04-29-2009, 07:24 PM
Hi all, I've been lurking around for a while, and finally decided to request a song.

The rock version of Sky Theme from Final Fantasy X.

Any help would be appreciated ^_^

04-29-2009, 07:58 PM
I don't get what you mean.

04-29-2009, 08:07 PM
There is a musical piece titled "Sky Theme" in FFX, but there are two versions, a Piano version, and another that is more like rock music. It's the rock version I'm looking for.


04-29-2009, 08:25 PM
what Storm25 is looking for a song called "Sky Theme" rock version

it's not from any Final Fantasy X soundtrack in print that i can find

but people believe it's from Nobuo Uematsu

it's supposedly from a Korean group called "Sky" (not "Fly to the Sky" either)

sorry but i can't seem to find this song:(

04-29-2009, 09:13 PM
Thanks BlackStar, I've been looking for it but I can't seem to find it. It's been driving me nuts, too. *sigh* :(

04-30-2009, 07:57 AM
Time ago I wrote a few words about searchs I did, while I was the person in charge of the music part of a Final Fantasy site. The thread is this one (, unfortunately it may be useless for you since it's on spanish, but on it I was talking about all this thing with that song labeled sometimes as "Tidus & Yuna / Sky Theme" and the explaining for it.

I paste the text because that old forum, with the time, will be lost:

"Tiempo atr�s, mucho mucho atr�s, empezo a circular este famoso tema por internet. Por lo visto, se habia puesto en varios videos en internet de FINAL FANTASY X, no se si incluso en alguno oficial. Siempre venia titulado como Sky Theme, o bien, Tidus & Yuna Theme, o ambas, y acreditandolo a Nobuo Uematsu.

La verdad es que el tema es muy bonito para mi gusto. No son pocas las interpretaciones que se han hecho a piano de esta pieza, mientras todo el mundo se preguntaba si era algun tipo de tema que habia salido en algun promo de FINAL FANTASY X pero no en la banda sonora..., la gente no ha parado nunca de hacer rumores, preguntarse... algunos afirmaban que conocian la procedencia de esta pieza. Lo cierto es que dicha composicion tiene la pinta de ser del tipo de sonido de Nobuo Uematsu, y de FINAL FANTASY X... encaja a la perfecci�n.

En primer lugar, para aquellos que no tuviesen la oportunidad en su dia de obtener dicho tema, os dejo una interpretacion a piano, que es bastante similar la verdad al sonido del original:

Igualmente, el original es muy dificil de conseguir, y siempre en calidad mal�sima porsupuesto. Yo solo tengo dos versiones, y ninguna es decente en sonido como para escucharla. Navegando por internet, he encontrado lo que creo que es la respuesta a todo: Un grupo koreano, llamado Sky, compuso un tema llamado "Forever". Aqu� podeis ver el video: y este es el origen de la canci�n.

As� pues, parece simple, y es que el Sky Theme simplemente era una version a Strings del original Forever de Sky, y que se utiliz� en videos en internet de FINAL FANTASY X y como dije, quizas en alguna ocasion por ah� en alguna presentacion oficial, no estoy seguro, y quiz�s un poco de todo esto... sali� dicha vinculaci�n.

Mundo de Final Fantasy aparte... mencionar que el videoclip es bastante increible y bonito como para que lo dejeis pasar, y no tiene nada de desperdicio en sus m�s de ocho minutos de duraci�n. Simplemente, lo recomiendo. Y espero haber ayudado desde aqu� a resolver un poco la duda de este rumor que lleva muchos a�os en el aire, confio al menos, en que realmente Forever fuera el origen de todo y este no provenga de otra cosa, y sino, pues espero estar aqui varios a�os para si me entero, comunicarlo.

Un saludo =)"

There you can find not only the original song, but also an alternative piano version quite similar to the piano and string versions usually related to Final Fantasy X as audio files on the net, and a personal opinion of why it's related sometimes to the game: time ago, some people did on the net videos with a string version of "Forever", with Final Fantasy X images. After that, piano and/or string versions appeared as file names, labeled in relation with Nobuo Uematsu and Final Fantasy X music. Those, may be simply piano and/or string versions officially released by Sky as remixes/covers, or maybe fan covers just thinking on Sky, that somebody used later to do like AMVs.

I hope have helped you, I did this years ago just to clarify those doubts for the fans of the Final Fantasy X music, but being a Final Fantasy song or not, it doesn't matter to say that it's a nice song a beautiful video.

04-30-2009, 06:34 PM
Thanks Aero, I have a friend that can translate it for me ^_^ :D

04-30-2009, 06:53 PM
Thanks Aero, I have a friend that can translate it for me ^_^ :D
I didn't translated my old text because I said in summary, on english, but glad you've a friend that can translate it better than me since I'm not english native :P