04-23-2009, 01:05 PM
I found no thread like this, so I decided to set one up.

This is what we know of SWBF3 so far:

Free Radical:

-Free Radical were hired by LucasArts for a "Secret Project". No news had been announced but speculation was everywhere that this was SWBF 3.
-Free Radical went into administration in late 2008. LucasArts pulled the rights to this unnamed project from Free Radical.
-Former employees leaked footage and renders from a game that was clearly the next installment of the Star Wars Battlefront franchise. I will not post these leaks here because I'm unsure if I am allowed to. These leaks include images and footage of a "Dark Obi-Wan Kenobi" storyline, and the ability to go from ground into space seamlessly, as well as many new characters to the series (outside the mod tools)
-Free Radical is purchased by Crytek.

Pandemic Studios:

-Shortly after the "Secret LucasArts Project" left Free Radical, Pandemic announced "Project X", a project that had got them all excited.
-Rumours circulated that Pandemic's Project X was Battlefront 3.
-A spokesperson for Pandemic refuted these claims, saying that Project X had nothing to do with Battlefront:

As of right now I can say Battlefront 3 is not currently at Pandemic. While I know the title seems to be up in the air from all the buzz around the web... Lucas Arts will be the only one knowing where the title is at right now

-Battlefront I and Battlefront II have both gone out of production.
-No word as of yet on Battlefront III.

04-23-2009, 05:54 PM
I was under the impression myself that the Battlefront spin off(a travesty, to be sure) for the PSP was the fabled Battlefront 3. Still, a proper Battlefront 3 would be MOST welcome, especially if things were tweaked. Some things I'd like to see:

- Maps return from BF1(specifically Bespin and Tattooine Dune Sea)
- More rooms in ships(add more tactical value to playing defense during space battles)
- Heroes during space battles(even hero ships would be cool)
- Some sort of survival mode for any map, where you just fight until you're tired or lose(maybe even win by capturing all the CPs).

Just my two cents. As I said though, I'd LOVE to hear if BF3 was in production, but I think that spin off for the PSP was it.

04-23-2009, 06:23 PM
I'd be happy with another SWBF. I'm a huge fan of the series. I'd rather Pandemic took it over because they have the experience on working with the other games.

Although I really enjoyed the demo of LOTR:Conquest, the game has not been back into my PS3 since the weekend I bought it. The multiplayer makes for some great entertainment, but the single player is really terrible. And I got sick of the online because, despite them claiming to have implemented a way to keep things fair, everyone picks mages and they are seriously overpowered which just makes things shit. I admit I was taken with the demo, but the game didn't really do much for me.

My point with that is that Pandemic created a lazy and unplayable game off the back of the LOTR license. It'd be a shame if they did it with a Star Wars one. I'm sure their experience on the other games should tip the scales in their direction for making the game. And if they keep the same basics as the last two games, all they really need to do is make it look better, add some new stuff and they will sell. Fans of the series will buy it even if it's just for the next gen graphics. Well, I would anyway.

04-23-2009, 10:09 PM
@ ChazA4 - Well, there were many locales we are all familiar with in the leaked footage - Naboo, Tatooine, Utapau, Jedi Temple, Coruscant... Jar-Jar looks like he would have been playable (although why I do not know).

@ Flux - the original Battlefront is a direct evolution of The Clone Wars game (it uses ZeroEngine) so much of the mechanics were taken from The Clone Wars. I guess there was no direct base for LOTR Conquest.