04-06-2009, 11:34 PM
Here the cinematic redording score from Killzone 2 videogame

Composed by Joris De Man

Running Time: 27 minutes

04-06-2009, 11:48 PM
Terrific. Thanks.

04-06-2009, 11:54 PM

04-07-2009, 02:04 AM
thanks. i like it

04-07-2009, 10:33 AM
dear Compatto! and my friends shriners.
this is not a "cinematic recording" but the first part of MY! rip
a rip for i work very hard and Compatto, if you can not stole the work of the others, that will be verry appreciate, so i'm at 60% of the rip and it will be rise on my upcomming shrine verry soon!

dont loose your time with this link,

p.s. compatto you're a liar, hihihi!

04-07-2009, 11:58 AM
I downloaded this to check it out - it is just hughkeanu's nice rip which can be downloaded from Thread 64107

04-07-2009, 12:07 PM
Well, that is just fucked up. That's all I'm saying.

04-07-2009, 12:18 PM
To be fair the guy didn't say he recorded it, but he obviously got it from the other thread, renamed it, reuploaded it and reposted it here which is a bit silly.

04-07-2009, 03:57 PM
I took it from a program i use for download movie score and game score, i downloaded score like Gun promo, From Russia With Love promo.
Ultimate Spider-Man by Kevin Manthei
Fast and Furious by Brian Tyler
and all the other scores that i uploaded here.
So i'm not a liar and i'm not renamed the score, the name in the program was Killzone 2 cinematic recording, i uploaded it here because i though it was original stuff, like the others that i uploaded times ago.
Don't be rude and don't be silly, i did not do it with the intention to be a liar.
If people think this about me, i will never uploaded any movie or game score here.

04-07-2009, 04:05 PM
Could you please tell us the source of this ?
which program do you use?

04-07-2009, 04:08 PM
I use Soulseek but you have to be accepted by user people to download.

I think that i uploaded more than 50 scores (movie and game) and after just one mistake people call me Liar. I have no words.

into the storm
04-07-2009, 04:11 PM
He obviously renamed the tags from the previous rip someone posted.

He wasn't smart to rename that actual file names. Both rips have the exact same track names and what really proves he stole it was he used the same beginning naming scheme. The track number followed by a period. For example: 01. Helghan Forever (Main Theme)

Frankly Compatto, I wouldn't give a shit if you never did uploaded anything any again. Next time be smarter.

04-07-2009, 04:20 PM
That is a point of view that i can't accept.
Be smarter? In an interview Joris de Man told that the cinematic live orchestral score is 28 minutes long, the version i uploaded is 27 minutes long, it was supposed to be the right version.

04-07-2009, 05:00 PM
I find you guys a bit hard on Compatto.

He found that album on soulseek, he did not "re-arrange it himself", we can blame the guy on soulseek but Compatto reuploaded what he found, that's all.
Should he have verified every board, every post of the world to find who's gamerip it was?
Once again we can blame the guy on soulseek to have modified original files or deleted nfo/txt files if there was any.

Anyway, i never heard about anything official for this game.

into the storm
04-07-2009, 05:47 PM

He never originally said he "found" it on Soulseek, so we automatically have to assume he is taking credit for ripping it. I really don't know what to believe.

04-07-2009, 06:11 PM
calm boy, compatto, if you have realy finded this on an other site accept my apologises, but understand my surprise, i work very verry hard on a score that many people was looking for and i see my work renamed, no problem but i dont like to see that, so, i'm was truely hard with you compatto. sorry!

04-07-2009, 06:11 PM
Believe this: I found this score on Soulseek from a user (i can't tell the name), it was written: Killzone 2 Cinematic Recording, i download it and upload it here, because it was supposed to be original, but i was wrong.
I didn't rip score, i just download and listen.

Yes you were hard, apologies accepted

04-07-2009, 11:33 PM
Dear God, this is sickening... The poor guy uploaded something in good faith - something he has done dozens of times for this forum - and suddenly there are cries of thief and liar. How quickly people forget the good-natured efforts that have been made in the past.

Would anybody really be so completely obnoxious (not to mention stupid) to steal a rip from somebody, reupload it, and repost it ON THE SAME FORUM and pretend it's original? Come on guys, it's obvious that it was an error brought about because somebody on Soulseek "borrowed" hughkeanu's (EXCELLENT) preview rip, renamed it, and passed it on. Whoever that is, they're the ones who should be ashamed.

Now, we have another download mirror for hughkeanu's rip. And we learned something about unscrupulous people offering music on Soulseek.

If you ask me, this "scene" mentality is getting out of hand. Crying out "thief" when your own rip (of stolen, thieved music; lest we forget the purpose of this forum!) is spread around (with no credit or misplaced credit) is a laugh.

Half the time I see people posting music on this forum and they give more and fuller credit to the joker who ripped the music than they do to the person who actually wrote it. Isn't there something a bit wrong there? We don't rip / upload for accolades. We do it to share music. The most important individual (or individuals) will always be the people who wrote and performed it. People on this forum pirate, copy, rip, transfer, and share their hard work, often without even speaking their name.

I'm not saying rippers shouldn't receive credit. Far from it. I've ripped before - it's a colossal job and your average listener really doesn't appreciate the effort that goes into it. My highest respect goes out to the people who do it regularly and to such a high standard - particularly hughkeanu's work-in-progress Killzone rip.

All I'm saying is that we're a community. We have people who give a lot for nothing in return. When that community turns on the very people who help make it strong, insult them personally, hurt their feelings, and generally treat them badly - all because of a perceived slight upon somebody who is absolutely guilty of far more serious crimes against the composer - you have to stand up and say, "Hang on, this just isn't right, folks."

Why are people so knee-jerk aggressive that they can't spend a few moments clarifying the details of a given situation before they commence name-calling? That sort of stuff can really hurt. Some folk don't care what's said to them on the internet and just brush it off, but for some people it penetrates right to the bone. Particularly when they've spent quite a fair bit of their own time and effort, busting their backside for the good of the forum, and find it turning on them at a moment's notice.

hughkeanu, you're telling Compatto to be calm. If I were him, I'd be raving MAD. I realise that you were pissed off because you thought somebody nicked your hard work; but I'm sure he's pissed off because a whole thread full of people have turned on him like a pack of wolves and ripped him to pieces for what amounts to a simple error - that he mistook your rip for a promotional CD should compliment your efforts. If he hadn't seen your rip in the Killzone thread (and there's no reason why he should've done - I had no idea that it was there until somebody PMed me to tell me - as far as I was concerned, there were three tracks in there and nothing more) then how is he supposed to know that he's accidentally uploaded your half-finished rip?

So, in summary - let's all have some cake and be friends now... :)

04-08-2009, 12:21 AM
Mistakes happen, no need to be rude or to see bad intentions too quickly.

Thanks for your efforts, Compatto. I really appreciate your posts.

04-08-2009, 12:32 AM
Apologies if it seemed like I was attacking anyone - I was simply clearing up that it's not a differing mp3 collection from the other thread (it's quite a hefty download only to find out you already have it). I had thought that compatto had reuploaded the file and reposted it here for clarity (which I couldn't understand and so thought was silly/weird/odd).

Definitely agree with you, dannyfrench, on the 'scene'. A lot of people here seem to forget they're dealing with pirated music and the original artist is not getting the credit or money they deserve. That may make me seem like a hypocrit for ripping/uploading the Killzone 2 score (which, believe me, I contemplated for and against sharing) but I for one guarantee Joris De Man will be getting my money when the official thing is released (which sadly, I doubt will be the case for most artists whose albums appear on this forum/site).