05-05-2009, 08:31 AM
I uploading the ost from Blade for Gameboy Color!Good Hal Laboratory & Activision's musics!Good listening to you!=)

01 intro & cut scene 1
02 title
03 cut scene 2
04 map
05 home
06 stage 1 part1-enemy base 1
07 stage 1 part2-enemy base 1
08 stage 2 part1-the subway,stage 3 part1-the harbor,stage 5-enemy base 2 & stage 6 part1-the fortress
09 stage 2 part2-the subway & stage 4-chinatown
10 stage 3 part2-the harbor
11 stage 6 part2-the fortress
12 boss 1,2 & 3
13 boss 4 & 5
14 boss 6
15 final boss & stage clear
16 staff roll


MY OSTS COLLECTION(direct links) (Thread 34462)

05-05-2009, 08:46 AM
Wow,Sigma,have I mentioned how FUCKING AWESOME you are? First Lethal Weapon and now this?

I love this game! It's,like,nearly everything I imagined a perfect Blade game to be after I watched the movie as a kid.
Man,we had a blackout in my neighborhood a couple of weeks ago,so after my DS ran out of power,I dug up my GBA and played Blade for the rest of the night. Shit was so cash. B)

05-05-2009, 11:23 AM

05-05-2009, 06:06 PM
Wow,Sigma,have I mentioned how FUCKING AWESOME you are? First Lethal Weapon and now this?

Yes I am 100% retrogame!=)

12-14-2010, 08:24 PM
Hello this link is dead i think and I've been looking for this soundtrack for quite some time can you help me? [email protected]

12-17-2010, 08:48 PM
blade ost.rar (