04-23-2009, 11:53 PM
Final FanTim ~PRESENTS~:
FINAL FANTASY VII Original Soundtrack [Remastered Edition] NEW VERSION! (see below for changes)
Listen to my demo:
(There are several "improvements" in the final version)





FFVII OST Remastered Edition contains all of the original tracks but are remastered with REAL HIGH quality instruments (samples). So it sounds alot better than the original version on both PC and PSX

Because im a big fan of N. Uematsu :-D

You can try this with the amazing Ficedula's FFVIIMusic or just listen to it if you are a fan of the music

Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Remastered by Final FanTim
Artwork by TheFavs

Special thanks to TheFavs for helping me loop these.

1. I will not give any kind of tech-related support for software (search the forums)
2. These tracks will not loop correctly in FFVII due lack of cue support in mp3

Together with The Favs, we tried to get a proper duration of all tracks by looping to match the PSX Original Soundtrack as close as we can.
I redid them not to only loop properly, but some even to sound better!

Here are some of the fixed tracks:
1-02 - Opening ~ Bombing Mission + Added Orchestra hit @ 1:29, + Added Snare drum where needed, + Added Cymbal crash, fixed weird brass sound where reverse cymbal was intended

1-03 - Makou Reactor + Added the missing bells and a reverse gong

1-07 - Hurry! - Changed the pitch of the woodblocks by just a notch

1-10 - Fighting + Added a riding tambourine just like in the PSX OST

1-11 - Victory Fanfare - Now its looped properly 2 times meaning the duration is now 1:02 which is close to the 0:53 of the OST version

1-20 - Still More Fighting! - Now its looped properly and i changed the guitar modeling so it now has a distortion guitar instead of a 'overdrive only' guitar. I also changed it from power chord to single note so it sounds more realistic considering this piece.

1-06 - Barret's Theme - Now its looped properly with my own original timpani's

1-22 - Crazy Motorcycle - Now its looped properly and i also replaced the drumkit to a more punchy one to match the original as close as possible (SWEET!)

3-02 - Life Stream - Now its looped properly with string fills just like the original PSX OST version

3-09 - Wutai - Now looped properly with the proper timpani's which where somehow off when i exported my original rearrangement

4-02 - Weapon Raid - Now looped properly with the proper timpani's. The midi notes of the timpani midi track were somehow not at the right key. I also had to seperate the timpani, snare and cymbal

4-12 - The Makou Cannon Is Fired ~ Shinra Explodes - Now actually HAS the 'Shinra Explodes' part which was missing

4-15 - Birth of the God - Now looped properly with a duration of 4:00. Your going to love this one, i redid the guitar sound since it didnt sound as muted as i thought. Also, i added some nice drum fills between the looping points and at the end of the track to close it properly

4-16 - One-Winged Angel - Now looped properly. I also increased the volume of the snare kit and timpani's to add some depth and power

04-24-2009, 12:51 AM
Is there an FF8 version on the way ?

04-24-2009, 03:28 AM
Makes for a pretty enjoyable listen. I've only gone through the first disc so far but I like it. Nice work!

04-24-2009, 03:29 AM
This is very well done TC. I applaud your effort.

The mp3s have indeed been remastered from the original tracks on the PS1.

With this, I have one minor gripe : because it sticks to the original source material, the songs, while faithfully transitioned into higher quality, suffer from the same immediate "cut" at the end of the track, exposing them as indeed, loops of the original tracks, and breaks the flow of the music.

It would have made the songs even THAT much more enjoyable to listen to if there was a transition between them. In other words, a Fade-Out cue to indicate the end of the track loop.

After all, many of us here will let this run in the background as a playlist, and it would be better towards our listening enjoyment if the tracks fade-out, fade-in between each other.

Anyway, I don't want to rant, that isn't my intention. This is indeed a wonderful job of your part, and is appropriate f or all FFVII fans out there.

04-24-2009, 03:42 AM
Interesting concept! I will check this stuff out and post some comments! Thanks!

04-24-2009, 05:12 AM
i downloaded a torrent someone made of this a while ago and honestly i think you could've mixed it better on a lot of songs(and example is crazy motor cycle where the drum samples sound very weak and the only part about it that was done very was the orchestral hit) and used some better samples for alot of the synths(using a harp instead of a synth completely took out the originality and greatness of the original VII prelude honestly IMO every other ff game uses the harp), the orchestral samples are pretty good :)

It's a good try , after listening i disliked a few of them soi decided i'd rather do my own mix (straight from the game midi)and compare it.
no hard feelings, you didn't even attempt to loop the midi source at all.
guitar samples are pretty bad too, i would've run the midi into an organ and then ran that through an amp sim like guitar rig to make it seem more like a real guitar. or do that with clean guitar samples. Better yet a real guitar

here is what i think is a decently better version of crazy motorcycle looped completely once with the second loop changing a few timings of things just for the hell of it. this was put together very quickly as well.

this wasn't intended as a rant(like the guy above) just so you know, to give you some ideas to improve upon thats all.

