Erebus Wraith
05-08-2009, 06:48 AM
I loved every second of it. The new look, the crew, the character interactions, the fights,.....everything. They had good fights and comedy for the non-trekkie crowd and had many famous star trek lines for the trekkies.

Damn. I couldn't have asked for more out of a movie.

05-08-2009, 07:13 AM

matt damon
05-08-2009, 07:17 AM
futurama <333

is it that good? i heard it was from other people, but you can't always trust what people say *achem*neg*achem* so i have to see it myself

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2009, 07:27 AM
futurama <333

is it that good? i heard it was from other people, but you can't always trust what people say *achem*neg*achem* so i have to see it myself

If you can't trust what people say why are you asking if it's good :o

You silly silly

05-08-2009, 07:49 AM
I'm weary to see it. JJ Abrams, ehhh.

It's getting great reviews though, I just don't want it to ruin Star Trek for me.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2009, 07:51 AM
I honestly have no interest in it, I feel like I'm missing something somehow. It's being made out to be the best shit ever and I'm just not feeling it

matt damon
05-08-2009, 08:37 AM
If you can't trust what people say why are you asking if it's good :o

You silly silly

hahaha!!~ nice job there ktulu. i can't even think of a response. i just keep laughing

05-08-2009, 08:38 AM
If you can't trust what people say why are you asking if it's good :o

You silly silly
Because he's referring to Neg specifically who has a hard time disliking anything :o

Can't trust me either; I hate everything.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2009, 09:07 AM
Because he's referring to Neg specifically who has a hard time disliking anything :o

I read it as "in general, you can not trust people (now I will use Neg as an example of this for lulz)" instead of "you can not trust Neg."

Thread successfully hijacked. It is now: ANALYZE ANYNAME

05-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Because he's referring to Neg specifically who has a hard time disliking anything :o

Can't trust me either; I hate everything.

you are a bit shit.

05-08-2009, 02:02 PM

05-08-2009, 02:33 PM
i love YOU chewbor

05-08-2009, 02:43 PM
i love YOU chewbor

ilu2 Soul<3


05-08-2009, 04:09 PM
Saw it last night and loved it. Sure it was riddled with a load of jokes aimed for a certain audience but it was still cerebral enough to please me. I thought the new crew was superb apart from Uhura and Scotty. I mean, I like Simon Pegg but Scotty was never that guy. You know, the funny funny guy that just spouts one liners. McCoy was spot on though!

I also felt Nero wasn't as fleshed out as a villain as he could have been. By the end I didn't really see him as much as a dangerous force as the trailer made out he was. The art direction overall was awesome with Neros ship being the center piece for me. It reminded me of the Klingon birds of prey in the old movies. It was dark, steamy, unconventional and noisy. Little touches such as the shouting and metal clanging in the background really made me think of Star Trek 6.

Overall I understand that they needed to sell it to a new audience but as a Star Trek fan I didn't feel like I was being shown a dumb down version of Star Trek. I didn't feel overly silly or it didn't seem like it was all hot bodies and explosions. It had a heart and that, for me, is what Star Trek was always about.

In a summer of mindless clunkers like Transformers and Terminator this'll be surely at the top of the pile. But then again, there are bigger robots and explosions in Transformers and I'm sure the masses will lap it up over something even slightly intelligent. Oh and I'm sure all kinds of species of Trekkies will talk shit about how it created it's own timeline but I can easily accept it. They needed to do it imo.

Loved it.

Erebus Wraith
05-09-2009, 06:33 AM
*very minor spoilers*

Oh and I'm sure all kinds of species of Trekkies will talk shit about how it created it's own timeline but I can easily accept it.

That's one thing I loved about the movie. It set it up so that with the change in the timeline they could do whatever they want to the story with no issues. I am a HUGE trekkie but I still found this as a perfect way to allow other people to create their stories and breathe life back into Star Trek.

