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05-14-2009, 07:30 PM
I searched for 'disappointing' and a lot of 'worst anime' threads came up, but that's not what I was going for. There are animes that I started watching or merely saw the first episode and was not impressed with and were total letdowns, so my question is: What anime were you most disappointed with?

In my experience there are two that come to mind and those are...

Ergo Proxy

05-15-2009, 12:31 AM

05-15-2009, 01:30 AM
I didnt really care for Black Jack & im really baffled by the popularity of dragonballZ

05-17-2009, 04:23 AM
Only one that really comes to mind for me is Love Hina. Not to say this one was bad, I enjoyed it, but it could have been done much much better. The characters just seemed a bit hollow to me and the series could have been fleshed out a bit more.

And having played the game first, Zone of the Enders was extremely difficult to take seriously. If they had kept it true to the dark nature of the game and made the plot a little more mature it probably could have been really good.

05-17-2009, 09:08 PM
I was disappointed with "Shura no Toki". It started off great, but it really went downhill with the last story arc (especially the last couple of episodes).

05-18-2009, 01:00 AM

05-18-2009, 06:41 PM
Ergo Proxy

EP disappointed me because at the time I was having a hard time finding a new anime to get into and it had been described as Blade Runner except with a female main character, so I actually purchased the first dvd and it never really hit my g-spot and for the fact that I had paid for the expensive dvd, I was doubly disappointed.

I loved the Blood film, so I thought the series would be more of the same but it turned out to be more of a show for pre-teens. I wanted a much more adult-oriented story without the comedy nor the romantics.

05-21-2009, 06:17 PM
I just thought of another anime that really disappointed me. A friend of mine was a big fan of the game, so when the anime for Devil May Cry came out, he thought it was would be great, so I added it to my Netflix queue and it was actually on Long Wait for awhile before I received it. But what disappointed me the most about it was that the episodes had a formula much like an episode of Sailor Moon. Dante had started a bounty hunter service (of sorts) which was funny, but every episode was the same: he would get a case and then by the end he would kill a monster and save the day. I was hoping for something more random like Cowboy Bebop.

05-21-2009, 09:55 PM
I often heard good things about Azumanga Daioh, but I couldn't even finish the first episode. For some reason I felt not only sleepy (something common when I'm watching something and not enjoying it), I also was infuriated.:iveseenthings:

I can't remember for the life of me how in the world an anime got me pissed, but it did. Guess it just wasn't my stuff.

05-21-2009, 10:27 PM
Only one that really comes to mind for me is Love Hina. Not to say this one was bad, I enjoyed it, but it could have been done much much better. The characters just seemed a bit hollow to me and the series could have been fleshed out a bit more.

i read the manga before watching the anime, so i thought i would gie it a chance.
my, it was so bad!
the onyl episode i enjoyed was of the ancient robot doll.

05-22-2009, 07:10 PM
i read the manga before watching the anime, so i thought i would gie it a chance.
my, it was so bad!
the only episode i enjoyed was of the ancient robot doll.
It started out okay, just slightly varying from the manga like most anime adaptations do which is fine. But after like the 6th episode it all starts going downhill with just random filler.

But I'll read the manga over watching the anime any day of the week.

05-23-2009, 12:13 PM
Prince of Tennis. I'm probably the only person on this site who even actually watched it, but anyway. You all know how easy it is to end up hating the main character of an anime show with a passion, right? That's particularly easy in PoT, as the guy is much younger than the rest of the characters and doesn't lose once in the entire show (once, but hardly canon) - he actually squashes everyone including the last player he goes up against (obviously, billed as the strongest in Japan).

The rest of the cast is pretty enjoyable, but when the show starts depending too much on the Mary Sue main character, it becomes a letdown. More so when he wins the last match of the show by 6-4 without breaking a sweat. -_-

05-23-2009, 06:46 PM
Geez i think i forgot the worst anime I ever watched. It was that bad. LOL. But one of the worst i've watched so far was Blood+. The anime was so confusing and there was so much useless unexplained back story to me. Samurai Pizza Cats. O.k. that was the worst fucking anime EVAH!!! I could not stand it! I couldn't watch 5 minutes of an episode with feeling nauseous. Definately something you do not want to watch when you are suicidal, homicidal or on your monthly.

05-23-2009, 09:42 PM
Samurai Pizza Cats. O.k. that was the worst fucking anime EVAH!!!

you best be trolling, nigga

05-23-2009, 10:23 PM
you best be trolling, nigga

naw nigga i be fucking serious! Samurai Pizza Cats was the worst piece of shit to come out of Japan! Straight up and talking like some stereotyped Urban black american...boiiiyyyeeeee!!!

05-24-2009, 12:03 AM
naw nigga i be fucking serious! Samurai Pizza Cats was the worst piece of shit to come out of Japan! Straight up and talking like some stereotyped Urban black american...boiiiyyyeeeee!!!

You should really post this kind of stuff in the Worst Anime? (Thread 328) thread. The Most Disappointing Anime thread is more for anime that you thought would be great and wasn't even close. I mean, how good did you think Samurai Pizza Cats was going to be, it's called Samurai Pizza Cats, for christ's sake.

05-24-2009, 12:58 AM
You should really post this kind of stuff in the Worst Anime? (Thread 328) thread. The Most Disappointing Anime thread is more for anime that you thought would be great and wasn't even close. I mean, how good did you think Samurai Pizza Cats was going to be, it's called Samurai Pizza Cats, for christ's sake.

Like I said...five minutes of it and i wanted to puke. But hey you are right lets talk about disappointing. hina was very disappointing I had read the manga first spent more then 30 dollars renting the episodes and they didn't even finish the anime!! *sigh*

05-24-2009, 04:13 PM
Ones i was disappointed in were Naruto & Samurai gun.

06-06-2009, 02:10 AM
Like I said...five minutes of it and i wanted to puke. But hey you are right lets talk about disappointing. hina was very disappointing I had read the manga first spent more then 30 dollars renting the episodes and they didn't even finish the anime!! *sigh*

wtf. that was the first anime i ever watched and SPC was what sucked me into the anime universe. that show was awsome. its supposed to be crazy, ironic, just straight up lol

06-06-2009, 07:16 AM
Haruhi. I watched the first couple of episodes and thought WTF? How is this anime so popular? What a load of crap.

And Egro Proxy and Blood + were awsome imo. What did you find so disappointing about them?

The Persona anime was a letdown tbh.. that was a proper mess.

06-08-2009, 03:16 PM
Haruhi. I watched the first couple of episodes and thought WTF? How is this anime so popular? What a load of crap.

I dropped it after two episodes. The insane fan following still baffles me.

06-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Maria Sama ga Miteru.

06-08-2009, 04:46 PM
Haruhi. I watched the first couple of episodes and thought WTF? How is this anime so popular? What a load of crap.

And Egro Proxy and Blood + were awsome imo. What did you find so disappointing about them?

lol @ this guy wanting someone else to justify disliking something in the same post he trollishly bashes something else that's popular without saying why he didn't like it.

06-08-2009, 07:35 PM
The Guyver remake.

Elements of it were pretty good to watch... but it was a long, long way away from the gritty original.

06-09-2009, 12:16 PM, disappointing...

I would have to say Kimagure Orange Road(still don't get it to this day), Ninja Resurrection(after watching Ninja Scroll, expectations were, I think my personal beliefs played a part in its 'downfall'), and Ayane's High Kick(only because there aren't any more episodes of it, lol).

Most others still haven't managed to disappoint me, but then again, I'm VERY picky about what I watch...guess I'm not much of an anime fan as you guys, huh? :D

06-10-2009, 02:22 AM
lol @ this guy wanting someone else to justify disliking something in the same post he trollishly bashes something else that's popular without saying why he didn't like it.

Yeah lol @ this guy! ok Spock.

Sorry for not bothering to expand on why i think they are good and why Haruhi is bad. The thread is dissapointing anime, and i asked why he thought they were bad.

It's all opinion at the end of the day. Blood + And egro proxy to me had decent storys, great artwork, interesting characters and good soundstracks. that's what makes a good anime for me anyway dunno about you? probably a hating Haruhi fan? Harui just seemed the complete opposite of what i enjoy in anime. One of the only anime i dislike as well.

06-10-2009, 02:28 AM
And Egro Proxy and Blood + were awsome imo. What did you find so disappointing about them?

My explanations here (

06-10-2009, 02:32 AM
Ooook. I think you should give Ergo Proxy another try tbh. I didnt really get into it myself at the begining, but it picks up after a few episodes. The story gets bit confusing as well, but its not really that hard to follow :)

06-10-2009, 01:26 PM
Yeah lol @ this guy! ok Spock.

Sorry for not bothering to expand on why i think they are good and why Haruhi is bad. The thread is dissapointing anime, and i asked why he thought they were bad.

It's all opinion at the end of the day. Blood + And egro proxy to me had decent storys, great artwork, interesting characters and good soundstracks. that's what makes a good anime for me anyway dunno about you? probably a hating Haruhi fan? Harui just seemed the complete opposite of what i enjoy in anime. One of the only anime i dislike as well.

Moron. I'm not defending anything. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Don't be an idiot and I'll probably never say another word to you.

06-10-2009, 04:30 PM
Ooook. I think you should give Ergo Proxy another try tbh. I didnt really get into it myself at the begining, but it picks up after a few episodes. The story gets bit confusing as well, but its not really that hard to follow :)

Alright, I'll give it another shot.

06-13-2009, 09:38 PM

Gotta love that answer! lol. I think the most disappointing are Tenchi Muyo, Kyou Kara Maou, Code Geass, or any anime where love interest are introduced and they develop with th main character, but in the end; NO ONE IS TOGETHER!!! That is really annoying, the main guy or girl of alot of animes never pick or choose a lover, just keep leading people on. Not cool!

06-16-2009, 09:45 PM
I can't really comment on Blood + as have only seen a couple of episodes. But was slightly disappointed with Blood: The Last Vampire. I would have personally much preferred for it to have been a full length feature movie instead of only 50 minutes - though still enjoyed what there was to see.

06-17-2009, 09:59 AM
Naruto & bleach

06-25-2009, 10:00 AM
an anime of which i dont know (or care) if a manga version exists or not is geneshaft.
commercials made it look like an epic mecha anime.
not only its not a mecha anime, but its anti-epic.
the soundtrack is boring as hell, the pace of the plot is slow.

i cant believe i actually wasted a dvd on this crap.