I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy this regardless, as will i.

one question though, from the panning in the mp3's you used the XG midis didn't you?

*also* i just noticed this but the harp could've used some more reverb lol
k i'm done :p

04-24-2009, 06:05 AM
Definitely pretty neat. I used to do this with random MIDIs years ago and it's always entertaining to hear old game music remastered with better samples.

Shit's nice.

04-24-2009, 10:46 AM
i downloaded a torrent someone made of this a while ago and honestly i think you could've mixed it better on a lot of songs(and example is crazy motor cycle where the drum samples sound very weak and the only part about it that was done very was the orchestral hit) and used some better samples for alot of the synths(using a harp instead of a synth completely took out the originality and greatness of the original VII prelude honestly IMO every other ff game uses the harp), the orchestral samples are pretty good :)

It's a good try , after listening i disliked a few of them soi decided i'd rather do my own mix (straight from the game midi)and compare it.
no hard feelings, you didn't even attempt to loop the midi source at all.
guitar samples are pretty bad too, i would've run the midi into an organ and then ran that through an amp sim like guitar rig to make it seem more like a real guitar. or do that with clean guitar samples. Better yet a real guitar

here is what i think is a decently better version of crazy motorcycle looped completely once with the second loop changing a few timings of things just for the hell of it. this was put together very quickly as well.

this wasn't intended as a rant(like the guy above) just so you know, to give you some ideas to improve upon thats all.

I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy this regardless, as will i.

one question though, from the panning in the mp3's you used the XG midis didn't you?

*also* i just noticed this but the harp could've used some more reverb lol
k i'm done :p

Hi :D
Well my problem is...i dont have enough cash to spend on biggest investment was EWQL Symphonic Orchestra and Colossus :)

I really like your drum in Crazy Motorcycle and the guitar is just excellent, but unfortunatly...i dislike your orchestra hits...sorry:)

Also, im not a guitarist so i dont own a guitar but i have GuitarRig 3 and linked it with RealStrat (and i use RealGuitar VST for Acoustic)
So yea i agree on that one :)

As for the harp (in the prelude i presume) I had a reverb but i wanted to sound a bit more synth-like (just like you said) added a few weird effects...dont know if it was the right choice but i didnt like to use a real synth with the rest of the orchestra.

But i respect your opinion...not defending myself...just explaining my disabilities and choices :)

I used the GM midi since those work alot better with most of the VST and samples. I reprogrammed those panning and instrument switches in tracks myself :)

BTW, im saving money for NI Komplete 5 that contains some nice fat basses and drum yea, looking forward to it

I will give it a go later. Assuming I like it, is there an FF8 version on the way ?
I was planning on remastering FFVI first and maybe Chrono Trigger a bit later...but FFVIII is not my first priority :)

Thanks all for the nice comments :)

04-24-2009, 12:01 PM
I downloaded it some time ago (I guess I found it on some torrent site, but I'm not sure) and I think it's pretty good. Not perfect, but still it's cool to listen to FF VII score with better synth. And I really would like to hear FF VI and CT heh:). Also I really like the fact that this version is much shorter than OST. I'm not much into those huge 4 cd sets. And here we have no loops, so for me it's cool;). And fact that tracks don't fade in isn't very annoying after all. Thanks for your work:).

04-24-2009, 12:59 PM
I downloaded it some time ago (I guess I found it on some torrent site, but I'm not sure) and I think it's pretty good. Not perfect, but still it's cool to listen to FF VII score with better synth. And I really would like to hear FF VI and CT heh:). Also I really like the fact that this version is much shorter than OST. I'm not much into those huge 4 cd sets. And here we have no loops, so for me it's cool;). And fact that tracks don't fade in isn't very annoying after all. Thanks for your work:).

Hehe thanks! :P
I know it isnt perfect, but i do know i dont get paid so...:) im not professional, its just one of my 6 expensive hobbies

But some people forget/dont read my 3rd Please Note:
"3. These tracks are not meant as a remix so they will stop abruptly since there based on the original MIDI (which has looping fucition)"

Glad you dont find that annoying just like me :)

04-24-2009, 08:43 PM
I've only downloaded the first disc but I really like this so far. I'm really looking forward to your next projects (esp. FFVI), and hoping you don't have a hissyfit breakdown like CinFoxSnake.

If you do FFVI and CT, are you going to use MIDIs too, or the original game music since it's SNES and MIDI-ish anyway? (please forgive this stupid question, I don't know anything about creating music, especially on computers)

04-24-2009, 09:18 PM
I've only downloaded the first disc but I really like this so far. I'm really looking forward to your next projects (esp. FFVI), and hoping you don't have a hissyfit breakdown like CinFoxSnake.

If you do FFVI and CT, are you going to use MIDIs too, or the original game music since it's SNES and MIDI-ish anyway? (please forgive this stupid question, I don't know anything about creating music, especially on computers)

Thanks, im glad you like it :P
Im not intimidated by anyone's comments :) Its a FREE project i did so when people dislike it....meh, dont care :D I suggest those people do it better than know what, i hope they do

04-24-2009, 09:59 PM
Definate props to you, finalfantim.

