07-16-2002, 04:11 AM
Ok peoplez, gather round and tell a tale, and you might just win:D. The last writing comp was a big success and this one is hoping to be the same. Setsuna, Nozomi and myself will be judging the competition and i think we'll be judging it on spelling, quality and quantity but not too sure. Aaaanyway, your post can be as long as you want it to be but refrane from posting after you've posted your story until the results are in. More info can be found in the notice at the top. Enjoy:D. If Setsuna or Nozomi have anything to say, go right ahead.

07-16-2002, 05:31 AM
Well, I'm not sure if I'm suposed to post my story yet...but if I'm not, just let me know and I'll edit the post and take it down. Well, here goes.


Why....why had I done what I did? Was all I could think.

Day after day...

....Night after night.

It was stupid of me. The biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. I actually believed them..when they told me I could....I could forever. I wasn't thinking...

I've tried all possible ways of death...torture..impact..pain..none of it works. It's all uselss. I am imortal. And there's nothing more in this world I want to do..

All my friends have died....

I'll always remember when my old friends would come by, and say, "Sephiroth, you old goat! You don't look any older!" I remember as they'd say that, after few visits, I could sense fear in their tone when they said that. It was true. I wasn't getting any older. I remember one of my friends became aware, and knew I had become forever living. He purposley tried to kill me. When he found out he couldn't, he decided to flee and spread the news to local news stations and news paper reporters.

...Of course.....
......I couldn't let him do that. I hadn't a choice.

I remember exactley how it all began...

Forever Living Lies a Trapped Soul
by Brandon Jamieson

Today was a bright day for mercanary's for hire. The town..not just the town, but the entire world...was offering a life supply of gil (money) for the fountain of youth. The eternal essence. Many had sought out before. Some had come across others who were searching, and became active in great battles. Some just plain out gave up. Some went crazy. Whatever the case may be, noone has yet to stumble upon it. Atleast once a year, towns around the world would have a sign up form and one large ship that would carrey out the mercanary's to the town of Ruko. In Ruko, that's where they would start off. Ruko is a big business town, lots of shops and equipment, perfect for mercanary's starting out on their journey.

Young Sephiroth had awakend bright and early. He was getting ready to leave his home for his long quest for eternal life. He hadn't packed much, except for some healing potions, incase any confrontational battles, or minor scratches, and his Masanume sword. This sword was known for its great length. The blade was too long to describe. Yes, whenever Sephiroth took a good look at the blade, it would bring back countless memories. He had trained with it ever since he was nine. His grandfather, great explorer Kusayama, used to teach him the secret arts of the Masanume blade. Kusayama had remarked that he has came within contact of the spring which contains the eternal essence of life. Although he told his remarkable tale to many, none believed him, except for his grandson Sephiroth. Sephiroth always used to love to sit with his grandfather and listen of his great expeditions.

Along with healing potions and his weapon, he took along 500 gil. It wasn't much, but it would probably give him a reasonable size boat once he arrived at the town of Ruko.

As he walked out, he gave his mother his goodbyes. Of course she was really worried about her boy, her Sephiroth. But now, he was 21. Free to do what he wants. She couldn't stop him. She didn't mind, though.

Sephiroth was greeted by many on his way to the docks, where the ship was waiting. He was quite famous in his town. Friends to many. Many would miss him. Some wept for though they act as though they shall never see him again. But he'd comfort them, and tell them, "Don't worry. While I'm out, I'll pick up something for you." That's what he had told most of the young children, who look up to him as their idle.

Sephiroth now arrived at the docks. He borded the ship. He was right on time. The ship was directed to take off within a minute. Sephiroth walked around the boat some, only to see newbie mercanarys. He soon stumbled upon his old friend, Freedan. Freedan was a dark knight, although he used mercanary as an excuse to be allowed to look for eternal life. Freedan was about seven years older than Sephiroth. To be exact, he was twenty eight years old. Freedan looked out after Sephiroth a lot when he was younger, like an older brother, kind of. Freedan had long blonde-brown hair, and always wore a black suit of armor. Ever since they were young, he's always had that armor.

"Hey, old buddy." Sephiroth greeted Freedan.

"So, you're also seeking eternal life? Well, I can't say I'm suprised." Freedan chuckled a bit after he completed his sentence. "Young, persistant Sephiroth, always looking for a mission, and whence he started, he wouldn't stop until he had made sure it was done. Is that what you plan on this voyage?"

"Well," Sephiroth started, "I can't say I'm going to actually find the essence of living forever. But I sure will try."

"You sound confident." Freedan remarked.

They soon got into what they had been doing over the years, what their plans were for their quests, and soon enough, it passed time by. They arrived at the town of Ruko.

The town was busy, as the usuall town of marketing. The other passengers aboard didn't help getting through.

Crowds chattering, as the usuall. I suppose I should just get a head start and head off. I probably don't need anything here anyway. Sephiroth thought.

Sephiroth left the town. Sure enough, he was on his way. From his grandfather, he heard that the spring was located in the Crystal Mines, south of the village Hitomi. Hitomi was almost a ghost town, as many of the people who lived there, were usually outcasts, weirdos, or gypsies. The town was far from where Sephiroth was.

The land outside of Ruko wasn't really dangerous. Infact, the first ten miles were sure enough, monster free. Sephiroth had only walked five. It sure would be easier with a horse, but the crowds back at Ruko..all those people buying horses. Some of the mercanarys wouldn't leave till tomorrow, probably. "I suppose I'll just buy one at the next town I go to." Sephiroth told himself.

After a few breaks in between, Sephiroth has finally outwalked the first 10 miles of Ruko. So far, nothing. But that shouldn't last too long.

Sephiroth found some amazing scenery, as he went by. No forests or large tress, but rather nice mainlands, rocks, overlapping other rock, flowers in between times. It really wasn't bad at all.

Sephiroth fell hard to the ground with an overwelming blow to his chest.

He encountered a lion like beast. Although, it looked a lot more mutated, and perhaps, rather more powerful. Sephiroth drew his Masanume and prepeared for battle. He was quick to dodge many attacks of the beast. Although he could only get few strikes at the monster, the creature has hardley attacked him. Perhaps a scratch here or there. Nothing to big. Eventually, the beast had fallen over. Not dead, but fallen over, exausted. Sephiroth decided to end their little duel. He stabed at the hideous creature, and with a final roar of pain, the creature faded his life away. The stab was like stabbing a pencil into gel. Went right through, no trouble at all.

For Sephiroth, this was a minor warm up. He really hadn't fought much, except minor creatures who stumbled into his town. But this was nothing. He left the beast to its place.

Apparently these creatures were common, as Sephiroth had fought pairs, even hoards of them. He took a break after he fought a pack of 6 of these creatures. He couldn't fight it and needed one of his healing potions. He had had a little trouble with that last pack. Finally, he stumbled upon a town. Not really a town but a village. Actually, it was so small, he didn't know what to call it.

He had bought some more potions. He bought some armor. It may became of help. After touring this small village for awhile, he decided to lodge the rest of the day. He went to an inn, and payed 100 gil, and then rested there until the next morning.

He woke up at a decent hour. He took off from the village and continued on his way. But on his way out, he was stopped by someone..

Sephiroth turned around to see a little girl, in a white rob, with several red markings on it. Actually, the girl wasn't all that little. She looked about 13.

"Excuse me.."

Her voice was soft and quiet.

"Yes?" Sephiroth replied, not hastily, for he wasn't in a rush. Sephiroth had a great quality of patience.

"Are you one of the soldiers seeking the spring of eternal life?"


"May I please join you? All of my life, I've heard the stories and rumors of the spring of eternal life. I've wanted to find it, but I havn't a clue where to look...I ran away...from my homeland...the land of the white order to seek the spring. I've traveled village to village, only to find nothing...please, let me acompany you. My white magic will become great use for you!"

She pleaded.

Well, how can I not? Sephiroth thought. What a strong girl to be wondering about the world like this...what had she done with all the encounters of monsters? And the land of the White Mages....that place is VERY far off..what an extrordinairy girl to be this far from home.

"Sure." He replied with a smile. "I could use some help anyhow. A white mage would be of great service."

She could only tell him how happy she was to join him.

Her name was Garnet. She was princess in her land. She was strictley forbidden, although, to do what she wanted. To explore. To find new things. That's why she ran away. She was thirteen, just as Sephiroth guessed. Her innocent look and quiet voice makes you think if she was really a princess at all...?

"But are you sure you are up to it? This journey could possibly result in death." Sephiroth said to her, his voice filled with concern.

"That's something I'm willing to risk." Garnet replied.

Sephiroth was still a little unsure. If Garnet was to die, would there be commosion? Perhaps somehow the Land of White Mages might hear of this and seek out for me. They probably are already aware of her dissapearance. Well, I guess if I don't she'll just continue to go on alone. I might as well take her.

Sephiroth let her know she could go along. She was excited, for she may be able to seek the spring of eternal life. She was pretty confident as she somehow knew Sephiroth was a decendant of Kusayama.

The two then continued on. Raging in battles, Sephiroth and Garnet had greatly defeated the lion beasts that prowled around. With Sephiroth's fighting abilities, and Garnet's white magic, the two had no trouble defeating foes. They stumbled upon new creatures along the way. Odd things. Creatures you'd think you'd only find in a nightmare. But they were real. Sephiroth had read about many of them, also hearing the creatures from his Grandfather. Then Garnet looked ahead at something. Sephiroth was puzzled. Then Garnet finally spoke up.

"Hey look..a passageway leading in between those mountains you suppose there's something there?" Garnet had asked Sephiroth.

"Perhaps. Our only sure way is to go look." He replied. Garnet nodded.

The two hurried to the passageway with wonder, as to what it could be. They walked along the path, which lead them into a small land, and undenreath that small land, was a river. A bridge connected two mountains. The two cautiously walked across. The sun was setting.

After crossing the bridge, the two walked along for about a minute until they stumbled upon a fortress, with theivy looking guards spread out everywhere.

Garnet gasped as she realised what this was. She signaled for them both to hide behind a small mound in the valley.

"This is the great theives fortress, Kusanoga! I've heard and studied about this place back at my kingdom. The theives here are known to be searching for the spring of eternal life!"

Sephiroth was amazed at Garnet's intelligence. Apparently, mages weren't as dumb as some others he had met in the past.

A guard looked over an spotted the two.


"Halt! Stay where you are!" The guard rushed over. It's as if Garnet and Sephiroth were only one person thinking. THey didn't know wether to run or stay. Whatever they did, it was too late. The guard approached them.

"What be your business here?!" He demanded.

"Honestly, we just stumbled upon your land. We mean no harm." Sephiroth explained clearly.

The guard looked at the two, oddly, then took a look at Sephiroth. Then blurted out, "Your a mercenary looking for the spring of eternal life!" It was so strange at how the guard knew all this. How had he? However he had, he immediatly tied Sephiroth's hands behind his back. "We must get rid of mercenarys like you! Mercanary's like you are in our way of seeking the eternal spring!" The guard then looked at Garnet. "Ehh..? What's this? A white mage? Ah! You'll make a great slave for the master!" He called to another guard to take Garnet. Sephiroth struggled to get loose, but his attempts were pointless, as the guard took the hilt of his curved sword and hit Sephiroth over the head, knocking him unconciounce.

Sephiroth woke up, in a small pit. Sand at the bottom, grey brick sourrounding the small walls. A small opening at the top was shown, as rays of dim sunlight flooded in. Apparently, Sephiroth was thrown in. It was to high to jump. The walls didn't look able to climb. It seems as though he could only wait until the guards came for him and directed him to whatever.

Five minutes later, the guard had lowered a rope and demanded that Sephiroth climbed out of there. He did so. He thought if he should run now, but he couldn't make up his mind in time, as the guards took sudden hold of him. Besides, he'd needed to rescue Garnet. Where had she gone to? Well, apparently, this could take awhile.

