07-14-2002, 07:47 PM
Have you ever found yourself...completely infautated with an anime character? And who?

The whole Rinoa thing from ff8 made me envy squall greatly, heh...

07-15-2002, 06:25 AM
sailor moon from sailor moon.

or was it amy?..

actually i loved ryoko from tenchi too...

oh and aisha from outlaw star...

oh and i can't forget....*goes on for a while*

i'm infatuaded with many things. :D

07-15-2002, 07:11 AM
<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">when i was a bit younger i couldn't live without tamahome from fushigi yuugi . . .

now it's all about kenshin, man . . .

mmmm . . .

there's nothing wrong with loving anime characters. i've gone through many loves, starting with tuxedo kamen from sailor moon . . . perhaps 'going through' is the wrong termonology; i think i just add more and more guys to my list.


07-15-2002, 07:55 AM
Put it this way...

What anime girl doesn't look good?

I can't say I've obsessed over them, as obsession only goes towards my real true love...but um, y'know, I like several characters....there's of course, Ryoko, who, nobody can hate...and of course, Pan from DBGT....too many to list, I'm sure.

Green Arrow
07-15-2002, 09:55 AM
I can say never. I don't get in to the cartoons that much. It seems weird for me if I did.

07-15-2002, 12:41 PM
@Garnets Lover
You�d be surprised. It depends on the drawing style and even besides this... I�ve only just seen an ugly anime girl. :D

Good, fine, yeah, everybody already knows I love Aoshi, so needless to repeat myself.

I might add that I know the difference between a real boy and a manga boy pretty well, I�d be a fool if I didn�t. But there�s nothing wrong with having a REALLY favourite character... ;)

I�ve heard about a letter to BRAVO (a German pop teen magazine... *ggg*), where a girl searched for help because she was in love with a Wedding Peach character...

07-15-2002, 01:56 PM
When I first started out, it was Darien from Sailor Moon XD Then, it became a whole buncha other guys.. Omi, Tooya, Aki, Yuuhi, Heero, Quatre, Shuichi, Yuki, Ryuichi, Tohma.. XD Now it's all 'bout Duo, baby~

I also had an obsession with a girl.. I think it was Ceres from Ayashi no Ceres. XD

07-15-2002, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover
Put it this way...

What anime girl doesn't look good?

<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">yeah, like misao said, it depends on the drawing style . . .

i really find the girls from dragonball z to be ugly, for one. i mean their heads are so elongated . . . . uhhh . . .

i'm sure i could think of some more, but i usually watch shojo anime where everyone is cute and beautiful ^_^</font>

07-15-2002, 06:39 PM
Disagreed, saturn!... I think the "typical" shojo art is ugly, especially when it comes to boys. Take Clamp as an example. (Chobits and Angelic Layers are exceptions.) The boys there look plain ugly. I could not fall in love with a man that looks like a suitcase.

07-15-2002, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Serena
When I first started out, it was Darien from Sailor Moon XD Then, it became a whole buncha other guys.. Omi, Tooya, Aki, Yuuhi, Heero, Quatre, Shuichi, Yuki, Ryuichi, Tohma.. XD Now it's all 'bout Duo, baby~

Same here.. XD But put Aya from Weiss Kreuz in Damien's place and scratch Yuuhi, Aki, Omi, Quatre and Tooya XD
I wuuuv Tohma.. He's so adorable ^___^ And well, Duo & Heero.. Together.. *drools* *waves "2x1" flag*

07-15-2002, 08:46 PM
I find a few... okay, a lot, of anime girls attractive. I'm not obsessed with them, though, and definetely not in love with them.-_-

Let's see... Narusegawa, Mutsumi, Misato, Mizuki, Dita, Jura, Lum, Shampoo, Mutsumi, Asuka, Rei, Celine Jules, Karin, Belldandy.

And I agree with Misao. It all depends on the style and the age of the anime. Lum looked so much better back in 1995... And I agree that dragon ball girls are ugly. They look like men. Videl looks like young Gohan, Android 18 looks like trunks.

07-16-2002, 07:04 AM
<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">ehhh???

but clamp art is beautiful!

i'll admit the men's bodies might be a bit . . . incredibly tall and boxy, but just look at their faces!

