07-17-2002, 11:06 AM
Looks like the console war is getting really heavy now the 3 consoles have settled themselves. But...

What's your favourite console? Every arguement is a valid one (e.g. size, games, power, controllers, ...)

My favourite console is definitely the Nintendo GameCube. I mean ... what else? It looks neat, it's tiny, it's the most powerful console on the market (apart from the X-Box, which I'm just not getting). It has some great Nintendo-only games as well. Sonic Adventure 2 : Battle, Luigi's Mansion, Super Monkey Ball, Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem and the list goes on. If you want to play multi-platform games, the Cube is definitely the console you'd want to play them on, as you get the PS2-version, only better-looking and more polished (and with some extra bonuses as well, oftentimes). And another thing : Nintendo is a guarantee for quality. You're gonna get Nintendo-, and Rare-games exclusively. And it's the cheapest of the three consoles. The other ones seem to have forgotten people buy consoles to play games.

And the best arguement : consoles are a social medium. I buy a console to play with friends. And the Cube is the best console for multiplayer games. Nintendo has always been. Who cares if I get all the longest and most complicated RPG's and stuff on PS2 exclusively. I don't wanna be playing 500 hours to complete a game. I want my games to be entertaining, and relaxing. And exciting with friends. Hey, the entire family's having a blast with my GameCube.

What's your favourite console?

Neo Xzhan
07-17-2002, 02:51 PM
Hmmm let me c.

GameCube: The best newcommer and in my eyes the most impresive 1. Good graphics and most important the low price. Though there aren't as many games as for the PS2, I'm sure it will b a succes. To bad u can't play DVD's on it but IMO it was a wise disicion to make 1.4gb discs for the cube.

XboX: The console with the most power, but all the games lack to what the XboX has to offer. Microsoft is (was) making a huge mistake by joining the consoles. The price was way to high and now the price has dropped drastically everybody is loosing faith in it. Further more some games r schudeled to b released on the PC, from I obly know that Halo is the 1st. I think that says enough. Also the loading times r long.

PS2: The biggest diversity in games. They really had advantage of being the first next gen console. They have the best games available and the best gameplay. But the loading times r sometimes idiotic long. The graphics r still good and I like the PS2 controller best. If u have a remote this 1 servers as a good DVD player so when ur not gaming u can watch watch ur favorite film.

All consoles: As far as I know all company's r trying to go online with their consoles. U must first purchase a modem and then u have to pay a monthly fee to play over internet. IMO this sux and won't b much of a succes since the best way for online gaming and also the only 1 who has proven itself in this teritory: the PC. It will b hard for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft to take active partisipation in the only marketing for games.

Kool Ranch
07-17-2002, 06:04 PM
The PS2 is still my favorite, soley for the games. I know it's the least powerful of the 3 in many ways but you can't really argue with the lineup it has, and the linup of games that have been announced for it. There's something for everyone really. In fact, there's very little on the other 2 consoles that I'd actually want; definitely not enough to warrant buying one of the other systems yet.

For the record though, I like the Dreamcast better than all 3 of the newcomers. Now THERE is a killer lineup.:cool:

07-17-2002, 06:41 PM
PS2 all the way hey it has Devil May Cry what more do you want :D i would like to get a Gamecube to look coo

07-17-2002, 08:48 PM
Personally, the only consol I don't like is the X-Box. Otherwise, I've always enjoyed anything Sony has to offer, as well as Nintendo and Sega. I've recently been trying to collect as many DC games as I can, because it's the only actual system I own (my family owns the others, but some are in my room), and the DC is such a great system with so many great games. I love my old school systems, which include NES, SNES, Sega Geness, etc. I never did get to try a GB, but GBC is good enough for me. run crappy, game are crappy...hmm...Microsoft...pretty self explanitory.

Anyway, like said, all consoles 'sides the X-Box are great.

07-18-2002, 09:37 AM
I'll never like the XboX either, it's way too big and it's a console wannabe most of the times. Mr. Gates shouldn't have tried it.
Anyway, my console of choice is the gamecube. It's goes for the gameplay only and nintendo has been around long enough to know what that is xD. Who needs a fancy ps2 with Dvd if you can get a dvd player for even less *I did :p*
Sure the GC doesn't have many games yet, but out of the games that are already here and coming (most of them) are gaming classics like the time during the Snes.

07-18-2002, 04:21 PM
i own a PS2. i owned a PS before that. and before all of them, a Mega Drive. i havnt been one for buying Nintendo didnt really appeal to me.

and PS2 can be just as good as Nintendo for multiplayer...i mean, you have to fork out the cash for a multitap, which is a downer, but its about �20, something like that, not much.

not that im saying Nintendo is bad. far from it. i play an N64 quite often, its great fun for multiplayer. and i been playing a few games on a SNES emulator. i just wouldn't buy one myself, i think.