06-26-2009, 04:22 AM
for me the most disappointing one for me was tsukihime...
and dbz... you can just tell that ppl nowadays (or back ten) really love macho guys with imba powers that could destroy the world in one hit....

i mostly didnt like it bec everyone there is overly muscular...yah

06-26-2009, 04:31 AM
Haruhi. I watched the first couple of episodes and thought WTF? How is this anime so popular? What a load of crap.

really?? i really enjoyed the haruhi anime seriously and i also read the light novels :D maybe it was bec of the first ep? as in episode 00 supposed to be like some cheesy movie that a high schooler made but yea the light novels are better...

and persona trinity of wasnt what i expected either i really lykd the persona games but the anime was....not that good. the persona where see trough? y? i can barely see them fighting... :( but p3 and 4 were epic!!!

07-01-2009, 03:44 PM
Guyver: Chavy robot rave lol

07-01-2009, 10:58 PM
well slots of people slice dissapointed and (boring,lame,shit) XD
Dragonball GT dissapointed me because the epic atmosphere in Z didnt traced the atmosphere in GT maybe because i am much older...
i watched when i were 7-9 years old and now there are several years gone!
And the "german" dub of GT and censors cut the film lots of time so that i couldnt see the last moments of sin shin long?
And the end of GT! Dont want to spoiler but its very very very very dissapointing...

07-01-2009, 11:02 PM
well slots of people slice dissapointed and (boring,lame,shit) XD
Dragonball GT dissapointed me because the epic atmosphere in Z didnt traced the atmosphere in GT maybe because i am much older...
i watched when i were 7-9 years old and now there are several years gone!
And the "german" dub of GT and censors cut the film lots of time so that i couldnt see the last moments of sin shin long?
And the end of GT! Dont want to spoiler but its very very very very dissapointing...

Agreed, it was fucking lame, so lame i forgot to mention it.
Back to the days of old DB they rocked.

07-07-2009, 09:52 PM
GANTZ, by far.

07-13-2009, 10:40 PM
Tokko. This ocular diarrhea was made by the guy behind GTO. Only 13 episodes and lot of unresolved issues.

07-15-2009, 02:34 AM
The Melancholy of Haruhi, Code Gleass, Gasaraki, Divergence Eve, Sisters of Welber, Shakugan no Shana II, Blassreiter, Zero no Tsukaima: Rondo of the Princessess, Tokko, Princess Ressurection, Dragonball GT

07-16-2009, 10:58 AM
Ooook. I think you should give Ergo Proxy another try tbh. I didnt really get into it myself at the begining, but it picks up after a few episodes. The story gets bit confusing as well, but its not really that hard to follow :)

Well, I'd say the same about Haruhi. In the first season, the episodes are, or rather seem to be, sorted by how much of facts they reveal. And at some point IMHO it became really interesting.

But back to the topic. I think I was most disappointed in Naruto and Ayashi no Ceres.
Naruto was very interesting for the first 50 or so eps, but I slept through next 150... Then there were few interesting ones and again boredom.
Ayashi seemed interesting from the beginning, but later on the story was chaos. Each action seemed terribly irrational :/ At least the OSTs are nice.

07-16-2009, 11:03 AM
One Piece
Shamen King
Pokemon (the new stuff, eww)

07-18-2009, 02:39 PM
Dragonball - with all that fillers
D.gray man - they kill 5x times someone and he stand up and kick asses to all bad guys. It starts good it has mystic atmosphere in dark misty london but in 1/3 of series it starts lacking the atmosphere and mysticism and it become more comedy with new super ultra uber weapons and super ultra uber enemies which can be beaten only with advanced super ultra uber weapons

07-18-2009, 04:38 PM
Sora Kake Girl, I couldn't get all the references or the idioms that it had.

Pisces Knight
07-18-2009, 08:27 PM
As many, GANTZ was very dissapointing, but only the ending, i think everything before the ending was very well done, the animation topping it all.

07-19-2009, 09:39 PM
I would have to say Loveless. Because I started reading the manga first, I was outraged when I found out there was only 13 or so episodes of the anime. How could you possibly cover the whole story from the manga in the anime? It just wasn't happening.

07-19-2009, 10:46 PM
i would have to say hyakko was a big letdown for me. they were giving scenes that torako was meant for more and that there would be some actual plot coming before the end of the series to find that nothing happens at all. what a cop-out.

Rudy Roughnight
07-20-2009, 06:08 AM
Berserk was most disappointing for me. I'm quite the fan of the manga, and I was disappointed to see that the anime held back so much on the violence and used too many non-animated sequences.

07-20-2009, 07:03 AM
Escaflowne (is that the right spelling?). Don't get me wrong, I love steampunk mecha as much a the next guy, and the plot was interesting enough, but the ending just pissed me off. I mean, really?

07-22-2009, 06:19 PM
As many, GANTZ was very dissapointing, but only the ending, i think everything before the ending was very well done, the animation topping it all.

true, true

Gantz had SO much potential, but the ending just spoiled everything. Compared to this, Neon Genesis Evangelion's ending was conclusive

07-26-2009, 08:03 AM
Season 2 of Haruhi. I enjoyed the first season for the most part (Disclaimer: I'm not a rabid fantard like most "Haruhiists" make themselves seem to be) but this new season is just... ...What the fuck, Kadokawa? Two new episodes and six reruns essentially... >:/

07-26-2009, 08:48 AM
You're right about that. I'm shocked there hasn't been more talk about it, being arguably the worst piece of god-awful storytelling in history and all.

07-26-2009, 09:31 AM
Gantz had SO much potential, but the ending just spoiled everything. Compared to this, Neon Genesis Evangelion's ending was conclusive

Well, geez, now I'm actually interested in it.

07-27-2009, 10:45 AM
true, true

Gantz had SO much potential, but the ending just spoiled everything. Compared to this, Neon Genesis Evangelion's ending was conclusive

it seems theres always something studio GONZO fucks up in its anime adaptations.
the most memorable being HELLSING and gantz.
however, the only series that i consider perfect as it is, is yukikaze.
i have not (or think will ever) read the novel (yes, novel, not a manga, a novel) but the animation, the music... everything was extremely superb, surpassing GANTZ in animation. i suggest pisces knight sees this masterpiece.

sure, the animation in gantz was excellent, but yukikaze has better ones, and thats saying something.

08-04-2009, 09:09 PM
Ooook. I think you should give Ergo Proxy another try tbh. I didnt really get into it myself at the begining, but it picks up after a few episodes. The story gets bit confusing as well, but its not really that hard to follow :)

Okay, gave Ergo Proxy another try. I watched the first 2 dvds and I can't go no mo'. It's depressing, boring, and all over the place in terms of story. Plus the show is in desperate need of COLOR!!!

Sid Chastity
08-18-2009, 11:48 PM
I often heard good things about Azumanga Daioh, but I couldn't even finish the first episode. For some reason I felt not only sleepy (something common when I'm watching something and not enjoying it), I also was infuriated.:iveseenthings:

I can't remember for the life of me how in the world an anime got me pissed, but it did. Guess it just wasn't my stuff.

I know what you mean. I had the manga and I thought it was pretty funny but when I saw the anime it all seemed so boring.

08-24-2009, 12:24 PM
Elfen lied and Ergo Proxy were straight up disappointing.

Elfenlied started out okey but after the first half of the episode it just made a 180 turn into some kind of haramfest with generic leading characters.
And at parts where it got stale they would introduce a new girl with a tear-jerking backstory on how she was raped or never got enough hugs.. baawwww.
There was just so much I didn't like about it, it tried to be something it was not.

And Ergo Proxy.. well I got to be honost, I didn't give it anytime to sink in. I watched the first episode and for me it didn't have anything going on for it self. I found it to be boring, bland, slowpased without any mystery.

just my 2 cents

08-27-2009, 04:30 PM
Origin: Spirits of the Past
-An example of no matter how good your animation is, its crap if there are plot holes/unfleshed out characters/uneven pacing. This anime disappointed me very much. To me it felt like it was trying to be like Miyazaki's film Princess Mononoke and just failed.

Sousei no Aquarion - episode 1 sucked me in with its immersive CG and animation...and yet by the last episode I felt it was too cliche how it just didn't feel right. I didn't see the second season so I don't know if things get better.

Escaflowne (is that the right spelling?). Don't get me wrong, I love steampunk mecha as much a the next guy, and the plot was interesting enough, but the ending just pissed me off. I mean, really?

Escaflowne was decent, but the way it ended left a bad taste in my mouth...don't understand why Escaflowne ended with Newton talking like that or w/ confusing.

On that note, Record of Lodoss can they change Woodchuck like that. It makes me so mad. Ending felt unsatisfying.

Tokko. This ocular diarrhea was made by the guy behind GTO. Only 13 episodes and lot of unresolved issues.

Ocular diarrhea...haha yeah well it is pretty gritty at many parts and I guess there were some awkward frames...I was so engrossed with TOKKO, and then the way it ended...ugh! If you go to the wikipedia entry for it, it tries to make some clarity but not good enough:

Sometimes I wonder if "disappointing" is a relative term? To me (or people like me) here in the USA we think some anime is disappointing cuz we don't get a satisfying conclusion or fleshed out characters or unnecessary filler, but I wonder if, to the Japanese audience they appreciate it 'cuz it leads to open interpretation in their mind as to what could happen next or alternate outcomes, or what could become of someone/something? I don't know I'm just speculating...anyways though I'm in agreement with many of you on this thread that I don't like certain animes cuz they feel unfulfilled or think/feel it could have ended better...just disappointing cus there seemed to be potential...

08-29-2009, 03:07 AM
I hate Shaman King manga for having "happy" ending when it was clearly better with multiple endings or no ending.

Code Geass could have been show much instead of a barely coherent plot with a super genius anti hero who happens to be a bishonen and basically achieves world peace in the most convoluted way possible complete with fanservice.

08-29-2009, 07:27 AM
Prince Of Tennis, Inuyasha, Evangelion, Pokemon, and the Transformers Anime!
As for Escaflowne, I thought it was well done! Aside from a very few anime that have come out after the 80's early 90's, I rather liked it!

09-04-2009, 03:22 AM
Tsukihime. The anime is very bad compare to the Visual Novel.

09-04-2009, 05:20 AM
I hate Shaman King manga for having "happy" ending when it was clearly better with multiple endings or no ending.