Sephiroth may be killed, but he decided for a do or die mission. He broke hold of the guards, to quick hold of his sword, and slashed them both to the ground. To weary to get up, they both lied there. Sephiroth didn't want to really kill any of them, unless neccesary. He ran to the palace, which had several openings, all around it. If guards had spotted them, he battled them until they were unconciounce, or too weary to get up. He came close to killing one, although, for he wouldn't fall. Sephiroth had entered the palace. The entrance and the halls were grey, and guards surrounded the place everywhere. He'd just have to do his best sneaking around.

It was a little tricky, but he managed to escape most of the guards. Some, he'd have to battle. Some of them retreated. The place was a great maze, although, Seph had no trouble locating the main room. The king's throne room.

Inside, some guards had a hold of Garnet, to where she couldn't escape. Another was apparently sucking up to their king.

"Please, my lord, hear us out. This white mage has come from the hidden land of White Mages. She can be of great service for you."

The king took a look at Garnet. He was a strong man, from his appearance. He looked as though he was one of those mentally strong types, the kind where words couldn't hurt him, threats didn't mean a thing. Perhaps getting Garnet back wouldn't be as easy as Sephiroth my had once though.

"Yes, indeed she shall be of great service to me. Perhaps whence we locate the spring, for when she shall turn my age, she can drink some of the water, and we shall be married. She can be queen of the valley. Until then, she shall serve as my loyal servent." The king sounded as if though that it was already done.

Sephiroth heard it all. Married?! Servant?! He couldn't let that happen. Garnet hadn't said a thing the entire time. Nor had she struggled to get away. She just looked to the floor, listening to them.

Sephiroth charged into the room.

"I'm afraid your little plan is as good as impossible. I'll be taking Garnet. She will serve noone against her will." Sephiroth sounded proud.

"And you are...?" The king chuckled as he said it, for it seemed he thought Sephiroth was a great fool to dare say those words.

"I am the slayer that will kill you and all of your men, and free Garnet from this wretched place." There was a tone in Sephiroth's sentence, the tone of annoyance.

The king took a good look at him. "Ah, Kusayama's ol' grandson. A fine explorer he was."

So that's how they had knew Sephiroth was after the eternal spring of life. That's when the king mentioned about it.

"So you are after the spring for eternal life? Ahahaha, that's quite funny. As though noone has yet to discover it, we the Kusanoga theives shall be first to discover it and drink from it. Your attempt is pointless. But, since you're Kusayama's grandson and I fear you perhaps have chance at getting at it, I must see you put to death."

Sephiroth glanced at the king, and was once again taken hold of by guards that once surrounded the king. Sephiroth had expected Garnet to do or say something by now, but he figured out why she hadn't. She had been knocked unconciounce.

"Heh'll have to do better than this!" Sephiroth chuckled as he broke loose of the guards, drew his sword and slashed them to the ground. Now he really didn't care if they lived or died.

The king looked at Sephiroth in amazement. "I underestimated you. Grandson of great explorer Kusayama, I should have figured you'd be somewhat a challenge." At those words, the king drew his spirit swords. A sword alike the others had, curved and pointy, except longer. And at that, he had two.

The king lunged down the steps of his throne, and charged at Sephiroth. With a twist, Sephiroth dodged the strike, and therefore, made his own, slicing away at the king. He had, but merley a scratch. The king was quick. He must have known the sacred arts of the Kusanoga. Sephiroth took mental note of this, as he attempted to kill the king.

The battle had raged on for nearly twenty minutes now, both of them, seeming to countly miss their strikes. They got a good hack at each other once in awhile, but nothing much. The guard that held Garnet had been viewing all of this. He hadn't made a move, from since Sephiroth entered the room. He just watched. The battle continued as it did for another twenty minutes.

Unexceptedly, the guard who was holding an unconciounce Garnet, had lied her on the ground, drew his sword, and without warning, hacked hard at the king. The king yelled in pain, and surprise, as one of his own, his loyal servants, had turned against him. Sephiroth looked oddly at the guard. The guard signaled him to give him the final slash. And so he did. The king, with his last loud cry of pain, had fell dead, at Sephiroth's feet.

First, Sephiroth had rushed to Garnet, and kneeled over her. The guard then spoke, "Don't worry...she's only unconciounce..she'll be with us again soon enough."

"W....W-Why did you...turn against your own king..?" Sephiroth just asked in shock.

"So, you're the grandson of Kusayama, hm?" The guard ignored his question for now. "You must be really tallented. We, the ninja theives of Kusanoga have sought out for the spring of eternal life for over 300 years now. Noone had come nearly as close as your grandfather has"

Sephiroth was amazed. " believe his story?"

The guard nodded, "But of course we do. And you, the talented garndson of Kusayama, may I please say, I'm honored to be speaking with." Sephiroth hadn't known he was this popular. The guard insisted he helped Sephiroth with his quest. He shurgged, "The more the better, I s'pose." The ninja's name was Auron. Auron's father learned great skill from Kusayama, and his father passed it onto Auron. So he was sure to be skilled.

"Let us take the girl and rest at Sol. That's the nearest town to here, which isn't all that far." Auron suggested. Sol was even bigger than Ruko. It was a gambling town, with many attractions.

"Oh, and don't plan on staying for too long. I heard those attractions are very addicting." Auron warned Sephiroth.

"Me? Gambel? Ha! Just because my old grandfather was a heavy gambler doesn't mean I've inherited it!" Sephiroth laughed his sentance out.

"Just making sure." Auron said. "Calm down."

Sephiroth came to a halt and nodded.

"Well, before it gets any later, let us head off to Sol. The more time we waste, the less sleep we get. And sleep is an important essential in our quest." Auron seemed to be commanding the three now, as he picked Garnet up, and started heading out of the palace.

"Hey, wait up!" Sephiroth yelled ahead as he staggered to catch up with Auron. Auron quickly turned around.

"Quiet!" He said softly, yet strongly. "If we're spotted, we have to kill whoever sees us!"

"Oh, right." Sephiroth rubbed the back of his neck, feeling kind of...stupid.

With time, although trying to be hasty, Sephiroth, Auron, and a being-carried Garnet succesfully sneaked out of the fortress. It was probably thanks to Auron's sneaking skills. Without that, Sephiroth may have had to face some battles.

"Alright. We head north-east from here, to Sol. Once we reach there, we rent a room for the night, then immediatley go to sleep. We need to be up early and ready. With all those other mecanarys out there, we want to be sharp." Auron told the group...well, the one that was still conciounce.

It was night. Auron and Sephiroth encountered some battles with undead monsters. Sephiroth was amazed at Auron's battling skills. He was sneaky and powerful. Quite a combination for theives. Usually, they were just quick and weak. But not Auron. It's a wonder what made him seem like the rest of the theives at Kusanoga fortress. Were they all like that?

Battles and all, they soon finally arrived at Sol. Even late at night, the place was a big party. Sol was a tower with a big floor at the top where Monks would train. Dwindling up the tower were shops and stores of all kinds. Sephiroth promised himself, after his journey, he would definetley need to come back here.

Auron took care of getting a room. It took awhile, since many were taken, but the trio got one.

"I sure hope Garnet comes to soon." Sephiroth sighed. He didn't know her all that long, but he liked her. A very strong willed girl, smart, mannerly and powerful.

"It'll take forever unless we can get a remedy." Auron chimed in. "They sell those here, but at a very high price. 10,000 gil."

"10,000?!" Sephiroth sounded shocked. "I only have 7,000 from battles we've fought!"

"No need to worry, then." Auron said calmly. "I have 5,000 on me. I'll pitch in some fund. Afterall, she's helping me as well."

Sephiroth and Auron continued conversation only for a little, as they both knew they needed much sleep. That soon got taken care of.

The next day, Sephiroth was the first to wake. He had woken from a nightmare. He didn't remember what it was, but whatever it was, it was scary...

"No, wait...I remember...I was the only one...left..on the planet....everyone left me...I wanted to go with them.....but I couldn't...but..why not?" Sephiroth said to himself quietly. Then he looked to Garnet.

"That's right..the remedy.."

Sephiroth got up, and walked over to Auron, and shook him a bit. "Auron! Wake up!"

Auron woke up without hesitation. "That's right..the girl.."

"Yeah. We need to go get that remedy."

"We...well," Auron began, "maybe I should just give you the extra 3,000...I mean, after all, she is a white mage...only one for hundreds of miles..many would attempt at kidnapping her if they found out she was here...therefore, I'll stay her and watch over her. It shouldn't take you that long anyway."

Sephiroth nodded, "You got a point. All right then."

Auron gave him the extra 3,000 gil, then left their room. Now he was scrambling about the giant inn.

"Hope I remember how to get out of here.." Sephiroth said to himself. It took a few minutes, but Seph finally found his way out. Now he was in the wide, spiraling tower of Sol. He went up the stairs, slowly, until he saw a potion shop. He walked in, and looked around. Without much time, he found a remedy. He picked it up and brought it to the counter. He handed the 10,000 gil to the shop keeper, took the remedy, and left. Now he needed to get back to his room. Shouldn't be much trouble.

...Just took him 10 minutes or so.

Back in their room, Sephiroth tilted the remedy lightly into Garnets mouth. When he gave her just about all of it, he set the bottle aside, and waited.

"Shouldn't be very long..less than a minute." Just as Auron said that, Garnet slowly woke up. The first thing she did was shreik.

"Sephiroth! It's the guard from the fortress!"

"Calm down, calm down!" Sephiroth told Garnet. She was quiet now, but still looking at Auron with fear.

"Don't worry...he's on our side...he helped me kill the king of the fortress..."

"...O-Oh, is that so..?" Garnet said quietly and calmly. "I-I'm sorry, I just-"

Auron interupted her. "Sorry to give you the shock. But now that you're up, we've no time to waste. If anyone is to get to that spring, it must be us. Who knows, maybe there're other mecanarys like yourself, Sephiroth, who're trying to accomplish the same goal as we are, but we shoudn't take that chance." Auron was about to continue, but Sephiroth asked him, puzzled, "Goal...?"

"Yes...We're to destroy the spring.."

At this, Sephiroth was shocked. "What..?! You mean...?!"

"Look," Auron said, a bit annoyed that Sephiroth didn't already know this, "if we're to market the spring, many people, first hundreds, then thousands, will be living forever. Our population will quickly increase, and we can't get rid of those that have drank, for the spring also grants immortalism, meaning you can't be killed. We can't let that happen, therefore, when we are in the Crystal Cavern it's located in, there's said to be a purifier that shall turn the spring into nothing but plain, everyday, water. We have to do this for the good of the world. Your grandfather Kusayama, would have done it, Sephiroth, but he hadn't gotten the purifier. All he could do was stare at it in amazment. He was thinking about drinking it, but then something happend..and..I don't remember the rest.."

"..How do you know all this..?" Sephiroth asked, with curiosity.

"My father, he knew Kusayama very well. He had been there for most of his travels, or he would hear them from Kusayama himself" Auron said. "Now, enough chat, we must go on."

Sephiroth nodded. Garnet, the whole time hearing this, just slowly nodded her head. She didn't know too much about Kusayama, therefore, she couldn't admire the great explorer of his storys.

The group continued on now. Not many battles, atleast none that were challenging and took less then a minute. The towns they visited were usually poor, since Sol, and were pretty beat up. The group, after visiting one of these towns, just walked through the rest. Their shops offered nothing of interest. The day was pretty boring...until.

"Spike, check the map....I think the Crystal Mine's are only a few miles from this next town. Hitomi, I think it is..."

"Yes, sir. The next town is surley the one before the Crystal Caves. But I've hear some strange rumors, latley, that the usuall ghostown of Hitomi, is literally, now, a ghost town. Wandering spirits, the walking dead, that sort of thing. Are you sure you want us to proceed?"

