Selphie Kinneas
07-14-2002, 08:00 PM
Who do you think is the hardest boss in all the game(of course, without Ultimecia or Omega Weapon )???

07-15-2002, 01:03 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Ultimecia was not hard. :p

I didn't really have any problems fighting any of the GF's. Jumbo Cactuar was annoying as he could run away when low on HP, but he didn't come near to killing me. Bahamut has the powerful Mega Flare, but he doesn't have enough HP to prove a challenge, especially with Duel.

Seifer and Edea were never really a problem for me, neither the bosses in Ultimecia's Castle.

Ultima Weapon took me a few attempts, but I got the hang of it pretty easily. The hardest boss in the game, with the possible exception of Omega (although I lost about 4 times to Ultima and only once to Omega...)

Tonberries were no problem, just very annoying to have to kill around 20 of them.

Malboros are indeed very annoying. They are probably the worst regular monster you've put on that list. If you don't have a good status defence, you don't have much chance. But once you put on enough defence you have a good enough chance.

Ruby Dragons were a pain, especially with Breath, if your vitality isn't high enough that could easily cause 9999HP damage. However, if there are only onew or two characters alive in the battle, it will only use Fira and a physica attack. I sometimes used this to my advantage early on if I was too weak to be able to survive a Breath attack.

Iron Giants, again no real problem, just take ages to kill. Use Meltdown to make it quicker.

I don't even know why you bothered putting Blue Dragons on the list. They're easy. And to make it even easier, a status attack of 100 Deaths is effective. ;)

Lagunas Backup
07-15-2002, 03:43 PM
bahamut i felt was really hard because even with my vitality, strenght, speed, and defense( i think thats what its called) it took luck for me to beat him.

ruby dragons i cheated on and brought quistis along in critical and used degenerator but were still a pain.

ultima weapon i never fought because i always had trouble with all the monsters, especially at the end.

seifer and edea didn t even pose a threat, the first battle took me around ten minutes and the second around half an hr.

07-15-2002, 11:19 PM
I think the GFs were the hardest. Odin could kill you in one hit if time ran out and Jumbo Cactuar had over 600,000 HP when I fought him. Diablos was ust annoying because he would cast Demi on you almost every time, plus I fought him at the very beginning.

I would have put Ultima down as the hardest, but the fight I had with it was just so easy. We go into battle, I use Lionheart, then follow with Duel, and finish him off with a nice blast of Pulse Ammo from Irvine. Just that easy, whereas it took me so much longer with the GFs, especially where they aren't grouped together.

Omega was really easy as well. All you have to do is use a Holy War and cast Aura on all party members. Then, he can't hurt you for a certain amount of turns, but you can use Lionheart, Shockwave Pulsar, and even try for The End or use a killer Duel combo to take a big chunk out. Think you're going to run out of time with Holy War? No problem, just use another one. You can always get them again.

Dark Messenger
07-16-2002, 05:39 PM
Ultima was the hardest by a long way

Bahamut ZERO
07-16-2002, 08:57 PM
***Slight spoiling, I guess....***

It took me longer to defeat Ultima Weapon than Omega, because I hadn't drawn loads of Aura spells from Seifer yet. So I couldn't keep on doing Renzokuken, and hoping for Lionheart. I didn't have Eden yet either (surprisingly, as you draw it from Ultima during the battle.)

07-17-2002, 10:02 AM
Ultima took somewhat longer then Omega, Omega was a pushover to be honoust when prepared well enough.
Probaly Malboro's since they are the only ones that give me a hard time with their bad breath. Lucky for me I got one character perpared against it xD
Dragons aren't that hard, one meltdown and darkness... .done =D
Iron Giants are just plain annoying, but one meltdown and oh well there goes that dream.