Code Geass could have been show much instead of a barely coherent plot with a super genius anti hero who happens to be a bishonen and basically achieves world peace in the most convoluted way possible complete with fanservice.

shaman king doesnt have an ending in the manga

09-04-2009, 04:49 PM
Final Fantasy Unlimited was disappointing. It's always "bad guy shows up, mysterious person summons something from his stupid gun".

And a reply to the post above. Shaman King already has an ending, you should check it out. :p

09-09-2009, 04:32 AM
Magikano. The ending annoyed me beyond words.

09-13-2009, 09:31 AM
Final Fantasy Unlimited was disappointing. It's always "bad guy shows up, mysterious person summons something from his stupid gun".

And a reply to the post above. Shaman King already has an ending, you should check it out. :p

my mistake, its just that i bought the original 32 volume edition, because its the only one we got and probably will get.
however, i still think the anime's ending is better

09-13-2009, 10:52 AM
Gurren Lagaan. I watched it having been promised that it, and I quote, "is better than Cowboy Bebop," and came out of the experience utterly disgusted. Far and away the dumbest fucking show I have ever seen, period.

the mutant dude
09-13-2009, 10:55 AM
Ninja Ressurection - the opening action was so promising, but the rest..? Just complete and utter.... words cannot describe how bad...

I guess it served me right for being young & stupid & thinking it would be anything like Ninja Scroll.

09-16-2009, 06:15 PM
way too many... of course this thread title practically screams "dragonball z"... i just don't get why a crappy anime can be so damn popular. they're repeating the same frames(whether it be fighting or powering up) for 10 episodes with minimal progression in their "battles". it's just a waste of time.

tenjou tenge was also disappointing for me. it's also one of the most popular anime in north america according to sales but it sucks.. it started out well in the first 10 episodes but then they lost it and it doesn't even have an ending.

Hunter x Hunter is pure garbage... seriously, I can't believe they put out this shit after YuYu Hakusho, which is an all-time classic fighting anime.

Someone just mentioned FF:Unlimited. I have to agree.. that anime is practically unwatchable.. I think I made it to episode 7 or so and I regret not quitting after the first ep.

Naruto is also extremely overrated/disappointing. The manga was overhyped as it was but the anime is inferior to the manga...

The list can be endless.. I always have to do research before watching a new series these days because of how low the standards for anime have been in recent years. The best anime series I ever watched all came from the 80's and 90's, with few coming post 2000. You would think the animation would improve greatly from the 80's but it's not true.. even now in 2009 we have anime with inconsistent art style and animation inferior to that of the mid 90's, and the general direction/execution in some of these recent anime are downright horrible. They can really kill a good story from a great manga.

09-17-2009, 04:24 AM

I loved the anime so much.

Just hated one character that ruined it all for me.

09-17-2009, 04:36 AM
I don't care if Alucard from Hellsing is not angsty like his other vampire contemporaries, he is an arrogant overpowered prick who seems to have this odd obsession with who is a human or who is not. So what if he can summon legions of undead, torture people to death and has a really powerful gun? That doesn't make him badass at all, he is an annoying character and the original anime sucked.

While the nanoha series (specifically A's) may be entertaining on some level, it is difficult for me to grasp that nanoha was 9 when she started yet has a mature outlook on life. I hate that she has that notorius "befriending" trope via blast them and I will make them my friends also she is known as the White Devil because of this trope. The characters are so ridiculously flat that I don't know if they actually grow at all, even if nanoha is a break from traditional--no, it is not even a magical girl show, it is a Super Robot War references with magical girls mixed in. It subverts some tropes but it plays them straight most of the time. She comes from a family of basically ninja in the Triangle Hearts game also she (and the rest of cast) are ridculously overpowered that the bad guys (if there is any "real" villains) are cannon fodder for heroines. Even Sakura form Cardcaptors is a little realistic, I am very annoyed at this show.

Tom Toonami Tunes
09-19-2009, 08:41 PM
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

The Idea is a great and original one but the story never develops anywhere and doesn't do anything original with the characters , the show just kinda goes "we have a crazy situation which gives us a reason to do all the standard anime hi jinx"

I really wanted to enjoy it too :(

Heart of shadows
09-25-2009, 09:19 AM
Easy for me.

Darker than black.

When I heard from the makers of wolf's rain I just jumped at watching this anime but than it ends up being average as hell and the end of the anime comes out of nowhere and seemed thrown in at the last second and not to mention the main character suppose to be an assassin but he seems to give in to his heart every freaking episode that its boring.

Heck my brother is darker than this anime.

Average and boring.

09-26-2009, 06:57 AM
Eden of the East, if you haven't seen it check it out. I'd go so far as to say it's still worth a watch. The concept is really intriguing, and it starts off a story that has phenomenal potential.

Unfortunately I ended up un-impressed, specifically the last episode, whether it's a cliff hanger or not was "meh" at best. 11 Episodes was simply not enough to accomplish what the series should have been.

09-27-2009, 11:17 AM
Zatch Bell. Was cute and all, and I tried to like it, but the art style dissapointed me, but that's unfair, what else would I expect? I believed it went on a little bit too long as well. I never even finished it.

10-03-2009, 12:57 PM
I searched for 'disappointing' and a lot of 'worst anime' threads came up, but that's not what I was going for. There are animes that I started watching or merely saw the first episode and was not impressed with and were total letdowns, so my question is: What anime were you most disappointed with?

In my experience there are two that come to mind and those are...

Ergo Proxy

I'd say I'm most disappointed by "Hanaukyo Maid Team" and "Love Hina" because only because neither actually finished the storyline...heck, Hanauko Maid Team, even in the original 15min epi series, just cut off in the middle of a storyline. "Candidate for Goddess" for that matter feels like the producers forgot to do the next episode. But then I'd have to add "Ai Yori Yoshi" because likewise, it never finished the storyline, just left us hanging.

Then, there's "Lucky Star". I couldn't make it past epi 2, for all the hype that it received, and all the gags it supposedly just seemed inanne, and felt that the animators had no idea what they wanted to do, except create a parody slice of life that does nothing. and goes nowhere.

I don't know about other conventions, but at Anime Weekend Atlanta every year there's a panel for totally lame anime that shifts through the really bad stuff every year.

10-03-2009, 01:07 PM
Maria Sama ga Miteru.

So why were you disappointed by Maria-sama ga Miteru? I though it delivered what it promised.

And they're still releasing bits of the story. Hasn't the author produced something like 11 or 12 volumes of the light novel series that inspired both manga and anime?

10-08-2009, 12:49 PM
I'd say either Elfen Leid or something like "Higurashi no naku koro ni".
Both were supposed to be the creepiest anime out there, I instantly thought something in the way of I don't know Silent Hill and Forbidden Siren at least thats what the first episode of the latter felt like, but then came in the shit blender with girls with high pitched voices, bright colored hairs and faces shaped like pears.
I vomited and deleted everything I had mistakenly downloaded.

10-15-2009, 04:35 AM
Code Geass - The first season was great. It was a refreshing mecha series with depth, but the second season disappointed me with each episode. It started to turn into every other anime out there. To me Code Geass has no second season. :|

Gurren Lagaan - I haven't gotten past the first 3 episodes, and even then I could hardly get into any of the episodes. It seemed like almost TOO much was happening all at once, characters seemed a bit too zany, I can't get myself to watch any more of it. Maybe I just need to be in the mood for it, but it seemed so popular it must be good somewhere along the series...I just can't seem to get into it. :/

Escaflowne - Great series, awesome fights, awesome music. Ending...just left me feeling like I got jipped.

Naruto - I used to be into Naruto a whole lot more, and it's not just the anime, but the manga. It doesn't have the same appeal as I used to love it for. Hate Sasuke, and all the "air time" he gets throughout the story, most of the really interesting characters get no more time in the story anymore. I also heard the anime started incorporating filler characters. I don't hate Naruto like some people do, but I feel like it's lost it's luster.

10-18-2009, 06:42 PM
List of anime that disappoints me? Well, here's the abridged version:

RahXephon: starts out interesting, but gets incredibly boring in the middle (around episode 8 onwards). Haven't finished it after all these years.

Wolf's Rain: see my entry on RahXephon

Bleach: I am quite the maniac during the Soul Society arc; unfortunately, the series went downhill afterwards. Although there's a possibility that I might pick it up again in the future

Naruto: not the most... cerebral of anime, but it has its moments. For example, I absolutely love the Invasion of Konoha arc (episode 79 is pure sex, I gotta admit). But too many fillers eventually turned me off. Haven't looked back since.

10-18-2009, 08:51 PM
RahXephon: starts out interesting, but gets incredibly boring in the middle (around episode 8 onwards). Haven't finished it after all these years.

Wolf's Rain: see my entry on RahXephon

I couldn't make it to the third episode.

10-26-2009, 06:57 PM
After watching and thoroughly enjoying the first season of Ghost in the Shell SAC the second season was a big disappointment for me. It just wasn't as good and didn't have enough action. Just a lot of philosophical crap.

Cowboy Bebop
Eureka Seven
Fullmetal Alchemist
Neon Genesis Evangelion

All overrated pieces of shit.

EDIT: Forgot to include RahXephon and Wolf's Rain

10-26-2009, 07:21 PM
So you don't like anything that tries to balance action with any sort of character development or novel concepts? I'm not saying all those things you hate are good, but that's the common threads, which makes you seem like a complete moron.

jewess crabcake
10-26-2009, 07:53 PM
So you don't like anything that tries to balance action with any sort of character development or novel concepts? I'm not saying all those things you hate are good, but that's the common threads, which makes you seem like a complete moron.

x2 except I'm saying several of the things on your list are good.

10-31-2009, 10:38 PM
I hate to say this because people tend to want to jump on my head when I say it but I was really disappointed with FLCL. I am all for random and completely nonsensical anime but this one just gave me a real migraine and considering how everyone built it up and built it up I ended up sorely disappointed.

Gin Kaze
11-15-2009, 11:14 PM
-overhyped :P

Gambler tetsuya
-The opening is a bit missleading. Made me think there was more to the show then there acutally was :P

11-16-2009, 01:42 AM
One Piece, the only good thing about it was Roronoa Zoro he was pretty cool..

11-16-2009, 02:23 AM
Death Note
Code Geass
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Full Metal Alchemist
Wolf's Rain
Yu Yu Hakusho
.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet

11-16-2009, 04:08 AM
Detonater Orgun. It looked pretty cool but it turned out to be kinda boring.