"Of course, you idiot! Have you not noticed all the foes we've defeated around these parts?! Weak! Pathetic! How different could Hitomi be?! And not to mention the fact that we've gone so far!"

Spike just nodded, and the two continued on. They hadn't noticed the other three at all.

"Who....who are those guys..?" Garnet spoke quietly. "Probably some guys from my town." Sephiroth said. "We cannot let them get to the Crystal Caverns before we do!" Auron said. "We must go now!" With that, all three of them dashed into the not too far off Hitomi.

They entered the town. Sephiroth remembered when he was told of this town, there were still people living here. But this place looked totally abondond...

It wasn't long before they stumbled upon their first clue that this town was dead. They found a disembled head. It doesn't look that of a humans, but as if the human was a zombie when this happend. Garnet lightly clinged to Sephiroth. She was still so young, she probably hasn't seen anything like this. Sephiroth hadn't, but he heard enough from the storys to know what this was like. Who knows if something like this has happend to Auron....from his expression, and calm attitude, it's most likley.

"Hmm..Hitomi..something has happend to's best we don;t find out and continue on.." Auron said, as he started to walk again. Sephiroth walked behind him, and kept Garnet close by, for he knew she was scared. The three continued on, for a few minutes, until they walked right into the walking dead itself.

There it was. A mutated, bloody, gory zombie. It was sad to think what had happend to the human who once was. Auron drew his sword quickly, and dismantled the walking mess even more than it was. Sephiroth drew out his sword also, and aided Auron, for it looked as though the creature wouldn't stop with just a few slashes.

The zombie had taken a few attempts to bite at Auron and Sephiroth, but was too busy getting slashed. Eventually, he dropped dead, and this time, he really was dead. Then Garnet spoke, "Next time, I'll just cast a holy's sad to see someone, even the living dead, get slashed insaneley to death." Sephiroth hadn't thought about that, which made him regret the fact that he had brought a small world of horror to Garnet. It didn't last long though. She just really wanted to get out of there.

A few more undead, mutated creatures, which Garnet peacefully put to death. The town was a little larger than Sephiroth heard..but it wasn't that great of distance.

Now, the three were out of the town. Their shocking experience made them a little shivery, not to mention paranoid everytime they were to speak. Then ahead, they saw the man and his companion Spike, entering the Crystal Caves. They could hardly see it, since the caves were still a bit ahead, but they saw good enough that they were entering. "We can't let them find it! We musn't let them!" Auron dashed to the cave. Sephiroth and Garnet follwed quickly.

At the entrance of the Crystal Cave. Auron took almost no time to stop, as he paused only for a moment, then continued dashing. "C'mon, you two! No time to stare around!" Sephiroth and Garnet quickly followed once more.

"What gets me is his great amount of stamina. He never stops!" Sephiroth chuckled as he ran along.

Auron was the first to catch up to Spike and his master somewhere deep in the cave.

"Stop!" Auron demanded. "We will not allow you to go any further."

"Is that so?" Chuckled the one next to Spike. "So, instead, you three will beat us to it?"

"Yes," Auron started, "and we plan to destroy it. We do so because of greedy people like you, who're too busy fantisizing about their future profit to even care what will happen!"

"Oh, we know what will happen..but do we care? WE don't plan to drink from the spring, therefore we shall not live forever in your future ecursed world."

"Hmph...selfish." Auron torted.

"Selfish? Really? How is it possible we are selfish when we plan to share our discovery to the world? For a fair price, of course..."

"You plan to curse our world with a dangerous rate of popularity. So many people, there won't be places for other. That is what I mean by selfish.." As Auron finished, Sephiroth and Garnet have just caught up.

"So your group is finally back together..well then, I might as well explain myself...I'm Seymour, and this is Spike here with me..we've been training for years, and now, with much knowledge and studying, we've located where the spring's very rare, to know where it is...why do you think Hitomi is now a dangerous town? To keep commoners and novice mecanarys away from where they shouldn't's beyond my knowledge how you got here, but you won't be here for much longer, anyhow, so anyway you look at it, it's pointless, your little voyage..." Seymour finished, and with that, Spike, without warning, drew a flail (a small wood handel with a chain and ball of spikes attached) and attempted to strike at Auron. He missed. Probably because the flail was a bit heavy, not to mention Auron's ninja skills.

"If that's your decision, then so be it." Auron said, as he drew out his own blade. Sephiroth knew Auron needed him now, so he took out his Masanume as well. Auron dodged Spike's next attack and headed straight for Seymour. Sephiroth slashed at Spike, and was succesful. It seemed as though Spike was very weak. Sephiroth was pretty confident in now wining.

As for Auron, things weren't going as smooth. Seymour was just dodging many of Auron's attacks. He hadn't made one of his own, yet. Until finally, Auron charged up at Seymour and threw a forceful slash at him. Unfortunatley, Seymour had countered the attack and had some kind of strange, unusuall force, that sent Auron flying back. Sephiroth saw it happen, which gave Spike a chance to swing his flail. As it was about to hit Sephiroth straight in the head, Sephiroth swung his head sideways, not to mention slide himself away. This resulted in the flail missing Sephiroth, yet it continued its path and hit Spike strongly in the stomach, causing the spiked, sturdy ball to go right through him, and out his back. At this, Spike fell to the ground, dead. He had just defeated someone....himself.

Sephiroth didn't pay much attention and just noted Spike was dead. Now he could help Auron with Seymour. Except Auron was still on the ground, and Garnet was doing all she could to help him. He wasn't dead or unconciounce...just very wounded. Sephiroth was angered inside. Not only did Seymour want to damage the world, but he also damaged his friend. Sephiroth didn't like the idea of not sharing the spring at first, but he soon learned what Auron was talking about. And now, Auron was very hurt. Sephiroth hadn't known Auron or Garnet for long, but they were his friends, and he didn't want to see either of them hurt. After their journey, he wanted to become really close to both of them. But secretley, Sephiroth has already become very important to both Garnet and Auron.

"Be cautious.." Auron spoke up to Sephiroth. "He's a blackmage...a powerful one at that..." Sephiroth nodded, then looked to Seymour. "Are you still atempting to defeat me? Ah, hahaha! Foolish mortal! You cannot defeat someone whom is stronger than you! You have much to learn! Pity, you won't be around to learn it..but let me give you a final lesson!" Seymour finished, and with that, formed quickly an ice ball, and hurled it at Sephiroth. He dodged it, by rolling to the ground. Without thinking, he charged up, and hacked swiftly and solemnly at Seymour. His slashes were succesful as he backed Seymour further in the cave. The way they were going, there was a huge pit, pitch black. Staring at it would make you think it was endless.

Seymour packed a few powerful punches, more powerful than that of normal humans, at Sephiroth. Some were succesful and hit Sephiroth. But his rage. He had much rage in him. A lot of it was that he was doing a great thing for the world by getting rid of the spring. It may seem like a gift from god, but deep inside, it was a prank from the devil.

Both Seymour and Sephiroth, weary and wounded, continued to strike hits to each other, but not for much longer. Seymour had flipped Sephiroth in Seymour's past position and kicked him forcefully, sending Sephiroth back, and into the pit.

...But he had grabbed onto the ledge.

Seymour looked down at Sephiroth. "Ahahaha! Your done, now! It's all over! It's a shame you can't be able to suffer my new world of over populated chaos, but that's sometimes how-"

Seymour was interupted by a sword raming through his back and right out his chest.


Sephiroth looked at Seymour. His eyes were in the state of shock. Sephiroth thought no more and swung his sword into his chest. Seymour now had two swords in him. Sephiroth pulled himself up qucikly, and as he dead, Seymour fell forward into the pit. Sephiroth and Auron discarded their swords quickly from Seymour, as he fell into the pitch blackness.

" that he's all taken care of, let's finish this, shall we?" Auron said with pride. Sephiroth and Garnet both nodded.

The three continued further in the cave. Finally, stumbling upon a small room with a panell in the center of the north wall, with buttons with the numbers 1-9 on them.

"I know what this is..!" Sephiroth said, as he realised what it was. "This is the code passed down from the gods. Explorers discovered it whence fighting a foe called the Keeper Dragon. But since my grandfather has done his part in the past by defeating him for us, and passing the code down to me, we can easily get through this."

"You mean this is a door..?" Auron said. Apparently, he now about the cave, but not what was inside of it.

"Yep." Sephiroth said. He now began to punch in numbers and mumbled them to himself. "..2...7....4....6...6...0..3...6....2.....5...1... 4....0...0.."

The wall, or 'door' shook much as Sephiroth finished. "Were those just randomized numbers..?" Garnet asked.

"'d think there be some kind of pattern, but that was a trick in order to confuse those who might accidently stumble upon it." Sephiroth explained. The wall completed moving, and now a pitch dark tunnel lied before them.

They cotninued.

The tunnel seemed as though it might never end, as if it went on forever and ever..


After what seemed like an eternity...

Blindess filled their eyes as Sephiroth, Garnet, and Auron stepped into a beautiful land. Soon, they uncovered their eyes. Their it was. A gigantic spring. A beautiful fountain in the middle of the spring, which seemed almost like a sky skraper. It was enormous. Beautiful spring water flooded from the very top.

"...W...W-Where is it all coming from..?" Asked Garnet. "The spring water...does it flow...eternaly..?"

"Seems so.." Auron spoke. "No matter, we just.....-


Auron cursed loudly.

"What is it?" Asked Sephiroth.

"..The purifier! We forgot all about it!!"

..Sephiroth grinned.

"And what are you so sly about?! We havn't anything to be happy for!!"

Sephiroth tuged underneath his cloak and held out a mystical, eerie glowing crystal. "Is this what we're looking for?"

Auron was shocked. "W-W-Where did you get it?!"

"I snatched it from Seymour as he fell. I thought it was a little more than a just a crystal.."

"Y'know, you have a lot of your Grandfather in you." Auron sighed with relief. "Then let's do it...let's get rid of this...once and for all..."

Sephiroth nodded. He walked into the spring, to where the water was above his waist. Auron and Garnet watched now.

Then, many thoughts came to Sephiroth's mind.

"This is the only time you'll ever see this in your life."

"..This is a gift from god.."

"...This is soon to become extinct."

"Don't you want just a little?"

"Go on..."

"Drink it..."

Sephiroth then thought nothing more. He dropped the purifier in the water. It dissloved very quickly, and now something was happening to the spring. "All right Sephiroth, let's go! This place is coming down!" Auron shouted, as he and Garnet dashed out. Garnet then paused while runing. She looked to Sephiroth who looked frozen in the spring. Auron caught up with her.

"Don't worry, he'll come"

Garnet nodded and the two took off again.

Sephiroth looked above. THe place was coming down, NOW.

....He cupped his hand in the water, and took a big drink.

He rushed out of the spring.

Soon, the three were out, and the place nearly collapsed on them. "Where were you?" Auron asked. "We thought you were in a trance!"

"Oh, just a little shock...just amazed at what I was doing..saving the world and all." Sephiroth laughed.

Now it was done...there was no more spring of eternal life, and the three pittied any one who thought so...

Now, the three are living together in Sol. They have earned livings from their expeditions. Sometimes they'll get part job or something just for awhile. They lived a normal, and happy life..

....but year after year, they age more and more. Soon, Garnet became a teacher, and Auron sold antiques and weapons....soon, they were retired, and weak.

One day, Auron was 74. He went up to Sephiroth. "By god Sephiroth, as old as we are, you still look like you did many years ago.."

Sephiroth laughed and shrugged. "Luck, I s'pose." Auron laughed with him.

One day, Garnet died of old age. She was known as the wise girl of Sol, who many came to for advice. She enjoyed her life, and through her times with Sephiroth, she fell in deep love with him, but couldn't express her feelings. Never could she anymore..