Downloaded this earlier and have listened to a few tracks I like from FFVII like Anxious Heart and Those Chosen By the Planet and even when they dont sound all that different, its the subtle differences that make it interesting and worth taking a listen to.

winged cloud
04-24-2009, 11:01 PM
Very well done!

04-24-2009, 11:39 PM
Definate props to you, finalfantim.

Downloaded this earlier and have listened to a few tracks I like from FFVII like Anxious Heart and Those Chosen By the Planet and even when they dont sound all that different, its the subtle differences that make it interesting and worth taking a listen to.

Thanks! :D
As stated in my 'Please Note' it was not meant to be a remix but more a remastered version so that (in theory) you could use it in FFVIIPC :)
So i decided not to change that much because there are a ton of remixes out there :P

04-25-2009, 12:32 AM
Hi :D
Well my problem is...i dont have enough cash to spend on biggest investment was EWQL Symphonic Orchestra and Colossus :)

I really like your drum in Crazy Motorcycle and the guitar is just excellent, but unfortunatly...i dislike your orchestra hits...sorry:)

Also, im not a guitarist so i dont own a guitar but i have GuitarRig 3 and linked it with RealStrat (and i use RealGuitar VST for Acoustic)
So yea i agree on that one :)

As for the harp (in the prelude i presume) I had a reverb but i wanted to sound a bit more synth-like (just like you said) added a few weird effects...dont know if it was the right choice but i didnt like to use a real synth with the rest of the orchestra.

But i respect your opinion...not defending myself...just explaining my disabilities and choices :)

I used the GM midi since those work alot better with most of the VST and samples. I reprogrammed those panning and instrument switches in tracks myself :)

BTW, im saving money for NI Komplete 5 that contains some nice fat basses and drum yea, looking forward to it

I was planning on remastering FFVI first and maybe Chrono Trigger a bit later...but FFVIII is not my first priority :)

Thanks all for the nice comments :)

oh yeah well those aren't orchesta hits. I don't have one in my library so i was forced to try and make something real quick that sounded like one. Which is a choir and some violin samples. There are some nice free VST synths out there and a very good non-free syth is FM8, sampletank has some Synth samples but none are that great.

oh don't worry about defending yourself or anything like that i was just talking thats all

04-25-2009, 02:39 AM
I'm loving it! <3

04-25-2009, 05:03 AM
This is FANTASTIC!!! A few songs could be better but I am amazed at the number of songs that kick ass.

Please do FF8 next!

04-25-2009, 05:28 AM
i think this project is great i've listened to it and if i could on the pc version of ff 7 i would sub the midi's with this

04-25-2009, 06:14 AM
Hilarious...Just hilarious. Just drop it, Dont think I roam the forums? I still do. I had the right to drop my album and plus it wasnt all that great anyway as some people praise it to be but some of the tracks are on youtube and will remain there, as well as my other music projects. (I'm not starting a problem so whomever starts something from this is an idiot, I'm not here to fight but just to say what I had to say)

Also to the previous poster, I've been working on a FFVIII Remastered album for a fandub I'm working for. for about a year now, just letting the person who wanted finaltim to do it next, though he said previously he wasnt gonna do it right now since it wasnt his prioritys. but as for Finaltim. Great job, I think the tracks could of used some great endings or fadeout though, other than that, its great. as for change, This is my sample of change:

Not all that great but still something! Check that out, Finaltim.

04-25-2009, 06:22 AM
awesome FF7 is my favorite game soundtrack of all time to here it like this leaves me speechless thanks you so much

04-25-2009, 10:48 AM
Hilarious...Just hilarious. Just drop it, Dont think I roam the forums? I still do. I had the right to drop my album and plus it wasnt all that great anyway as some people praise it to be but some of the tracks are on youtube and will remain there, as well as my other music projects. (I'm not starting a problem so whomever starts something from this is an idiot, I'm not here to fight but just to say what I had to say)

Also to the previous poster, I've been working on a FFVIII Remastered album for a fandub I'm working for. for about a year now, just letting the person who wanted finaltim to do it next, though he said previously he wasnt gonna do it right now since it wasnt his prioritys. but as for Finaltim. Great job, I think the tracks could of used some great endings or fadeout though, other than that, its great. as for change, This is my sample of change:

Not all that great but still something! Check that out, Finaltim.

Hi ;)

First of all, thanks for your nice comment, i really appreciate it! :D
You know i also love your remixes as well :)

When i remaster FFVI ill make them like a rearrangement, with a nice ending and all. (Just like you did :D)
With FFVII i decided not to, incase people wanted to use it in a modded FFVIIPC version

oh yeah well those aren't orchesta hits. I don't have one in my library so i was forced to try and make something real quick that sounded like one. Which is a choir and some violin samples. There are some nice free VST synths out there and a very good non-free syth is FM8, sampletank has some Synth samples but none are that great.

