05-08-2009, 04:26 AM
Hi there, I have a somewhat strange request, but I don't know where else to ask this, as everyone is so helpful here with bizarre music. I'm looking for a couple (or even one!) CD's under the label "Right Stuff"; they are a japanese label made up of a few amazing composers.

They even did a Chrono Trigger Remix album, which I actually managed to get my hands on (if anyone wants it, let me know), but a couple of their unrelated albums sound AMAZING from the samples on the site. They are very VGM like, in my opinion. I would even buy them if I could, but I have concluded that is absolutely impossible; I can't decipher anything. Any hints on how to obtain this music is GREATLY appreciated.

http://rightstuff.web5.jp/blog/discography/000010.php - Epica
http://rightstuff.web5.jp/blog/discography/000008.php - Spectral Waves
http://rightstuff.web5.jp/blog/discography/000011.php - Ambienna

Those are the three that really caught my attention.

Btw, the Chrono Trigger one I have is listed here: http://rightstuff.web5.jp/blog/discography/000009.php

Once again, thanks a TON for ANY guidance to point me in the direction of these albums; mods, I hope this type of one-time request won't cause much of a problem.