04-08-2009, 08:24 AM
who wants a dsi, i do, does anybody here have one, whats it like? lets talk dsi

04-08-2009, 10:58 AM
When they unroll the pink one, MAYBE.

And not anytime soon.

04-08-2009, 08:01 PM
Unfortunately I don't own one, so unfortunately I'm forced to use an emulator.

04-08-2009, 08:29 PM
Kinda pointless unless you don't have a regular DS.

04-08-2009, 08:31 PM
It really is. I mean no GBA slot and two cameras.

OOOOOH, I'm excited. Yeah, slightly slimmer and bigger screens. Big whoop.

Disregard my first post, clearly it was the fanboy in me talking~

04-08-2009, 09:39 PM
Here's Kotaku's review

Nintendo has been on a winning streak since their original DS hit stores in 2004. That was followed by the redesigned DS Lite and then the insanely popular Wii.

The DSi, sporting two cameras, and the ability to download games, has quite a lot to live up to. But it's not such a radical departure from the formula that Nintendo stands much of a chance of it failing.

Perhaps the bigger question for Nintendo fans isn't if they should buy a DSi, but when.

Hardware Redesign: The DSi has been overhauled inside and out. The new portable is 12 percent thinner, slightly longer and has a smudge-resistant matte finish. The DSi also has redesigned speakers, slightly larger, slightly more crisp screens, and a volume button that can also adjust screen brightness on the fly.

More importantly, the DSi sports a CPU clocked at 133 MHz, as opposed to the DS Lite's 66 Mhz, and with 16 MB of RAM has four times the RAM of its predecessor.

Cameras: There are two .3 megapixel VGA digital cameras built into the DSi, one on the internal hinge pointing at the gamer and the other on the top right corner of the case, pointing at the world. The camera's aren't fantastic, but they can be quite a bit of fun for playing around with images.

SD Slot: The ability to slap any SD card into the DSi for storing or transporting games, audio and pictures is a big plus for this system. It means you won't have to worry about running out of space when you start snapping pics or downloading games. It also offers plenty of opportunity for things like a video download service in the future.

Interface: The DSi's sports a slick interface that you can use to quickly hop around in the system with and also personalize. The top screen can display an image you take with your DSi and the bottom screen is a row of icons that can be moved about. As you download software more icons appear. When you pop a game in the DS slot, that game appears as well. The best part is that I have yet to have to restart my DSi after going online or playing a game, you just tap the power button to return to the home screen.

DSi Store: The ability to purchase and download games on the fly with your DSi is the main reason I wanted this portable. Sure, the initial offering is surprisingly weak, but it can only improve over time. And I'd be surprised if they didn't start offering retro titles for the store as well. I also love that I can buy points for the system without having to leave the store.

GBA Slot: The biggest problem with the DSi is that it puts a bullet in the head of the Game Boy Advanced. Sure, Nintendo might, should, start selling GBA games as downloadables down the line, but if you already have a bunch that isn't going to be much consolation. Worse is the fact that nifty add-on controllers, like the one for Guitar Hero, which use the GBA slot will be useless if you pick up a DSi.

Photo Sharing: I love the idea of the cameras and the software, while super gimmicky, can be quite a bit of fun to play around with, even for adults. But not being able to import images taken from anything other than a DSi and not being able to send your photos to a cell phone or a PC is inexcusable.

While images can be loaded unto an SD card, Nintendo makes no claims about whether you'll be able to actually view edited images once you plug that card into a PC. When I examined an SD card with pics saved on it I was able to find the files, each about 35 KB Jpegs. It would be great, though, if they took a couple of steps out of the process and let you send email them or send them to a phone.

Nitpicks: In general, the DSi is a solid piece of equipment. It does, however, have quite a few irksome issues. The DSi's battery life is one to ten hours shorter than the DS (depending on use). The charger for your DSi is, once again, designed only for the DSi. Pictochat remains unchanged and is still missing the ability to go online. And the free downloadable web browser is painful to use, doesn't support Flash and quickly runs out of cache space.

The DSi is a great new gadget from Nintendo, but I don't think there's quite enough there yet to warrant trading in your DS for the new model. Until Nintendo drops a chunky, fun-to-play DSiWare title in their store or releases a full-on game that is designed specifically for the DSi, I would hold off on an upgrade.

If you're in the market for a new portable, and don't own a DS yet, than I'd take the DSi plunge unless you really want to play GBA games on your portable.

The Nintendo DSi was designed and manufactured by Nintendo, released on April 5th in North America and retails for $169.99. Played with DSi Camera, DSi Sound, DSi Shop, DSi Browser and played both DSiWare and DS games on the system.

04-08-2009, 09:39 PM
But it's better than nothing, so far I've only completed all three Castlevania games.

04-09-2009, 12:36 AM
I like the DSi, just got one yesterday (in Black). I did not own a regular NDS before that.