FM8 is also included in the NI Komplete 5 package :) looking forward to it

I used some free VST, but they never have the sounds i want....:P

04-25-2009, 08:08 PM
Many thanks, this is some very wonderful work!

04-26-2009, 12:37 AM
Wow, more FF7 music. I'm going to run out of hard drive space pretty soon, lol.

04-26-2009, 01:41 AM
Thank you for sharing your work, Final Fan! I love it! I know what I'll be listening to on my ipod for the next few weeks! :)

04-26-2009, 09:33 AM
Hilarious...Just hilarious. Just drop it, Dont think I roam the forums? I still do. I had the right to drop my album and plus it wasnt all that great anyway as some people praise it to be but some of the tracks are on youtube and will remain there, as well as my other music projects. (I'm not starting a problem so whomever starts something from this is an idiot, I'm not here to fight but just to say what I had to say)

Also to the previous poster, I've been working on a FFVIII Remastered album for a fandub I'm working for. for about a year now, just letting the person who wanted finaltim to do it next, though he said previously he wasnt gonna do it right now since it wasnt his prioritys. but as for Finaltim. Great job, I think the tracks could of used some great endings or fadeout though, other than that, its great. as for change, This is my sample of change:

Not all that great but still something! Check that out, Finaltim.

i'm sorry but lol?.. been lurkin around have we? (no offense)
didn't know you were still kickin' (alive and well)man

04-26-2009, 02:22 PM
i'm sorry but lol?.. been lurkin around have we? (no offense)
didn't know you were still kickin' (alive and well)man

Erm, no comment but yes. I've been lurking about the shadows and I am still alive and well. If someone has a problem with that, then I dont really care. But It's nice to see some of the old faces here again. But yes, please do check out my youtube page if anyone has a chance, let me know what you guys think.

04-29-2009, 08:56 AM
Dude, you rock, awsome!"

05-01-2009, 10:14 AM
Erm, no comment but yes. I've been lurking about the shadows and I am still alive and well. If someone has a problem with that, then I dont really care. But It's nice to see some of the old faces here again. But yes, please do check out my youtube page if anyone has a chance, let me know what you guys think.

yeah your youtube stuff is great. Always thought you were good at what you did. Too bad you never did release your album. Oh well at least we can listen to some on youtube.

05-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Using Audacity or some audio program, it's pretty easy to make a loop.
I think you should do it, 'cause the tracks here are really shorts. But awesome, that's a fact.

Contact Uematsu for the PS3 Remake :p

05-01-2009, 09:21 PM
Using Audacity or some audio program, it's pretty easy to make a loop.
I think you should do it, 'cause the tracks here are really shorts. But awesome, that's a fact.

Contact Uematsu for the PS3 Remake :p

EY Glichmur, thanks for your comment!

As stated in my 'Please Note':
"3. These tracks are not meant as a remix but more as a dub to use in FFVII (PC Version) so they will stop abruptly since there based on the original MIDI (which has looping fucition)"

Im using a DAW named Cakewalk Sonar 8, so its really easy for me to make them loop or whatever.
When i have the time for FFVI OST, ill remaster it as a rearrangement with loop and a nice ending

05-02-2009, 07:17 AM
hi. great alum. there going to e a FLAC Lossless download of this sometime soon?

05-02-2009, 11:08 AM
hi. great alum. there going to e a FLAC Lossless download of this sometime soon?


Im afraid not, since i have a data transfer limit. :(
But i can assure you that the mp3 sounds exactly like the FLAC since i exported a few tracks to FLAC first. No noticeble compression :)

05-02-2009, 03:01 PM
this is absolutely high sound quality of FF 7 ...
im really liked it ... thanks for the upload & effort to this .. very good works
really appreciate it

05-03-2009, 01:05 AM
then could oyu like perhaps mirror these tracks in OGG Voris format? preferably 108Kbps-111Kbps:? ta

05-03-2009, 10:47 AM
then could oyu like perhaps mirror these tracks in OGG Voris format? preferably 108Kbps-111Kbps:? ta

If i weren't busy with school right now, i would. The problem is that it takes alot of time (open each project, export, name it, etc) and i dont have it atm :(

When i exported the mp3, it took me 6 minutes for each track to export it to its final state, so...:)

But why OGG if i may ask? the quality isn't better than mp3, its only open-source :)

05-03-2009, 04:32 PM
great work - thanks

05-04-2009, 03:22 AM
If i weren't busy with school right now, i would. The problem is that it takes alot of time (open each project, export, name it, etc) and i dont have it atm :(

When i exported the mp3, it took me 6 minutes for each track to export it to its final state, so...:)

But why OGG if i may ask? the quality isn't better than mp3, its only open-source :)

ACTUALLY OGG Vorbis has the same quality as MP3 but is smaller than MP3. but i'd like this for my new iRiver E100 Recorder that takes OGG Vorbis.

05-05-2009, 01:09 AM
Nice work Final Fantim.
I like it as a whole but yeah like someone else said it could have done with fade outs and some samples sound a bit too quiet for my liking.

