Phil S
04-16-2009, 11:40 PM
I was wondering if anyone had it and wanted to play online sometime.

It's a rather fun game though it does have its problems.

Here's my code btw.


I go by S.Phil on it.

Argus Zephyrus
12-14-2009, 06:04 PM

How's this game?
I have the first one that came out on DS and was mildly entertained by it.


Darth Revan
12-15-2009, 01:49 AM
I played CC on the NGC... almost made me want to destroy my NGC. Is this one any improvement on the console one?

Argus Zephyrus
12-15-2009, 07:31 AM

The first one is certainly an improvement over the NGC title. A BIG improvement, but I would still hesitate to recommend any FFCC game to anyone who isn't an FF fan like myself.

Darth Revan
12-17-2009, 01:01 AM
The NGC FFCC was bad imo. True I probably didn't give it a chance, but after playing it for 10 minutes, it was taken out of my console, put back in it's case and then traded back in at the game store I got it from. I like the FF games, but this spin off made me question SE's decision to make it.

Argus Zephyrus
12-18-2009, 01:47 AM
It picks up after the first 15-20 minutes, lol.
I found it challenging somewhat at first - because I accidentally skipped the first dungeon, lol. Then I went back and raped the first boss. The boss fights are fun, it's just getting there that is a bit drab.
I couldn't finish it though, too boring.

What I like in Ring of Fates is, well, all the improvements over the previous one, lol. Improvements in almost everything. I really like being Selkie for their jumping prowess and being able to fire three-way shots. I just combo everything, it's badass. I finished the game in the multiplayer mode. You can go through the whole game a bit more quickly when you play multiplayer on your own, and you don't have the burden of the other two members of your party to slow you down. The downside is that the enemies have a lot more health. My Selkie, my sexy little selkie girl, has a bunch of gear all biased towards disproportionately boosting attack. Her defense sucks terribly, but with her jumping prowess, she can just dodge attacks instead. It's fun, she slaughters everything on the screen in seconds all at once, lol. Then her charge attack is insanely damaging at point blank - easily around ~900-4500 damage. I haven't played in a while, I do not remember if the charged shot releases a three-shot burst or five-shot burst, so I'm assuming three there. I forgot what level she is.
If it doesn't KO, it at least causes heavy damage. In regular single-player, that would be OHKO for everything, lol. Her attack stat is like, ~300-400 points ahead her other stats if I remember correctly. She really doesn't need any defense when she can dodge almost everything so easily.

I'm too lazy to pick it up again.