05-09-2009, 10:15 PM
If there was never a Final Fantasy to rule over the land of RPG's, then who do you think would?

My bet would be Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger or Brave Fencer Musashi

05-10-2009, 05:41 PM
If there was never a Final Fantasy to rule over the land of RPG's, then who do you think would?

My bet would be Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger or Brave Fencer Musashi

Chrono Trigger in my favor but, Dragon Quest would probably be the dominant series of games in a world without FF in all reality just because of how popular it is in Japan.

But then again, in all reality, Chrono Trigger probably wouldn't have came along without the influence of the FF's.

Fuck who knows

05-10-2009, 05:46 PM
The world would be a better place.

05-10-2009, 05:48 PM
The world would be a better place.

The world is fucked with or without Final Fantasy.

05-10-2009, 05:49 PM

Red Arremer
05-10-2009, 06:55 PM
Without Final Fantasy, Square wouldn't exist and enix would have dominated the RPG scene in the SNES era, which would've been awesome because then gems like Lufia 2 or Terranigma would be actually known.

05-10-2009, 07:05 PM
Squaresoft made Breath of Fire...

I'd survive. :smrt:

Red Arremer
05-10-2009, 07:43 PM
Squaresoft made Breath of Fire...

No... Those were made by Capcom, silly.

05-10-2009, 07:45 PM
Without Final Fantasy, Square wouldn't exist and enix would have dominated the RPG scene in the SNES era, which would've been awesome because then gems like Lufia 2 or Terranigma would be actually known.

This is a very true statement. I hate the fact Terranigma didn't become as big as CT or FF6. And Yea, Capcom made breath of fire man lol.

Without square who knows what or what wouldn't have came along in the RPG realm.

05-10-2009, 08:15 PM
No... Those were made by Capcom, silly.

True indeed... Not quite over this head cold :p

Red Arremer
05-10-2009, 09:07 PM
This is a very true statement. I hate the fact Terranigma didn't become as big as CT or FF6.

Which it totally deserves. It's a freaking amazing game, beautiful story, beautiful graphics, beautiful music, beautiful ideas... I'm so glad I was able to grow up with it. ^_^

05-11-2009, 01:33 AM
In a world without Final Fantasy...

I'd have a lot more money as I wouldn't have spent so much on import FF merchandise (OSTs, toys, statues, etc).

Shadow mage
05-12-2009, 12:42 PM
To be Honest...Final fantasy is an RPG game that doesnt really have any rivals(or none that i know of). So theres no alternative to select if it was gone.

But seriously.....I think breath of fire would be pwning if theres no Final Fantasy.

05-12-2009, 08:51 PM
To be Honest...Final fantasy is an RPG game that doesnt really have any rivals(or none that i know of). So theres no alternative to select if it was gone.

But seriously.....I think breath of fire would be pwning if theres no Final Fantasy.

Have you ever heard of Dragon Quest, the Lunar Series, The Star Ocean games, Lufia series, Xenogears and Xenosaga, Chrono Trigger, and so on and son, there are plenty of rivals dude. & no, Breath of fire would not 'pwn' Final Fantasy or any of the RPG's listed above.

execrable gumwrapper
05-12-2009, 10:50 PM
I doubt there'd be all those franchises still running strong. The main reason they did was because Final Fantasy offering competition.

My guess would be another company rising up and taking a stab at the jRPG genre. Their first attempt at success would be fruitful and make way for the franchise known as, "Ending Endeavor." Thus creating an alternate dimension where Enix is rivals with X Company and soon buys THEM out, creating the juggernaut Enix-X.

Or maybe people shouldn't wonder about stupid shit like "wut wood hapen if final fantsy nevr exist'd?!".

05-12-2009, 11:08 PM
I doubt there'd be all those franchises still running strong. The main reason they did was because Final Fantasy offering competition.

My guess would be another company rising up and taking a stab at the jRPG genre. Their first attempt at success would be fruitful and make way for the franchise known as, "Ending Endeavor." Thus creating an alternate dimension where Enix is rivals with X Company and soon buys THEM out, creating the juggernaut Enix-X.

Or maybe people shouldn't wonder about stupid shit like "wut wood hapen if final fantsy nevr exist'd?!".

You are right, I was just throwing out there to Shadow Mage that there are and always were 'rivals'.

And you are especially correct about people not worrying about stupid shit like ff never exisiting haha. That was my original thought when i saw the thread, but it gives me something to do at work.

05-13-2009, 05:49 AM
Good riddens to boring gameplay. When the East fails, the West would take its place. I'd rather have D&D-style mechanics with more realism and freedom. Baldur's Gate II was one of my favorite games.