But ya I like this very much :)
Hell Square-Enix should do their own remastered edition seeing as they love to milk the FFVII cash cow sooooo much.

05-05-2009, 01:52 AM
I'll have to give this a listen.

05-05-2009, 03:25 AM
Downloaded disc 1, dling disc 2 now. Sounds awesome.

HybridKazuyaMishima, do you plan on releasing yours as well? I'd like to get yours too. :)

05-08-2009, 04:34 AM
This is incredibly well done. I must admit I wasn't expecting something of this caliber, but I had to eat my words when I popped on Anxious Heart and Flowers Blooming in the Church.

You've pleased this weary old gaming heart. I thank you.

05-08-2009, 11:16 AM
I think you might have forgot to add the title of the songs to their ID3 tags.

05-08-2009, 06:02 PM
HybridKazuyaMishima, do you plan on releasing yours as well? I'd like to get yours too. :)

I second dat

The Favs
05-19-2009, 04:46 AM
Guy 1: Who would win in a fight? finalfantim or god?
Guy 2: ..... finalfantim!
Guy 1: EH!! WRONG!!
Guy 2: God!
Guy 1: EH!! WRONG!! Trick question!! finalfantim IS god!!! HAHAHA!!! (no blaspheming intended)

Seriously, though, this is what I've been waiting for for a LONG time! You rock finalfantim!! This is just incredible. You win. FOREVER!

05-19-2009, 04:35 PM
Excellent job, dude. The sound quality is amazing and some tracks really shine brighter than their originals (with the crap synth quality from '97). If the tracks would only loop it would be nearly PERFECT ;)

By the way, I CAN'T wait for FFVI, if you really want to do it. This soundtrack deserves it.

05-22-2009, 01:01 AM
Thanks all for the nice comments, especialy The Favs, best comment ever! i lol'd

To: UptownYardy
I was thinking about using a multiband (or singleband) compressor on it, but i was too 'lazy' and sinds my school started, i just didnt had enough time.
But it will definitely be done with the FFVI OST, i promise :)

05-22-2009, 05:06 PM
To: UptownYardy
I was thinking about using a multiband (or singleband) compressor on it, but i was too 'lazy' and sinds my school started, i just didnt had enough time.
But it will definitely be done with the FFVI OST, i promise :)

Yeah i get ya bout beeing busy with school, seeing as my exams are over its only now that I've got time to my own remixes and some rips of some PS1/2 games.
Can't wait for ur FFVI stuff

05-24-2009, 07:07 PM
u got some serious talent there, fantim. Keep up the good word , homie. prizzzops =3

05-25-2009, 02:22 AM
This is a great contribution! Thank so much.

Any chance you could tackle FF VIII or IX ?

05-31-2009, 03:01 PM
This is a great contribution! Thank so much.

Any chance you could tackle FF VIII or IX ?

Maybe, but not in the near future im afraid :(....BUT its almost SPRING BREAK!

The Favs
06-04-2009, 02:14 AM
finalfantim, if it's alright by you, I can make the tracks loop and fade like some people want them to, and upload them somewhere.

06-05-2009, 04:59 PM
finalfantim, if it's alright by you, I can make the tracks loop and fade like some people want them to, and upload them somewhere.

Sure, get wild with it :D
You could add LOOP VERSION behind my tag:
FINAL FANTASY VII OST (Remastered Edition) ~by Final FanTim~ [LOOP VERSION by The Favs] or something and post it here, ill edit the first post with your credits :D
That way ppl will recognize it ;)

The Favs
06-07-2009, 05:24 PM
Eh, credit doesn't mean much to me, as long as it gets done.
So, should I have it loop twice and just have the song end, like you had it?
Or, should I have it loop twice and fade out on the third time, like OST's usually do?
Thanks btw!

06-08-2009, 05:20 AM
I'd vote for the OST version!

Nachash [ITA]
06-08-2009, 06:18 AM
great work!!!

The Favs
06-10-2009, 06:29 PM

06-20-2009, 03:55 AM
Eh, credit doesn't mean much to me, as long as it gets done.
So, should I have it loop twice and just have the song end, like you had it?
Or, should I have it loop twice and fade out on the third time, like OST's usually do?
Thanks btw!

I'm up for the OST Version all the way!

06-20-2009, 08:30 AM
Uuu. I must say i'm impressed!
Some of the instruments are very well collected. Final FanTim made an awesome job! Keep doing your great work. :)

06-20-2009, 01:26 PM
Eh, credit doesn't mean much to me, as long as it gets done.
So, should I have it loop twice and just have the song end, like you had it?
Or, should I have it loop twice and fade out on the third time, like OST's usually do?
Thanks btw!

Do whatever you like :D
I suggest listening to the original soundtrack and check how those tracks are filled

The Favs
06-23-2009, 06:21 PM
finalfantim, there are a couple (like Prelude) which are very hard to loop without sounding... eh, bad. I wonder if by the time I'm done I could show you the ones I couldn't do and see if you can do them.