And although Garnet was younger than Auron, he lived a bit longer then Garnet, but not much. He died at an age of 104.

Sephiroth enjoyed his immortalism and eternal life...upto now.

He no longer had them, his closest friends, to him, his family. He didn't want to live anymore, he wanted to be with Garnet and Auron again. He regreted hardley the day he drank the water.

Well, there's my story. I've tried all ways of death...I've tried to get an angry mob on me, but nothing works....It's been two years now since Auron's passing away, and four since Garnet's.

I don't get it. I cared for the ones I loved, deeply, helped many people back home and in Sol, and I saved the world. My, if it weren't for me, the world would be chaotic. If it weren't for Garnet, the world would be chaotic. If it weren't for Auron, the world would be chaotic. It took us three to save the world...we should be together...

Just as Sephiroth said that, a blidning flash had appeard infront of him. He opened his eyes to see a ghostly image of Garnet and Auron. Both of them were smiling. They looked exactley like they did when they met Sephiroth.

"...G-Guys..?! What are you doing here..?!"

"We've come for you, Sephiroth. We've come to take you....home." Auron said. Garnet nodded.

"Me..? Where..? I can't be where you guys are...I'm imortal..."

"Yes, but you just realised what you did for this realised the help of learned, and remembered. For your great task, you are allowed to be with finally be with the ones you love again." Garnet spoke. "Now come.." Both Auron and Garnet held out their hand. Sephiroth took one of each. Then he, Garnet, and Auron were pulled in to a mystic place, traveling at bizzarre speed.

(From here on, it's from Sepiroth's point of view)

We were travelling at an insane speed. Then soon, we stopped. It was pitch dark. Oh, I know eyes were closed. I don't remember much after I opened my eyes, but I saw my grandfather, Auron, and Garnet.


I would just like to say, the only part of this story I didn't come up with, were the names following: Sephiroth, Garnet, Auron, and Seymour. All other things, I rightfully claim to be my own.

07-16-2002, 05:39 AM
The Life story and reasons behind Dachande�s behavior
Rated pg-13
For violence, and some language
Credit�s to Tigress for the Character Kitanali
Part 1

I few notes I�ve takin things from other stories the predators and xenomorphs from avp the kilrathie from wingcommander and the terran confederation and protoss from Starcraft
Saiyans are now known to have two versions the Saiyans from the original DBZ the violent ones that like to fight are known as daktu saiyans unminipulated by frezia they don�t goto planets killing everyone but a new peace loving more fragile version known as a dantae saiyan has formed also Saiyan language is not english and the planet of origin is saiyina note that later on Dachande knows english through the whole story along with his best friend Tianchada and Princess Anande also a few dantae and daktu regulars freiza doesn�t exist and neither does vegeta or goku
The Daktus right now have a weaker military than the dantaes but later when the W*W* army is formed it becomes the strongest military on that planet also before the W*W* army is formed Dachande is as nice as Goku and as positive as Zidane but he still loves to fight and loves a challenge and saiyans ditched the idea of royal people living in big palaces also Dachande has a royal emblem around his neck with 2 swords crossing each other and a D in the middle of them on a chain also the deal with the saiyans most of them are as fragile as humans except with a few that have a high power level also before you read this you should know Saiyan invasion of Gaia happens in a different way I�ll explain later this is somewhat of a tear jerker my friends agree I make good sci fi fantasy stories
Dachande Da-Shun-Day
Kindora as you see it
Anande A-nun-day
Tianchada Te-an-shad-a