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
07-21-2002, 08:48 AM
It doesn't -- or, at least, shouldn't -- matter how powerful the console is or how many features it has. If you want an XBox or PS2 for the DVD player, you should be hit by a bus.

It all comes down to the quality of the games. If a console has lousy games, people won't want to buy it. Aside from Halo, this seems to be the case with the XBox. No one's going to buy a console for $200 for one game.

Personally, I have a PS2. I am extremely happy with it. It has a multitude of good games (including the ones from the previous PS, but that's not what it's for).

Psuedes Psyche
07-21-2002, 03:59 PM
I already got a PS2 and I'm planning on getting a Gamecube soon. I don't know if I'm gonna get an X-Box.

07-21-2002, 04:17 PM
Personally, I have a PS2. I am extremely happy with it. It has a multitude of good games (including the ones from the previous PS, but that's not what it's for).

unless ur PS broke, and you wanted to finish a couple of PS games :D

plus, there are some PS games that i never played, and would love to play now. an example is Medal of Honour: Underground. i got it well cheap in a bargain bin, �7 or something, works fine.

i think its great that the PS2 is backwards compatible. granted, i wanted one so i could play all the new games, but i can still play my old favourites too, without needing to replace my broken PS :D

Evad D'Aragon
07-21-2002, 04:45 PM
"If you wanted a PS2 or X-Box for the DVD player, you should be hit by a bus ..."

Oh, REALLY ? Come on ! I know it is nowhere as good as a "real" DVD player, but who said one can't kill two birds with one stone ?

As for me, I bought a PS2 last year to actually kill THREE birds with one stone :

1- I already had nearly twenty PSX games, so I could keep them and sell my PSX.

2- Since I don't have a DVD player, I could start watching DVDs.

3- The PS2 was going to have the best choice of games, since Sony is leading the video game market right now.

Mind you, I WOULD be interested in the other two consoles, both have some advantages that the two others don't have.

However, seeing my budget ( University doesn't come for free, and I'll soon need to get a new car ... ), I had to make a choice.

07-22-2002, 06:09 AM
Well, I like the Gamecube for it's Multiplayer games. SSBM is just one of the best party games ever...well...IMHO. Well, since the Playstation 2 is in my brother's room, and he's really protective of things in his room (0_o;;;), I really don't use it. I like playing my rented anime DVD's on it...I guess...

Since I haven't even seen an X-box yet (I heard it's quite large...XD), I won't comment on it XP

Crazy Chocobo
07-23-2002, 03:59 AM
Well, I don't really have a favorite anymore (among the new ones, PS2 and Gamecube are alright, but Super NES was the best) , but I'm going to stop buying console games anyhow. Computer games are better.

Green Arrow
07-23-2002, 11:36 AM
I only like the PS2 out of all them.

X-BOX - too big and the controller makes me sick the size and layout of it all. The games are alright, the graphics rock, but the games lack a certain something.

GameCube - not too bad in size. Once again stupid controller design with a joypad and stick on one controller (who makes that choice), buttons in gay places again. Games are for kids, I hate Mario and always will.

PS2 - perfect size, can be stood upright or flat on a desk or table. Controller is best controller I have ever used. It fits pefectly in the hand. 2 sizes with the smaller withoug dual shock so you can make your choice. Load times are a tad slow but thats acceptaple coz the games they have on offer are for the young and the old, catering for all ages and interests.

SO on the real...PS2 for me all the way, then I would choose
X-Box but will never purchase one much like Gamecube.

07-23-2002, 02:57 PM
i agree with DarkmanX, i hate the N64 controllers WITH A PASSION. and the Gamecube look very similar. it took me weeks to get comfortable with an N64 controller.

gimme a keyboard and mouse to play Perfect Dark with, and i'd whup my friend's behinds any day :p

07-23-2002, 09:42 PM
Yeah, ever played Quake 3 Arena on a Playstation or Dreamcast? *shudder* Almost impossible. FPSes don't belong on consoles. Keyboard/mouse is just a lot more logical. Specifically, using the mouse to aim makes sense.

07-25-2002, 05:30 PM
Well, out of the ones I have, I still like the Super NES. I know it's sort of out-of-date and old-fashioned, but I still love it. I guess PSX, PS2, Gamecube, X-Box, etc...well, they always break down for me and you never what to expect.

07-29-2002, 04:42 AM
PS2 is the best. Sweet games, good graphics, good controller. I like it alot more than X-box. Gamecube is pretty good, but I still think PS2 is better.

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-29-2002, 11:04 AM
Ps2 is the best..... i'm not to be rude but didn't Microsoft make X-box ...... if they did it was a waste its like a frickin' computer that only plays games..... nothing else...... i think ye be better of going to Aaron Frey's Box shop and get a box their with an X on it!PS2 Has alot of good games on it DMC BGDA........ god can't remmber it right now but a few other games.

Nobuo Uematsu
07-29-2002, 07:53 PM
I am personally voting for the PS2