12-04-2009, 08:30 AM
One piece - looked like kids show. Didn't make it past first ep
Brain powered - oh. my. god. This will test your sanity. Order Ritalin and Valium before attempting to see it.
Paradise Kiss - had high hopes, but didn't like the animation style (damn creepy eyes drawn by 4 year olds!)
Soul eater - story was ok, but it seemed more like a caricature anime

12-08-2009, 08:33 AM
"X" Can't stand emo anime
Better man--Can't stand the plot format, plot development and ending.
One piece--It started out all right then it got a little childish and boring.

12-09-2009, 10:14 AM
Yu Yu Hakusho. It started off really clever, the main character had extremely limited powers and overcame opponents through wit and luck. He was really likable and everyone he beat was just flat out better than him in powers. As the series progressed though, he stopped becoming clever and fights boiled down to DBZ, right down to the screaming matches. They tried to get back to the old style with the psychics, removing the brute force element, but that idea was thrown out the window quickly.

12-09-2009, 03:39 PM
Taisho Era Baseball Girls.

It started off well for a typical Slice Of Life anime but the ending was poorly done and rushed. They need to stop adapting unfinished/ongoing mangas...

It wasn't predictable but instead it was the opposite and it made you feel down or angry afterwords.


It was just so dull and boring and the opening theme didn't suit the tone of the anime, at all!

12-12-2009, 07:42 PM
One Piece - Very long and story is getting boring as the number increases.
School Days - Darn you Makoto I want to slash his head.
Ga-Rei-Zero - Characters that shouldn't die is dead.
Evangelion (TV) - Story isn't clear.

There are more but I can't recall the titles.

12-16-2009, 04:58 AM
おるちゅばんエビちゅ (ebichu) is the worst i have ever tried to stomach.
i also have no love for エルゴプラクシー (ergo proxy), serial experiment lain, ドラゴンボール (dragonball), or アキラ. though アキラ (akira) is very much influence by fan reactions when i managed to acquire it (summer'88=アキラ overload).

how people here can claim マリア様がみてる (mariasama), きまぐれオレンジ☆ロード (kor), スクールデイズ (school days) or らき☆すた (lucky star) are bad is beyond me. those are some of my favorite.

12-16-2009, 11:00 AM
Kara no kyoukai.

I have expected more interesting and not so boring for me

12-22-2009, 08:35 PM
I really hate the end of Fullmetal Alchemist.
Minami-Ke (first season) was funny, but it was also boring most of the time. I really expected more of them.

12-22-2009, 10:41 PM
The most dissapointing anime would have to be... Ghost In The Shell. All other animes I am okay with.

Kinda funny how people hate One Piece, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto lol.

12-23-2009, 01:59 AM
The most disappointing animes would have to be... One Piece, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto. All other animes I am okay with.

Kinda funny how people hate Ghost in the Shell lol


12-23-2009, 02:16 AM

well it is true most people hate Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, and Full Metal Alchemist but have not a clue what it is about that is whats funny.

12-23-2009, 03:34 AM
Vampire Knight. Nuff Said.

12-23-2009, 03:35 AM
The most dissapointing anime would have to be... Ghost In The Shell. All other animes I am okay with.

Kinda funny how people hate One Piece, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto lol.

FMA is great but the end is sh!t.

12-23-2009, 03:41 AM
FMA is great but the end is sh!t.

How is the end?

12-23-2009, 03:48 AM
How is the end?

You didn't watch it or why are you asking?

Ed and Al being together again on the "other" side (our world) without alchemy and stuff.

A really disappointing end (to me)

12-23-2009, 03:52 AM
You didn't watch it or why are you asking?

Ed and Al being together again on the "other" side (our world) without alchemy and stuff.

A really disappointing end (to me)

I watch it but im only on episode 43.

12-23-2009, 03:56 AM
I watch it but im only on episode 43.

So why did you ask for the end. Now I ruined it to you :(

12-23-2009, 04:00 AM
So why did you ask for the end. Now I ruined it to you :(

Its okay for FMA though. You didn't really ruin it for me though but the others on the otherhand i don't want a spoiler for.

12-23-2009, 11:26 PM
The English adaptation of Sailor Moon disappointed me. However, I am American, so I naturally saw the dub first and instantly loved it. Then I found the original Japanese version and began to see the immense flaws of the English dub. The biggest mistake of DiC ((The company that dubbed Sailor Moon)) was aiming to the wrong demographic. They aimed for young children when the original demographic for Sailor Moon was for pre-teens and teenagers. Given that ((And America's overbearing need to protect our children from everything)), everything that could be viewed as unpleasant was either drawn over or taken out all together.

For example, transformation sequences edited out the body lines to take out any hint of breasts or a pubic area and there were also scenes of violence that were taken out such as the deaths of the Sailor Senshi or one being slapped by another. They even took out scenes of them sticking their tongues out because it "might have a negative influence on children".

The original season finale of the first season was two episodes called "The Day of Destiny", in which each of the Sailor Senshi sacrificed themselves for Sailor Moon and eventually ended in the death of Sailor Moon herself. And although they were all resurrected at the end, DiC decided to remove every reference to death. So much editing was needed that the two episodes were merged into one.

01-07-2010, 10:34 PM
I expected a lot from Studio DEEN of all people with Umineko but the ending.....Dammit, DEEN!

01-13-2010, 10:49 PM
New Higurashi series,Gantz,Naruto,naruto shippuuden(although it is slowly redeeming itself lately)

one of the reasons why i find them disappointing is that MANY of the background music arent there in any of their OSTS,that burns me faster than paper in a forest fire.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-14-2010, 09:46 AM
New Higurashi series

You mean the 5 part OVA? Ya, that seemed more like an epilogue than a new season. At least the girls got to see Keiichi naked.

01-14-2010, 09:42 PM
You mean the 5 part OVA? Ya, that seemed more like an epilogue than a new season. At least the girls got to see Keiichi naked.

indeed,i suppose that was the only thing taken to note from that OVA xD
I thought they would show some light on the (dimention?) rena was inside when she was an adult in the first episode of season 2,that was what i was hoping for,but it doesnt really matter in the long run because the 2 series anime was very well made and had a good ending anyway.oh back on topic,did anyone find kara no kyoukai movie 6 a bit disappointing?i mean after watching the first 3 movies i was just drooling for more,the 3 one especially had a huge emotional package imo,the one with the magician in the strange building was "ok" ,worth watching ,though not even close to the first 3.but 6 sucked tbh,not worth it's hype.

01-15-2010, 07:46 PM
I hate Dragon Ball
"In the first episode: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.....( more five episodies)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.....(more five episodies)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.....(more five episodies)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh....BOOM! The bad guy dies. begin a new saga. It's a noob things.

01-27-2010, 06:34 PM
Trinity Blood was a bit of a disappointment...

...since Abel didn't kill Cain.

And then there's The Twelve Kingdoms, which is unfinished.

They're not bad anime in my books, but their endings are quite a disappointment.

01-27-2010, 06:39 PM
Fixed your post. Don't be a jerkface next time. Mark spoilers.

01-28-2010, 03:33 AM
hmmm, I'd say the second season of Darker Than Black
and Eden of the East (because it was so short)

01-30-2010, 06:35 PM
Evangelion...specifically the ending. I like the series, and I like the ending, I just don't like them combined.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-31-2010, 09:37 AM
Evangelion...specifically the ending. I like the series, and I like the ending, I just don't like them combined.

"ya well like, that's just like your opinion man."

01-31-2010, 10:15 PM
I was most disappointed with Rurouni Kenshin because despite being AWESOME, they didn't adapt the final arc, yet they could have but instead they did filler. It wasn't bad filler but it sucks to have filler then run out of time to do the canon.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-01-2010, 07:36 AM
I was most disappointed with Rurouni Kenshin because despite being AWESOME, they didn't adapt the final arc, yet they could have but instead they did filler. It wasn't bad filler but it sucks to have filler then run out of time to do the canon.

The same thing happened to Inuyasha but now there working on the finale series so who nows.

02-07-2010, 12:26 PM

As a fan of just the games and the cards, I could never get into the show. It started out cheesy, Ash was too much of a pushover for himself. The pokemon? In the games, each pokemon had similar but many different noises that would fit their type. The show, would depict the pokemon saying it's name in various tones.

I'd feel so retarded if I were ever of the voice actors having to do any of those pokemon voices. I'm surprised none of them have even killed themselves. "My god I've spent a countless number of episodes saying "Pika! Pikachu!" over and over again!"

Sure, it may seem like the newer shows are getting better. But, even they are going downhill with boring plots, if the first handful of seasons of the first shows weren't enough.

That's about the only anime I've ever found disappointing.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-08-2010, 07:34 AM

As a fan of just the games and the cards, I could never get into the show. It started out cheesy, Ash was too much of a pushover for himself. The pokemon? In the games, each pokemon had similar but many different noises that would fit their type. The show, would depict the pokemon saying it's name in various tones.

I'd feel so retarded if I were ever of the voice actors having to do any of those pokemon voices. I'm surprised none of them have even killed themselves. "My god I've spent a countless number of episodes saying "Pika! Pikachu!" over and over again!"

Sure, it may seem like the newer shows are getting better. But, even they are going downhill with boring plots, if the first handful of seasons of the first shows weren't enough.

That's about the only anime I've ever found disappointing.

You could try looking into the original comics . I've only read a few from various continuities but it's a more mature kids thing with death and seriousness, plus James gets Jesse Preggers in the end.


02-08-2010, 03:12 PM
Saiunkoku Monogatari Ending because it was so abrupt and I think they should give us a clear ending of it rather than made us think of what happens in the end

02-13-2010, 06:43 PM
Speed Grapher, xxxHolic, Ranma 1/2 are the Worst I�ve ever seen.

Edmond Dantes
02-13-2010, 08:24 PM
xxxHolic's artist needs to be shot. and same goes for the story. ugh. why do shitty anime even see the light of day??

02-15-2010, 01:46 PM
xxxHolic's artist needs to be shot. and same goes for the story. ugh. why do shitty anime even see the light of day??

Aren't CLAMP the ones doing the art for xxxHolic?

Oh, and about shitty anime seeing the light of day ... well, I'm trying my best not to say "fanservice", but there you go.

Edmond Dantes
02-15-2010, 10:49 PM

02-16-2010, 07:30 AM
Would Berserk qualify?
Barely any animation, but a pretty strong story with, I guess, a really good soundtrack...
...brought to an end right before things started to get REALLY interesting.
Just saying.

02-16-2010, 03:38 PM
Berserk ...brought to an end right before things started to get REALLY interesting

This is incorrect. Right after that, the manga turned to pretty terrible shit.