*drools over yuki from ccs . . . lantis, eagle, adult ascot, and ferio from mkr*

i love clamp ;.;</font>

07-16-2002, 02:32 PM
I know many people love Clamp, but I still cannot like the art. Too much flowers, too much hair for my taste, and the boys faces... okay, they look better than their bodies, but still... *looks at Aoshi-sama�s face* They cannot compete with really well drawings. :P

Erh.... Ascot? No kidding? With those silly clothes? XD

I liked C16, too bad he had such a small role. For a DBZ character, he looked okay. But when it comes to DBZ, well, the characters can grow to your heart (can they?) after many episodes and adventures, and after a while you don�t care about their mere looks anymore. That�s why even Piccolo has female fans. Looks aren�t everything...

I recently started adoring Kakashi from Naruto and Kuroro from Hunter X Hunter.

07-16-2002, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Misao
I know many people love Clamp, but I still cannot like the art. Too much flowers, too much hair for my taste, and the boys faces...

Well, Chobits also made by Clamp and i seldom see flowers in that movie. The main characters in that movie is different from others male character in all Clamp's production ( his face is so~so but funny :P ).

Originally posted by Chonos

Have you ever found yourself...completely infautated with an anime character? And who?

Yes, Duo Maxwell...actually i prefer his gundam ;)

07-16-2002, 03:38 PM
Like Misao said, it all depends on the drawing style. Like, DBZ draws some ugly girls, but the guys are okay.. I guess? O_o I haven't really payed attention to Clamp art, 'cept I saw some of Chobits, and their drawn well~

Nymph- Duo & Heero make a great couple! ^__^' Like in that fanfic you showed me yesterday.. XD

07-16-2002, 04:38 PM
As I said some posts ago, I think Clamp�s art is ugly, expect for Angelic Layer and Chobits, both were drawn by one of the other Clamp members, not the usual artist... erh, I don�t know their names at all... Chobits does have anatomy, whee! Chobits looks really good. ^-^ But the main character (the male main character) does not interest me, sad sad sad...

07-16-2002, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by saturn

<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">yeah, like misao said, it depends on the drawing style . . .<font>

Well I guess now that you and Misao mention it, there are Ed from Cowboy Bebop....and a few others I could list...

Yeah, DB/DBZ isn't exactly great with feminine characters, but some of them aren't bad....

07-16-2002, 10:57 PM
actually i LOVE chi chi and bulma!!! what the heck!! they are so hot!!!!!!!!

/me creams his pants thinking of bulma

damn toriyama knows his human anotomy. the faces are all comical for sure, but the BODYS!! wow. lol

/me creams pants thinking of bulma again

damn. her legs! her LEGS!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH

/ konw what i did.

EVERYTHING!!! i love bulma. whats funny is how she evoles throught the series begigning with db. lol. near the end. she's a very well built mother whos gone through everything when it comes to hair styles. ;) i love her.

oh and btw. what is a more UNHEALTHY version of the word "infatuation" somehow i dont think obssesion would be good enough for how i was ENTRANCED by sharon apple. O_O she stole my soul with her music. :p

btw. cause i love bulma. i also love ayla from chrono trigger. she owns me too. here are all the girls that have my undevided attnetion.

sharon apple

wow. is that it? lol. i need MORE!!!!! :p

i think usagi goes without mention what i love the mose is how she can be so mature and motherly when it counts..she looks so godly angelic..holy... like in this picture.

i mean. WOW. she's just so beautiful.

07-17-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Misao
As I said some posts ago, I think Clamp�s art is ugly, expect for Angelic Layer and Chobits, both were drawn by one of the other Clamp members, not the usual artist... erh, I don�t know their names at all... Chobits does have anatomy, whee! Chobits looks really good. ^-^ But the main character (the male main character) does not interest me, sad sad sad...

Well i'm sorry, i didn't read one of your posts back then ^_^

Anyway, Bulma is my fav characters in DBZ, but only when she is in a journey to find the dragon ball with Songoku for the first time, other than that....nope.

07-25-2002, 03:02 AM
I Am Enfatuated With All Anime Women... Well kinda All...

I especially Appreciate: Sasami From Tenchi, Dana Sterling from Robotech (Theres Something Bizarrely Attractive About Her In An 80's Kinda Way) Une And Noine From Gundam Wing, Asuka (Sp?) From Eva.

I Really Like Duo Quatre Trowa Milyardo (Not Zechs) And very much Treize... But Im Not Gay k?

Also Like FF Chracters Drawn in Chibi Style. Aeris is Soooo Cute!

07-25-2002, 03:10 AM offense, but that is crazy...hehe, j/k.

Darien was my first. I wasn't totally *mental* or anything, but hey, I was younger and stupider.'s really nobody although I think Squall's pretty cool.

And yes, I find Clamp's art terrible.