The year is 5032 saiyan years earth years it�s 2319 Dachande Dathwiee prince of the Daktu saiyans now just turned 13 years old and already has a power level off the known chart and the ability to transform into an ssj8 anything above ssj4 has never been seen before until now anyways
Prince Dachande and his father King Kindora now settling a dispute between the destruction of a Dantae freight train in Daktu territory
Before the king of the Dantae�s King Daen and his eldest daughter princess Anande who just so happens to be the same age as Dachande
The two parties meet
Kindora: how are you connecting this to me and why have you summond my son to this councile I see you have brought your daughter here too
Daen: there is a reason why I asked for your son to join us it is not what you think, your son just happens to be the strongest saiyan maybe even the strongest life form alive and he might just be a possible reason why these attacks have occurred
Dachande: what? I didn�t do anything everyone knows that the Kilrathi are behind it they are also responsible for disturbances on a human planet known as earth and another planet called Braxis
Daen: how can you be sure.
Dachande opens his pack and pulls out a Kilrathi hand gun that Dachande found near a kilrathi warrior he had earlier killed
Dachande: see I saw the dumb cat leaving with a wounded dantae prisoner, I killed the Kilrathi warrior and the prisoner begged me to end his life the kilrathi sliced all the fingers off of his left hand. So I did the decent thing and put him out of his misery, then I picked up his weapon and took it as a trophy
Anande: ewwww how horrible why would they do that to a saiyan
Dachande: I�ve studied these creatures and they are very ruthless and like to tourcher their prisoners
Daen: well now that we�ve gotten this sorted out I don�t see why there should be any conflict between us and your kind
Dachande: maybe you should monitor the area around our planet here
Kindora: Dachande that�s enough don�t show off in front of these people
Dachande: dad I wasn�t showing off to anybody
Kindora whispers to Dachande: yes you were you were trying to impress Anande
Dachande gives his dad a weird look and then goes down to the transport so he can get back to Tianchada, Dachande was trying to train Tianchada into a better fighter
Kindora: Dachande it�s nothing to be embarrassed about
Dachande: what are you talking about I was simply explaining what was happening and how to stop it
Kindora: alright if that�s what you say fine I believe you
****2 hours later****
Tianchada: what the h*ll happened to you your dad just came along and said hop in and you took off what happened
Dachande: none of your d*mn business just a little cat problem is all
Tianchada: what?
Dachande: you know those d*mn cats kilrathi you know stupid cats that like to kill everything they see
Tianchada: huh what did they do?
Dachande: o they attacked a dantae transport or something not exactly sure what they attacked. And their king Daen thought I did it
Tianchada: well you could blow up the planet just by looking at it he has every right to be scared that you did it
Dachande: it isn�t my fault I was just born with a gift that�s all
Tianchada: o ya what about that princess Anande she�s pretty deec eh?
Dachande: Tianchada keep your mind on what your doing come on hit me as hard as you can
Tianchada: ok fine
Tianchada hits Dachande in the face as hard as he can normally this would send a regular human flying Dachande doesn�t even flinch or blink.
Dachande: what the h*ll was that it almost tickled
Tianchada holding his fist and wincing in pain
Tianchada: ouch d*mn that hurt o man my hand is all numb and stuff
Dachande: stop griping I hate that
Tianchada: then you try it then
Without a second thought Dachande jumps up and hits Tianchada in the face with a fairly moderate hit.
Tianchada gets thrown to his feet
Tianchada: o man what was I thinking damnit Dachande you broke my nose again
Dachande: stop yur bitchin it will heal in a few days
Kindora: Dachande it�s 11:30 get in here
Dachande: o man k I gotta go Tianchada cya tomorrow
Tianchada: alright I�ll call ya if anything comes up
***this sort of thing Tianchada gets stronger and can finally transform into a ssj1 half a year has gone by***
Daen: hey Princess do you remember that prince from the daktu side of the planet
Anande: huh you mean Dachande?
Daen: aw yes you remember yes anyways he and his father are coming to spend a few days in the guest cottage out there see the next house right beside here
Anande: those guys are coming back? Cool
Daen: your thrilled that that prince is coming back aren�t you
Anande: huh no no nothing like that I havn�t seen any other royal people for almost a year now
Daen: alright
Secretly King Kindora and King daen are trying to get Dachande and Anande together so that one day they can rule the whole planet and bring their sides together Dachande�s power and strength in combat and Anande�s gentle and merciful hand to make the perfect pair but we all know that just doesn�t happen
**2 weeks later**
Kindora: get ready Dachande we have to get going if only your mother was still alive
Dachande looks at his dad and asks
Dachande: how did she die?
Kindora: your old enough now that I can tell you the truth
**flash back**
Kindora: you were 5 months old at the time you know you�ve grown up without a mother and you thought it was because she left me well that isn�t true
Kindora: one day she said she was going out to the edge of our territory
Dachande: near Dantae territory?
Kindora: no let me explain it was near the outter rim she was going out into space and we lost her we thought she was missing but then you were 2 years old and we found out the kilrathi ambushed her private ship and they took her hostage and they beat her every day until she died
Dachande�s eyes start to tear which is uncommon for him
Then Dachande starts to get a little angry and then the first of his dark side starts to appear Dachande looks out into the distance of some mountains his eyes start to glow bright white and a blinding white light appears and a big boom and those mountains are vaporized into nothing but a smoldering desert
Kindora: we will just keep this as our little secret ok I�m sorry I should of known you would of taken it too hard
Dachande: it�s ok I promise that I will make them pay for what they have done though
Kindora: don�t say that I know your 100% Daktu so that�s normally how you would think but hear me out in time they will pay. But anyways we better get going we have to be there in a few short hours
**2 hours later the transport is within sight of the Dantae king and the Dantae princess
**up in space hovering is a kilrathi snakier class battle ship just above the saiyan planet
Kilrathi battle lord: d*mn those Daktus that prince of theirs could really cause us problems when we finally invade this planet
Kilrathi PFC: sire their king is also very strong
Kilrathi Battle lord: yes he is but not nearly as strong as his son. O I have an idea lets wipe them both out right now heheheh send the orders to launch 2 ballistic missles at their transport
Kilrathi PFC: yes sir
Kilrathi gunner: missles 1 and 2 ready to fire
Kilrathi commander: FIRE!!!!!!
2 kilrathi ballistic missles speed towards Prince Dachande and King Kindora at high speed
Daen: ah there they are right on time to those Daktu�s are very reliable
Anande: daddy are they that reliable
Daen: yes they are I also herd that that prince can move from one side of the planet to another in a split second
Anande: wow that�s fast
The Daktu transport can be seen by the dantae king and his daughter along with 2 smoke trails closing in on it
Daen: what are those things approaching them. O NO o my god those are missles
Daen: contact them and warn them at once
Dantae army special forces officer: yes sir
Daen: o no they won�t have any time
The missles collide with the transport blowing it and anything within 100 miles around into nothing
Anande: o my god what just happened daddy
Daen: I don�t know sweety I don�t know
Army officer: send people to search for them maybe those 2 are strong enough to survive the blast
Daen: I don�t know about the king but I do hope his son lives
**Dachande was thrown a long distance and found by some dantae army regulars his close torn and his royal emblem damaged a little**
** over night the Kilrathi somehow managed to sneak a massive invasion on the daktu front and manage to wipe out all of the daktu saiyans except Tianchada, Dachande and the future forces of W*W*ESF are the only daktus left
Dachande finally wakes up
Dachande: huh wha where am I
Dantae surgeon: o your awake
Daen: is he ok
**The dantae surgeon motions for the Dantae king to follow him out of the room**
Dantae surgeon: that�s whats bugging me, he doesn�t have a scratch on him not one bloody scratch
Daen: are you serious those missiles could of blown away an entire city
Dachande: yo pops whats the deal why am I here?
Daen: o great now we gotta break the news to this kid and tell him what happened to his people
Army Soldier: I�ll do it sir
Daen: ok you do that
The Dantae soldier goes and tells Dachande about how the kilrathi killed off his entire country
Dachande starts to laugh thinking it�s a joke
Dachande: o man that�s a good one but can you point me in the right direction I need to get back to my dads place
Anande walks in
Daen: ah there you are,**then he looks at Dachande again** Dachande do you even know what happened?
Dachande: uh no I just woke up here and I want to know whats up with that
Daen: ok Dachande here we go you and your dad Kindora were on your way here to spend some time at the guest cottage and a kilrathi battleship launched 2 ballistic missiles at your transport and well it decimated everything within 100 miles except you
Dachande: no hey I�m serious here I need to get home
Anande: Dachande your father is dead your whole side of the planet has been wiped out by a kilrathi invasion force
Daen: yes that is right and well we tried to stop them but their military was too strong to hold them back
Dachande: I don�t believe you, ok jokes over ok I gotta get back home
Army officer: look Prince Dachande take a look at the satellite images here your side of the planet is completely gone
Dachande starting to believe all this does his best to hold back the tears and he succeeds
Dachande starts to ask if there were any survivors
Army officer: yes a few million were still alive but that is nothing compared to what was there before o by the way your best friend Tianchada is still alive
Dachande: I gotta go see him
Daen: wait stay a while
Dachande takes off leaving behind a blue energy glow
Daen: see he�s stubborn that kid is 100% Daktu alright
Anande: why doesn�t he want to stay daddy?
Daen: that�s just the way he is he is a lot like his father
Dachande meets up with Tianchada
Dachande: hey whats up
Tianchada: Dachande is that really you?!? O man I thought you were toast
Dachande: me? nah
Tianchada: your taking this real well for what happened
Dachande: I held everything back that�s why
Tianchada: you shouldn�t do that you die younger
Dachande: whatever get the rest of the Daktu�s together we are going back to the place we called home
Tianchada: whoa slow down slow down what do ya mean
Dachande: just do it now I�ve got an idea
**Dachande now a 14 year old reappeared on Dantaes territory with all of his followers all with a uniform that had the initials W*W*ESF and advanced weaponry new airforce navy army yep Dachande had created weapons superior to anything his flagship spriggan with 6 nuclear silos and an ion cannon the new advanced Wolfer fighter craft superior to the Dantae PmE�s and the Kilrathi Drathi fighters and Dachande himself grew stronger too with this saiyan his power increases with age now he controls a massive army and no longer bears the name Prince believing he no longer can hold I title with no country but that is not true to Anande and Daen, Anande grew a soft spot for Dachande ever since the Kilrathi killed his father and his entire race of Daktu saiyans Dachande still not knowing what Anande feels for him continues on his own way only he now is more intolerant because of what happened and is now a ruthless fighter he and his army go to a school for new soldiers normally reserved for the Dantae forces but they decide to house in the White*Wolves as well and also Anande just so happens to attend the same school
** five months after the W*W*�s have entered the school**
Dachande: ok dirt bags you know what to do any Dantae gives you a hard time kick his ass anyone bugs you do the same d*mn thing show em that we are better
W*W* Battalion 1 salute
Adaet: hey Anande theres that dumb W*W* leader I think his name was Dache or something
Anande: Dachande? He�s back I gotta talk to him
Adaet: whoa whoa whoa there is plenty of me to go around
Dachande comes through the door with sunglasses on to keep a low profile he has a pair of yautja wrist blades that he took from predator while it tried to kill him
Adaet pushes Dachande while trying to act all cool and strong in front of Anande
Dachande: he buddy got a f*ckin problem
Adaet: o sorry about that dumbass
Dachande unsheathes his wrist blades and presses them against Adaet�s neck and forces him to back up against a wall and cower in a corner
Dachande: The next time you cross me I will kill you you hear me now go play with people that won�t hurt you
Adaet: ya right lets see what you got without weapons
By now you�ve guessed that this guy is trying to show up Dachande
Tianchada: o that sounds like a challenge Dachande
Dachande: d*mn straight it does but shithead not here and not now all these people would see you blow up and die
Adaet: that�s what I mean the arena outside everyone will be there tomorrow and guess what I am the strongest Dantae in the world
Dachande: pathetic
Adaet: just be there
Dachande: hey Tianchada that guy had something stuck up his ass what the h*ll is his problem?
They both walk away
Adaet: hey Anande watch me beat this guy to nothing tomorrow
Anande: ya ok just watch yourself don�t mess with that guy when he gets going he is unstoppable
Adaet: what you like him or something comeon I�ll show ya tomorrow
**day goes by Dachande thinks this is gonna be a waste of time**
The arena is filled with 2 saiyans Dachande and Adaet both of em starring hard at each other
Adaet: alright buddy now your going down
Dachande: shut the F*ck up and get whats comin to ya
Adaet starts to glow red kinda like Gokus kayokann attack
Adaet lunges at Dachande and sends him flying onto the ground Dachande simply gets up and looks at Adaet straight in the eye
Adaet: o he�s laughin alright here we go buddy
Adaet hits Dachande again and Dachande slams into a wall and Adaet fires blasts at the wall so that debris fall on Dachande
Theres a smoking pile of rubble on the ground
Adaet: well that settles that
Golden lights appear from under the rubble and get blown away
Dachande hovering on air his eyes glowing white
Dachande: ok buddy now it�s my turn
Dachande transforms into an ssj1 level supersaiyan
Adaet: o sh*t o no o my god a supersaiyan
Dachande glowing gold jumps at Adaet and sends him flying into the air Dachande disappears and reappear above Adaet and smashes him back to the ground Dachande then flyes higher and begins to change up and releases a bright blue-white ray of energy
Tianchada yells to Dachande: DACHANDE STOP YOU�LL KILL HIM AND ALL OF US
Dachande quickly controls the blast and sends it into space
Dachande slowly decends to where Adaet lies crippled and a huge flash in the sky that is even brighter than the sun appears
Dachande: alright shithead you�ve had enough fun
Dachande grabs Adaet�s arm and lifts him up and a Dantae emergency crew rushes him into the ER room
Dachande then turns back into his normal black haired self.
Dachande thinks to himself: well now in front of this addiance of everyone in the school heheh oops I guess my secret is out
Tianchada thinks to himself: O man now what everyone knows what Dachande can do now
Anande: wow he is as strong as my daddy said
Dantae Soldier: well that�s enough everyone you�ve had your fun time to get back to work
By now if you don�t realize in this school dantae soldiers make up the teachers
** a month goes by Tianchada gets himself a girlfriend and right now Dachande doesn�t really care about anything but fighting**
Dachande:*Yawn* o man today was bloody well boring all this crap that they teach we already know
Tianchada: well I�d like to stay it helps blend us in
Dachande: stop making bloody excuses your just in it for that girl of your
Tianchada: ya so?
Dachande: to tell you the truth I really don�t care
**a week goes by**
and the white wolves are told that they should display a few of their weapons in technology also Dachande starts checking out Anande from time to time
Dachande: ok Dantaes you wanna know what makes us white wolves so special well then fine look at that hologram
I blueprint of the White Wolf wolfer fighter comes on
Dachande: this is what we have created it is called a wolfer and right now we are making a second-generation wolfer or a wolfer MK][
Dachande in front of a huge dantae audience with Dachande not liking big crowds he looks at his W*W* comrades in the audience
Dachande: and you see this fighter is so much better than your PmE�s it�s faster, more agile, more durable, more powerful in every which way
Dachande: it even rivals the Kilrathi star fighter and the human rapier fighter
Dachande: now this our PC-3PT tank much better than your armonds
Dachande: and our standard issue rifle well we stole the idea from the humans it is called a colt m4a1
Anande: wow he managed to get all this going in less than a year?
Dachande: so you wanna see what would happen if a wolfer was going to fight a PmE well watch the sky
A Dantae PmE flys overhead it looks like a faster non propeller version of the British spitfire
Then from the left a W*W* wolfer flys in going nearly 3x as fast as the PmE both of these are unmanned or unsaiyaned just to let you know the PmE tries to dog fight the wolfer manages to get a piece of it but it keeps on going
The wolfer than does a half spin goes up and hammers down on the fragile PmE and sends it smoking into the ground Kaboom nothing but a smoking crater is left and debris rain from the explosion and the W*W* wolfer flies back to the hidden W*W* base
Dachande: there you see but that�s not always the outcome it depends on the skill of the pilot
Dachande: I happen to be an ace fighter pilot as well as a bomber pilot
The Dantae audience applauses especially Anande whom now would do anything to get her hands on Dachande
Anande second thinking over or not should she go and ask what Dachande is doing tonight runs into Adaet who is in a hover chair
Adaet: that guy got lucky I didn�t know he was a supersaiyan how am I supposed to fight something like that
Anande: Adaet be quiet it�s bad enough you�re the one who wanted to fight remember?
Adaet: hey babe don�t take it the wrong way he�s the only one that�s ever beaten me in a fight
Anande: don�t call me babe
Anande walks away from the arena
Adaet thinks to himself: that guy is gonna pay he humiliated me in front of Anande I�ll get him back
**one week gone by**
Tianchada walks into Dachande�s war room with his head down and he looks depressed and sad
Dachande: what the h*ll happened to you?
Tianchada: never mind you wouldn�t want to hear it
Dachande: try me
Tianchada: never mind Dachande it�s non of your business
Dachande: come on you gotta tell me maybe I can help ya out
Tianchada: alright fine here it goes you know that girl that I�m going out with
Dachande: ya so what?
Tianchada: well she dumped me and then her new boyfriend started laughing at me
Dachande: did you f**k him up?
Tianchada: no
Dachande: what is the matter with you you should always stand up for yourself, no matter we will get em back
Tianchada: no Dachande don�t
Dachande: quiet tomorrow after that stupid class goes by we�ll bring the hummer over and kill them both
Tianchada: no don�t
Dachande: it�s time to grow up Tianchada forget her she�s out of your life now
**this is where Dachande�s trust in a relationship somewhat fades to nearly zero because of what happened to his friend**
**tomorrow after school**
Dachande: alright Tianchada this is it this is what you want remember show no mercy
Dachande talks into his communicator: bring the hummer around and get the boys ready
**a W*W* Hummer screeches around the curb and Tianchada and Dachande get in one Saiyan mans the machine gun while everyone else besides the driver has an m-16 and Dachande insists that they play hit songs from the human planet called earth so he puts on metalica Enter sandman saiyan version just to add mood to it all
The W*W* hummer catch up to Tianchada�s x and her boyfriend with a bunch of other innocent saiyans
The W*W* hummer opens up on the group nothing but disorder and chaos as they scream for their lives some only went a few feet before the heavy caliber bullets swept everything up
Anande and her best friend can here the sounds of gunshots and explosions in the distance and then it stops a few minutes later a W*W* hummer zooms by doing 180 on the speedometer
Anande and her best friend check out what happened
Anande: o my god who would do something like this
Anande�s best friend: what happened here some kind of massacre?
Anande: theres blood everywhere who would do something like this
A wounded Dantae soldier crawls over to Anande
Wounded soldier:��white�*gasp**falls over dead*
Anande: what white what? He�s gone
Anande�s best friend: lets get out of here
Anande: wait whats that on the ground
Anande thinks to herself: it�s a W*W* soldier one must of died here I think some W*W*�s maybe attacked people but why? Wouldn�t Dachande not allow something like that to happen?
**meanwhile in the W*W* hummer on the way to the W*W* base**
Dachande: well Tianchada do you feel better or what
Tianchada: actually I�m glad they both got what was coming to them
Dachande: good good I�m glad you see it my way
Dachande: come on turn the tv on
**newsflash 17 Dantae students,1W*W* soldier, and 3 Dantae soldiers brutally shot to death in a blood bath that took place earlier today
Tv spokesperson: it�s indescribable what has happened here W*W* traitors suspected of this attack that took place 30 min. after the Military school finished it�s afternoon class
W*W* tactician on tv: we will do anything and everything to find out what exactly happened
Dachande: isn�t he the perfect pawn haha I told him to tell them that haha eh Tianchada isn�t this great?
Tianchada: makes a fake smile and mutters ya it was fun eheheheh
**Dachande tries to avoid Anande as much as possible fearing that if he gets too close the same thing will happen to him**
Dachande wakes up in the middle of the night trying to shake his thought on Anande so he concentrates on his little fight with Adaet
Dachande thinking to himself: no no no damnit don�t trust anyone
Dachande is fighting his feelings for Anande winning by very little
Realizing violence can�t overcome the power of emotion Dachande slowly gives in and falls back asleep and for the first time his feelings for Anande overcome his thirst for combat**