02-21-2010, 11:15 PM
Elfen lien... :/

I don't know why some people love this series so much, is just really disappointing how this show is so lacking and "meh" with each episode. I rather watch Hellsing anyday of the week (you know, the new adaptation) instead of that thing.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-22-2010, 06:57 AM
Elfen lien... :/

I don't know why some people love this series so much, is just really disappointing how this show is so lacking and "meh" with each episode. I rather watch Hellsing anyday of the week (you know, the new adaptation) instead of that thing.

Do you mean Elfin Lied?

02-22-2010, 07:57 AM
Do you mean Elfin Lied?
Haha, yeah. The series is so bad that i forgot the name. :p

02-23-2010, 04:15 PM
Actually it is spelt Elfen Lied. :P

Either way, my vote goes to Neon Genesis Evangelion for instead of granting me an ending in which I understood everything, I was given completely the opposite, as well as a mind-numbing headache from trying to figure it all out.

EDIT: I do also have to give props to Hirugashi, because honestly... I was waiting for it to "start being good" and after I've watched a few episodes patiently waiting... the story seems to... reset... to which I just cannot be bothered to continue watching it.

Also, to those whom hate Naruto, you should at least try to watch Naruto Shippuuden. Just ignore Naruto as a character because there isn't that many that actually like him it seems. I mean if he isn't mass cloning himself he's using his Rasengan jutsu. Meanwhile all the other half decent characters actually have more than two abilities. And if he isn't feeling sorry for the other people that are burdened with the Tailed Beasts... he's seemingly getting a righteous hard-on for Sasuke. But yeah, I watch it for everything BUT Naruto :P.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-23-2010, 07:07 PM
Actually it is spelt Elfen Lied. :P

Either way, my vote goes to Neon Genesis Evangelion for instead of granting me an ending in which I understood everything, I was given completely the opposite, as well as a mind-numbing headache from trying to figure it all out.

EDIT: I do also have to give props to Hirugashi, because honestly... I was waiting for it to "start being good" and after I've watched a few episodes patiently waiting... the story seems to... reset... to which I just cannot be bothered to continue watching it.

Also, to those whom hate Naruto, you should at least try to watch Naruto Shippuuden. Just ignore Naruto as a character because there isn't that many that actually like him it seems. I mean if he isn't mass cloning himself he's using his Rasengan jutsu. Meanwhile all the other half decent characters actually have more than two abilities. And if he isn't feeling sorry for the other people that are burdened with the Tailed Beasts... he's seemingly getting a righteous hard-on for Sasuke. But yeah, I watch it for everything BUT Naruto :P.
~It's a god-awful small affair
said the girl with the bright pink hair
But Sasuke is so emo
and he's macking on old Naruto~

When the Cicadias Cry is based off a chose your own adventure PC game, the start overs are for the different endings. Don't bother with When the Seagulls Cry cuz it's the same but even more random.

02-23-2010, 09:02 PM
Either way, my vote goes to Neon Genesis Evangelion for instead of granting me an ending in which I understood everything, I was given completely the opposite, as well as a mind-numbing headache from trying to figure it all out.

Is really "sad" when people don't get Evangelion, because is really not that hard to understand. But you really need to get into it with passion in orden to understand the story.

But, now with the new Movies of Rebuild of Evangelion i don't see an excuse to not understand the story.

Also, to those whom hate Naruto, you should at least try to watch Naruto Shippuuden. Just ignore Naruto as a character because there isn't that many that actually like him it seems. I mean if he isn't mass cloning himself he's using his Rasengan jutsu. Meanwhile all the other half decent characters actually have more than two abilities. And if he isn't feeling sorry for the other people that are burdened with the Tailed Beasts... he's seemingly getting a righteous hard-on for Sasuke. But yeah, I watch it for everything BUT Naruto :P.
Seriously, Naruto sucks monkey balls. The manga is horrible, the anime even is worse... is just a waste of time in my opinion.

Why people don't watch Yu Yu Hakusho or Shaman King? Those two are one of the most entertaining and awesome shonen series ever made. I think that they even better than any of the Dragon Ball sagas.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-24-2010, 08:03 AM
Neon Genesis Evangelion is basically the story of a group of people who all kinda have the same problems of intimacy, abandonment, & self worth but they deal with it in different ways (i.e. introverted Rei, inert Shinji, extroverted Asuka, Misato who it a little bit of all 3.) and their fight to overcome them all the while fighting off a relentless wave of Lovecraftian horrors with mecha made out of the same Lovecraftian horrors so a shadowy government agency can enact a plot that just might destroy humanity anyway.

02-24-2010, 09:50 PM
Revolutionary Girl Utena.

Ugh... wtf was THAT?

03-24-2010, 02:22 AM
Final Fantasy Unlimited. Yes, I did expect something out of it. I expected an ending. And maybe answers.

04-04-2010, 11:00 PM
Basically, almost (with few exceptions) every anime that has the word 'cute' tagged is a disappointment to me.
Also Ergo Proxy was a disappointment.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-05-2010, 06:46 AM
Basically, almost (with few exceptions) every anime that has the word 'cute' tagged is a disappointment to me.
Also Ergo Proxy was a disappointment.

Even Azumanga Daioh?

04-06-2010, 01:48 AM
You're kidding right?

04-06-2010, 01:45 PM
Sakura diaries or something along those lines was a terrible anime for me. Only watched 2 episodes and was

04-10-2010, 07:05 AM
witch hunter robin. ugh. enough said

04-24-2010, 12:16 AM
Skip Beat. More slice of life than shoujo and TOO much slapstick.

04-25-2010, 10:01 AM
People in this thread are either hard to please, or have terrible taste in anime.

Now, I'll tell you an anime I'm disappointed with. Kimi ni Todoke. It was supposed to be a really cute romantic anime. They teased you the entire anime.

And they never kissed. They never got together. They never even admitted to liking each other.

Fucking bullshit.

05-02-2010, 07:30 AM
witch hunter robin. ugh. enough said

What's wrong with it? I thought it was passable.

zex marquise
05-21-2010, 01:33 PM
Endless Eight.

That is all.

05-21-2010, 06:26 PM
I would say Tenjou Tenge. From the previews it looks great. I got the boxset and man, it was mostly flashbacks about Shin Natsume. The ending really pissed me off. They coulda shown the tournament and how the fight between Aya and Maya ended.

06-10-2010, 11:13 AM
Also Ergo Proxy was a disappointment.

=-O How so?

So far I've only watched the first three volumes in the series, but would be interested to know your reasons!

06-11-2010, 02:11 AM
It's hard to remember all details now, because 2 years have past since I watched.

The story started nicely, and the plot was intriguing, but somewhere in the middle everything went down the drain. The pace slows down and fails to pick up. I remember, there even was one filler episode where the characters somehow magically ended up in some kind of game show, and in the next episode they're magically back on the road. And I couldn't forgive something like that, when story already was moving in turtle speed.

Basically the whole Ergo Proxy story is about a group of people who go on a long journey to a city that holds answers. And when they finally do get there, it turns out they must go back to where they started, but it only takes 1 or 2 episodes for them to get back. Wow, talk about story progression huh.

06-11-2010, 08:09 AM
Fair do's

Have to say so far I'm finding it to be quite good! But then know some show's can start off that way and then go downhill later. If that's what happened with this one, then that is a shame. Still, will probably finish watching it at some stage anyway - just to satisfy my curiosity!

06-11-2010, 08:31 AM
Azumanga Daioh was kind of disappointing.

06-14-2010, 12:55 AM
RahXephon. Gave me a headache.

06-26-2010, 08:28 PM
Cahos Head- no gory violence just tame and boring, cant believe Funimation licensed it

06-28-2010, 08:01 AM
Cahos Head- no gory violence just tame and boring, cant believe Funimation licensed it

I'm actually kinda happy there's no gory violence, lol.

I'm actually fairly disappointed with FMA Brotherhood...which is really sad because I love the original anime and I loved the manga. I wanted this to be good so bad, but the direction is just off. They hired a relative newcomer to do this one (and I like it that Bones does that), but he's not performing.

The timing is really awkward. We'll go from comedy to serious and back in the strangest ways that feel forced and inconsistant. They switch between normal animation and exaggerated shots every two seconds. I know they said they wanted to stick to the manga..., but some of the stuff in the manga just does not work on television. A frame by frame adaptation of the manga is far more faithful than I needed, but that's what we're getting, for better or for worse.

The casting is changed up (besides a few key players, thank goodness), and I kinda liked the original actors better. Good thing Funimation kept the dub cast the same as the original or I wouldn't be able to bear watching this. And finally and most disappointingly, the soundtrack sucks. The OPs and EDs are ok to meh. Mixed in general, but the orchestral score is just emotionless. It's big and brassy, and sounds well composed classically, but there's no heart and soul in it. It might work in a formal concert setting, but it's classical music, plain and simple, and NOT fit for soundtrack material. It's just soul-less.

I'm still watching it when I can because the story and action is still top-notch, but I was so hoping this would at-least match the original in-terms of direction and composition, but it's just two steps behind and it's really relying purely on the story to save it's ass. I sadly won't be buying this one.

11-03-2010, 01:32 PM
I was disappointed in Bubblegum Crash, the sequel to Crisis, I didn't like the approach at all to how it was done and the first two episodes were bad and in the end it failed to live up to its' predecessor. There was no closure to the Knight Sabers' conflict with Genom and the animation quality in the episodes looked thrown together. I wished the company that made the series had invested time and money in producing more AD Police Files episodes(BGC's prequel), which was a better series than Crash was.

12-01-2010, 09:39 PM
I didnt really care for Black Jack & im really baffled by the popularity of dragonballZ

its Dragon Ball Z Kia you need to be baffled about not Z

12-01-2010, 09:47 PM
Beet the Vandel Buster, one of the most retarded shows I have ever weathered. The entire series the ass clown refuses to lvl up, yet he somehow 'defeats' ridiculously stronger enemies. I like a bit of realism in my animes,

OH! and I also despised Gundam SEED, it was like watching a gay teen soap opera, stop fighting, stop raping this and that person blah-blah-blah! I was so disgusted I stopped watching after the 3rd or something episode. More disappointing animes on my list, but I won't bore people with mad rants.

08-15-2011, 12:42 AM
Koichi Ohata's "Burst Angel" was very dissapointing to me. I liked his work on MD Geist and Genocyber beacuse those were badass anime. But the recent anime he has directed were terrible.

