07-17-2002, 05:42 PM
again, might be a spoiler, so just incase:


basically, i found Mognet central and the place is broken. they want some kind of item. what is it? do i need to do anything?

also, regarding dive spots...what am i meant to do with them? i dived into the one behind that guys Dwelling...i forget its name, mebbe begins with Q? anyway, if you know what im on about, i dived there, but didn't get anything.

also, if its not too much hassle...could someone tell me where all the mountain cracks are, where the dive spots are, and the location of the floating island...or a site where i can get this info.

(regarding all this, im willing to cheat :p)

07-17-2002, 09:42 PM
Ahh... let's see if I can be some help here. :)

basically, i found Mognet central and the place is broken. they want some kind of item. what is it? do i need to do anything?

The item is called Superslick. You need to go and talk/deliver mail to the Moogles (in this order):

>> Burmecia
>> Black Mage Village
>> Ipsen's Castle
>> Ice Cavern - or if you're on disc 3 or 4 - Qu's Marsh/Outer Fossil Roo (be sure Quina is in your party)
>> Daguerreo
>> Alexandria

Then go and talk to Ruby, who has the Superslick, and then go back to Mognet Central.

also, regarding dive spots...what am i meant to do with them?

These are part of the Dead Pepper Treasures sidequest. Take Choco to the dive spots and feed him a dead pepper. You need to be in water (people have made the mistake of flying him over the bubbles instead... hehe). He'll dive into to water and resurface with a bunch of treasures. You'll need to know this to get Zidane's all-powerful and absolutely awesome ULTIMA WEAPON.

also, if its not too much hassle...could someone tell me where all the mountain cracks are, where the dive spots are, and the location of the floating island...

Let's see... long list coming up! :D

1. DIVE SPOT: Under Quan's dwelling. I think you got this one already.

2. DIVE SPOT: In the ocean, directly north of the Iifa tree. Take Choco into the water and go to the northernmost point near the Iifa tree. Then keep heading north. I think it's pretty close towards the top of the world map.

3. DIVE SPOT: Directly between the Mist and Outer continents. There's a dive spot southwest of the southeastern point of the Outer Continent.

4. DIVE SPOT: Southern tip of the Forgotten Continent, towards the western side of the southern peninsula. You'll see a few little U-shaped lagoons, the dive spot is inside one of those lagoons.

5. MOUNTAIN CRACK: Directly east of the Fire Shrine, on the Lost Continent.

6. MOUNTAIN CRACK: Near Oielvert, go northwest and look on the northern face of the mountain. You'll find a crack there.

7. MOUNTAIN CRACK: A bit northeast of the last mountain crack, search the southern face of the mountains. There's another crack there.

8. DIVE SPOT: Right where Shimmering Island used to be. This one is the big one; it has Zid's Ultima Weapon. :) You can only get this one AFTER completing disc 3, when the island is destroyed. There's no bubbles, so you have to position yourself right where the marker is on the world map. Then make Choco dive.

Congratulations, you'll then have completed the Dead Pepper Treasures sidequest!

Happy Ultima Weapon-ing!

And dont' worry, I don't think this is an easy sidequest, either. I had to get help from a friend, as well. *L* :) I won't tell if you don't. ;)

07-17-2002, 10:03 PM
thanx a bunch. thats really helpful. im on disk four, so i shud be able to do most of what u mentioned.

one question...when i dived into the dive spot behind Quans Dwelling, i didnt get this right?

07-17-2002, 11:47 PM
Did you dive into the spot from the ocean, or did you dive from the ledge on the cliff? I'm guessing you were diving from in the water.

Let's see if this helps.

Go to the entrance to Quan's Dwelling. Leave Choco outside, then go into the dwelling and to the back, where the clock is. When a "!" appears, examine over the edge. Zidane will say something about foamy water. Then you should get an option to feed Choco a dead pepper. Do that.

The scene will switch to a "world map-ish" view of Zid and Choco on the ledge. Choco will dive off into the bubbles and surface with some goodies for you.

Hope that helps! :)

07-18-2002, 04:02 PM
dude, ur damn helpful. if u dont mind, i have one last question:

i spoke to the moogles in the order u said. i had Quina in my party when i went to Qu's marsh, like u said. i got to Alexandria, and spoke to the moogle there. (Kupo, i think his name is). well, he gave me mail for Atla (i think his name is sumthin like that). anyway, i spoke to Ruby, she just went on about that arrogant actor being "too big fer his britches" but dint give me any super slick.

im gonna take the note to Atla and try again...anyway: where is Atla? i forget. and im a lazy b*****d, i dont wana visit everywhere trying to find him :p

07-19-2002, 08:56 AM
No problem! Glad I could help out. :)

I just realized I forgot to tell you that you need to start of by going to Alexandria to the bell tower. Sorr about tha!

Alexandria bell tower (Kupo)
Burnecia (Alta)
Black Mage Vilage (Mogryo)
Ipsen's Castle (Kumool)
Ie Cavern/Fossil Roo (if after disc 3) (Mois)
Daguerreo (Noggy)
Alxandria bell tower again (Kupo)

Then talk to Ruby.

For your troubles, you'll receive a protect ring. That's it. Each time you deliver a letter, the moogle will give you a kupo nut, and you can give it to the moogles in Gizamaluke. They'll give you a reward for each kupo nut, but remember you can only carry one kupo nut at a time. :)

Let me know if ya need any more help! :)

07-19-2002, 12:27 PM
your help is really appreciated. i been carrying the kupo nut around since disc i can get rid of it, lol!

loads of thanks for your help. i kinda lose interest with side quests, so unless there not easy and handed to me on a plate, i just forget em, lol.

again, u been very helpful. thanks very much.

Manga Legend
10-09-2006, 02:45 PM
This might be a really old thread but I have got a query. The dive spot on the South East of the Mist continent. I can`t find the treasure their?

10-09-2006, 04:31 PM
07-19-2002, 02:27 AM

The thread is 4 years old

10-09-2006, 04:54 PM
PS - it's "I can't find the treasure there."

</grammer/spelling Nazi mode>

There is no dive spot south-east of the Mist continent. Do you mean south-east of the Outer continent? Go directly north of the Alexandria marker on the world map, and it's almost halfway between the Mist and Outer continent.

....and yeah, you could have made a new thread instead of reviving something that's four years old. @_@

10-09-2006, 06:45 PM
Don't revive ancient threads.