**3 months go by with Dachande being too shy to ask Anande to a date**
Dachande wakes up to the noisy sound of an incoming emergency message
King Daen over the fuzzy communicator with air raid sirens blaring and gun shots and explosions in the distance
Daen: Commander Dachande we are under attack repeat we are under attack by a kilrathi invasion force please respond
Dachande rushes to his control panel and scrambles the whole W*W* military **out of the ocean rises the biggest base anyone could possibly imagine the W*W* spriggan takes off in it�s hulls it houses the W*W* Air force and Army since it�s the size of three cities put together in the distance PmE�s are dog fighting Kilrathi fighter Drathi pilots and Kilrathi Ralatha star bombers are bombing the Dantae capital city
Dachande: all units scramble scramble
The spriggan opens up and hordes of wolfers swarm out into the sky towards the sieged Dantae city
Wolfer squadron one: this is wolfo lead we are here to help Dantae forces
The PmE�s easily being chewed up by the Drathi fighters when the wolfers arrive things turn around with the drathi being outdated by another species fighter for the first time ever
Daen: Dachande my crazy daughter is in one of those PmE�s out there please help her
Dachande: o sh*t!!!!
Dachande rushes to his wolfer and takes off while leaving the spriggan on auto pilot and the flak cannons and AA defenses up and running Dachande flies into the chaotic horde of buzzing aircraft
Dachande franticly tries to locate Anande�s fighter and sees it being tailed by 2 Drathi and one wing badly Damaged
Dachande launches a missile at one drathi scoring a direct hit but the other one makes it out continuing to follow Anande�s fighter
Dachande tails the Drathi
The drathi opens fire on Anande�s fighter and it spines wildly out of control Dachande savagely shoots the drathi down and goes after Anande�s fighter and turns on the magnetic field pulling up Anande�s canopy
Dachande thinks to himself: thank god my fighter can hold 2 people
Dachande�s fighter hovers and pulls Anande in and sets her sitting opposite of Dachande not moving but still alive
Dachande takes off back towards the Dantae airbase now under attack by countless drathi fighters
Dachande: sh*t 2 drathi on my six Tianchada help me out
Tianchada: roger that
Tianchada locks on to the drathi fighter and fires an M.I.R.V taking down the 2 drathi and several PmE�s
Dachande: I said help me out not kill our friends
Tianchada: too late get going I�ll cover you
**Even Dachande at this time is left helpless when someone he cares for is in trouble**
Dachande does a belly landing because his landing gear is damaged then Dachande blows off his fighters canopy and pulls Anande out of her seat and carries her to the nearest medivac
Dachande: Hurry she�s almost dead what the h*ll this is your bloody princess hurry your asses up and help her
2 Dantae medics rush a stretcher to where Dachande stands with Anande in his arms
Dachande gently puts Anande on the stretcher and they rush her off to the ER
Dachande pleased with himself that he could help the one and only person he desires to be with
The Kilrathi attack broken off because of the W*W* support but the city is badly damaged and the saiyan body count in the hundred thousands in only 2 hours of combat
The W*W* spriggan hovers over the city with full defensive capabilities on
**A day goes by as soon as the hospital opens for public visitors Dachande rushes in**
Dachande: where is Anande is she alright? Well answer me bud
Dantae surgeon: whoa whoa calm your self shes doing fine she�s recovering in that room over there to your right
Dachande: o ok thanks
Dachande walks in to Anande�s room where Anande lies sleeping
Dachande thinks to himself: man I can�t believe it me Dachande soft and caring o well things change usually for the best
Anande slowly wakes up to be greeted by Dachande
Anande: what happened? ..Dachande is that you?
Dachande: well who were you expecting the kilrathi emperor?
Dachande starts laughing at his joke
Anande: whats funny
Dachande: o nothing
Anande stumbles and gets up and rests her head on Dachande�s shoulder
Anande: am I dead? Is this really you? I don�t remember you acting like this
Dachande puts his arms around Anande
Dachande: ya it�s really me
Anande starts to cry happy tears
Anande: o Dachande I thought you would never change
Dachande: change happens all the time some good some bad
Anande: this is deffinatly a good change
Dachande: you really think so? I have something to confess ever since those stupid classes that Tianchada said we should join I have wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out sometime
Anande: wait Dachande you of all people should know this is not the time there is a war going on right now
Dachande: ya ya I know that I mean after you know
Anande speechless because what she had hoped would happen happened as the most awful things around them are happening
Dachande: I�m glad your ok Anande but I have to get back to the spriggan the kilrathi might attack again soon if you ever get in trouble activate this
Dachande pulls a locator our of his pocket
Dachande: if you ever get in trouble I�ll know where to find you
Anande takes the locator and gives Dachande a hug and they both say good-bye
Dachande walks out of the room and out of the hospital
Tianchada: what the h*ll took you so long
Dachande: never mind I�ll tell you later
Tianchada: whats goin on o I know ok I understand
Dachande: shutup lets get back to the spriggan and set it to defcon 1
Tianchada: ok whatever Dachande but I don�t think we need to�
Tianchada: ok ok you don�t have to yell
Dachande: don�t forget Tianchada not only am I your friend I�m your boss too don�t forget that now get back to the spriggan and set the d*mn thing to defcon 1!
Tianchada: yes sir ayay sir arr sir yes sir, sir yes sir sir
**2 days later**
Kilrathi Soldiers storm the city overwhelming the few Dantae soldiers with the W*W* soldiers all aboard the spriggan they were unable to help
Daen: Dachande the kilrathi stormed the hospital
Dachande: what??!! No no what happened
Daen: Dachande it�s worse they took Anande hostage
Dachande takes off with his locator to find Anande
Daen: Dachande? Dachande you still there?
Dachande flying up in the sky looks around for any signs of kilrathi battle groups
Dachande starts being shot at by kilrathi ground troops the bullets just bounce off of Dachande and he stretches his hand out and vaporizes all the kilrathi ground troops
Dachande: I�ll kill them all first my mother, then my father, and now maybe even Anande, damnit they kill anyone I get close to.
A wounded kilrathi warrior crawls to Dachande and touches his boot and begges for mercy without a second thought Dachande points his finger at the kilrathi warrior and blasts him into nothing
**amazing how ruthless someone can be to save someone they care about heheh**
Dantae supreme officer: Commander Dachande it�s too risky out there to be by your self
Dachande: stay out of this
Dantae Supreme officer: excuse me you address me as sir
Dachande: well all due respect but f**k you sir
Dachande switches off his communicator
Dachande thinks to himself: ok lets see where did they go
Dachande takes off into the air hovering for a bit Dachande�s 20/10 vision he can see right throw the Kilrathi camo tent as he flys downwards puffs of flak explode all around him Dachande showing off his brute strength lets out a huge white flash most of the kilrathi on the ground seeing this run for their lives
Dachande thinks about blasting them but then remembers Anande�s life if more important than fighting
Dachande enters in a hole he made with his wrist blades goes down he pulls out two 9mm pistols and goes akimbo
Kilrathi intercom: intruder alert Saiyan presence detected all units alert state alpha
Dachande shoots at the security cameras wiping out the kilrathi�[s ability to track him
Dachande blows a door off of a room 30 kilrathi sitting down on break Dachande instantly kills all of them leaving no one wounded
Dachande walks to the next room looking at his locator
Dachande thinks to himself: she�s close only a few hundred meters away I hope she�s alright.
Dachande gets confronted by 2 kilrathi sentry machine gunners
They open fire on Dachande, Dachande just keeps walking towards them one gets smart and runs away the other keep firing
Dachande gets close enough to grab the kilrathi warrior and pulls him up by the neck and takes his wrist blades and runs the kilrathi through the chest
Dachande finally locates Anande he instantly blows down the door
Kilrathi PFC: I wouldn�t do that if I were you
The kilrathi has a knife against Anande�s neck
Kilrathi PFC: surrender and I promise nothing will happen
Dachande�s naturally quick thinking he Disappears and reappears grabbing the knife and shattering every bone in the kilrathi�s hand
The kilrathi screaming in pain Dachande shoots him point blank right in the face with his 9mm
Anande still with a surprised look on her face Dachande unties her hands from the chair
Anande blacks out
Dachande: ok my sweet Anande first I�ll get you back to the hospital than I�ll start concentrating on getting rid of these damned cats
Anande still blacked out
Dachande takes off with Anande in his arms
**a few hours later Dachande arrives back at the Dantae capital surprised to see no kilrathi attacks have been made** the reason Dachande took so long is he didn�t want to hurt Anande any more than she already was so he decided to go at a slow pace**
Tianchada: where were you you had all of us worried again, you can�t just go running off like that
Tianchada: O I see you brought back Anande
Dachande standing there with Anande in his arms
Dachande: I had a few things that needed my attention
Tianchada: ya right all you did was save her
Dachande: what I did was rescue a Dantae princess do you have any idea how demoralized the Dantaes would be if she died? Do you think they could carry on fighting?
Dachande: yes I also had my reasons for saving her too, now excuse me I need to get her to that hospital behind you
Tianchada gets out of Dachande�s way
Tianchada thinks to himself: boss is this you you�ve really changed whats the matter with you?
Daen: o thank goodness you found her
Dachande: ya in under 2 hours too
Daen: now isn�t a time for jokes
Dachande: yes I know that o by the way is there a bed or anything that I could put her on
Daen: right over there
Daen motions to a bed to his left
Dachande walks over and sets Anande gently down on the bed
Dachande: now excuse me I need to get back to spriggan also I�ll send some soldiers to keep this place locked up nice and tight
Daen: whoa wait your not gonna just leave my daughter are you?
Dachande: Daen you know that�s not what I mean I gotta get back because I have an idea if we kill the Kilrathi emperor then they will be completely demoralized and will be in no position to fight
Daen: Dachande that emperor is super strong bullets fly off of him like nothing
Dachande: well I guess I�ll finally have some fun then won�t I?
Daen: I insist that you stay here with my Daughter
Dachande: well�.ok I�ll get some soldiers to bring my stuff down alright or I could just get her in the hospital onboard my spriggan
Daen: you�ve thought of everything havn�t you Dachande?
Dachande: well being prepared is my specialty
Dachande picks Anande up again and takes the elevator shaft that has the Spriggan connected to the hospital
Dachande gets the W*W* to get a bed for her ready
Dachande enters his room and like he ordered 2 W*W*�s standing there saluting Dachande as he walks by putting Anande on this bed
Dachande: good work you two dismissed
W*W* soldiers: SIR YES SIR
The 2 soldiers walk out of the room
Dachande then sits by Anande�s bed and whispers in her ear
Dachande: get better my sweet Anande
Dachande then walks to his consol, which is only a few meters from where Anande lies sleeping
Dachande: Tianchada I�m back ok brief the soldiers I want them to take back this city then from there we will decide what to do
Tianchada: yes sir what are we gonna use
Dachande: well lets send in ground troops and snipers in the industrial sector of the city then move the pc-3pt tanks up and tell them do what ever it takes to get the city if they need reinforcements of a bomber strike we will be more than happy to help, also tell the Dantae�s I want them to help this is their moment of glory.
Tianchada: umm Dachande the Dantae military sucks
Dachande: just do it make them feel like they are being useful
Tianchada: alright sir
**days go by Dachande and Anande grow reasonably closer while the W*W* military gains more and more ground every day**
A huge firefight breaks out pc-3pt tanks and W*W* machine gunners continue to kill anything that doesn�t have a monkey tail
The kilrathi battle group moves out of the city and the W*W* pour out of the city and attack outlying kilrathi out posts
Dachande, Anande, Tianchada, Daen, and the W*W* celebrate the victory pushing back the kilrathi all the way to their landing spot
Dachande is officially recognized as Anande�s boyfriend from now on especially in the eyes of the W*W*�s but by now Adaet has willingly joined the Dantae forces again healed by the 2 blows from Dachande earlier on
Kilrathi emperor: how can they fight us like this they are winning and I am not pleased
Kilrathi Commander: sir I am sorry but we are going to have to withdraw they have a super strong saiyan that uses the name Dachande that could very easily wipe us all out
Kilrathi emperor: NO EXCUSES
The emperor raises his hand and fires a blast at the commander
Emperor: I�ll take care of this Dachande person myself
Dachande and Anande get greeted by Adaet the new Dantae commander
Adaet: do I know you hey you
Motions towards Dachande
Dachande: ya I think so, o hey you�re that guy that I whooped in the arena right?
Adaet: huh o that uh ya look I�m sorry about that I�m here to help
Dachande: o ok that�s good to hear anyways we�re only gonna see a few more days of fighting if at all
The W*W* and Dantae armies come within sight of the kilrathi lz where they touched down
Kilrathi emperor: well look we have visitors
The emperor raises his hand and a whole battalion of W*W* and Dantaes get blown away
Adaet: I�m coming with you I want to do something useful for a change
Dachande: ok fine but it�s your funeral if you get hurt
Adaet: I�m all for that
Dachande and Adaet step out to where the Kilrathi emperor is
Emperor: well if it isn�t the 2 dumb saiyans that think they can beat me do you know what your up against heh I�ll send you both to h*ll
Adaet: enough of this
Adaet has been training ever since being beaten by Dachande and has become a supersaiyan so then Adaet quickly transforms into an ssj1
Adaet: you see I�m as strong as you now
Dachande: we will see heheh
Dachande instantly transforms into an ssj1
2 supersaiyans against the kilrathi emperor
Adaet quickly gets in a few jabs into the kilrathi emperor as he goes down on one knee and Adaet sends him flying into a mountain
Dachande: well you�ve improved heh
Adaet: this is nothing
Adaet powers up and fires a huge energy blast at the emperor
A huge mushroom cloud sized explosion appears
Then the smoke clears with the kilrathi emperor standing there
Adaet: what no how did he? He�s alive
Emperor: well look this saiyan has a death wish well how about this
The emperor powers up a bright yellow glow and bang lightening quick he pushes Dachande out of the way and grabs Adaet and hits him over and over and over until Adaet can�t take it anymore he blows the emperor away
Emperor: hah ya right and your supposed to be Dachande what a weak person you are
Adaet: hmm I�m not Dachande that�s Dachande over there
Emperor: hmm ok then
The emperor lunges at Dachande and punches at Dachande
Dachande grabs the emperor�s fist
Dachande: hmmm boring
Dachande smacks the emperor in the face and blows him into a hill
Dachande: geese and I�m not even riled up yet
Emperor: so that�s what you want is it fine then
The Emperor powers up yet again making the whole planet shake while he powers up
Adaet: o man this was a bad idea
Emperor: well now I�m gonna kill you and that other person that hit me before
The Emperor smacks Dachande in the face sending him flying into a mountain
Adaet: o no Dachande!!!!!
Emperor: o I�m sorry but your friend here is weak
Anande watching all this happen
Anande: o no Dachande whats happening?
**no one has seen anything past ssj1 except Dachande and his family**
Dachande: ok you�ve made me mad now your going to see something no one has ever seen
Dachande powers up and beyond ssj1 sparks of electricity start flying around his body and his eyes give off a white glow Dachande has powered up to ssj2
Emperor: whats this what are you doing?
In a panic the emperor hits Dachande right in the face, Dachande still looking at the Emperor he doesn�t even flinch
Adaet frozen in terror Dachande hits the emperor right in the stomach then again in the shoulder and in the face sending him flying into his spaceship
Anande: I knew he wouldn�t lose see
W*W* soldier: well ya I mean ya he is Dachande after all I never doubted him either
Dachande stairs at the emperor
Dachande: you killed my mom, and my dad you�re a bad person I�m not going to let you live
Emperor: so what you know I enjoyed killing them I haven�t had anything better to do anyways I�m 300 years old
Dachande enraged by this grabs the emperors hand and squeezes it so hard that it breaks off
The emperor screams in pain
Dachande: what o can I die now is what you say why certainly
Anande: why would he do that?
Daen: I�m sure he has his reasons that cat is the mastermind behind the Daktu disappearance
Dachande grabs the emperor
In a vain attempt to escape the emperor pleads for his life
Dachande: you think I�m gonna let you live after what you�ve done, you deserve to go straight to h*ll and that�s exactly what I�m gonna do
Emperor: please no I�ll be good I promise
Dachande throws the emperor into the sky
Dachande: DRACA BEAM!
