04-20-2009, 09:00 PM
Removed the links ...


04-20-2009, 09:57 PM
verry nice rip....but wait....its look like my rip, (the only one rip made for this game) and the track is exactly the same as my rip. mhhh mhh

04-21-2009, 07:48 AM
Didn't you read the post?
I used YOUR rip, to do a listenable album, without the tracks which are used again and again for each level. And yes, I named the trackes like those ones in the rip, cause i don't know the game ...


04-21-2009, 10:41 AM
yes i read the post but you didn't have read my rules on my thread dont use and reply or remade my rip!...its realy easy to stole the hard work of an other,
and this rip was listenable but exactly in the order of the game, so, before crashing a wonderfull soundtrack, play the game to know something about!

04-21-2009, 11:47 AM
Yes, it IS really easy to steal the work of another - isn't this exactly what you did with Tilton's score?

Copyright law / Tilton begging you not to rip off his score that he worked like absolute blazes on for weeks = fuck it, who cares, I'll rip the game.

Guy who ripped the game gets arsey because somebody else improved his work = the world will stop turning, oh the humanity?

Come on... seriously.

And while I think of it- your rip is superb but it does NOT make a good album listening experience. This is the nature of game rips. I can't sit down and listen to an album that has eighty tracks, 50% repeated material, and ten second cues all over the place. Neither can most people.

ALSO: Your thread says nothing about using your rip in other projects. It only says don't repost your links.

04-21-2009, 03:21 PM
reuse and make a new post is the same thing than (dont repost the link)
so, yes the world d'ont stop to turn for that and my rip is not enjoyable to listen like that but if you want to use it, i think than you can just tell it to the original riper of the score, that's dont stop the world too.. you dont think,
so i've say in my thread, than if you have a request, i can say something, this include a reedit of the rip, MYSELF, to finish no problem but for an original rip of...i dont know, killzone 2, haze, or another realy wanted and never released score ask with direx.

and yes i've ripped the score of, tilton, seiter, and giacchino. but i dont think than i am the only one to rip a scoregame here, we're one a rippers forums guys, tell about the copiright law with all the guys who have ripped a score,
seriously... its not a big problem direx but just a little "thanks for your rip, please can i use it to make a more easiest listennig score. like that no problem.

so, we're close this stupid conflict, its true your editing is most enjoyable than mine, but someones like an original tracks rip. dont be angry direx and you too dannyfrench, and wait my next updates on the vault, if i work on a rip its for me but if i share it here its for your pleasure.

04-21-2009, 04:04 PM
Thanks a lot Direx, this saves me a lot of work identifying and removing dupicates:) And hughkeanu: Don't be silly, when you post a gamerip on one of the biggest most public gamemusic forums on the net its going to get shared other places, edited and all sorts of things. It is the NATURE of free culture! Making your own rules is as futile as it is hypocritical. I thank you though, for making the raw rip!

04-21-2009, 04:30 PM
Also 360 XMA has been cracked so maybe pietastegood make a good sofrware fullrip.

04-21-2009, 04:47 PM
reuse and make a new post is the same thing than (dont repost the link)

No, it's not. "Don't repost my links" means "don't repost my links" - it doesn't mean "don't reuse my work" or "don't reupload my rip" -- "Do not repost the links" is a very common request; it means if you want to spread something around, reupload it. If the same link is circulated in a thousand different places, the chances of it being removed for copyright infringement or lost all together is increased.

I think that's what was assumed you meant.

and yes i've ripped the score of, tilton, seiter, and giacchino. but i dont think than i am the only one to rip a scoregame here, we're one a rippers forums guys, tell about the copiright law with all the guys who have ripped a score,

I know that. ;)

I'm just sick to death of this "scene" bullshit in which people actually fight over recognition - they go mad if somebody fails to adhere to the "rules" of their rip, despite the fact that they've done the very same thing to the original composer.

If you steal Tilton's score, you're taking away his money and livelihood.
If Direx steals your rip, he's taking away your kudos.

Compare and contrast...