08-16-2011, 06:25 AM
Definetely: Saint Seiya: Chapter Inferno and Elysium
nothing worse than be waiting more than a decade for something great and turned out being such a piece of s*** ... truly disappointing...
Ring ni Kakero...
Sorcereus Stabber Orphen and the Loddoss TV series both for the same reason, because they have the most liying openings ever! The opening sequences are absolutely awesome, but the series is soooo lame.

09-12-2011, 02:02 PM

if it would just end then it probably wouldn't be as disappointing but for one who loved Yu-Gi-Oh from duel monsters to GX I have to say that all continuations of Yu-Gi-Oh at this point are very disappointing because they're taking the same path as pokemon.

09-13-2011, 03:07 PM
OH! and I also despised Gundam SEED, it was like watching a gay teen soap opera, stop fighting, stop raping this and that person blah-blah-blah! I was so disgusted I stopped watching after the 3rd or something episode. More disappointing animes on my list, but I won't bore people with mad rants.

Gundam SEED DESTINY was arguably a lot worse than SEED. There were quite a few clip shows, as well as glaring overuse of plot armour, especially in the original final episode, when no fleet assets in Terminal (i.e. Kira Yamato and allies) took damage.

09-15-2011, 06:52 PM
An unusual thread as everyone has such varying tastes. personally i find shows like naruto and bleach are dissapointing as they always seem to go downhill after a while. They started off well enough. Gundam Wing and Seed were never as good as the other gundam anime' for me.

but most of all i think the panzer dragoon anime was the biggest dissapointment of my otaku life. being such a fan of the games, i was so excited to get it. but it ended up being a terrible version of the first games plot.

09-15-2011, 07:01 PM
but most of all i think the panzer dragoon anime was the biggest dissapointment of my otaku life. being such a fan of the games, i was so excited to get it. but it ended up being a terrible version of the first games plot.
There's a PD anime?

09-17-2011, 04:31 PM
Naruto and Bleach seemed all right at first. I feel that they only started to really go downhill when instances of QUALITY became more prevalent in them.

Bio Zombie
09-25-2011, 06:16 AM
Dragon Ball Series almost the entire series centers around fighting super humans/Aliens that take multiple Episodes it seems like a single punch could take up the whole episode.

09-25-2011, 12:38 PM
Hayate the combat butler season 1for me. it started well but then they stopped following the manga and it got a bit boring. It improved in the second season though when they started following the plot of the manga again.

09-27-2011, 04:48 PM
Gundam SEED DESTINY was arguably a lot worse than SEED. There were quite a few clip shows, as well as glaring overuse of plot armour, especially in the original final episode, when no fleet assets in Terminal (i.e. Kira Yamato and allies) took damage.

You should get ready for Gundam SEED HD remaster, that's gonna be ready to be shown in 2012. I'm here hoping that lot's of changes to be made. If this is a success in sales, then by all means we might get Destiny to be re-worked, as I know that we all saw the bad writing/animation problems on this series (lot's of drama on the production, low budget, etc.) or if Destiny is not next on their priority list, then the Movie needs to come out of hiatus mode.

11-08-2011, 07:54 PM
Tsubasa Chronicle.
I waited so long for this to be something very good, but only the first episodes and last episodes seemed like they had a lot of work to make pretty and cool things. :/
2seasons made me get sick of it :/

11-19-2011, 04:57 AM
there was this one I watched aaaaaaaggggeeeeeess ago called cardcaptors. It had lots of potential, but was overall very cringe-worthy.

11-22-2011, 02:27 PM
Cardcaptor Sakura? I believe the dub ruined quite a significant portion of the original.

12-27-2011, 08:52 AM
Mine had to be King of Thorn, it was a movie instead of a series though. I read the manga first and fell in love with it but the movie was just pure crap. They really shouldn't have bothered...

Chocolate Misu
12-27-2011, 10:24 PM
Trinity Blood was highly disappointing to me :sad: First episode seemed awesome and stuff was happening and whatnot. Second episode......... nothing happens... Third....... nothing....... fourth............ still nothing........ Reeled me in with awesome and then just dropped it all. That end theme is still good though.

02-20-2012, 12:38 AM
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.... Fullmetal Alchemist ends so expertly, in such a pleasing fashion and then Brotherhood does not bother to continue.

07-19-2012, 10:53 PM
Dragon Ball or Gal Force. Hard to decide which.

07-31-2012, 06:31 AM
Not the entire show, but just the ending to Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. So much wasted potential with the last duel.

08-05-2012, 05:04 AM
Wolverine, X-Men and Rosario + Vampire

08-05-2012, 06:30 PM
Ive more or less lost intrest in Anime all together, but any anime that goes 100+ episodes long always disappointed me such as Bleach or Naruto.

08-07-2012, 05:32 PM
.Hack//Twilight and King of Bandits Jing both let me down. I went into them expecting one thing and ended up with a bad taste in my mouth...

08-08-2012, 07:22 AM
what thes >>>>? H don't no thes oh my god

08-22-2012, 08:59 PM
Dunno, too many to choose from. But when I have to pick a rather popular one, I'd say Rurouni Kenshin. The adaption was like a kid's version compared to the manga, almost had a completely different mood. Too many boring filler episodes and no proper end.

I liked the manga, though, except of the abysmal last arc. Which made me wonder if Watsuki's totally retarded for toying with the Shounen genre the way he did.

09-14-2012, 11:38 PM
this is record of lodoss war. cant understand what people like aout this

09-16-2012, 08:49 AM
this is record of lodoss war. cant understand what people like aout this
As far as its animated adaptions go, you're stuck with a beautiful OVA with a less-than-satisfactory ending or a decent TV series with a limited budget and an after-episode gag to close out each and every episode. Most people are slightly more familiar with the few episodes of the OVA shown on the Sci-Fi Channel back when they bothered with an anime block (they never aired the OVA in its entirety, though). Then again, we're not exactly here to defend our personal favorites. :p

Since I'm here, I might as well throw out another anime that I'm disappointed in: Highschool of the Dead. It had an interesting set-up that was sadly bogged down by a severe overdose of unnecessary fanservice. I was only able to stomach through the first episode before I stopped caring. From what I heard, the fanservice only gets "worse" in later episodes, so I guess I left at a good time?

Speaking of fanservice, there's Master of Martial Hearts. I don't remember too much about it, but that might have more to do with my efforts to block out that experience from my memory. I vaguely recall it being very bitter about a lot of things, particularly the last 2 episodes. It was a very short, yet bitter, anime series.

Finally, there's E's Otherwise. The plot is hideously slow even for a 26-episode series, the characters are incredibly generic and unmemorable, and the English dub sucks like you wouldn't believe.

09-17-2012, 08:46 AM
Highschool of the Dead. severe overdose of unnecessary fanservice.

dont read the manga, ever.

09-27-2012, 12:38 PM
Total eclipse, just not the same as the original VNs.

10-12-2012, 12:10 AM
Dragon Ball Z. When I heard about it... I was like "This is going to be bad ass!!!!!!!!!". 10 Episodes later I'm like "The fuq?" Episode 21 was as far as I got. The show kept getting worse, and worse, and worse. Each episode was a new lesson on how not to write a story or animate a combat sequence. Complete let down. Was thoroughly disappointed.

10-14-2012, 12:08 PM
well all anime that doesnt follow the original manga are always disappointing... prime examples: Gantz, full metal alchemist (but at least they are giving it another try with brotherhood), blue excorcist just to name a few

10-16-2012, 12:26 PM
Dragon Ball Z. When I heard about it... I was like "This is going to be bad ass!!!!!!!!!". 10 Episodes later I'm like "The fuq?" Episode 21 was as far as I got. The show kept getting worse, and worse, and worse. Each episode was a new lesson on how not to write a story or animate a combat sequence. Complete let down. Was thoroughly disappointed.

Dragon Ball Z or Kai?

10-16-2012, 07:30 PM
Dragon ball Z. I never made it to any of the other ones. Kai is the original series? No idea. I just know I couldn't bear to watch any more of it.

10-17-2012, 08:27 AM
Dragon ball Z. I never made it to any of the other ones. Kai is the original series? No idea. I just know I couldn't bear to watch any more of it.

I suppose its matter of preferences... For most of the otakus DBZ is the greatest thing ever done (myself is included there, haha). Kai is the "Remake", Timeline: Dragon Ball-Z-(GT)-(KAI).

10-17-2012, 10:12 PM
I suppose its matter of preferences... For most of the otakus DBZ is the greatest thing ever done (myself is included there, haha). Kai is the "Remake", Timeline: Dragon Ball-Z-(GT)-(KAI).

Perhaps, My standards for anime are not exactly high. If I can watch and enjoy a show like 11eyes or Girls un panzer, Pretty much anything except the extremely bad I can watch. Dragon Ball Z unfortunately for me fell far into that category. The first thing I noticed is that all the character are duplicates of 3 basic models. Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Gohan... Take the hair and eye brows off and they are identical. Very lazy in my opinion. Granted This is not the only show to do this. It's just an example. That's just the first thing that got on my nerves. As you said however, It's a matter of preference. This probably does not matter to most of the anime fandom.

10-17-2012, 10:59 PM
Dragon Ball Z. I really loved it when I was a kid and I still do but the ending could have been WAY better. Goku just leaves everyone and goes off to train with Uub... and then GT happened. Terrible way to end the Dragon Ball series.

10-18-2012, 07:17 AM
The Dragon Ball GT thing, bufff. Its like Saint Seiya Omega, CRAP.

Perhaps, My standards for anime are not exactly high. If I can watch and enjoy a show like 11eyes or Girls un panzer, Pretty much anything except the extremely bad I can watch. Dragon Ball Z unfortunately for me fell far into that category. The first thing I noticed is that all the character are duplicates of 3 basic models. Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Gohan... Take the hair and eye brows off and they are identical. Very lazy in my opinion. Granted This is not the only show to do this. It's just an example. That's just the first thing that got on my nerves. As you said however, It's a matter of preference. This probably does not matter to most of the anime fandom.

True. Most of heroes was done like that. Just remember 80's anime was always like this. Then some series did the difference...

Also, how many animes are saved by their music? A lot IMO.

10-18-2012, 06:51 PM
The Dragon Ball GT thing, bufff. Its like Saint Seiya Omega, CRAP.

True. Most of heroes was done like that. Just remember 80's anime was always like this. Then some series did the difference...

Also, how many animes are saved by their music? A lot IMO.