A huge bright white energy beam shot out of Dachande�s hand speeds towards the emperor in a bright white explosion the emperor gets vaporized nothing not even a trace of him is left
Dachande looks at Adaet, Adaet still frozen in fear
Dachande: why are you blue in the face I�m on your side remember
Adaet: o ya heheh that�s a good thing
Dachande and Adaet walk back over to the spriggan where Anande eagerly awaits Dachande
Anande: o hey Dachande wow you sure are bright
Dachande: oops sorry
Dachande downgrades back to being a regular saiyan
Dachande: uhh Adaet you shouldn�t waste your power like that it�s reckless
Adaet: what ya right it feels good to be really strong
Dachande: I hate to break it to ya but that�s not that strong at all what I did out there isn�t even half of what I really can do
Adaet: your bluffing I know it
Anande: o trust him he isn�t
Adaet: is that is it you Anande?
Anande: uh ya
Adaet: wow I haven�t seen you for a while
Dachande puts his arm around her
Adaet: o you 2 o ok
Adaet: I need to go get myself something that last punch that the stupid cat gave me well it really hurt
Dachande: ok you do that the W*W* medics have morphine if you need some
Adaet: I don�t like using drugs to get rid of pain
Dachande: well neither do I because well I�ve never really felt pain
Adaet: ya right everyone has felt pain even you
Dachande: nope sorry
Adaet: when I say pain I don�t just mean physical I mean mental pain too
Dachande: o ok I�m not sure about that one
Adaet: you don�t remember I don�t believe this guy what are you
Dachande: why don�t you just go get that stuff you wanted
Adaet: o ok ya I forgot about that
Adaet walks off to get some Medicare
Anande: was that the guy you hurt real badly about a year ago
Dachande: yes but it wasn�t a year ago it�s only been three months
Anande: how did this war go by so quickly?
Dachande: well they were dealing with a whole bunch of angry Daktu�s and they got burned back
Anande: how did you do that though?
Dachande: Anande what you saw out there was nothing I can become 7 times stronger than that in seconds flat if I wanted to
Anande out of pure instinct jumps onto Dachande�s back
Anande: hey Dachande I want a piggyback
Dachande: alright sure
Anande: o by the way I know someone that you knew a long time ago last
Dachande: what?
Anande: ya look over there a saiyan that has cat ears walks in bearing the name kitanali
Anande: I know you may not remember her but believe it or not this is your younger sister when she herd about what you�ve been doing she came out of hiding
Kitanali: it�s true I snuck away when I herd daddy died I was so sad but now that you killed the kilrathi I�m not sad anymore
Dachande: uhh no I don�t remember you but I know how it could be proven lets see do you have an antae
Kitanali: yes I do right here
Kitanali pulls out the same emblem that Dachande wears around his neck
Dachande: o your not lying are you you really are my sister
Kitanali: yes but I see you�re busy so I got things I need to do
Dachande: alright see ya around
**2 days go past once even Anande snuck into Dachandes room and slept on top of him Dachande being the brute he is didn�t even realize up until Tianchada told him but he didn�t care as long as she behaved herself**
Tianchada: alright so W*W*�s 1 kilrathi zip
Dachande: yep that�s how it is they took a lot from me but in return I took everything from them
Dachande: so I herd theres supposed to be a celebration or something
Tianchada: yea that�s whats goin around you have been recognized as a saiyan hero
Dachande: I hate large groups while being the center of attention it just isn�t me
Tianchada: well get used to it your in love with a princess not much escapes the press when that happens
Dachande: ok you want to know the secret to my power it�s because I�m not ordinary training don�t make a difference it�s the older I get the stronger I get
Tianchada: Dachande stop changing the d*mn subject come on tough guy the drinks are on me
Tianchada and Dachande go out to the pub
Dachande: uhh Tianchada I don�t drink
Tianchada: that�s ok neither do I
Dachande: then why??
Tianchada: you said you wanted to hide out for a while so we will go where they would never look for you
Dachande: o ok sure ya sounds good I mean they will try the spriggan for sure well unless we hide underwater again that is
Tianchada: o ya like that�ll work I mean the cloaking system is fried we will have it back up in a few weeks
Dachande: it�s not that I wanna hide from Anande it�s just I don�t like lots of people staring at me it makes me wigg out all the time
Tianchada: o ya well then you won�t like what I�m about to tell you
Tianchada: they wanna see you up on stage with Anande
Dachande: uhhh�� well fine how long is it gonna be anything past 5 min. and I�ll just die
Tianchada: ya right not even the whole kilrathi military could kill you
Tianchada: which of course you proved already
Dachande: ya I kinda went overboard there they took pretty much everything from me remember
Tianchada: ya well it�s over now
Dachande: ya I guess so o well I got all I need right here great friends, a girl, an army, uhh a home
Tianchada: ya I know it�s good all this is over now
Tianchada: o ya see ya on stage in a few hours
Dachande: o ya ok thanx for reminding me
**a few hours later Dachande and Tianchada on the roof of a stadium that this celebration is supposed to take place in
Dachande: o man every body in the bloody city is here
Tianchada: relax remember what you said about it being the Dantaes� moment for glory well this is your moment
Dachande: ya ok sure I�m gonna be banged up though all I�ve ever known was how to be a good soldier I was taught that fighting was a good thing
Dachande: see there are things even I�m not experienced in
Tianchada: ya that�s like some law of physics or something
Dachande: ya ok
**meanwhile Anande and her father are backstage discussing whats happened
Daen: alright thanks to Dachande we have gotten rid of the kilrathi menace and also�..
Anande: what? Why are you looking at me like that
Daen: nothing it�s just that you look so much like your mother when she was your age
Daen: but she had things to do she isn�t back yet but one day she will be I know it and then she can finally see whats happening
Daen: all she ever says in her letters is how is my daughter? whats she up to?
Anande: o well I guess when she gets back I will finally be able to meet her for the first time
Daen: o I need to go get something excuse me
Daen leaves to find something
Adaet: so you really love this guy huh?
Anande: Adaet where did you come from?
Adaet: o nowhere I was just around anyways well would you answer the question please?
Anande: well yes I do I�ve learned something about him even though on his outside he is a very brutal fighter but in reality he is a big sweet hart deep down
Adaet: o really well then I guess I�m not aloud to stick around right?
Anande: what do ya mean?
Adaet: well I�m leaving soon and I probably won�t ever be back I gotta go to another planet called earth they said they want me to be with their super soldier squad I told them about Dachande but they didn�t want him because he�s going to be a future ruler with you so they said no and took me instead
Anande: o is that a good thing?
Adaet: well ya I�ll be the strongest being on that planet I mean humans are really fragile even more than most saiyans
Anande: well I�ll see ya around and I�ll miss you I mean it�s not like I don�t want you around right but Dachande is supposed to show up any minute now
Adaet: o ok well I guess I�ll cya around
Adaet gives Anande a hug just as the curtains fly up revealing them
Dachande and Tianchada up on the stadium roof hear the shouts and cheers and look down
Dachande with a surprised look and a weird expression like down to see this
And from the cheers from the crowd get an idea about whats going on a misinterpretation
Dachande: what th�..?
Tianchada: hey Dachande isn�t that Adaet and Anande
Dachande still with a surprised expression looks down walks over to the edge of the roof with his head down
Dachande�s eyes starting to tear
Dachande takes his hand and wipes his face and begins to pull out his 9mm
Tianchada: whoa hold it cowboy whats going on
Dachande: motions towards Anande and Adaet
Tianchada: uhh Dachande I don�t know how to break it to ya but��
Tianchada: hold it Dachande I have a better idea come on
Anande looks up to see Dachande and Tianchada take off like bats out of h*ll towards the spriggan
Anande: whats going on?
Adaet: what are they up to?
Dachande: hurry up Tianchada lets get back to the spriggan the cloaking device is fixed right?
Tianchada: yes it is
Dachande: good once we get there we will hover over the sea with the cloak on they won�t know anything
**a few hours later on tv**
Tv spokes person: in an uproar earlier today with the recent disappearance of Dachande Dathwiee the Daktu saiyan prince no one around here has seen him it�s like he never existed
Daen: well I don�t know what happened he was there one second and gone in one
**meanwhile onboard the new cloaked spriggan Dachande watching this on tv**
Dachande: hah dumb idiots used me like that d*mn you all I�ll send you all to h*ll
Dachande: this is a whole load of bull eh? Tianchada they used me and f**ked me over just to fix their own d*mn problems
Tianchada: well I think that was a bad thing.
Tianchada: are you sure that�s a go..
Dachande: DO IT
Tianchada: uh yes sir
Dantae PmE�s patrol the waters looking for any sign of W*W* units some times getting shot down for unknown reasons or returning with no evidence of anything
**weeks go by Dachande�s so thought disappearance worked like a charm Dachande working mad and fast puts together an attack that will wipe out the whole planet
Dachande: alright people they screwed me over that means they screwed all of you over too I want you to show no mercy in todays attack blow them all to h*ll no one survives
W*W*Army cheers and chants
Dachande: we will fight and we will win I will not accept failure understand?
W*W*army: SIR YES SIR!
Dachande: lets move out
W*W* battle ships and carriers speed towards the Dantae capital undetected along with the cloaked spriggan
Dachande: not until I give the word then I want wolfers to scramble and destroy everything strafe the ground and bomb the buildings destroy their navy port and their barracks and airfields
Out of the corner of his eye Dachande sees Kitanali take off towards the sky because she and her brother are telepathically linked she knows whats happening so in a panic she takes off and Dachande doesn�t feel like hurting family
Dachande: alright now lets go
Dachande gets in his wolfer and takes off followed by thousands and thousands of other wolfers
Dachande: alright we are only a few miles from the city we will be there soon as soon as you see something open up on it
Dantae Soldier: well I guess that blew over quick that Dachande guy is gone eh?
Wolfers fly overhead no one is prepared to counter this W*W* uprising
Dantae soldier: what was that, huh? They look like well they look like wolfers
One wolfer flys up into the clouds and dive bombs the barracks waking up the sleeping city wolfer after wolfer flys in destroying everything in their path (basically it�s like a pearl harbor only on another planet) air raid sirens start buzzing the civilians on the ground run for their lives but the wolfers fly down and strafe every living thing then they go after the industrial parts and bomb everything in there along with the harbor (like I said it�s just like a pearl harbor all over again) the soldiers franticly try to shoot down some of the wolfers only taking out a few until Dachande himself sweeps them off their feet with a spray of heavy caliber bullets
Dachande and Tianchada fly over a residential area with a W*W* bomber and give orders to destroy everything and kill everyone
The bomber opens it�s bomb bay doors and bombs start falling on the homes of these innocent saiyans
**this sort of thing goes on for 2 hours until Dachande spots Anande and her father along with Adaet who decided to stay
Dachande: you and me will go after them everyone else keep bombing the city
Dachande and Tianchada fly down to their transport
Anande: o no there right behind us whats going on ? why are they doing this
Adaet: I don�t know?!!! Get down
Dachande opens fire killing the driver and sending the car spinning Adaet gets thrown in one direction and Anande and her father get thrown another way
Dachande soon lands at the site
Dachande: where are you Adaet come out and play
Adaet: what are you doing do you have any idea�.
Dachande: SHUTUP!!
Dachande unsheathes his wrist blades and transforms into an ssj while Adaet transforms into an ssj and takes out a simple machete
Dachande and Adaet collide Dachande over powering him all the time eventually Adaet hits Dachande and gets him away then Adaet charges at him and bam Dachande shoots a blast at him knocking Adaet down
Dachande takes his wrist blades jumps in the air bringing them down on Adaet taking his head right off his shoulders
Anande and Daen look in horror but are greeted by 2 Dantae soldier and they sneak away
The attack ends and the city is completely destroyed Dachande and Tianchada sit on the Spriggan�s deck and order the ground troops to attack the other cities
**meanwhile Anande and Daen arrive at a city that just came under attack that morning by the W*W*�s
Dantae soldier: o my god thank god you 2 made it we have been under attack by an enemy exactly 2 hours after the attack at the capital W*W* soldiers have been pouring over our boarders and destroying everything
Daen: why and how can they be attacking?
Dantae wounded soldier: well those are gunshots you are hearing you know the W*W* army is rolling in and throwing everything they got at us I mean look at me I got like 3 holes in me because of them
Daen: I appreciate your support soldier but I don�t think we can win I mean we all saw how they beat the kilrathi and well have you tried reasoning with them
Dantae commander: already have sir but they don�t wanna listen I guess
Daen: that maniac is really doing this may god help us all
**meanwhile Dachande is making battle plans to take over other cities knowing that Daen and Anande are there he will leave that for last
**2 days later whats left of the Dantae navy is sailing looking for any W*W* so that they can blow them up Anande is aboard one of the ships up in the sky it�s all sunny but then they see a figure floating**
Anande: that looks like well it looks like Dachande
It is Dachande he was simply hovering there with his eyes closed he opens his eyes and they give off a cold blue glow as the sky starts to cloud up Dachande rotates his hand in a circle and in a fury he turnes into an ssj1 and with all his force he creates a huge hurricane and with his power sends a tidal wave at the Dantae navy Anande surprised to see that Dachande the saiyan she had grown to love was trying to kill her
Dachande�s violent outburst sent ships flying into the sky the ship with Anande onboard was being protected by an energy shield of sorts being projected from Dachande himself while everything else was being destroyed Anande and Daen�s flag ship wasn�t damaged at all then the sky cleared the energy shield and Dachande himself disappeared
Daen: what just happened? He killed our whole navy but he let us live?
**meanwhile back on the spriggan**
Tianchada: what was that all about? Why did you protect them?
Dachande: I wanted them to live so that when the last dantae city falls they will be there to see it and I wanted them to see what happens when you backstab a Daktu saiyan
Tianchada: ok fine that�s the way it is then
**a month goes by city after city falls to Dachande�s military Daen and Anande make plans for every living Dantae saiyan to evacuate off of the planet**
Dantae tv spokes person: it has been decleared that this planet is no longer ours tonight we will all be put onboard designated ships and we will evacuate King Daen says if Dachande wants this planet he can have it but he will not live to see it be ruined
**in the afternoon the evacuation was pushed to an earlier time the W*W*�s are gaining ground faster and faster the Dantae refugee�s are coming under fire while trying to escape to the ships W*W* artillery is falling everywhere loud shouts of panic and surprise 2 missiles come in and blow up an escape ship
while W*W* artillery pounds the place Dachande watches all this happen then Anande and Daen running to an escape ship catches his eye just as they are met with an artillery shell Daen and Anande are laid to rest no saiyans make it off the planet Dachande watched Anande die and it shook him up real bad in a rage he and the W*W* flew off into space and Dachande himself comes out and charges up to ssj5 and fires his draca beam at the planet the beam didn�t go in the planet it kinda surrounded it(this looks like the drej from titan a.e and them blowing up the earth) Dachande looks and watches as his home started to spin real fast and shook a
itself apart
Dachande: well I learned something what I did here was wrong but I learned too late
Tianchada: what do you mean Dachande?
Dachande: what I did was wrong I didn�t kill Anande I can�t bring her back I�ve kept a secret from you I have the power to restore a life as long as I�m the one that destroyed it but I didn�t even touch Anande that means I can�t bring her back no matter what
Tianchada: whoa no regrets remember?
Dachande: ya I suppose
Dachande: what am I gonna do with myself now I�m responsible for destroying my own home
Tianchada: hey your still with me are you?
Dachande: ok you know theres a planet called earth lets put the army there I�ll find a place where I can live alone(which is why he ends up on the planet Gaia instead of earth)
End of part 1
Part 2 will take place on Gaia know this though the Saiyan invasion of Gaia won�t happen well it will but not that way in my other story and well it will include the basic plot to ff9 but Dachande will have a part in it)

