05-17-2009, 11:08 AM
Have U ever heard of them? Me neither. Till today (thanks to ocr;)). It's an orchestra of total amateurs who play music from games. And they do it... bad;). And... I love them for doing it:D.

After two bad official (supposedly professional) recordings that were fucked up (I mean mostly play!, cause VGL was just bad when it comes to material imo, and was rather a promotional disc for Wall and Tallarico) they are fresh as... freshness. Yeah, instruments are out of tune, they don't work as an orchestra, rather solo musicians that play at one time (or play solo when should play together;)), they are a bit to ambitious (to much and to hard material), but there is one thing in it - heart and passion. Ears sometimes blead when U listen to it (but I think they are working hard, 'cause few tracks sounds... tolerable, and not bad at all, and for me much better than - for example - some PROFESSIONAL performances from Play!), but after all I was happy as little kid when I was listening to it. Call me crazy;).

Yeah, I was almost laughing out loud sometimes, but this music has some kind of charm, it's adorable (in some way;)). And one thing more... I think that arranges are overall pretty solid. So if U think U can handle it...

...recordings U can find here ---> http://umd.gamersymphony.org/

And if someone from this orchestra dwells here on FFShrine than... try as hard as U can, work and improve, and gimme more - 'cause I realy like your work (even if it not sound that way)!

12-09-2009, 03:06 PM
ya know, over the eight million times I've listened to Aerith's theme. Who would of thought, a simple piano and flute duet would do it. I enjoy the interpretation, thank you for finding this and well a big THANK YOU to GSO.

btw, these guys are having another concert next week on the 12th of Dec, so I'd expect they will update the recording in about a month from the performance. also these guys are in maryland, I'm gonna find out if they need another woodwind player and try out

12-09-2009, 05:12 PM
I never liked Play! The playlist is too generic, the orchestrations are bland, nice but bland... And it misses some energy, some punch!

With GSO... Ok, it's not perfect (the brass section, some rythm problem) but it's a great concert anyway !

I really recommend to listen to it and thanks so much to herbaciak for the link ;=)