A fair point. Gal force is the best example for a show with everyone looking pretty much the same. As for the music, also an good point. 11eyes is a great example of this. Pretty disappointing show in terms of story and character development. It did however, have rad music, which made up for its short comings.

I am also reconsidering most disappointing anime. Eureka Seven AO is becoming a huge let down. I absolutely loved Eureka Seven and I am fast losing interest in Eureka Seven AO, faster then I did with Dragon Ball Z. 4 Episodes in and I pretty much lost interest in it already.

10-20-2012, 03:22 PM
What about SS Omega??? Crap to the hardest level... :S

10-20-2012, 07:09 PM
What about SS Omega??? Crap to the hardest level... :S

Ahyhh yes, The elite squad of tree hugging man babies trying to live to to the legacy of ultra-man, while only living up to the legacy of ultra-bad.

10-20-2012, 07:40 PM
The worst part is that original SS chars appears in the saga only for pure fanservice. Seriously, some animes must be limited. Saint Seiya should have finished in Ep. 73 (or 114).

10-20-2012, 09:22 PM
The worst part is that original SS chars appears in the saga only for pure fanservice. Seriously, some animes must be limited. Saint Seiya should have finished in Ep. 73 (or 114).

Some fan service shows can be at least kinda cool. An example is Ikki Tousen, muu-luu alternative - Total Eclipse and Asura Cryin. While they still rank as pretty bad, they are at least fun to watch and at least one of the characters in these shows are some what interesting. But ultimately they are pure fan service, and not to be taken as anything else. SSO failed nearly as bad to fans of the series as Starwars episode: 1 did to starwars fans. Utterly disappointing in every aspect. Not to mention Shainas torpedo titty suit redefined bad art design.

10-24-2012, 08:16 AM
Some fan service shows can be at least kinda cool. An example is Ikki Tousen, muu-luu alternative - Total Eclipse and Asura Cryin. While they still rank as pretty bad, they are at least fun to watch and at least one of the characters in these shows are some what interesting. But ultimately they are pure fan service, and not to be taken as anything else. SSO failed nearly as bad to fans of the series as Starwars episode: 1 did to starwars fans. Utterly disappointing in every aspect. Not to mention Shainas torpedo titty suit redefined bad art design.

And the characters seem a recicle Idea. Tauro's is Isaac (Kraken's Poseidon Arc char), the "New Bronze" Saints are the "Chibi version of the original Bronze ones" and the rest you can imagine. And also... ����WHERE IS THE BLOOD????? Does anyone remember how much blood was on the original series??? Its crazy to think that only a hit in Kouga's face is the ONLY moment which one char in the whole story (till now) spit blood : S.

Ahhh, and now im watching this:

Completo Trailer de Saint Seiya Pachinko Game Maquina - YouTube (

Why not remake the Saint Seiya ORIGINAL TV Series (and not like Kai please, thats not a "remake") with this quality of Animation. Not too much but for a 80's TV show will be AWESOME!!

10-24-2012, 09:07 PM
The worst part is that original SS chars appears in the saga only for pure fanservice. Seriously, some animes must be limited. Saint Seiya should have finished in Ep. 73 (or 114).

I don't really agree. the Hades OVAs were pretty good. so is Lost Canvas (at least the manga, never saw the anime). but Omega is just plain, utter shit. Seriously, I love Saint Seiya, I know nearly everything there's to know about it, and I still hate SS omega. There's nothing to save.

10-24-2012, 11:47 PM
I don't really agree. the Hades OVAs were pretty good. so is Lost Canvas (at least the manga, never saw the anime). but Omega is just plain, utter shit. Seriously, I love Saint Seiya, I know nearly everything there's to know about it, and I still hate SS omega. There's nothing to save.

�Are you serious? �Did you really like the last animation of Hades?? (I mean, the 2nd and 3rd arc). The scene of the saints "dancing" (VS the gods) is just... Crap.

I liked Lost Canvas in Manga (never see the anime neither), Omega is awful. And the animation of Hades uff... Its impossible to put 10 volumes on 20-30 chapters... The first 13 were good but the rest??

10-31-2012, 09:57 PM
I don't really agree. the Hades OVAs were pretty good. so is Lost Canvas (at least the manga, never saw the anime). but Omega is just plain, utter shit. Seriously, I love Saint Seiya, I know nearly everything there's to know about it, and I still hate SS omega. There's nothing to save.


11-07-2012, 05:57 AM
the animation quality of elysium was deplorable.
look at the first hades episode. now watch any of the last 6.

you will cry blood

12-03-2012, 09:47 PM

Soul Eater, since the way it ended compared to the manga was, to most people, disappointing. :)

12-21-2012, 02:12 AM

Soul Eater, since the way it ended compared to the manga was, to most people, disappointing. :)

School days... I have seen the face of the bringer of apocalypse in 5 hours. It is school days.

12-21-2012, 01:31 PM

12-27-2012, 01:55 AM
Basilisk for the shitty ending and Mugen no Junin since they never finished it.
Oh and Souten no Ken, which compared to the manga was one of the worst anime I've ever seen.
Come on, Buroson! Respect the Hokuto!!!
BTW I second you guys about Hades. First set with the gold saints was good, almost great. The rest should go to oblivion.

01-10-2013, 05:19 PM
I recently watched Darker Than Black Season 2, and I have to say I was quite disappointed by it. It was still fun to watch, but the first season of Darker Than Black ranks easily as one of my favourite animes so it was very disappointing to see such a sloppy second season; especially when it was half the length as well!

One of the things I liked about season 1 was that in spite of the supernatural elements (gates and contractors) the stories were fairly personal and not overly dramatic; one faction is trying to use a device to destroy the gates and contractors, but other factions don't want this to happen; still dramatic but nice and easy to follow, even though a lot of the details are missing early in the series and gradually revealed in a very well paced way. Season 2 however the story is that somehow Yin has become some kind of evil super-villain that will destroy the world? Um� not a fan of that one, as it kind of ruined how she was as a character in season 1, going from this blank emotionless doll and yet starting to remember who she was once again, which was a much more interesting character development.
Season 2 also falls way too far toward generic anime territory, with some terrible J-pop intro, an overly busty cardigan wearing girl with glasses, gratuitous breast jiggle, some intelligence broker with a massive rack that hardly screams "subtle information gathering", various leering at children, groping, a transvestite and a lesbian ninja. The contractors are also very poorly thought out; in season 1 their powers and the penalties they paid for them were all very interesting, and several contractors had similar themes (Mal could transfer into animals and back into his own body, while another could transfer into anyone. One guy could destroy anything his blood landed on, while another could do the same to anything he left hand-prints on, they had similar themes); in this series we get the ninja whose power is to have a light-sabre or something, some guy who can cover himself in masonry yet still apparently move without encumbrance despite no longer being the physical shape of a person anymore, and someone whose ability was quite literally� magic. Even though every episode mentions how contractors are cold rational people none of them seemed to reflect this at all as they cheerily went around acting blatantly on emotion.
The overall story also makes little to no sense; the gates are supernatural, fine, but everyone pops over to Hell's gate but there doesn't seem to be a clear reason why, or why any of what is happening is happening. I dunno, the whole series struck me as extremely sloppy after the first season which, though light at times and with its own clich�s, was generally very grounded and enjoyable. Season 2 is still okay to watch, with one of the new main character's story being interesting to see unfold, but it really isn't up to the same standard at all, which is bad for such a short series as well as it wastes a ton of that time.

02-03-2013, 12:20 AM
Arcana Famiglia, though no one really expected it to be good.

Roast Chicken
02-09-2013, 09:47 PM
Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z

The character design and the animation are wonderful but the plot could have been a lot more interesting...

Mojo Jojo: On the booklet from the OST, there's a picture of a weird boy manipulated by a monkey.
Him: I love this character and his outfit is awesome... He was supposed to be a gay man, not a green demon.

What I didn't like about the story is:

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are humans with japanese names (Momoko, Miyako and Kaoru) and they're not sisters.
Him is weak against cold things and he's not evil compared to the original version.
Dynamo Z is just a time machine not a fightning robot.

02-11-2013, 12:25 AM
Rurouni Kenshin: Shin Kyoto-hen
Saint Seiya Omega

The Legend of Zelda
02-11-2013, 11:06 PM
I will always regret wasting time of my life watching: ALONE
Another (TV) - Anime News Network (

Horrible plot, and the ending was even worse.

02-12-2013, 12:17 AM
Gurren Lagann
it was the worst anime i've ever watched

04-05-2013, 03:50 PM
Full Metal Panic is a big stinker. In fact there's a tonne of crap out there. Very un-Japanese compared to some excellent work. Bizarre.

04-05-2013, 04:01 PM

With it being produced by White Fox, who also did Steins;gate, I was really looking forward to it. They did a great job with the animation, but the story and characters ruined it.

04-05-2013, 10:11 PM
Gilgamesh. I gave it a chance, but couldn't get past the first volume on DVD.

Lady Death - Total shit / Unwatchable. Doesn't even look like Anime.

Dead Leaves - Not funny / Pointless. Radical style didn't work.

04-07-2013, 09:38 AM
Full Metal Panic is a big stinker. In fact there's a tonne of crap out there. Very un-Japanese compared to some excellent work. Bizarre.

I'm sorry, but this is the worst explanation for any sort of creative work being "bad" that I've ever heard.

04-07-2013, 11:50 PM
I'm sorry, but this is the worst explanation for any sort of creative work being "bad" that I've ever heard.

I described it is a stinker... There are lots of bad shows, hence this thread and my 'tonne of crap' remark... And compared to some other excellent Anime, which is almost exclusively Japanese, this one is poor...

However, I didn't elaborate an explanation as you've inferred. This thread, titled "Most Disappointing Anime", induced me to mention an Anime show that most disappointed, and I elected to omit an explanation as to why it is dire. It seemed like too much effort if you know what I mean.

And you needn't apologise. If you've gone out and purchased the complete box set of "Full Metal Panic" then I should apologise for slamming something you may be enjoying immensely.

Rosebum Flutterbelly
04-10-2013, 11:14 PM
aku no hana

04-15-2013, 04:45 AM
aku no hana

I think you mean most disappointing animation (as in the way the series is animated, not the most disappointing animated show)

04-17-2013, 07:10 PM
I found Psycho Pass to be one of the most disappointing animes I have ever watched. It showed such promise with the premise in the beginning, as it kept going they just added trope after trope, didn't think-through plot-holes, and the end was the epitome of unsatisfactory: You LITERALLY end up where you began. The Character design was tolerable and the animation passable, so it at least had that going for it.

