05-19-2009, 08:11 PM
Well here is a challenge. There is no official release of a score, so could someone help me find one song.

There is a scene a in S. Darko, where Corey (Sam's friend) is walking a path needed to travel back in time to save Sam from dying. The song that's playing in that scene is very hard to find. I think it might be Ed harcourt - Battleground, but I haven't found anywhere where I could listen to it.

Thanks in advance.

05-20-2009, 04:48 PM
Whole soundtrack available for listen here....


05-21-2009, 04:42 PM
Thanks again as it is much appreciated. However, only US residence can listen to samples of it.

05-26-2009, 04:46 PM
Alright so can someone help get a copy of these songs. I can't listen to anything because I live in Canada.

08-21-2009, 04:49 AM
The song you are looking for is Ed Harcourt Battleground, but if you want even better ones check out some Clint Mansell who is even better at his scores Clint Mansell Dead Reckoning and Death is the Road to Awe are amazing songs that really set the movies mood like what you love in the Ed Harcourt song. Youtube them or find them on mp3 either way they are awesome.

08-21-2009, 05:24 AM
The song you are looking for is Ed Harcourt Battleground, but if you want even better ones check out some Clint Mansell who is even better at his scores Clint Mansell Dead Reckoning and Death is the Road to Awe are amazing songs that really set the movies mood like what you love in the Ed Harcourt song. Youtube them or find them on mp3 either way they are awesome.

but thats not what hes asking. looking for this man, cant find it anywhere to DL. i'll keep ya posted.

11-10-2009, 05:26 AM
the song you want is actually "Corey's Journey" by Ed Harcourt who apparently does the score. it's been mislabeled on many P2P sites where people have screwed it up. "Battleground" is from 44-45 minutes in when Corey's dealing with Sam's death. you can hear him sing the word.
so yeah, on emusic you can download it for free (with 12 of your 25 free downloads). you need a credit card, but they won't charge a dime, just to verify your a unique user. i've done it 3 times with my various CC's over the years! :D unfortunately, this was all before S.Darko's score was released, + i'm out of CC's >_< so if anyone gets it could they plz share 0:)
oh, and be sure you choose "download album" because there's 42 tracks, so no individual download will work :D

P.S., you might also check eMule for S.Darko Soundtrack [darkflux], as i'm sharing it and it has the track you want, plus those NOT on the Score...