05-19-2009, 03:33 AM
I am a big fan of Taro Hakase.
As I was searching for more of his albums, I stumbled onto this site.

I saw a post that was writtne years ago with lots of Taro Hakase albums[plus the ones i was looking for] but all the links are dead now.

But it means someone has them..right? So with re-filled hope I am going to make some requests

Endless Violin, DUETS, Walking with You, Time to come

I looked everywhere I can, but failed to find them.

If anyone owns this album, let's share it please.

Also, I decided to give what I have too, as a dedicated fan of Mr. Hakase.

Here are some albums of my collection:

Classical Tuning

Jounetsu Tairiku

Space symphony Maetel OST

Symphonic Poem Hope


The Best Track

The Wandering Princess

Traveling Notes

Violinism -Acoustic Best-

Violinism 2

What a Day.

If you want any of these albums just let me know. I'll make a post with links as soon as i can.

p.s. is sendspace or megaupload reliable?

06-25-2009, 05:10 AM
Hi, I am also looking for Taro Hakase's albums online, and it's no easy task. Like you, I'm especially looking for the album Time Has Come which has the awesome Swingin' Bach song, but I can't find it anywhere. Sorry I don't have any of the albums you're looking for to offer, but can I request some of the ones you have please? How about Taro, Violinism I & II and What a Day? Thanks a lot, and Megaupload is very good, I've never used sendspace.

07-31-2009, 05:30 AM
You have the Space Symphony Maetel OST?!!! Would you upload it please???

10-18-2009, 07:03 AM
Here are the albums. Sorry I'm such a lazy bum. haha

Anyway I am also looking for Time has come album. I love swingin' Bach!!!

Space Symphony Maetel OST

What a Day


Violinism II

Hope you guys enjoy

Rain Snow
08-30-2014, 07:16 AM
Hi There,
Can someone pls help to reupload these albums as the links are dead.
Thank you.