05-10-2009, 11:47 AM
I read the rules and I am not sure if this really qualifies for the Request forum, but... This is my first post here, have mercy.

I have two MP3s that are rather large, and very old. I've had them for seven or eight years. I don't remember where I found them, or how they got passed to me. I'm trying to identify them now, because they are in rather poor quality, and have some abrupt cuts at the beginnings and ends that. Also, I am hoping there might be more from the same source, and an album I could buy or something.

The first MP3:

The first MP3 is an orchestral version of the Opera from Final Fantasy 6. It is 23 minutes and 1 second long, and the most distinctive thing about it is that it has actual, decent singers belting out lines in Japanese.

It sounds like it COULD be related to the album "Final Fantasy VI Grand Finale." The instruments and recording sounds similar. But I have checked over that album and it certainly isn't on it. Neither is it on some of the other FF6-related Albums I've seen floating around.

From the way the different parts run together, it sounds like it might be live, as there's very minor pauses that could be shifting instruments/moving. There could be some ambient noise too, but it could just be part of the file.

If you could help me find it, I'd really appreciate it.

The second MP3:

The second mp3 is 23:22 long, and it is also an orchestral bit. It is a number of themes across different Final Fantasy games, and it's very well done, but the recording seems a little poor? Also, it cuts out at the beginning and end.

The file name for the MP3 was originally something like "femalesffthemes.mp3" or something, so I've had it tagged as Final Fantasy - Female Themes" for awhile. And while it does seem like it includes most of the female character's themes, or romance themes from games, there's also some bits that sound like they could be other songs. And there's even one that I swear sounds like it's from Illusion of Gaia (which makes no sense, I know, believe me).

So it's a big long orchestral medley of themes. I also haven't been able to place it.

These files are pretty distinctive, so I'm betting someone knows what I'm talking about, but if nobody does, I can upload them to my web space or something!

Here is a link to the first MP3, of the opera. (

05-10-2009, 12:43 PM
The first MP3 is from Orchestral Game Concert #4 (album), it's the last track. I think, but I'm not entirely sure.

05-10-2009, 03:07 PM
That's absolutely it, thank you so much!

05-10-2009, 07:27 PM
The second one is from Fantasy Reborn, a FF arrangement site, arrangements are done by Michael Huang; the piece itself is actually called "FF Female Theme Medley".