04-18-2013, 06:46 PM
full metal panic???? which one? because one is good, and the other is decent.

The Legend of Zelda
04-26-2013, 07:08 PM

I have never felt so bad after wasting my life watching "another". The plot was terrible and the ending even worse..

05-19-2013, 05:36 PM
It's been mentioned here.


Now to everyones opinions that I truthfully respect, if there is one show in the existence of a ride of dissapointment, it is this. I have never come across anything so disgusting, twisted, shocking, completely out of the blue ending ever in my life in the hundreds of anime series that I've gone through. The end was just so shocking I wanted to vomit at the shear complete brain f*ck that came out of watching that. I don't ever want to go through that experience of watching an anime ever again. With the direction the show was going, the last episode completely shoves a spade up your ass. I'm not even lying. What were the directors thinking?

05-19-2013, 06:08 PM
It's been mentioned here.


Now to everyones opinions that I truthfully respect, if there is one show in the existence of a ride of dissapointment, it is this. I have never come across anything so disgusting, twisted, shocking, completely out of the blue ending ever in my life in the hundreds of anime series that I've gone through. The end was just so shocking I wanted to vomit at the shear complete brain f*ck that came out of watching that. I don't ever want to go through that experience of watching an anime ever again. With the direction the show was going, the last episode completely shoves a spade up your ass. I'm not even lying. What were the directors thinking?

That was kind of...the point.

Turning the 'harem' genera on its head.

The Legend of Zelda
05-19-2013, 10:33 PM
I found Psycho Pass to be one of the most disappointing animes I have ever watched. It showed such promise with the premise in the beginning, as it kept going they just added trope after trope, didn't think-through plot-holes, and the end was the epitome of unsatisfactory: You LITERALLY end up where you began. The Character design was tolerable and the animation passable, so it at least had that going for it.

Psycho pass disappointing? O___o. That anime is a psychological thriller.. And it delivered exactly that.

05-19-2013, 10:39 PM
From the way you guys describe Psycho Pass, it actually sounds interesting to me. lol I love psychological thrillers.

05-20-2013, 07:32 AM
Psycho pass disappointing? O___o. That anime is a psychological thriller.. And it delivered exactly that.

You think Psycho Pass isn't disappointing, but Another is?


05-20-2013, 11:49 AM
From the way you guys describe Psycho Pass, it actually sounds interesting to me. lol I love psychological thrillers.

Yeah Dragon, it's a futuristic, psychological thriller. Go for it.

You think Psycho Pass isn't disappointing, but Another is?


Lol Psycho-Pass was wonderful, I haven't seen an anime have character and maintain a sensible plot in a long time and the story isn't over. Another was an enjoyable anime to watch if you see it as an unintentional comedy but I can see how it was disappointing if you took it seriously and the ending was really, really, really stupid regardless of who you watched it. Psycho-Pass < No Comparison < Another.

Now Magi, that was a disappointment. It started really good for the first 6-7 episodes then it dragged on, the story becoming more childish, the annoying characters becoming more apparent. And the ultimate fail, that death isn't really a consequence in that anime which turned me off completely.

05-30-2013, 03:44 PM
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Everyone always told me that I should watch it, so I did and... it was just boring. I had to force myself to the end and especially the last two episodes were totally unnecessary.
Now I'm told that the movies are so much better than the anime but somehow I doubt that.
Maybe I'll watch the first movie someday but I don't have high hopes for it.

05-30-2013, 05:39 PM
Saint Seiya Omega. Being a fan of the original series, I tried to dismiss it as a spin off. I stopped watching it after first season, seeing how dumbed down and ludicrous was. Recently, it has been brought to my attention they did this:

I know Saint Seiya was not Studio Ghibli quality, but still...

---------- Post added at 11:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Everyone always told me that I should watch it, so I did and... it was just boring. I had to force myself to the end and especially the last two episodes were totally unnecessary.
Now I'm told that the movies are so much better than the anime but somehow I doubt that.
Maybe I'll watch the first movie someday but I don't have high hopes for it.

It's not bad at all. Granted, the final episodes are heavily "introspective" and "deep" and whatever drugs/depression/shit was going thru the mind of Hideaki Anno, so the movies are there to be more about action and a straight explanation of what is exactly going on. Give them a chance.

05-30-2013, 09:13 PM
I was disappointed with Death Note. The plot had been interesting until L died. After that all began losing the sense and i was almost forced to watch the rest episodes. I almost lost myself how much Misa's life has remained, because she had made a lot of pacts. In addtion, adding some characters (for example Takada) was irritating.

05-30-2013, 11:39 PM
I can't speak on NGE; even though I have the original series in its entirety, I have yet to watch it from start to finish(I find myself collecting anime now more than actually watching). However, judging from your...reaction, I don't think you'll find the first movies ("Evangelion: Death and Rebirth" and "The End of Evangelion") any better than you did the original series. I'd recommend just skipping over to the Rebuild of Evangelion films. However, I just want to stress again that I've yet to see any of these in their entirety, so I can't really speak on the quality just yet.

05-31-2013, 08:24 AM
Each season there are some anime make me disappoint.
In the last season , that one is まおゆう , the original novel is nice , but the anime tempo is not as good as its novel.
This season , no doubt , the 惡の華 , I can not accept the paint style at all......

06-04-2013, 09:48 PM
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Everyone always told me that I should watch it, so I did and... it was just boring. I had to force myself to the end and especially the last two episodes were totally unnecessary.
Now I'm told that the movies are so much better than the anime but somehow I doubt that.
Maybe I'll watch the first movie someday but I don't have high hopes for it.

Personally, I thought Evangelion was great, but the last two episodes were way out there. The films are even more way out there. Great animation, but conceptually too bizarre. Don't bother with them if you disliked the series. The first part of the films is a composite of parts of the series along with a few new bits thrown in. And if you hate Asuka, you'll definitely not like the ending.

06-05-2013, 04:34 AM
Personally, I thought Evangelion was great, but the last two episodes were way out there. The films are even more way out there. Great animation, but conceptually too bizarre. Don't bother with them if you disliked the series. The first part of the films is a composite of parts of the series along with a few new bits thrown in. And if you hate Asuka, you'll definitely not like the ending.

Have you checked the new ones? Evangelion 1.0, 2.0 and so on? They're very interesting.

06-05-2013, 07:51 AM
Have you checked the new ones? Evangelion 1.0, 2.0 and so on? They're very interesting.

No. I didn't realise this was new work. I'll check them out. Thanks.

Gemma Boom
06-09-2013, 08:01 AM
The Big O II. That was one series I think, now that I look back, I would've been comfortable with it never continuing. There's just so much about it that bothers me. It feels a great deal like a retread of The Big O, the biggest differences being the writers flirting with the idea of placing Rodger in a committed relationship with either Angel or Dorothy, but never truly going all the way with it.

Alex Rosewater being put into the forefront didn't help matters either; I've always thought he was such a bland antagonist and the entire deal with him and comparing him and Rodger Smith never struck me as smart so much as it felt like the writers needing to give his existence validation as an enemy of the Negotiator. I could say the same thing about Angel's stake in the tale, which really felt like the writer's had no idea what to do with her (or the show, once they got cancelled again) besides make her broodish about Rodger being in love with a robot. (And don't get me started on the Re-release theme song. Ugh).

At the very least I can say that Toshihiko Sahashi delivered on yet another fantastic score.

The Legend of Zelda
06-20-2013, 03:57 AM
I never thought I'd see people hating on NGE and Death Note lol. Evangelion is basically a legend, a mecha anime that stood apart from everything with it's deep thinking and mystery back in the 90s. And up to this day all you see is some kind of copy-cat mecha animes that pretty much try to emulate NGE in one way or another.

SS Omega was ok.. I stopped right where they got to the woman at Geminis, I just didn't have any interest. I have to agree it did not deliver what fans wanted, the quality is just not there; it felt like watching pokemon. The most recent Saint Seiya Lost Canvas which is GODLY when it comes down to quality, I just could not believe my eyes with the animation. Its so fresh in the fans memory and they release Omega shortly after... It would just end up pissing people off lol.

06-21-2013, 11:14 PM
I got two words to say about what disappointed me (not because it was badly dubbed but the writers were probably hackney at best): Sonic X.

08-24-2014, 08:47 PM
As an Atlus-fan, I was very disappointed with:

- Persona 3
Persona 3 is the worst Persona game and the anime is not much better.

- Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 was quite good, but Golden is cheap.

- Devil Survivors 2
If only they had respected the story and used Shoji Meguro's music, the result would have been a good anime. Now it's just a below-average series with only 12 episodes.

09-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Tenchi Muyo.

09-24-2014, 09:08 PM
How was Tenchi disappointing? I found myself dissatisfied with it to a certain extent too even though it's one of my favorites, it never seemed to address certain issues even after multiple seasons

I'm not really too disappointed with most animes I've watched but most of even my favorites are at least a little disappointing in that they often didn't last long enough. I'm craving extra seasons of series that lasted only a year or two..

10-28-2014, 01:45 AM
Bleach..After the Soul Rescue arc,its all downhill from there..

12-04-2014, 10:32 PM

I remember liking it when I watched it a long time ago when it came on Toonami. I recently ran through it again, and it wasn't pretty to say the least.

12-05-2014, 08:28 AM
Akame Ga Kill... they change the story.... :( and Gundam G Reconguista..... i can't feel any emotion from them......

02-15-2015, 12:24 AM
Nobunaga the Fool was surprisingly disappointing. maybe i had just heard too much hype about it though, set the bar too high XD

02-16-2015, 05:33 PM
Psycho-Pass 2.

To be fair I only watched 5 out of 11 episodes from the second season. But what I saw left me disgusted. It was an utter disgrace compared to the first season.
I have faith in the movie though. It had the original writer and production studio involved. Looking forward when it comes out on blu-ray.

02-17-2015, 02:07 AM
Took a look at Saint Seiya Omega because the DVDs were on sale.

I haven't been that mad since 2011's Conan remake. that...thing, on top of being a scenaristic abomination, is hideously designed, had crappy characters and more or less shits on the whole damn original series. It was especially hard to accept considering "The lost canvas" was a decent prequel to Saint Seiya.

that and the fact I grew up with Saint Seiya: it started airing here around 1988, I had the toys, The movies were some of the very first anime tapes I bought around 2000 (along with Venus Wars and Nadia) and I started to read mangas because I wanted to read the Hades arc.