07-18-2002, 01:45 AM
Ok here are some poems that I have wrote so far. These are the first I ever wrote so be warned. I'll list them in the order they came. All of them are untitled at the moment so if you would suggest some...then I would be grateful.

#1 - the first I ever wrote...

I can't help but think that we were meant to be,
Now I realize and angel will always be to good for me.
Our paths have crossed in times past,
Like all good things, they never did last.

During these periods I told you how I felt.
They say true love can move mountains and change the stars,
But all my love can't seem to change your heart.

It kills me when we are together because I know you will never be mine.
It kills me when we are away because your thought plagues my mind.
All I can do is sit and hope that I will be able to hold you in my arms.

Only then will I be able to live and love life.
Only when these raging storms of pain inside me subside,
Only then...will I be alive.


__________________________________________________ __


While I sit and look up at the star filled sky,
A blazing comet comes into the corner of my eye.
Having lost all faith in wishes coming true,
I decide to try one more time...my wish was to have you.

Hoping my wish will not be in vain,
I think of days we could sit together and watch it rain.

Holding each other arm in arm under the warm summer sun,
Sitting under a tree in a park, getting lost in your gaze.
And maybe even have your head on my shoulder one
Night as we both stare into the moonlit haze.

To die unloved by you is the greatest pain of all.
This is my final thought as the star falls.
A tear runs down my face as I think of you.
Kind of like what writing this poem is making me do.

What effect a person must have on another to make them cry at their very thought.
Maybe, I shouldn't have given up...maybe I should have fought.
I know all of this will never happen, but the thought will not go away.
It plagues me every night and every hour of everyday.

I don't know why I keep what little hope I have left.
Who knows...maybe someday it will all happen.
Of course this will be the day when wishes come true,
That day...I will be with you...


__________________________________________________ __


Star crossed lovers meet in disguise,
One loves another, as the other dies.
His thoughts drift to the beautiful dove,
From this thought faith, hope, and love
Are the things he sees.
A love stronger than mountains and deeper than the seas.

Meanwhile she longs for what she thinks is the love of her life.
Thinking he would make the perfect husband, and she a loving wife.
He sees all this deep in her eyes.
When she asks him if he loves her...he lies.
Her happiness is his only concern.
He knows it won't work out between them, but she has to learn.

The stars tell him they were meant to be.
He knows this but how can he make her see?
Not wanting to push anything unwanted on her,
He still wants his to remain undetered.
Fighting for her love is worth the pain,
All he can do is hope she doesn't think it is a game.

To see her leave tears at his heart,
If only she knew how he felt at this part,
Maybe then she would change her mind.
That will be the day when heaven is to kind.


__________________________________________________ __


As I reach back into the deepest corners of my heart,
I begin to cry, but this is only the start.
With you on my mind,
I feel like I could die.

My tears could wash me off the earth,
Then I could curse God for my untimely birth.
In days of old men lifted women upon pedastools.
Now when a man does that he is looked upon as a fool.

I tried to bring back the code of chivalry,
But it seems you still feel nothing for me.
Now ages later we say things we don't mean,
But I say this to you in all honesty...I would treat you like a queen.

Although I am no king myself,
My love is greater than any material wealth.
I will tell you about my love as many times as it may take,
If it will win your heart it is worth the stakes.

How do you think he loves you? Please tell me so.
That way I can be the man for you. I really want to know.
On my mind you will remain,
Until the day we are together and have relieved the pain.


__________________________________________________ __


The cemetery gates have opened wide,
Satan is beckoning for me to come inside.
I stand on the road under the moon lit sky,
Thinking how my whole life I wanted to die.

I think back to the loved ones that have long past,
Then say to myself "I will be the last."
A cackle is heard from the far west.
A burning pain explodes in my chest.

I know then that this is my chance,
It is time for me and the devil to have a dance.
A dark force slowly drags me in,
This is what I get for a life of sin.

Quickly, I decide a dark angel I could never be,
If that would happen, my grandmother I would never see.
I fall to the ground and dig my fingers into the dirt,
The pain in my chest is gone, but my heart still hurts.