07-16-2002, 06:20 AM
Whoa, that was fast. Sorta. Yeah, everyone's allowed to post now so that's fine, and from what i've read up to now, this is gonna be one fierce competition. Post away:D

Psuedes Psyche
07-18-2002, 02:37 AM
It was bright out; bright as any normal sunny spring day. The only problem was that it was storming, and it was midnight. Aria stood in the center of the clearing. Her black and blue hair sparkled from the water that was drenchining it. Her light grey outfit; a sleeveless shirt, pants, and boots; were nearly black from the torrential rain that beat down upon her. She looked around. She couldn't see the source of the light, but that didn't matter she already knew what it was. She took out her rifle and loaded it. She had chased him for two weeks and she wasn't ready to give up that bounty. She took off through the woods.

An hour later she was still running, and it was still storming. It was getting worse now. Hail had begun to fall and the wind was picking up. "Four planets. Four fuckin' planets. I can't wait to nail this bitch. I have to hurry though or it'll be five planets; and I kinda like this one." She increased her running speed, the dense foliage and heavy winds keeping her from reaching top speed.

Now she was sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking a small clearing. Her target stood there. He had a high price on his head, third in the galaxy and he was strong. They called him Lex Nethin which meant Ill Winds, and for a good reason. He had the ability to create storms. He could make storms so big it made the one on Jupiter look like a light breeze. He had already destroyed four planets. He was ugly too. Tangled white hair, skin black as oil and just as greasy. He wore just a pair of pants and was concentrating on his latest storm. The light that brightened the area was from the electricity he put into his storm.

"I only have one shot at this, if I miss I'll have to take him head on." She looked into her scope and aimed at her bounty's head. She placed her finger on the trigger and fired. Suddenly Lex looked up and dove out of the way suddenly. "Damn!" She droped the rifle and drew her two silver handguns. She slid done the muddy bank and opened fire. Lex ran forward an stuck out his hands a blast of wind hit her and knocked her back. She got back up and opened fire again. The battle continued like this for two hours. the stormed had stopped but the clouds hadn't gone away. She paused every once and awhile to reload. Finnaly Lex appeared behind her and hit her with a bolt of lightning she fell to the ground. There was one other thing that made Lex such a dispisable creature, he loved the taste of human flesh. He bent over her and licked his sharp pointed teeth. He grabbed her arm and put it to his mouth. Suddenly, her hand gripped around his neck. "Bitch!!" She took her gun and blew a hole straight through his head, he fell to the ground stone dead.

It was dark now, the electricity had stopped and the clouds had dissipitated. She sat on a rock and looked at the dead body of her bounty. "To bad you didn't want to come quietly. You're worth less dead." She stood and looked up at the two bright, red moons. She took out her communicator. "Kriss. I've got the bounty. Trace my coordinates and come get me." She sat back down and thought of what her next opponent would be like.

I hope you like it. Thanx!