06-23-2009, 09:12 PM
finalfantim, there are a couple (like Prelude) which are very hard to loop without sounding... eh, bad. I wonder if by the time I'm done I could show you the ones I couldn't do and see if you can do them.

I see what i can do :)

Could i give you a hint where im busy at right now?

The Favs
06-24-2009, 04:49 PM
I see what i can do :)

Could i give you a hint where im busy at right now?

WOW! Where the heck is that?

06-26-2009, 02:04 PM
WOW! Where the heck is that?

No idea :) But it should give you a hint what im working on ATM...well..i have to delay it for a week to handle some unfinished school business :P

06-28-2009, 11:17 PM
Dancing mad!!!! <3

Keep it up. I will surely follow your remixes.

06-29-2009, 08:42 PM
Nice job there FinalFan Tim! I would love to hear ff8 or ff10 remastered! <333

The Favs
06-29-2009, 09:54 PM
Nice job there FinalFan Tim! I would love to hear ff8 or ff10 remastered! <333

Forget 8 and 10, and 9 for that matter! They sound fine as is (specially 10).

I'd like to hear 5 and 6 remastered. That'd be beast!

Although I would love to hear if he can do Dark Messanger right.

07-13-2009, 09:25 PM
Nice job there FinalFan Tim! I would love to hear ff8 or ff10 remastered! <333

Hi thanks! :P
Im planning to release a remastered version of FFVI first, we'll see what happens next ;)

07-14-2009, 06:48 PM
Well, as long as it's ff ^^, I'm okay with it xD

07-16-2009, 01:33 AM
What's this... Remastered?! Oh wow Thank you so much for sharing :D

07-17-2009, 12:08 AM

All the CD's are reuploaded with the mp3 updates

08-27-2009, 12:37 PM
I'd vote for the OST version!

Ok, check my first post. Its now just like the FFVII PSX Original Soundtrack :D (with looping and fade out thanks to TheFavs)

08-27-2009, 03:43 PM
Amazing job there! ^^ true fan of N. Uematsu=)

08-27-2009, 07:53 PM
Amazing job there! ^^ true fan of N. Uematsu=)

I started playing FFIV again (now the DS version) but it reminded my why i love FF so much...its the MUSIC! :D

08-28-2009, 11:35 AM
True true, the music is essential, I might not play so often, but I ALWAYS listen to music, it seems like I can never get enough, and I especially like to search for arranged soundtracks, remixes etc. I guess we are die hard fans xD

08-28-2009, 05:23 PM
A very good remastering of Mr Uematsu's original works. tampering with a classic sometimes makes bad music but you've pulled it off, cant wait to hear your FFVI version.

Btw, just something that I noticed, How come you have named Wutai as Utai on your CD3?

08-28-2009, 06:18 PM
the first cd got removed by megaupload... could u do a re-up please? thanks alot for your effort!

08-28-2009, 07:27 PM
noooo! The bells are missing from makou reactor. :( :( :(

08-28-2009, 11:43 PM
Please Re-upload 1st disc. Megaupload removed it. Thanks.

08-29-2009, 03:30 PM
Final FanTim ~PRESENTS~:
FINAL FANTASY VII Original Soundtrack [Remastered Edition] NEW VERSION! (see below for changes)
Listen to my demo:




Can someone reupload it on rapidshare ??

08-30-2009, 05:50 PM
Link to CD1 appears to be broken. Reupload requested ^_^.

09-01-2009, 05:09 PM
Link to CD1 appears to be broken. Reupload requested ^_^.

noooo! The bells are missing from makou reactor. :( :( :(

This is the exact same reason why it isnt upped yet :P

Its fixed, but i need to make one little adjustment to the Fighting Theme

It will be uploaded later this day
Sorry for the inconvenience

09-01-2009, 05:39 PM
sweet, let me know if you can just link the actual song as well.

09-01-2009, 08:09 PM
sweet, let me know if you can just link the actual song as well.

Im afraid i have to give you a whole new CD1 since there are more changes...sorry :(

09-01-2009, 09:13 PM
you could also try the pc version of this game. the music is much better quality than the psx.

09-01-2009, 09:40 PM
you could also try the pc version of this game. the music is much better quality than the psx.

You thought so?
The PC version uses midi, whereas the PSX used their own custom version of the MOD file-format.
I think the score is actually identical, but the samples aren't the samples that the author intended.

Anyway, I'm glad you've taken the time to do these, and I can't wait to listen to you the update.

09-02-2009, 01:10 AM
You thought so?
The PC version uses midi, whereas the PSX used their own custom version of the MOD file-format.
I think the score is actually identical, but the samples aren't the samples that the author intended.

Anyway, I'm glad you've taken the time to do these, and I can't wait to listen to you the update.

Thank you, i appreciate it.

CD1 is uploaded! :D

09-02-2009, 03:30 AM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

09-02-2009, 02:44 PM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Your welcome :)

01-16-2010, 05:58 PM
do some other games. ff gets too much attention.

01-24-2010, 02:57 PM
OMG, this is amazing!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!

05-24-2010, 10:28 AM
You've allowed a child's dream thought no longer possible come true, you're a hero to me man. I've been waiting for this since I was 11 years old.