Even as a big trekkie, I could see that the Trek was loosing its power. Trekkies became a "dying breed" and I had hoped that this movie would power up the francise again. I honestly think this movie could(and will) do that.

matt damon
05-09-2009, 08:40 AM
how did they change the timeline? as a nontrekkie i am curious

i just saw the movie tonight and i LOOOOOVED it. it really was great, and after watching the abysmal pile of shit that was x-men origins: wolverine, it was refreshing. everyone was cast really well and they all made me care for them (i think i cared for uhura the most) and they made me love the character.

but i agree with denny about the nero losing "steam" as a villain near as the movie progressed. i felt his reasons for doing what he did were kind of weak. or that he didn't quite believe them himself. idk, it's weird.

the entire time i was watching the movie though, i could not help but think of that episode of futurama, ESPECIALLY the welshie part and the part where the guy "said it in russian"

speaking of russian, i lol'd when he said...oh shit, i forgot the words, but it was when he had to log in to the the comp and then when he addressed the crew.

i wanted a cameo by shatner (preferably the entire old cast) and of patrick stewart.

05-09-2009, 08:43 AM
I....ugh.....irk.......HUGH JACKMAN IS A SEXY BEAST.

Don't front.

matt damon
05-09-2009, 08:45 AM
yes, ok, he is. his nude scene was the best and only good thing in origins. but star trek might give him a run for his money since chris pine has a scene in his undies and his butt looks very nice and it looks like he has a big bulge ^^

05-09-2009, 09:42 AM
I thought the new crew was superb apart from Uhura and Scotty

Of course it was, Just look at Spock I mean Zachary Quinto.

EDIT: Just watched the movie, I really enjoyed it. But it completely changed events. So, all other movies are screwed. I think there should be a squel or more. Zach did more than I imagined for Spock.

Erebus Wraith
05-09-2009, 10:37 PM
A few more spoilers. Nothing major but still spoilers and I dont know how to do that spoil button

how did they change the timeline? as a nontrekkie i am curious
Nothing extremely major but since Nero went back in time and messed around, (ie killing kirks father, Vulcans destruction, etc) it voids all the other movies.

Out of everyone in the movie I thought the actor who played Bones did the best. I loved everyones protrayal of their characters but Bones was spot on.

I really do hope for a sequel or more.

Also if someone could tell me how to make a spoiler button so people dont have to read them if they dont want to, i would be grateful. This movie should not be spoiled for any reason.

05-10-2009, 12:37 AM
Of course it was, Just look at Spock I mean Zachary Quinto.

EDIT: Just watched the movie, I really enjoyed it. But it completely changed events. So, all other movies are screwed. I think there should be a squel or more. Zach did more than I imagined for Spock.

Not really. Yes, technically it did but as I told a friend I see it as an alternative timeline much like what we've already seen in virtually every series so far. I can easily watch all the original movies and see that as the original and real timeline but I can also enjoy this and future outings with an open mind.

Also, I'm disappointed they cut out the scenes of Nero locked up in Rura pente but I hear it'll be on the DVD. I'm very much looking forward to it because if you look at the trailor his captors are wearing masks with ridges on the forehead. Man, I hope to god Klingons are in the next one! :D

05-10-2009, 02:24 AM
I've not seen it, it sucks.

matt damon
05-10-2009, 02:29 AM
they even stated in the movie that it was an alternate timeline. i thought it was neat that they did that and i think it was spock who goes, "we'll never know how we would have turned out" or smth like that. it was kinda cool, imo.

i hope the next one has a patrick stewart cameo cause he is awesomeeeeee

also, spoiler is done like this [ spoiler ] text [ /spoiler ] with no spaces

Erebus Wraith
05-10-2009, 03:37 AM
Thanks Anyname.

Also there was a comic done or something that gives a back story to this movie. It is about spock and building the red matter ship. The crew of the Enterprise E help out, so Picard is in that one. LaForge actually helped build the red matter ship.

I haven't read it personally but my friends have and that is what they told me.

