04-24-2009, 11:27 AM
I would like to do a survey here,
when you guys like a certain VGM (or composer), do you usually buy (or in most extreme case, feel such a strong undeniable urge to immediately buy) the OST/album? perhaps to support the VGM composers also ?
or do you usually would just find the free download links, and not buying the original music products?

feel free to discuss your reasonings here too :)

04-24-2009, 03:35 PM
In most cases, they're too expensive for me to buy and have imported. I just prefer to download them...

Kudos to those who have the money to buy them and share them with the rest of us...

04-24-2009, 06:15 PM

I used to buy all the soundtracks associated to a game series, regardless of who the composer(s) was/were, without even having played the game myself. A lot of wasted money there on my part since I didn't listen to all the soundtracks I bought [before selling them] and because not all of them were that great. However, I still buy game soundtracks (in CD format) because it's still the only way to get high quality music.

04-25-2009, 02:08 AM
You missed the "If I had enough money I would" option. :angel:

04-26-2009, 02:39 AM
Yes, I do. here is my YouTube video displaying my soundtracks that I bought straight from and these are legit OST's.

05-09-2009, 12:32 PM
If I can find it and I enjoy enough of the tracks, then I definitely try to buy it. But a lot of the vg music that I listen to is from games that I already own, so I tend to download, or they haven't released an OST for it. I try to support music I like whenever I can though.

05-11-2009, 08:21 PM
When ever convenience and time permit. I own pretty much everything in my top 20 favorite soundtracks or have in the past. I own a lot of SNES-era Nintendo arrange albums, as well as most of the 16-bit stuff by Yuzo Koshiro and Square-associated composers. Talk about a hole in your pocket, though I've slowed down as of late. You know what was great? The Redbook audio in earlier 32 bit CD games. I'm not even a big fan of techno or trance but when I got Wip3out I pretty much played it in my CD player all the time.

Edit: Big thanks to the member who upped the Front Mission 5 OST. I managed to find the FM5+FM1st bundle on eBay, hadn't thought to look before I Dl'd it.