05-13-2009, 05:53 AM
Good riddens to boring gameplay. When the East fails, the West would take its place. I'd rather have D&D-style mechanics with more realism and freedom. Baldur's Gate II was one of my favorite games.

What the fuck are you talking about noob?

05-13-2009, 04:28 PM
What the fuck are you talking about noob?
That's not a very friendly response.

05-14-2009, 09:30 PM
That's not a very friendly response.

Okay yea so.

What were talking about, answer the question hoss

05-14-2009, 09:47 PM
I doubt there'd be all those franchises still running strong. The main reason they did was because Final Fantasy offering competition.

My guess would be another company rising up and taking a stab at the jRPG genre. Their first attempt at success would be fruitful and make way for the franchise known as, "Ending Endeavor." Thus creating an alternate dimension where Enix is rivals with X Company and soon buys THEM out, creating the juggernaut Enix-X.

Or maybe people shouldn't wonder about stupid shit like "wut wood hapen if final fantsy nevr exist'd?!".

Well then, maybe people shouldn't reply to a thread if they think it's so fucking stupid. Seriously, if you think it's such stupid shit then why would you even respond to it? Oh wait I know why, because you have nothing better to do in your pathetic life so you have no choice but to make negative comments on peoples threads to save face, because in real life your just a waste of space and energy and you leave rude comments to look superior online. And you can say whatever you want to me like "Fuck you!" and "Little bitch" and what not, but that won't cover up the reality that your nothing but a piece of worthless egotistic low life waste of human existence.

Thanks pal

05-15-2009, 12:30 AM
Well then, maybe people shouldn't reply to a thread if they think it's so fucking stupid. Seriously, if you think it's such stupid shit then why would you even respond to it? Oh wait I know why, because you have nothing better to do in your pathetic life so you have no choice but to make negative comments on peoples threads to save face, because in real life your just a waste of space and energy and you leave rude comments to look superior online. And you can say whatever you want to me like "Fuck you!" and "Little bitch" and what not, but that won't cover up the reality that your nothing but a piece of worthless egotistic low life waste of human existence.

Thanks pal

Hey man no reason to get all emotional and communist on us. Chill out you gay focker.

05-15-2009, 12:43 AM
I found some Final Fantasy games to be great in particular, but today, the Final Fantasy series is overrated.

05-15-2009, 01:14 AM
I found some Final Fantasy games to be great in particular, but today, the Final Fantasy series is overrated.

Yeah, everyone can find a reason that anything in the world is 'overrated' these days. So just enjoy the FF's that do you like sir.

05-15-2009, 01:21 AM
I doubt there'd be all those franchises still running strong. The main reason they did was because Final Fantasy offering competition.

Signed, Fantasy Star

05-15-2009, 04:15 PM
Okay yea so.

What were talking about, answer the question hoss
I was talking about the fact that D&D and western RPGs in general would take over the market. D&D was created before FF anyway. Imagine seeing more Baldur's Gates, Fallouts, KOTORs, and Elder Scrolls.

execrable gumwrapper
05-16-2009, 02:05 PM
Well then, maybe people shouldn't reply to a thread if they think it's so fucking stupid. Seriously, if you think it's such stupid shit then why would you even respond to it? Oh wait I know why, because you have nothing better to do in your pathetic life so you have no choice but to make negative comments on peoples threads to save face, because in real life your just a waste of space and energy and you leave rude comments to look superior online. And you can say whatever you want to me like "Fuck you!" and "Little bitch" and what not, but that won't cover up the reality that your nothing but a piece of worthless egotistic low life waste of human existence.

Thanks pal


You're welcome.

07-20-2009, 05:15 AM
The world is fucked with or without Final Fantasy.

Nuff said.

ineffectual toenail
09-25-2009, 04:55 PM
are you trying to kill me?!
Sorry, it's just that i luv Final Fantasy too much.
Anyway, I think Valkyrie Profile ( the whole series ) would win it out. In my opinion. OPINION, PEOPLE.

09-26-2009, 03:17 AM
Hard to imagine that kind of scene, without FF there wouldn't been Chrono or Mana or even SaGa, Final Fantasy introduced a battle system that influenced many MANY games, crystals, chocobos and moogles are the signature and square wouldn't exist either these days. The eastern RPG scene would have been very very different, every rpg would be more similar to Zelda and Dragon Quest/Warrior, which in my case it wouldn't be cool at all xD. But it's a relief that FF triumphed, I don't think the franchise is overrated, because the game was a huge influence to the posterior rpg's.

09-26-2009, 03:35 AM
There would be Shin Megami Tensei

Shadow mage
09-26-2009, 09:57 AM
Well even if there was no Final Fantasy, some company would have eventually come up with an RPG series that would be a HIT.

10-04-2009, 07:55 AM
Every time I see this thread, I imagine that announcer guy, Don LaFontaine, going "In a world without Final Fantasy..."