04-09-2009, 01:50 AM
The DSi's battery life is one to ten hours shorter than the DS (depending on use).


04-09-2009, 02:27 AM
so its battery life is 2 hours?

Deciple X2
04-09-2009, 03:21 AM
When they unroll the pink one, MAYBE.

And not anytime soon.

yeah i'm totally waiting for that! but its gotta be pink and shiny like my DS lite

04-09-2009, 03:22 AM
Mine is the regular coral one.

I'm a simple man.

Deciple X2
04-09-2009, 03:29 AM
Mine is the regular coral one.

I'm a simple man.

yeah yeah so is mine, did you wear yours out?

04-09-2009, 03:30 AM
No, still works just fine. I have Josie and the Pussycat type letter stickers on it, spelling out Neg.

I'd take pics, but I've been leaving it at my other house.

04-09-2009, 01:01 PM
unforch, I have to wait 'til like the end of the school year 4 a DSi, sucks ass i know i have a DS Lite and a Wii, and there's the DSi videos on the Nintendo Channel, so i guess i can wait. Has anyone watched the DSi videos on the nintendo channel?

Guild Teyania
04-09-2009, 01:32 PM
My DS is still fat, and I love my fatty.

04-09-2009, 03:35 PM
I have original DS which I <3
If the DSI turns out to be a portable machine of amazingness I might considering upgrading.

04-09-2009, 04:20 PM
I have a ds but I broke the side of the screen so I might just buy a dsi instead of getting it repaired. It looks cool.

04-09-2009, 06:21 PM
Just get a DS Lite, Sciz.

GBA slot. That's all you need to know.

Deciple X2
04-11-2009, 06:34 AM
Just get a DS Lite, Sciz.

GBA slot. That's all you need to know.

i know, that's what i was thinking aboot to, but then again, even though I looooove castlevania aria of sorrow and harmony of dissonance, I can not find either of those games, and the GBA games i do have i've DL'd them on my mac and i play em on there now.. They had to lose a little to gain a little with the DSi the way I see it.

04-12-2009, 06:47 AM
I have a black DS-lite.

Never gets used because of the new nogba thing and PSP.

04-12-2009, 07:18 AM
I have a blus og Ds and im just gana stick with it, im not to fond of the Dsi, wtf am i gana do with 2 camerias and no gba slot now if it took the gba slot further so as to let you play gb and gbc games then id think about getting one because that was one od the things i didnt like about the ds.

04-12-2009, 06:20 PM
Oh, but it has a freaking camera! Big deal, i already have a digital camera like most normal people. But you can go the internets with it! So can i. On my DS Lite. It's called the Nintendo DS Browser and this is old recycled news. But it has media capabilities! Yeah..I had that too. Back when i still had a GBA SP. It's called a movie player, and i'm pretty sure you can buy it from any retailer who sells 3rd party underground junk like that. But you can put your media files on it! I have a laptop. But you can buy games in their online store! Ever hear of Ebay? At least you get to keep those games in physical form.

I'm starting to think this system should be called the DSP, because that's exactly what it's looking like. Another media device, not a game system.

04-12-2009, 06:54 PM
I purchased the dsi on launch day. My black DS Lite broke while I was playing the math mini game in FF4 lol. The camera isnt a big deal to me. The thing that gets my excited for the dsi is the possibilty of being able to download some games to SD cards. Hopefully they add some classics to the download store.

04-12-2009, 11:16 PM
Dude just get the Cyclo DS Evolution card.

04-13-2009, 01:05 AM
I think the battery life is the only disappointing issue. It seems like overall a pretty cool little upgrade.

Having a bigger and better screen is nothing small, it's great for a handheld device. The device's ability to accept standard SD cards is its biggest advantage, as it opens up huge possibilities for awesome homebrew stuff.

If I was rich I'd certainly buy one, despite the lame battery life.

04-13-2009, 12:27 PM
oh, yes, homebrew!!!:) It's like 39 more days until I can get one

04-29-2009, 12:45 AM
I own one black and one white DS. I bought the black one off a friend because he was selling it for a song and my white one's screen what getting rather used. I don't plan on getting a DSi. I play my DS practically every day and it's actually the only system I've played in quite awhile. I don't know, I guess a two crappy cameras just aren't that exciting to me. I'm only interested in playing games and while I haven't used the GBA slot in awhile, I just like the idea that I might be in the mood for one and it'll be there when that mood strikes.

05-04-2009, 04:47 PM
i have a DSi and its great. The only things I dont like is no gba slot and the web browser is awful to use you can't even watch youtube with it I hope they fix that problem soon

execrable gumwrapper
05-04-2009, 10:23 PM
You realize there's more on the internet than YouTube, right? :rolleyes:

05-05-2009, 01:11 AM
have a ds lite and a cyclo ds. there is literally no feature worth upgrading for. i have no desire to act like a tool in front of a camera. the gimmick microphone is bad enough