05-10-2009, 07:10 AM
I enjoyed it. I saw it twice. I didnt like Scotty, Simon Pegg failed miserably with a scottish accent. when he asked for a towel, I dont even think he was trying. BUT, that was my only negative comment. The other actors were great!
I'm still 50/50 on the new/Old Enterprise design, but its definitely grown from OMG WHAT THE HELL HAVE THEY DONE TO HER!!! to Oh! thats a neat idea or huh, that bit actually looks good. Its no oscar winning movie, but I think that it is proberbly the best of the lot. If this is Leonard Nemoy's last movie ( he is getting on in age after all), then I think he can be really really proud of this one.
I just hope that if they do a TNG movie, they leave the Enterprise-D as she is. I thinks she's the best looking Enterprise they ever did.

matt damon
05-10-2009, 07:39 AM
I enjoyed it. I saw it twice. I didnt like Scotty, Simon Pegg failed miserably with a scottish accent. when he asked for a towel, I dont even think he was trying

it sounded pretty spot on to me, BUT this is coming from an american and we (generally) can't really tell the difference. at least i can't.

05-10-2009, 07:44 AM
It's Simon Pegg. I'll forgive him anything~

Erebus Wraith
05-10-2009, 05:15 PM
Yeah I thought Scotty was pretty good. But I agree with Anyname, Im American and cant really tell.

05-11-2009, 07:51 AM
Saw it today.

Great movie!

Star Trek needed a swift hard reboot up the backside and I think we got the goods with this one.

And the score! Excellent! It plays much, much better on screen that just listening to it on an OST album.

Only one gripe really. Way too much use of the lens flare thingy.

PS: I too didn't like Scotty. Simon Pegg didn't deliver the goods IMHO.

05-12-2009, 04:37 PM
Aww, what wasn't there to like about Scotty? I thought Simon Pegg did all right for Scotty. But of all the characters, Kirk was my favorite. I've always liked Kirk in the movies, and this one, especially his cockiness, shows why I liked him.

As far as the score goes, I enjoyed it. Parts of it reminded me of Alias a little bit, but there were only small parts that did that.

Lens flare? I didn't notice. What was that?

05-15-2009, 02:26 PM
Best thing about the new time line is now there is a chance the Next Generation will never have to exist. Woo Hoo!!!!!!

matt damon
05-15-2009, 07:59 PM
man, you fail. i've never seen it but it has patrick stewart so it must be awesome.

05-16-2009, 01:00 AM
Best thing about the new time line is now there is a chance the Next Generation will never have to exist. Woo Hoo!!!!!!

What are you smoking?

05-16-2009, 03:23 AM
It was indeed a-sooooooooooooooom

05-16-2009, 03:37 AM

Just remembered, how have we got this far discussing this without bringing up

Sulu's folding katana. That explains Deadpool! Stryker found that technology and like it sits inside his arms lank, so he can bend them. I'M SO FUCKING CLEVAR!!!

05-16-2009, 04:46 AM
Who even watches star trek anymore?

05-16-2009, 04:53 AM
Go watch it you Trekkie purist fanboy :mad:

matt damon
05-16-2009, 04:58 AM

Just remembered, how have we got this far discussing this without bringing up

Sulu's folding katana. That explains Deadpool! Stryker found that technology and like it sits inside his arms lank, so he can bend them. I'M SO FUCKING CLEVAR!!!

don't taint a good movie with a shitty one

06-16-2009, 08:35 PM
I wasn't too keen on seeing this one initially, but in the end decided to and am glad I did. Thoroughly enjoyed it, and definitely plan to get hold of it on dvd when I can.

06-18-2009, 10:38 AM
It's Simon Pegg. I'll forgive him anything~
you got that right.

as for the movie itself, and this is coming from a guy who thinks star wars is the epitome of science fiction, i think it was entertaining.
i havent seen a single movie of ST before (but a friend who is a huge fan of ST said they are shit anyway), and only saw whatever i could catch in the mornings before going to school of the 90's tv series.