10-04-2009, 02:25 PM
Rofl <3

10-15-2009, 03:19 AM
I just don't know what to think here..Final Fantasy isn't really Final Fantasy anymore. The Nomura'd FF games have been getting progressively worse and even though XIII looks beautiful graphically, it just seems dated and kind of generic to be honest.

I still think the Sakaguchi/Uematsu/Amano combination is the "true" Final Fantasy. The fact alone that Uematsu-san is doing all the music for XIV automatically has me more excited than XIII does, especially after seeing some of the horrible character designs Nomura came up with for XIII.

Darth Revan
10-15-2009, 04:05 AM
As stated on Wikipedia

After releasing several unsuccessful games for the Famicom, Square relocated to Ueno, Tokyo in 1987 and developed a role-playing game titled Final Fantasy, inspired by Enix's success with the first Japanese game of the genre, Dragon Quest (later released in North America as Dragon Warrior).[3] With 400,000 copies sold, Final Fantasy spawned multiple sequels over the years and became Square's main franchise.[1]

It was Hironobu Sakaguchi who saved Square's collective asses with Final Fantasy. If he hadn't of come up with the idea, Square would've sunk fast than the Titanic.

Personally, I feel FF's 'Golden Age' ended with Final Fantasy VI. The later titles, while good in their own right, didn't have the same 'feel' to them (at least to me that is) as the earlier titles.

If FF didn't exist, RPG's most probably would've remained a niche market, only people who already knew of RPG's would've been buying them as it was FFVII which brought RPG's out into the mainstream gaming audience.

10-16-2009, 03:01 AM
I still think the Sakaguchi/Uematsu/Amano combination is the "true" Final Fantasy. The fact alone that Uematsu-san is doing all the music for XIV automatically has me more excited than XIII does, especially after seeing some of the horrible character designs Nomura came up with for XIII.

Well I think Nomura isn't that good at designing, he's kind of repetitive, I like his style of drawing though, but at designing, he's not that good as Amano, Amano is great at designing but I don't like his style of drawing XD. That's why I kinda liked how Nomura drawed the Amano designs for Dissidia, Exdeath looks great. And I am more intersted on XIV than XIII because the reason that you've mentioned (Uematsu) and because Yoshida is at the Art designing, I've seen only a Picture at Wiki, the clothes and scenarios reminded me Vagrant Story & XII style but a little more coloful. Although I don't know how the gameplay it's going to be, I've read that it's going to be kind of inspired on WoW (no surprise considering it's success).

Back on Topic, I think FF died after VII, basing on what Xiahou Dun and Wikipedia said Sakaguchi is not on business anymore and I think it's time that square recognize that FF needs to come to an end and focus in some other project, different project, and by different I mean that Mana, SaGa, Ivalice, Quest, Valkyrie, KH are completely out of the picture. The last thing that square mentioned that interested me was the 3rd title of Parasite Eve, I didn't like at all the story of 2, but it could be saved, it caught my attention because Shimomura was back at scoring the game (that means operatic songs are back =D).

So what's your opinion of a Brand New Game Saga?
Would that be good? Or you think that FF can still go on?

Darth Revan
10-16-2009, 11:36 PM
IIRC, Hironobu Sakaguchi was one of the founding members of Square, who was on their board of directors. He was the one who came up with the name Final Fantasy, as before FF came out Square was in financial difficulties and threw all of their remaining financial capital into the production of what Sakaguchi was quoted at the time of saying:

"This could be our very Final Fantasy"

The last FF game he had any real 'hands on' work with, was FFV. For FFVI onwards he had only minor work, which grew less when VIII was announced. His last 'big project' he worked on, was Final Fantasy The Spirit's Within, which didn't work out to be a big financial success he was hoping on. After that, he was fired from his position on Square's Board of Directors, then a few months later he quit Square.

From Wikipedia

Hironobu Sakaguchi


On leaving the university, Sakaguchi became a part-time employee of Square, a newly formed branch of Denyūsha Electric Company founded by Masafumi Miyamoto.[1] When Square became an independent company, he became a full-time employee as the Director of Planning and Development. The company's first games were very unsuccessful. Sakaguchi then decided to create his final work in the game industry with the rest of Square's money, and appropriately named it Final Fantasy, which he claimed�given Square's uncertain future at the time�was an ironic gesture. The game was released in Japan for the Famicom (also known internationally as the Nintendo Entertainment System) on December 18, 1987. The game was successful across Japan. Under Sakaguchi's watchful eye, Final Fantasy developed into a successful franchise, spanning from stand alone stories to spin-offs to direct sequels. In 1991, following the release of Final Fantasy IV for the Super Famicom (also known internationally as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System), he was honoured with the position of Executive Vice President.[citation needed] The last Final Fantasy game he directed was Final Fantasy V, becoming the producer for future installments of the franchise. In 1995, he became President at Square USA, Inc. His final role as game producer was for Final Fantasy IX. In an interview at the time he described it as his favourite Final Fantasy.[citation needed] He later went on to serve more as an executive producer of the series, as well as many of Square's other games, including Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts.

