorry for not having done it yesterday. ;)

1. Golden Axe – Wilderness (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive)
2. Metal Gear Solid 3 – Snake Eater (Playstation 2)
3. Valkyrie Profile / Any other game whose composer is Motoi Sakuraba – Confidence in the Domination
4. Kingdom Hearts – Hollow Bastion (Playstation 2)
5. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney – Cornered (Nintendo DS)
6. Halo 2 – Blow Me Away (by Breaking Benjamin) (Xbox)~
7. Super Mario World – Overworld (Super Nintendo / Gameboy Advance)
8. Sonic the Hedgehog – Marble Zone (Sega Genesis /Mega Drive)
9. Metal Gear Solid 4 – Victory Theme (Playstation 3)
10. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl – Battle! Trainer (Nintendo DS)
11. Final Fantasy IX – Feel My Blade (Playstation)
12. Street Fighter II – Guile Theme (Super Nintendo) - couldn't find an mp3 that resembled the Nintendo midi-like sound, so had to go with a slightly more "rocked-out" version.

05-31-2009, 06:18 PM
Hmm...I should have been able to get about 6 of those. Instead I only got 3. Maybe another round?

05-31-2009, 06:21 PM
In the near future, sure. But more importantly, now that you know the answers, if you listen to the mix again are you able to recognize the other 3 you couldn't figure out before? I need to know so my next one will be more accessible while not a complete give-away. ;)

05-31-2009, 07:11 PM
Yeah, I can. But it might help to always use the first 7 seconds, or 7 seconds of the primary melody. The most recognizable features in such small samples will be melody, instrumentation, and timbre. And with a piece like "Feel My Blade," it's hard to distinguish the instrumentation and timbre from a hundred other pieces, so having that duh-duh-duh-duh opening or the flute melody would have helped.

I say use your best judgment in putting together another one. It was fun, even if I couldn't identify half of them.