06-20-2009, 03:05 AM
Was never a big fan of Star Trek, but I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It makes me wanna catch up on all the past Star Trek movies and shows :p Definitely the best movie I have seen so far this year.

matt damon
06-20-2009, 03:44 AM
from what i hear, the other star trek movies were nowhere near as good.

06-22-2009, 01:12 PM
What you hear is wrong. The franchise has had its ups and downs. Overall, the new movie is an up, but it's nowhere near the flawless gem some people keep making it out to be. It really annoyed me how J.J. Abrams can't direct any sort of fight with any sort of competence. The sound editing was also really bad.

If you really want to see the best Star Trek movies, you should look into numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9. And yes, I know there's debate on a couple of those, but I'm right and anyone who disagrees is not, and therefore should shut their worthless yap.

06-22-2009, 03:27 PM
The sound editing was also really bad.

Can't say that I noticed that once, and I'm usually pretty sharp at spotting that kind of thing. Which specific parts of the film are you referring to just out of curiosity? :)

06-22-2009, 10:05 PM
The biggest thing was that the music was frequently out of tune with the sound effects. There were also a lot of spots where the music blared far too loudly. There were also at least a couple of spots with big inconsistencies between dialogue volume from one moment to the next.

Honestly though, I doubt anyone here would pick up on half as much of this stuff as I do (thanks to my job as a live sound mix engineer) so a lot of my complaints are probably just useless nitpicking about things that don't matter to 99.9% of the film's audience.

06-23-2009, 08:57 PM
The biggest thing was that the music was frequently out of tune with the sound effects. There were also a lot of spots where the music blared far too loudly. There were also at least a couple of spots with big inconsistencies between dialogue volume from one moment to the next..

Many thanks for confirming all that! When I get to see the movie again, I'll definitely be on the look out for those things.

Honestly though, I doubt anyone here would pick up on half as much of this stuff as I do (thanks to my job as a live sound mix engineer) so a lot of my complaints are probably just useless nitpicking about things that don't matter to 99.9% of the film's audience.

lol! I think you make a fair point and am glad you mentioned them. It'll mean I'm that bit more observant next time round.

07-09-2009, 03:59 AM
My first post here, and it's going to be about the new Star Trek movie. I'm a fan of Simon Pegg, and I enjoyed his take on Scotty, but it still didn't feel right. I did not care for the scene where he is being flushed through the coolant tubes -- it was unnecessary pratfall humor. Abrams could have some up with something else to lighten the mood without this Abbott and Costello bit. (Or am I thinking Dean and Jerry?)

The idea of creating a new timeline was brilliant, since it undercut every Trekkie's complaint about any part that didn't match the canon. Of course it didn't match -- everything was changed when the Romulan appeared and killed Kirk's father!

While it was delightful eye candy, the scene where the Enterprise is being constructed on the ground was wrong -- wrong -- wrong! The ship is a space vessel, built in space and never, ever, designed to land on the surface of a planet. That's why they use shuttles and the teleporter.

As mentioned, too much lens flare. Bones was spot-on. The Uhura-Spock relationship was unexpected. And as for Kirk and the green teen ... sweet!

So, this is my first post. Thanks for the opportunity!

12-04-2009, 07:14 PM
I watched the movie, it was a good movie but not a startrek movie.
There was nothing to it, it was all flash (and lens flare). I did not like the new species that were added, was too much like starwars. Uhura was turned into a pointless character, sure she did not do much before but that was back when it was "ok" to give black people small parts. The romulans did not look like romulans. The story was stupid. And there was no philosophical content at all.

Every startrek that comes out seems to get dumber and dumber.

Also, a star that when it blows up will destroy the galaxy? And it needs "red matter" to stop it? Of which future spock seemed to think was a great idea to bring a ton of the stuff when he only needed a drop. Q would not let his fave play thing get blown up by some bullshit star. Not to mention all the other god like beings all over the place.

