05-21-2009, 04:35 AM
Okay. I know what you're thinking...You're probably thinking that I am going to say exactly what every reviewer of this game has said before. Well the honest answer is both yes and no. Whilst this game does certainly have it's setbacks, it really isn't the total failure that some people make it out to be.

Let's start with the most important factor: Speed. This game has eye bleeding mind numbingly blitzing speed and it is so great as no 3D Sonic game could master this to the perfection that Unleashed has. It is definitely worthy of an honourable mention.

Whilst Sonic has had his line of speed and is ready to roll, the Daytime levels of this game is really where this title shines. It is exactly how 3D Sonic SHOULD be. Fast, interactive and action packed.

The night time levels...well um....yes they have copped a lot of shit in reviews and my opinion on this agrees and disagrees. Whilst they are a slow God of War clone with convoluted puzzles and clunky platforming with awkward bloody camera angles, they do help vary the game. And as much as I hated it at the start, the Night levels actually did begin to grow on me like a cancerous tumor waiting to be surgically removed.

Mix this shit up in a bucket with some dialogue, AMAZING top notch CG cut scenes and you're left with a decent but unfinished amazing platformer title.

As good Platformers on next gen consoles are so bloody hard to find these days I actually really am enjoying Sonic Unleashed and recommend it to other platformer nuts out there as they probably won't find a decent contender for this genre on their Xbox 360 (Crash Bandicoot is in the shitter)

I give this brave and exciting Sega game 8 purrrs out of 10.

05-21-2009, 11:53 PM
Screenshots are cool.

05-22-2009, 10:53 AM
This game is the best Sonic has been in years.

Despite the cruddy werehog stages~

06-01-2009, 09:33 PM
I have this Game on the Wii. Have not played it that much, but my siblings have.

07-20-2009, 02:54 PM
I need to get that for the 360. I've been wanting a new Sonic game for ages... looks awesome :P

07-20-2009, 06:45 PM
Might check out this game after I finished Silent Hill Origins.

07-20-2009, 10:32 PM
My biggest problem with it is Navi. Oh, wait, sorry, I meant to say Chip.