04-26-2009, 05:17 PM
I've looked everywhere, people use emulators to record the soundtracks but i want to just rip it.

Anyone here have the skills or knowledge that may be of use to me and many others in my position?

04-26-2009, 10:21 PM
You can find Dreamcast games ISOs on the internet, and sometimes the tracks are directly accessible when you mount the game on your pc, it's .adx files.

05-08-2009, 07:33 PM
Try adx ripping programs like: cube media player or ADPCM Player v1.44h. It works with dreamcast games that have adx files in them. As for some games, they come with those damn f-ing .bgm files. Pain in the ass I say. Pain in the ASS!!!`

05-11-2009, 08:26 PM
You can find Dreamcast games ISOs on the internet, and sometimes the tracks are directly accessible when you mount the game on your pc, it's .adx files.


Also, I think there's a few programs that can convert them (Goldwave and Winamp have plug-ins for ADX), but converting them to most formats means you lose the loop points in the tracks or will be unable to have them at all.

05-13-2009, 07:58 PM
Does the same apply for ps2ps1 games? I'm wanting to find the audio files for parappa the rapper and some disgaea voice collections amongst some others.

05-16-2009, 05:44 AM
Be careful with DC isos: I guess remember that some released dreamcast isos have seen their audio track re-edited to mono to fit into 800mb CD (it is so far that I totally forgot the releasing team which was doing that). So be careful about your iso source. I recommend you to check the channels...

I still wanting to rip myself shenmue 2, since the rips that can be found already having some problems, but it is a far project since Im already busy with other stuffs...

BTW, if somebody knows were i can get those complete shenmue2 isos... I have the original game which need a special cable to connect to PC i guess remember to be ripped, and also some isos from the net with those audio in mono... :(

Does the same apply for ps2ps1 games? I'm wanting to find the audio files for parappa the rapper and some disgaea voice collections amongst some others.
try vgmstream for ps1/ps2 tracks. It comes with a winamp plugin, but also a commandline based tool :D

05-16-2009, 05:56 AM
Sorry, forgot to answer: did you already tried one of those tools:
(I didn't myself yet, so no idea if this url can help you)

05-16-2009, 11:38 AM
Sorry, forgot to answer: did you already tried one of those tools:
(I didn't myself yet, so no idea if this url can help you)

Thanks for the site. I've just seen a bgm to wav converter. Now I can finish a dreamcast rip I'm working on.

05-16-2009, 02:03 PM
You can convert easily ADX to mp3 with Winamp: use ADX plugin and then configure the output of winamp to write on the disc, in wave or directly in mp3 if ticking "convert". Then play the ADX files with Winamp.

Byblo, you can find Shenmue 2 (best game ever by the way) complete soundtrack, in quite good quality, here:

05-16-2009, 02:44 PM
Byblo, you can find Shenmue 2 (best game ever by the way) complete soundtrack, in quite good quality, here:
Thank you for the link, but i have already that version (have two in total) and not very satisfied with (some tracks sounds very bad, and im not sure that the original sounds the same, this is why i'd like to try by myself).
I remember the author of that rip saying in some forum (sry forgot where) that he was planning to redo the rip properly -but discouraged about something-, but it was a long time ago and nothing happened since.

I've also saw that apparently there is a method to connect the DC to the computer using the modem line, which will permit to rip files or iso, but I justs remembered that I've lost my pci modem one year ago (was on a friend old computer and he gave it to somebody and I was too lazy to remove it) >_<
edit:I guess i found the topic: Author is maybe LanDC:

A little quote from there, the LanDC dude (I 've put the whole message but he start talking about the rip at half position):

Any optimism I had for Shenmue was effectively decimated after the last message we received from Adam Doree. Currently, I feel not the need to pour any further time nor effort into this project. I've given copious amounts of both over the past six years, so I'm taking a long, much needed break from constant Shenmue obsessing. Yes, let me clarify a long, much needed break. The re-recording process felt so terribly redundant, I just can't find the desire to carry on right now. Despite this, I still have several tracks re-recorded, and given some good news to make me care again, I'll indeed wrap up the rest. That's all I can say for now. Bouh D:

05-16-2009, 05:46 PM
You don't need to try doing a backup of Shenmue 2, as you can find many on the web. Here is one, untouched GD images:

You will have the same if you do it by yourself.

Music in this game is packed in AFS files, for which I have not found out how to play them.

05-17-2009, 04:11 AM
Thanks. I didn't know that they was people to rip again and properly DC games. Thats a good news to me :)

Do you know BTW a explorer for those gdi files ? I've tried to explore the content of the fist gdrom but nothing appears. bin files looks fine but the TOC isn't loaded correctly with regular apps like isobuster D:

Simon B
05-17-2009, 05:22 AM
AFS is a package which is containing the ADX's

ADX can be extracted with AFS->ADX Unpacker v1.0 (!zip)

but for what i remenber, you must use it with command line...

05-18-2009, 05:54 PM
Hey, great soft you found! I tried extracting adx files, it worked, but files are max. 80 KB... no music here :(
I noticed that the total amount of adx files in afs files is quite small, so maybe music is in those afs files, but not with .adx extension.
There is still some PKF/PKS files that can be big enough to contain music, but how to read them? Simon, any idea :D ?

Simon B
05-18-2009, 06:39 PM
not at all :(
i'm not sure but i used it to get the musics of Rainbow Cotton :)

02-11-2011, 11:57 PM
I am bumping this because I'm trying to rip audio from Spider-Man for Dreamcast. I can find no .adx files at all, just files with the following extensions:


The title screen states that the music IS compressed in ADX, and there's even a txt file called songs.txt with the following text:

music1.adx END

So, there IS an .adx file somewhere, but it's compressed into another file somehow. Can anyone help?

07-28-2012, 10:52 PM
I am sorry to say but all the links on this topic are broken!!! I need to rip the voices from 4 Wheel Thunder!!! and I cannot find anything to do it with!!!

07-31-2012, 02:28 PM
I'm not sure, but try with some tools from here: Stream ripping tools (

11-27-2012, 08:48 PM
Hey, bumping this because I need some help.
I'm attempting to rip the soundtrack from Toy Story 2 for Dreamcast. I can get the .adx files just fine but when I convert them to wav with VGMStream, they sound like glitchy static.
Any help?

11-29-2012, 10:58 PM
Hey, bumping this because I need some help.
I'm attempting to rip the soundtrack from Toy Story 2 for Dreamcast. I can get the .adx files just fine but when I convert them to wav with VGMStream, they sound like glitchy static.
Any help?
maybe the latest version of VGMstream will help?