First contact is still the best startrek movie by far.

Darth Revan
12-04-2009, 11:34 PM
Karl Urban was brilliant as Dr. Lenard H. "Bones" McCoy. Sounded just like how the late Deforest Kelly :)

My opinion of the new ST movie can be summed up by my post in the 'Movie Review' thread

Speaking as a huge ST fan (I do favor ST DS9 more) I was on the fence about this movie when I first heard about it. Then when more info came out I admit, I turned my back on it, however how the plot was carried out (what with alternate timeline, which lets face it, the timeline/dimensional barriers have been repeatedly torn apart in the ST universe) I have to admit I did start to get interested in it again. I didn't like the actor who played Kirk too much though, but Karl Urban did a brilliant job as Dr Leonard 'Bones' McCoy imo. The starship designs were revamped and did have a grace to them and the battles were very good to. All in all, I'd say Star Trek is a movie anyone can watch, from your average joe to full hardcore Trekkie.

I watched Star Trek again last night, and I still stand by my above review.

I just hope that if they do a TNG movie, they leave the Enterprise-D as she is. I thinks she's the best looking Enterprise they ever did.

WHAT?! The Galaxy Class, NCC 1701-D was the ugliest design of starship in ST, imo. Completely over balanced with that giant dinner plate... One good thing about it though, I will admit, is the ability to separate into Saucer and Battle Section. All previous designs of Starships 'could' separate, but only the Galaxy class could 're-link'. The other classes, such as the Constitution, Excelsior and Ambassador class starships, needed a starbase (Most notably either the Spacedock in orbit of Earth or the Utopia Planitia shipyards of Mars.

I am unsure if ships of the Nebula, Miranda class etc could separate, as their saucer sections were pretty much built as the center piece for their design. Ships like the Akira class, Freedom class, Kelvin class, etc I highly doubt they could separate as with the Nebula etc, their saucer sections were integral in their overall design. The Intrepid class (Or as I call it the 'Dessert Spoon' class) didn't need to bother with separation as they could land on a planet's surface as a whole.

Still... the USS Defiant kicks ass and takes names. Only Federation Starship built specifically as a warship, designed as a Borg killer.

Course, ships of the Prometheus class have the multi vectored assault mode, one ship splitting into three, then reforming into a single ship. Best Enterprise design imo, was that of the Sovereign Class, USS Enterprise-E. I remember reading a Star Trek Novella (Spectre by William Shatner) that stated that Captain Montgomery Scott designed the Sovereign class starships and served as Chief Engineer of the USS Sovereign herself, under the command of Admiral Alynna Nechayev. However, I am unsure of if that is considered canon or not.

If you really want to see the best Star Trek movies, you should look into numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9. And yes, I know there's debate on a couple of those, but I'm right and anyone who disagrees is not, and therefore should shut their worthless yap.

Star Trek II The Wrath of Kahn and especially Star Trek IV The Voyage Home... Hell yes. Kahn Noonien Singh was such a great character from the original series, he deserved to be in a ST movie, and STII was great. STIV, I don't care what anyone says, imo, is the BEST ever. Great story, the comedy fitted perfectly and overall awesome.

The next ST movie, imo, should have either Trelane or Q in it.

As well as having Deep Space Nine as the basis. Yes, I'm a fan of Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

10-08-2010, 06:02 AM
This movie is absolutely fantastic! All elements are amazing and I love Giacchino's score!

10-17-2010, 03:46 AM
What I most liked about the film was that it was very different from all the other versions because it wasn't a fantay movie, it was more a adventure movie.

10-29-2010, 02:52 AM
it was absolutely fantastic but i still like 90's trek better aka berman trek

12-03-2010, 11:11 PM
its a good movie but its not True Trek and as long as you seperate JJ Trek from real trek then i can enjoy it - plus it has alot of plot holes and what the hells of epic proportions lol