It hurts for the loved, the missed, and those that can never be.
It appears God has chosen a lonely path for me.
He gives this kind of life to those that are strong,
For all my life I could have swore he was wrong.

As I remember my close encounter with death,
I remember what he took from me...the theft.
God saved her until she was right with him,
Satan missed a good one that day, but I don't pity him.

Now that I look back he almost did win,
But just like my grandmother I didn't give in.


__________________________________________________ __

That is all I have so far...the last is dedicated to all those that have lost a loved one...

07-19-2002, 06:54 AM
all the praise, all the compliments I've ever gotten are only pale dimmers of what you deserve for every single one of those.

Each one is a single fucking great truth, that hit me hard, and leave me in total relation.

You have a gift with the pen and the pad I truly envy. . .

07-22-2002, 10:50 PM
Like Deus said you are truly gifted. I would like to see more from you.

07-27-2002, 02:12 AM
Damn. Those are all powerful works, and very beautiful and emotional as well. I can tell that those works really came from your heart.

I want to see more of your poems. ^_^

07-29-2002, 08:50 PM
I hate poems so I hated yours but I could tell deep down they were good.(If you can't tell i'm telling you your f*****g brilliant in my own wierd way:( ) Dear god I mess up giving praise.

07-30-2002, 12:58 AM
Ok...here is my newest. Thrash it if you must.

How many petals from a rose must fall,
Before it is not a rose at all?
A rose will always be a rose.
Just like the winds will forever blow.

Another petal falls to the ground,
Waiting to be picked up, waiting to be found.
Many of people have came and went,
The petal starts to lose its glorious scent.

No one wants a piece of beauty anymore.
The world is so busy, beauty is a bore.
Everyone is to busy to look at what really counts.
All we worry about is the money in our bank accounts.

It takes a fascinated child to take it in his hand.
He stares at it like it is some foreign land.
The child will keep this with him for the rest of his life.
He will remember it the day he gets flowers for his wife.

A small piece of the rose will forever be in his hand,
Only because this is the plan.
Everything the rose symbolizes it gives to him,
In every finger, In every limb.

All because when he was young he decided to stop,
And put what really mattered on top.
Another petal falls to the ground,
Waiting to be picked up, waiting to be found.


07-30-2002, 02:29 AM
What a beautiful emotional poem which has a lot of truths in it. I like the 4th stanza for some reason. It struck a cord in me.

And I reeealllly like the last three stanzas and the whole metaphoric-ness you got going.

An excellent piece actually. :D I want to see more.

07-31-2002, 01:23 AM
And yet another...

Father Time has trapped us in this cruel game.
The sands of time flow for us the same.
This would not be a problem if we weren't years apart.
This is the reason our love never got a chance to start.

Society claims that we can never be.
What is wrong with it? What do they see?
They do not notice that it is true love.
The kind that is coveted, even in heaven above.

In years to come the distance will remain the same,
And for all of this who can I blame?
Is it Father Time for going insane?
I think that is the only way he would cause this much pain.

Is it God's plan for us to change society?
That might be it...the plan of an ultimate diety.
If so how will we fulfill our destiny?
Is this some kind of test for me?

One day society will not intervene.
That day our love will be seen.
If I could, I would restart my time to be with you.
Erase all my dreams, ambitions, and accomplishments too.

Compared to all the times we would spend together, they all mean nothing.
Without you by my side I will always be wanting.
The world says we can never be,
One day, they will all see...


08-22-2002, 03:30 AM
This one was wrote in a matter of minutes. Came out of a fit of rage and depression. Kinda short compared to the others. =\

Where will I be tomorrow?
Will you be with me?
No you won't, but we will see.

You say you care?
No you don't.
So don't go there.

My life is my life and yours is yours.
So leave me alone when I am behind closed doors.
Let me rest in peace.

If I do not wake up tomorrow,
I will finally have what I want.
Death...the final sleep...the final taunt.


08-26-2002, 02:58 AM
..........I..........I..............I............. ........................
............never................................. .............................
..........................................knew.... ......................................

If you can tell.............................................. ..........................
...............................you make me speachless.....................
.................................................. ..............................................

I wish that I can find a man as passionate as you someday.

and that is all I have to say.

for now.