04-11-2009, 04:39 AM
greetings all. I am new to the board. I wanted to get some info on materia. i want to start creating materia displays for friends and fans of the series but I need to know how big the materia actually are. ive tried in vain to search for some actual pictures of the ff7 characters holding materia, so that I have a size approximation. i have seen one pic of cloud holding the black materia, but i know all materia isnt that large. i know some doujinshi have pics like that but i cant find them now. anyone have any info? id really appreciate some actual pics of artwork which displays them holding the materia so i can get the best reference when i start making these. i believe the balls themselves would be around 50 mm to 60 mm. i will also need to find some crystal ball vendors who have balls that resemble the materia very closely, so any help with actual colors would be great also. ive tried to find some pics with the colors that I can show to vendors to assist them in finding the closest ones they can. appreciate any advice. thanks again and once i get this info and have them built, i will post some pics for everyone. thanks

Gentleman Ghost
04-11-2009, 10:41 AM
I'm no expert, and I can't really remember much from FF7.
Try going over the scene where Aeris gets killed. I think that's one of the scenes where you can see the Materia being held. Was the Materia that was falling/bouncing part of Aeris' hairdo? I think she used a ribbon and tied her hair back with the Materia... possibly. I'd say that's about 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter. Ah well, hope I could help. There's bound to be someone here who knows. I'd Google it, but I'm too lazy. :)

A Little Bit Dramatic
04-11-2009, 11:59 AM
Check out Advent Children, there's a scene in particular when Kadaj holds the materia in his hand out to the camera, that should give you a decent approximation.

04-15-2009, 06:12 AM
Materia was a lot smaller in the game, about the size of 25mm marbles, but they appear to be much larger in Advent Children. You can probably get away with making them whatever size you want.

04-27-2009, 06:58 AM
although many people have said this already, in the game, the scene where Aerith dies, the materia that falls from her bow is like a small marble like thing. Buy some marbles and find red, yellow, blue, purple and green ones and, yeah, that should be as close as you can get. Even though in Advent Children, when Loz sees the materia chest in the Church, you can find big marbles, but they are tough to find. I do have a green marble about 6 cm in diameter, but the ones that are shown are much larger, say from 10-12 cm in diameter. I hope this info has helped you immensely and I would acually like to see these being made!

04-30-2009, 10:50 PM
All of the above applies to normal materia, but huge materia is about the same size as cloud's head.

05-01-2009, 11:46 AM
All of the above applies to normal materia, but huge materia is about the same size as cloud's head.

Do you remember the huge materia on the rocket? What was the benefit of actually unlocking the code and obtaining it? I can never remember (because I don't think there was one!?). No?

05-01-2009, 01:36 PM
Do you remember the huge materia on the rocket? What was the benefit of actually unlocking the code and obtaining it? I can never remember (because I don't think there was one!?). No?

umm... dude? you might as well check a walkthrough, cause i think the blue one needs Bahamut and Neo Bahamut for it to give you Bahamut ZERO, i think the other ones have to do with getting the Master Magic, Master Command, and Master Summon, idk maybe but ive never heard any rumours of the such...

Cause if you remember the crazy guy in the cave who gives you a Mythril after you get a battle thing like 333 or 222 etc... if i can recall he says that "huge materia requires high level materia" along the lines of that. I might have to cheat one of my FFVII saves and find out if this is true...

05-01-2009, 03:33 PM
You've just restored my memory. You're entirely correct. Bahamut ZERO does indeed require the huge materia. As does the master materia for each colour. Summon materia in this case. Something that slipped my mind entirely.

I would just point out however, that all of the summons barr KoTR are an absolute waste of time even by disc 2, providing you put a little effort into levelling your characters and utilizing the right strategies of attack.

4xCut + 9999 damage for one attack = well, about four times better than any summon (with the exception of KoTR) in one simple command.

05-01-2009, 07:48 PM
Correct-ish. The huge materia aren't necessary for the master materia, they merely allow you to get more than one of each. You can also just defeat emerald weapon, and take the item you get to the traveller in Kalm. He gives you one of each master materia.

As for plot reasons, it's because the huge materia contains the knowledge of the ancients, and cloud & co don't want that to be destroyed.

05-02-2009, 03:03 AM
The huge materia aren't necessary for the master materia, they merely allow you to get more than one of each.

Come again? The huge materia ARE necessary for master materia. 'They merely allow to get more than one of each'? I really don't follow.

The master materia can be obtained by defeating Weapon, yes, BUT, it's only one copy of each set. Master Command, Master Magic and Master Summon. In order to obtain further copies, you need to master each of the respective materia sort and then 'talk' to the according HUGE materia.

Am I wrong?

05-02-2009, 10:23 AM
no, but that's just a different way of saying what I said.

05-02-2009, 11:11 AM
no, but that's just a different way of saying what I said.

Is it?

05-02-2009, 06:51 PM
Yes. You said "one copy of each set" regarding the Weapon way of getting the master materia. I said "More than one of each" regarding the huge materia way of doing it. Each meaning each type of master materia. Therefore, those two quotes supplement each other. Yes, the huge materia is neccessary for the master materia, but only if you want more than one of each type. I meant neccessary to get access to Master materia, not to get as many as you like. So, yes, you said what I said, but you meant "If you want multiple "master summon" materia, etc. then do this", but I said it as in "To get the "master summon" materia, you don't need to do it that way, you can do it this way, but you only get one of each type of master materia."

05-03-2009, 01:30 AM
I blame alcohol.

05-15-2009, 01:51 PM
Erm in response to the original message. You do know u can buy the black materia in real life?
I mean iv seen pictures of it, and it isnt like some metal ball painted black, i think its actually a decent version of it, the only way it could be better is if u could get it to glow from the inside with like a solar light.