Spend years at college learning how to rip better than anybody else, then get a job where every game you rip puts food on the table for your wife and children, and you work your bollocks off, sacrifice your personal life and sometimes your health, just to do it that little bit better. THEN you've got a reason to complain.

Anyway, we don't rip for recognition or accolades; we rip to share music. We had nothing to do with the creation of the music. If you steal somebody's score and somebody steals your rip, well, what do you expect?

As I say, ripping is hard work and it's nice to have a bit of recognition, certainly. I just don't understand why rippers hit the roof and start murdering each other when they don't get the proper "respect".

It's only a matter of time before your rip shows up on a torrent site, and then on fifty million other sites. I bet they won't show it as "A SUPER WONDERFUL SPECTACULAR RIP BY hughkeanu!!! --- Fracture" - and so before you know it your rip has spread around and people don't know you did it.

If somebody then uses your work in their own project, they're hardly to blame if they don't credit you. That's the way it goes. We're in the business of sharing music and violating copyright. Expecting people here - we are all, by definition, thieves - to adhere to these standards of morality, will never happen.

You don't ask a convicted car thief to look after your car while you buy beer.

You certainly don't ask a convicted car thief to look after the car YOU STOLE a week previously, and then wonder why he took it from you.

The point is - maybe he didn't get the rip from here. Maybe he found it somewhere else. It's not beyond the realms of possibility.

And, you didn't say ANYWHERE - not in your thread, or in a readme.txt inside the RAR of your rip - that you didn't want anybody to copy it. All you said was that you didn't want anybody to pinch your upload links. NOT THE SAME THING! ;)

So... why the indignant response, red bold text and shouting at the guy?

so, we're close this stupid conflict, its true your editing is most enjoyable than mine, but someones like an original tracks rip. dont be angry direx and you too dannyfrench, and wait my next updates on the vault, if i work on a rip its for me but if i share it here its for your pleasure.

I'm not angry, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I am just, as I said earlier, sick to the back teeth of hearing about User1 stole User2's rip without permission, or User3 found User2's rip on a torrent site and then used it to make his own project and then passed it on to User4, without permission... when the thing we're talking about is stolen merchandise and we all deal in stolen music! It's absolutely insane.

04-21-2009, 10:13 PM
My god, what a mess ...

@ hughkeanu
I didn't knew, that's your rip, cause I got the links from somebody else. I searched the forum but your thread didn't show up, so I thought, there is no thread. If I would have known it, you would have got the credits, as I do everytime, when I reedit the game rips ...

So, have fun with the music now ...


04-21-2009, 10:25 PM
YUCK! I can�t stand this any longer. I appologize for not having read your rules properly,hughkeanu. My bad.Won�t happen again.

04-21-2009, 11:00 PM
Hey Direx, any chance you can do this for Assassin's Creed? I remember you did this for Bioshock, and I loved the result.

04-21-2009, 11:05 PM
it's ok.... everyone have said what he want to said,
ok finnaly thats you tell its true dannyfrench but we dont start a war about that i have something to said at direx and thats it.
so, i repeat you can use my rip if you want but a little thanks or just a request is not the end of the world...

apologize at those who considerated attaked by my words and stop this mess, just try to understand my point of view,

and dannyfrench a shriner can't kill another shrinner.
its ok dudes?, its ok for me.

04-22-2009, 02:24 AM
Yes, I have tested the XMA decode tool on the Fracture files, and yes it can be decoded. Therefore I will release a software rip of this sometime in the near future. Hope that's fine with you Hugh and Direx. ;)

04-22-2009, 11:17 AM
no problem my friends

04-22-2009, 07:40 PM
@ abaddon

I am not into the music from Assassin's Creed, so I didn't made a album. May be sometimes, but not now ...


04-27-2009, 07:53 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Tilton himself finds his way here. He's a forum lurker on 1UP and GAF, and etc. He even recorded an orchestrated version of the 1UP Show theme during one of his sessions. So, just so you guys know, you're stealing from a member of the gaming community as well.