Sepher Sephiroth
05-24-2010, 10:29 PM
I am very happy, listening to these wonderful remasters you have done. They add the brevity and scope that Mr. Uematsu's work truly deserves but didn't get on Final Fantasy VII. I can remember playing this game almost every year since I was five years old, so I know every detail of this game, including the music. So I am very very pleased with what I hear and being a fellow musician who works, primarily, with DAW's I can understand how much time and effort went into this. Thank you very much for giving my childhood something it deserved.

05-25-2010, 12:29 AM
I'm very glad to have found this. I'm sure a ton of work was put into this, and it sounds great!

Hope you get around to remastering FFVI -- that would bring me to tears.

05-25-2010, 12:47 AM
I never noticed this thread before. I've heard of people doing NES remixes, but I'm not sure if I've seen something like this done before. I'll definitely give it a listen.

05-29-2010, 04:17 AM
Final FanTim, you are a god among men for doing this. I've always complained about FFVII's OST not being up to par with what Eumatsu did in VIII and IX. You have fixed my only complaint. Thank you! This means a lot to me and I'm sure a lot to other Final Fantasy VII fans as well. Thanks!

05-29-2010, 10:03 PM
Any lossless FLAC or WAV ?

PS : Looking forward for the Chrono Cross (Frog's THEME OMG !!!)
Edit : someone already asked sorry. Hope you get a better connection haha ^^

02-21-2011, 01:34 AM
sorry to revive this thread and sorry to break it to you FinalFanTim but i've heard this soundtrack before and the truth is this album does not sound anywhere near better than the original. sorry. but the original has always been the best.

02-21-2011, 02:30 AM
Of course it doesn't, FinalFanTim took the midis from PC version o FF7 and simply replaced the instruments, the original audio in PSX version is superior to this.

02-21-2011, 03:19 PM
tim's is still better in parts, at least if the OST is any indication of how the psx version sounded, which I don't know

EDIT: this meant to read: I still prefer Tim's in parts

02-21-2011, 04:00 PM
What sounds good or not is up to each one of us, Tim has got fans, that's all. You don't have to listen if you don't want to.

By the way Tim, I recently saw that you updated some tracks from FFVI, I'm really excited=D nice done!

08-04-2011, 05:48 PM
Final FanTim ~PRESENTS~:
FINAL FANTASY VII Original Soundtrack [Remastered Edition] NEW VERSION! (see below for changes)
Listen to my demo:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
(There are several "improvements" in the final version)

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

FFVII OST Remastered Edition contains all of the original tracks but are remastered with REAL HIGH quality instruments (samples). So it sounds alot better than the original version on both PC and PSX

Because im a big fan of N. Uematsu :-D

You can try this with the amazing Ficedula's FFVIIMusic or just listen to it if you are a fan of the music

Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Remastered by Final FanTim
Artwork by TheFavs

Special thanks to TheFavs for helping me loop these.

1. I will not give any kind of tech-related support for software (search the forums)
2. These tracks will not loop correctly in FFVII due lack of cue support in mp3

Together with The Favs, we tried to get a proper duration of all tracks by looping to match the PSX Original Soundtrack as close as we can.
I redid them not to only loop properly, but some even to sound better!

Here are some of the fixed tracks:
1-02 - Opening ~ Bombing Mission + Added Orchestra hit @ 1:29, + Added Snare drum where needed, + Added Cymbal crash, fixed weird brass sound where reverse cymbal was intended

1-03 - Makou Reactor + Added the missing bells and a reverse gong

1-07 - Hurry! - Changed the pitch of the woodblocks by just a notch

1-10 - Fighting + Added a riding tambourine just like in the PSX OST

1-11 - Victory Fanfare - Now its looped properly 2 times meaning the duration is now 1:02 which is close to the 0:53 of the OST version

1-20 - Still More Fighting! - Now its looped properly and i changed the guitar modeling so it now has a distortion guitar instead of a 'overdrive only' guitar. I also changed it from power chord to single note so it sounds more realistic considering this piece.

1-06 - Barret's Theme - Now its looped properly with my own original timpani's

1-22 - Crazy Motorcycle - Now its looped properly and i also replaced the drumkit to a more punchy one to match the original as close as possible (SWEET!)

3-02 - Life Stream - Now its looped properly with string fills just like the original PSX OST version

3-09 - Wutai - Now looped properly with the proper timpani's which where somehow off when i exported my original rearrangement

4-02 - Weapon Raid - Now looped properly with the proper timpani's. The midi notes of the timpani midi track were somehow not at the right key. I also had to seperate the timpani, snare and cymbal

4-12 - The Makou Cannon Is Fired ~ Shinra Explodes - Now actually HAS the 'Shinra Explodes' part which was missing

4-15 - Birth of the God - Now looped properly with a duration of 4:00. Your going to love this one, i redid the guitar sound since it didnt sound as muted as i thought. Also, i added some nice drum fills between the looping points and at the end of the track to close it properly

4-16 - One-Winged Angel - Now looped properly. I also increased the volume of the snare kit and timpani's to add some depth and power

I know i'm very, very, VERY late on saying this, but congratulations, it's very good, and thank you, for really, for making this possible for us, F.F.VII fans to hear such good music. It must've been lots of hard work, and it's good that this project has come to a conclusion. Again, thank you for really =D. (and sorry for the crap english, it's not my original language, i'm from another country =P)

01-13-2013, 01:09 PM
any mirror links on that? megaupload is down, and rapidshare doesnt work anymore..

