07-15-2002, 02:16 AM
hey look around all the present final fantasies 7-10 all of them have a blonde lead (ei. Cloud, Zidane, Tidus) the only one is Squall in ff8 is there something going on here or are all the main characters blonde for some reason(ps. they should make a black haired lead for once) squall was the only one that isn't a blonde lead hmmm

07-15-2002, 02:25 AM
And in the snes remakes the FMVs portray nearly all the characters as having blonde or white hair. I can sort of understand making Faris, Lenna and Terra blonde (purple, pink and green aren't exactly realistic hair colors. But then, blue isn't a realistic skin color and look what they did to the FMV version of Shadow) but what was up with turning Butz into an albino? He has brown hair in the real game. (come to think of it, in the FMV he also looked a heck of a lot like a girl. :uh?: )

07-15-2002, 04:30 AM
Squall had brown hair not black.

07-15-2002, 06:46 PM
like I said he's the closest there is to black hair :eye: anyways stay with the friggin point

07-15-2002, 11:37 PM
I thought Zidane dyed his hair to blonde......

Maybe they have Nazis working over at Squaresoft or something. Hitler believed that the perfect race of humans had to have relatively short blonde hair and blue eyes and should all follow him. That's why he killed a lot of Jews. Well that and the violent beatings his father gave him, but that's not my point.

Could it be?

PS: If you want a game without blonde people leading, check Chrono Cross or Chrono Trigger, or even Xenogears and Vagrant Story. Come to think of it, don't all non-Final Fantasy games have black- and brown-haired heroes/heroines?

Maybe that's why.

07-16-2002, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by TeknoBlade
I thought Zidane dyed his hair to blonde......

Maybe they have Nazis working over at Squaresoft or something. Hitler believed that the perfect race of humans had to have relatively short blonde hair and blue eyes yes arians are supposed to be blonde, tall, and have blue eyes but Zidane is only one of theses most arians are around 6 feet tall zidane is 5'8, has brown eyes, and long blonde hair he isn't an arian but ya squaresoft must have a few neo-nazi's working there. you want an arian make seifer have blue eyes and you'll have your self an arian blue eyes, short blonde hair, and 6'2 tall
cloud is the only true arian but all of them are blonde except squall

07-17-2002, 01:10 AM
Something weird just occured to me. Doesn't 99.9999% of the Japanese population have black hair? :uh?: Maybe they were just trying to make the characters look different or something.

07-17-2002, 02:29 AM
I always thought that the FF characters looked quite Asian... with the exception of light eyes and light hair. I'm trying not to sound too "stereotypical" here, but when I took art/animation courses, sometimes we studied these things. The facial shapes of FF characters (particularly the eyes) make them look very Asian.

Hey Dache, I believe Zidane has blue eyes, not brown. :)

Tekno has a point with the heorine hair color. Both Dag and Rinoa have black/brown hair. Tifa and Aeris have brown hair. Lulu has dark hair.

I think Square is just infatuated with blonde, shaggy/spikey hair on their FF leads. Don't ask me, ask Yoshitaka Amano. Heh-heh.

07-17-2002, 05:07 AM
Crono - red hair
Lucca - black hair
Serge - black hair
Ashley Riot - black hair
Both people from Threads of Fate - gray and red hair (I think)
Brave Fencer Musashi - black hair
Xenogears - lots of people with different hair, but mostly black
Gustave - originally blonde, but changed to black

Anyone have any others?

07-17-2002, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by kurohime

Hey Dache, I believe Zidane has blue eyes, not brown. :)
where? where? I don't see I got some resource pictures for adobe he's got either brown or hazle eyes and all my ff9 music videos too it's my life, aenema, dark saga all show closeups he ain't an arain and thank god too I dislike most arians mostly if they brag and act superior to people bragging bugs me I also found out alot of their characters were originally blonde garnet til alexandros is included in there along with a few others

07-17-2002, 11:41 PM
Okay, I was wrong, too. Zidane's eyes are green. I'll edit this in a bit with a picture to back up my case... ;)

BTW, what do you mean by "arian?" Forgive my ignorance... I'm just not sure what you mean by saying "thank god he doesn't look arian."

As for disliking them.... well, all people are different. I dislike people who are arrogant and act like they're better than everyone else, too... but if you're talking about Asians, I have to say that they are NOT all like that. Believe me, they're not. :)

PS - I'm not trying to start a fight here, just wondering what you meant on some points. :)

07-18-2002, 12:59 AM
no I didn't mean asian I have alot of asian friends
I said arian I'll also tell you what an arian is
arian-hitler(nazi psycopath) described these as a master race and should be treated better than any other all others should be slaves and arians where I come from(edmonton) usually brag also an arians are people that have 1. blonde, 2. have blue eyes and 3. are 6 feet and over in other words cloud from ff7 he is an arian
nazi's favored arians if you don't know what a nazi is :eek: and zidane here I used to think he had brown eyes mabye he's got hazle(a mix of brown and green) I don't know but the glare from the soul rod(path to terra) really screwed up his eye colour I know some fanart screwed up his eye colour some made him an arian and others gave him green and some even gave him dbz style eyes you know where they just got the black dot in the middle anyways enough talking about ff9 seifer almost was an arian if his eyes were blue than he woulda been

07-18-2002, 01:35 AM
Where's Edmonton? :uh?: Where I'm from tall, blond-haired blue-eyed people don't go around bragging about being Aryan. I don't know about where you are but for most of the world I really think "Aryans are the Nazis of today" is an incredibly racist statement. It's like saying "All white people hate black people."

But maybe I'm misunderstanding you. The only people I've ever heard identify themselves as "Aryan" are white supremecists. I think most non-racist "Aryans" would identify themselves just as "white" or "Caucasian" or "northern European" or whatever, because of the racist connotation of "Aryan."

Tekno, Lucca doesn't have black hair. She has purple hair.

07-18-2002, 02:26 AM
thats what they consider themselves around here also theres alot of east arab people around here that get pushed around alot I'm not a racist I know that but around here some of them do go around bragging not about being arian but they think high on themselves and think they are better than alot of people I have nothing against blondes with blue eyes as long as 1. they don't act all high and mighty to me or anyone else 2. as long as they don't push people around that they don't like(ei. blacks, arabs, jews, ect.) actually I once had an arian friend that moved away a while ago
but your right I shouldn't of said nazi's of today but some of these people sure act it I know this one guy in my class hated jews anything bad he said "o thats so jewish" I wanted to smack him anyways how did this involve ff I don't know I'll stop talking about arians as long as no one brings up the subject again if i've offended you then just tell me I can set it all straight "nazi's of today" I worded it wrong:notgood:

07-18-2002, 02:04 PM
Iran = The Land of the Aryans.

Edmonton, capital of Alberta, Canada.

Tomba has pink hair.

07-19-2002, 12:26 AM
o especially in millwoods we got lots of arabs there east indians, I urg mods to close this before it gets even spammier

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-19-2002, 08:04 PM
Did you hear about the blonde girl who got sacked from the m&m factory for throwing out all the w's.

Yeah that was a joke, and one you've all probably heard before.
But perhaps Japanese what to make clear that Blondes aren't as dumb as they seem, by putting them in challenging roles.