Hironobu Sakaguchi became the third person inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame on April 5, 2000. His Hall of Fame status was given to him because of the tremendous number of video games he has sold and created.

Time as film director

A long time proponent of bringing together the story-telling vehicle of film and the interactive elements of games, Sakaguchi took the leap from games to film when he made his debut as film director in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, an animated motion picture based on his world-famous Final Fantasy series. However, despite some positive reviews, the movie was the second-biggest animated box office bomb in cinema history, losing over 120 million dollars.

Resignation from Square

Sakaguchi voluntarily stepped down from his post as an executive vice president at Square. This event also reduced Square's financial capital. Square later merged with its rival, the Enix Corporation, which led to the creation of Square Enix in 2003. Sakaguchi founded Mistwalker with the financial backing of Microsoft Game Studios.

[i]In 2001, Sakaguchi founded Mistwalker, which began operation in 2004. In February 2005, it was announced that Mistwalker would be working with Microsoft Game Studios to create two RPGs for the Xbox 360. Still, the company remains independent from console exclusivity. Sakaguchi released the works Blue Dragon in 2006, and Lost Odyssey in 2007 on the Xbox 360, and ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat on the Nintendo DS. He was developing an action-RPG, titled Cry On, until the project was canceled in December 2008.[2]

Currently he is working on a new "large scale project" on which Sakaguchi comments: "I�m betting a lot on this project." [3] No more information is available at this time.

Nobuo Uematsu and Yoshitaka Amano were once employees of Square but in the last few years, they've become freelancers and no longer work solely for Square.

From Wikipedia

Nobuo Uematsu

Uematsu joined Square (later Square Enix) in 1985, where he met Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. They have worked together on numerous titles, most notably the games in the Final Fantasy series. After nearly 20 years in the company, he left Square Enix in 2004 and founded his own company called Smile Please, as well as the music production company Dog Ear Records. He has since composed music as a freelancer for video games primarily developed by Square Enix and Sakaguchi's development studio Mistwalker.

Yoshitaka Amano

In 1994, after Final Fantasy VI, he was no longer the main character, image and graphic designer of the series (he started to provide promotional and character artwork for the next games, as well as working on the title logo designs for most of the games), but in 1995 he started to become better known world wide with his work at the Biennale d'Orl�ans in France, and then in his newly established workshop and exhibition "Think Like Amano" in New York in 1997,[11] which followed another exhibition in New York at the Angel Orensanz Foundation entitled "Hero".[12] Amano also appeared in the 1998 movie New Rose Hotel which is loosely based on the William Gibson short story with the same name, in which he played the character Hiroshi.[13]

With the departure of these three from Square, imo the company lost a lot of it's initial talent. However, having said that, there are others stepping forward to fill the breach. Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshinori Kitase, Motomu Toriyama, Noriko Matsueda, Takahito Eguchi, Gen Kobayashi and others, Square admittedly does have some talent in their creative, artistic, musical score departments, but at the moment it just seems to me that SE is focusing more solely on the FF series than anything else.

Not that that's a bad thing, considering FF IS SE's flagship product, but other project's SE has done haven't really 'hit the frontpage', figuratively speaking I mean. I remember being told once that SE had announced that they intend to go back to remaking the FF series until it is no longer profitable. If that is so, then personally speaking, I think SE should move on.

Granted the FF series is SE's 'Cash Cow', and they'd be foolish not to 'milk it dry', but by spending all the time and capital to remake earlier FF's, that's time and funding being taken away from newer games they could be making. I think SE should branch out more than they have, work on other genre's of gaming while they still can. One day the FF series will die off, and if they aren't prepared for that day, not only will FF end but so will SE.

Red Arremer
10-17-2009, 12:39 PM
Granted the FF series is SE's 'Cash Cow', and they'd be foolish not to 'milk it dry', but by spending all the time and capital to remake earlier FF's, that's time and funding being taken away from newer games they could be making. I think SE should branch out more than they have, work on other genre's of gaming while they still can. One day the FF series will die off, and if they aren't prepared for that day, not only will FF end but so will SE.

Sounds just like Sega.

Yu Kiyo
10-25-2009, 02:48 PM
Wouldn't mind if the game didn't exist because I wouldn't be so content to complete the games. X is a bitch but you know, I would probably just be completing Dynasty Warriors 2 & 3 who are still waiting for me to complete them.