05-09-2009, 05:52 AM
Why are these soundtracks so amazing? I've been listening to them non stop for 6 months and I can't stop. Does anyone know any other music that follows a similar structure of orchestral meets rock like they do in The Unsung War? Its pure brilliance.

The use of spanish guitar in Zero is also a welcomed addition. Anyone else got Ace Combat on the brain?

05-10-2009, 05:08 AM
*raises hand* Guilty as charged. I've not made a custom soundtrack yet that didn't have Ace Combat in it. I have every OST on my computer at this moment, too.

On a slightly different tangent, have you noticed the musical similarities between "Lifeline" from AC4, and "Final Option" from AC5?

05-10-2009, 05:20 AM
I can see the Lifeline and Final Option similarities. What really amazes me is that in AC5 there is 90 songs and about 70 of them are absolutely fantastic. That kind of consistency is unheard of and I'd dare say that you can apply that average across the whole series.

Right now I'm listening to Hangar 1 from AC5 and the drum fills and cymbal crashes are awesome.

05-10-2009, 05:33 AM
The only Ace Combat game I've actually played is 6... I've got all the soundtracks though (or at least 1-6 and Zero)... I'd have to say that I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite track from any of them. However, two of them that would be top contenders are the title track from 6, "Fires of Liberation", and also from 6, the track entitled "Chandelier", from the final mission.

It's the only game I've ever played solely because I enjoyed the music so much.

05-10-2009, 06:30 AM
I hear you. I played the AC6 demo on 360 and thought it was ok. I also hadn't played any of the previous games in the series. The funny part was the nostalgic feeling I got when playing the demo from the music.

The percussion of Fire of Liberation is really great and Chandelier has got some real voice talent in there. I had "The Moloch Desert" on loop when I started playing Sins of a Solar Empire and I find it to be one of the greatest base building songs. I sometimes forget its from AC6 since I associate it with Sins now.

The only flight sim game I ever finished was Air Force Delta on dreamcast, which also has a great soundtrack.

As far as my favorite AC song, I'd probably have to go with Prevail from AC4. It packs a lot into one song and is epic while jazzy.

05-10-2009, 03:02 PM
Another track that deserves a mention is the track "Zero" from Ace Combat Zero. Although I've never played the game, that track is all kinds of epic, and I can only imagine the game doesn't disappoint either.

05-10-2009, 07:53 PM
Another track that deserves a mention is the track "Zero" from Ace Combat Zero. Although I've never played the game, that track is all kinds of epic, and I can only imagine the game doesn't disappoint either.

You're not at all wrong, Domingo. That track plays during a one-on-one duel in the skies as a nuclear warhead is launched, and then orients itself to hit the earth.

09-16-2010, 04:00 AM
HELP! I'm looking for an extended "Alect Squadron / Operation X" track from Ace Combat X. The only one I always find here on the forums (and elsewhere) is only 2:16 long, but the actual track is closer to 3:45(?). ANY help would be GREAT! THX,