01-13-2013, 01:14 PM
This album is mislabelled; it is not a remastering. It is a new performance made with superior synthesiser technology.

01-13-2013, 07:43 PM
Same here, thanks for the bump, I'm interested to listen to that, but we need new upload please :)

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-13-2013, 08:21 PM
Dead links

01-14-2013, 12:18 AM
thank you for providing the new links :)

The Ultimate Koopa
01-14-2013, 02:28 AM
Crap. I don't want to have to sign up.

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-14-2013, 09:12 AM
thank you for providing the new links :)

Crap. I don't want to have to sign up.
Can't you use one of those temporary e-mail services? 10minutemail, or something like that... There's no need to reupload when there are links working. View it this way: someone would waste hours to mirror it, while you'd waste a few minutes to solve the "issue" on your end. Let's mosey.

01-14-2013, 06:48 PM
Fanfare and fighting sounds good, but "Underneath the Rotting Pizza" is one of my fav but it doesn't sound as I expected. Will listen the rest seems good. Thanks.

Btw, these girls did some good "remastering" cover FF7 Ensemble Medley ( , with darksugar178's channel (

01-14-2013, 08:28 PM
Found these links:

Final Fantasy VII - OST [Remastered Edition] by Final FanTim - CD1 - Download - 4shared - [SpinKicK] (
Final Fantasy VII - OST [Remastered Edition] by Final FanTim - CD2 - Download - 4shared - [SpinKicK] (
Final Fantasy VII - OST [Remastered Edition] by Final FanTim - CD3 - Download - 4shared - [SpinKicK] (
Final Fantasy VII - OST [Remastered Edition] by Final FanTim - CD4 - Download - 4shared (

No mention of password(s) on the source-thread, so everything should be "fine".

Unfortunately based on the description in the OP, these are the old tracks rather than the new ones (i.e. Birth of the God is 2:17 and not 4:00, etc.)

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-14-2013, 08:34 PM
Unfortunately based on the description in the OP, these are the old tracks rather than the new ones (i.e. Birth of the God is 2:17 and not 4:00, etc.)
Damn. I'll see if I still have the album stored somewhere.

01-14-2013, 09:02 PM
Damn. I'll see if I still have the album stored somewhere.

I appreciate the links either way - definitely better than nothing.

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-15-2013, 01:37 PM
Uploaded the updated release, refer to post #106 for the new link.

01-15-2013, 01:59 PM
Uploaded the updated release, refer to post #106 for the new link.
Thank you for re uploading :)

The Ultimate Koopa
01-20-2013, 02:40 AM
This web page is not available
The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

The Ultimate Koopa
01-20-2013, 02:41 AM
This web page is not available
The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-20-2013, 10:37 AM
Crap. I can only suggest to wait for it to (hopefully) come back online.

01-20-2013, 12:03 PM
I also wouldn't mind hearing the updated version :)

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-20-2013, 12:06 PM
I also wouldn't mind hearing the updated version :)
Same goes for you, then.

Crap. I can only suggest to wait for it to (hopefully) come back online.
I'm not reuploading 611 MB again so soon.

The Ultimate Koopa
01-22-2013, 04:03 AM
IT's working now.

12-01-2013, 05:09 PM
Thank you very much!
Lost it once, but now, I've got this beautiful piece of game music history again :,)

12-31-2013, 02:09 PM
Reupload (Looped+Updated) (

Thank you, Leon!

01-10-2014, 07:23 PM
Reupload (Looped+Updated) (


01-10-2014, 09:25 PM
Could someone post the album art work? When I unzipped the file its not there.

01-17-2014, 08:46 PM
Thanks a lot.

03-14-2014, 09:44 PM
Reupload (Looped+Updated) (

You never cease to be awesome.

Leon Scott Kennedy
07-31-2014, 05:34 PM
Could someone post the album art work? When I unzipped the file its not there.
Managed to find only the CD labels. Updated post #106 with alternate links which have them.

The Favs
09-22-2014, 11:23 PM
Hey, I thought this thread was long dead! Good job Leon Scott for keeping this alive. Ahh, the good memories working of on this project.

Here is a link to my Deviantart page which has all the covers I made for it.
[ Final Fantasy VII Remastered by TheFavs on deviantART ( ]
Be sure to click the [DOWNLOAD] button on the right of the page to get the full resolution.

The links to all the albums is in the front cover picture (Final Fantasy VII Remastered 1). Each CD cover has the link to it's CD. Hope that helps you all! Any questions let me know! ;)